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*Group Assignment

Purpose: The planning and procurement process for weddings is very involved, in this
assignment, students will get hands-on experience in budgeting for a wedding and then
matching it against actual procurement. In addition, it is important for students to understand
how projected budgets become actual budgets and how final decisions are made.

Wedding Design
Students, in their groups, will create an avatar of an engaged couple with a unique vision with a
projected wedding date. They will plan for the couple a 100-person wedding using the 6
categories of wedding goods and services listed below. Students will then design their wedding
concept with descriptions, images and floorplans in a PPT presentation to later be presented to
the class. A description of your couple and their vision are to be included in your PPT.

Students will then build out a projected budget in Excel based on their own projected costs, as
well as justifications for their budget choices. Your wedding budget is $25,000. You will first
create your projected budget and will only be able to complete the budget once you have
completed your procurement and can add the actual costs.

Groups will then procure 3 quotes from each of the following categories. Once they have
obtained their quotes, they will then choose the vendors that best suit their objectives and match
the actual budget against the projected one. Students can choose to rearrange budget
allocations based on the quality of goods and services they have procured but must justify it.

Wedding Day Timeline

Once elements are determined, students will also create a Wedding Day Timeline that is
inclusive of the timing for the elements of the 6 wedding categories to be handed in. This will
include the timing of services as well as delivery or arrivals of items and services. Sample

Final Hand-In & Presentation

The students will hand in their Procurement Sheets (excel can use previous template), Final
Budget (excel can use previous template), Wedding Timeline (excel or word doc) and Wedding
Design PPT. Students will also present their wedding designs to class (not their entire
assignment, only the design portion on the PPT) and will showcase what design and decor they
came up with for their 6 categories.
6 Wedding Categories:

1. Venue
2. Transportation
3. Menu - Food & Beverage
4. Florals & Decor
5. Makeup/Hairstyling
6. Photographer/Videographer

Marking Rubric

Subject Objectives Marks

Procurement Sheets Did students procure 3 of each of the 6 categories? 10

Did students effectively organize their procurement?
Did they choose the best vendors based on their objectives?
Did they stay within budget and justify their choices?

Final Budget Were the wedding objectives clearly stated? 10

Actual Budget Was the wedding design all-encompassing of the 6 categories?
Did students stick to the 6 categories or were extraneous items
added to the budget?
Did the budget add up correctly?
Did they stay within budget and justify their choices?

Wedding Day Timeline Has the timeline been filled out with all of the critical elements of 10
the chosen event?
Is it inclusive of all steps that will be happening that day?
Is it inclusive of reasonable timelines and outlined in a reasonably
chronological way?

Wedding Design - Was their final design plan thorough and complete and match the 10
Categories & Elements + vision?
Presentation Did it encompass the 6 categories?
Did they well-represent their theme?
Was it tasteful and on-trend?
Were the elements well-displayed and well-organized?
Did their presentation give a good overall view of their design?

Total Marks 40

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