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HW: Quadratic functions

September 10, 2023

1. Let the rational number pq (p and q are assumed relatively prime) be a root of the equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are integers. Prove that p divides c and q divides a.

2. Solve each of the equations

(x − 1)x(x + 1)(x + 2) = 24;
1 1
− = −1;
x(x + 4) (x + 2)2
2x 13x
+ = 6.
2x2 − 5x + 3 2x2 + x + 3
3. Let b and c be odd positive integers. Can the equation x2 + bx + c = 0 have rational roots?

4. This question is not compulsory! Let a, b, c and d be integers. Prove that the equation

x2 + ax + b = y 2 + cy + d

has infinitely many integer solutions (x, y) if, and only if, a2 − 4b = c2 − 4d.

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