Englsih Practice Question Xiic 2016 2017

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 16 Maret 2017
Kelas : XII Tunagrahita (C)
Waktu : 90 menit

Listen carefully and Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) on multiple choice (a, b or c).
Dengarkann dengan hati-hati dan pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda silang
pada pilihan jawaban (a, b, atau c)
Malin Kundang Tale

A long time ago, there was a live of men named Malin Kundang. He is hardworker.
Someday, he goes to another village to look for money. But, after he is succeeded, he forget
his mother. After that, his mother angry and cursed him to be a stone.

1. What is the title of the text?

a. Maling c. Kundang Malin
b. Malin Kundang
2. Malin Kundang goes to another village to look for ….
a. Money c. Mother
b. Village
3. After that, his mother angry and cursed him to be ….
a. A stone c. Stoner
b. Stone
4. After that, his mother angry and cursed him to be a stone
The underlined word means....
a. Ibu c. Kakak
b. Ayah
5. He is hardworker
The underlined word means....
a. pekerja c. Malas kerja
b. pekerja keras


Practice the dialogue below based on intonation, pronounciation and its expression!
Praktikan percakapan berikut ini berddasarkan intonasi, pengucapan dan ekspesinya!

Mr. Ben Joe : Hello, good morning

Mr. Paijoe : Hi, good morning
Mr. Ben Joe : How are you today?
Mr. Paijoe : I am fine and you
Mr. Ben Joe : Me too, by the way... the breaktime of today is hot
Mr. Paijoe : Yeah...I think so.
Mr. Ben Joe : That’s right, it may because of mount Merapi ini Central Java
Mr. Paijoe : How can you say like that?
Mr. Ben Joe : I watched from RCTI that mount Merapi has erupted firstly on 26 October
Mr. Paijoe : It’s true, I also watched that Merapi eruption has make people around of it
Mr. Ben Joe : In addition, the Merapi keeper named Mbah MARIJAN has died.
Mr. Paijoe : Yes I know, eventhough BPPTK Yogyakarta said that there are 24 peoples
died causing of mount Merapi eruption

Mr. Ben Joe : Of course, we should willingly to help people around of mount Merapi
Mr. Paijoe : I agree..we must help them in both materially and morally
Mr. Ben Joe : It’s time to study again
Mr. Paijoe : Common..., come in the classroom
Mr. Ben Joe : Ok, bye
Mr. Paijoe : Bye...


Read the text below and answer the following question!
Bacalah tekc berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini!
SLB Negeri Cilacap

SLB Negeri Cilacap is the only one special education in Cilacap regent. It is located in
Jln. Ketapang No. 5 Gumilir. There, the special education service is given to the student with
special need including elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. This
programs of special education service consist of Tunanetra, Tunarungu, Tunagrahita,
Tunadaksa and Tunalaras. This school is existed to help children with the special need
especially in Cilacap and generally in Indonesia.

1. SLB Negeri Cilacap is the only one ............. in Cilacap regent

a. Special education c. Education special
b. Special
2. Where is SLB Negeri Cilacap?
a. Jln. Ketapang c. Jln. Ketapang No. 5
b. Jln. Ketapang No. 5 Gumilir
3. This programs of special education service consist of Tunanetra, Tunarungu, Tunagrahita,
Tunadaksa and Tunalaras.
It means that the programs of special education service consist of………categories
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4
4. SLB Negeri Cilacap is the only one Special Education in Cilacap regent
The underlined word means....
a. Pendidikan c. Khusus pendidikan
b. Pendidikan khusus
5. The word ’especially” means....
a. khususnya c. adalah
b. yaitu


Rewrite the letter below carefully!
Tulis kembali surat berikut ini dengan hati-hati!
Invitation to Birthday Party
To: Mr. Paijoe
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Through this letter, I invite you to come on my birthday as explained below:

Date : 2 March 2017
Place : Jl. Ketapang No.5 Cilacap
Event : Birthday Party
I am glad if you are willingly to come on my birthday party
That’s all for me and thank you
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Cilacap, 1 March 2017

Mr. Joekoe
Name : …………………………………………..
Class : …………………………………………..


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