Reflection Paper

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Tasse Mock



Learning about different drugs and the reality of the effect they have not only on people

but the overall society of the world has had a profound impact on me. It has changed the way that

I view drug addiction and abuse as a whole. Despite the complexities of this topic, It has truly

expanded my perspective and approach to life and these issues. This class has fostered an

awareness in me that I didn't have before. In this paper, I will further discuss 3 of my biggest

takeaways from this class.

One of the biggest takeaways I had from this class was an increase in awareness and a

better understanding of the drug issue that surrounds us daily. Drug use and abuse represent a

persistent challenge to societies worldwide and it affects individuals, families, and communities.

Having a knowledge of these different substances, what they do, how they affect people, and the

role they play in the world around us not only benefits me when it comes to making informed

decisions, but it also helps me better understand in order to connect with and help others. This

awareness extends far past the mere recognition of drugs. It enables an understanding of the

factors that play into drug usage, the vulnerabilities that lead to addiction, and the impact that it

has on mental and physical health as well. I have seen firsthand the effects that drug use and drug

addiction have on people's lives. One of my dear friends has been clean from hard drugs for

about five years now. Watching her go through the struggles and pains of addiction was really

hard for me. That's a huge reason that I took this class in the first place: to understand the issue

better in order to work towards changing it.

Another takeaway that I gained from this class was a greater sense of compassion and

empathy toward drug addiction and abuse. The topic of drug use is heavily stereotyped, and I

was quick to agree with what others thought. While I still agree that drug use is a negative thing,

I now understand better than ever that there is a lot more struggle and sadness behind it that

people tend to overlook. During this course, we had the opportunity to choose a book related to

the drug issue. I chose to read the book titled Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of

the War on Drugs, written by Johann Hari. This was a book that showed another side of the

reality of the struggle of addiction in a more empathetic way. As I read people's personal

experiences with addiction and it really opened my eyes and helped me to recognize that

addiction is not always a personal choice and that there are many factors that influence and play

into it. With my new understanding, I am able to better address the issue from a place of

compassion rather than judgment.

The last takeaway I want to share is my greater understanding and appreciation for

personal responsibility. The amount of knowledge that I have gained about these important issues

instilled a greater sense of responsibility to make informed decisions and avoid these substances

for myself and also to participate in the prevention of others using and abusing substances. I

want to make myself an advocate and an understanding, supportive environment for those who

are struggling. I work as a phlebotomist, so I am interested in getting involved in the needle

safety prevention sources that help drug users. There needs to be greater awareness in order to

educate others, reduce stigmas that surround the drug world, and provide resources to those who

need them.

I strongly believe that in educating ourselves, we are empowered to make more informed

choices. I think that education helps break harmful stereotypes and biases and that as we
continue to learn about different perspectives and experiences, we can challenge these

preconceived notions and work towards changing. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity I

had to take this course and learn about these important matters. I know that I will take the things

I learned to not only better myself but to also help those around me. I hope that as others

continue to learn and educate themselves, we can all foster a positive change and better

understanding of the world of drugs.

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