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The science of tuning a motor. By yours truly, Jeff.

First off, I want to thank all my loyal customers. Its because of you guys I am
writing this article. I form a relationship with all of my customers where they
can feel free to ask me anything, and usually, I can give them a good answer.
When you buy from me, your not buying from some guy who has never built a
motor, never touched a car, or has never tuned a car. Your buying from me, a
guy who spent 3 years working with some of the best mechanics (Jerry, Trevor)
and who has tuned thousands of cars. So not only have I taken apart and put
back together every part of several different motors, Jerry has educated me to
an extent that makes me feel lucky to be in the position I am in. I mean when
I am standing there, watching every move Jerry makes for years and years, it
becomes like second nature. So thank you to my customers and to the guys
who helped me get to a level of knowledge I am lucky to have.


#1 Proper Break-In. Refer to break-in article HERE.

#2 What do I need to tune a car effectively? Good question Jeff, glad

you asked that! lol. Here is a list of what you need:
-A Dyno of any kind, preferably DynoJet or Dynapack. There are positives to
both, but I am going to have to give the nod to the dynapack for a few
reasons. The primary reason is that it is much easier to tune a car for light,
normal driving on it, and much more precise. For full throttle, they are both
equal. Sure, the Dynapack is a few times more accurate, but when your talking
1/10 of 1 HP, who cares. So if you have a dynapack in your area, use that, you
will get better drivability daily out of tuning from that.
-Second thing your going to need to tune a car is a second person. This person
is your go-to guy, so to speak. He stays outside the car and takes orders from
the guy inside the car with the laptop. He is also an observer, and can spot any
potential problems, like a loose timing belt, that the guy in the car has no clue
about. He is also useful to adjust timing on the car, while the tuner inside the
car with the laptop gets the car to idle properly. He can also adjust fuel
pressure to the desired level the tuner inside the car wishes. He can spot fuel
leaks the tuner cannot see. In other words, its a 2 man effort to do it
completely perfect. Otherwise, your running in and out of the car all the time.
One thing the 2nd person should not do is relay information about the graph to
the tuner. The tuner should look at the graph, in person to determine the next
changes to be made.
-The third thing you will need is a Wideband 02 sensor hooked up to the car,
either deep into the tailpipe, or screwed into an 02 bung BEFORE the cat. You
want to make sure its screwed in right before the cat, and not say, 6 inches out
of the head in the primary header part. At that point, it is only reading 1
cylinder, not a combination of all 4, which is what we desire.
-You may also need a clip board, with a blank piece of paper to take notes on.
I will talk about this later.
-Bring an extra set of spark plugs, a gapper, and a tool to remove and install 07/01/2007
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spark plugs with you.

-Always bring 1-2 extra quarts of oil.
-Bring ear protection in most cases for cars with no cat, or muffler.
You are now ready to tune a car. lets get started.

I am going to be speaking to you all in regards to a Hondata unit, but no matter

what unit you use, its all similar.

Step 1: Put the Wideband on the car, before you start it. Do that, then
hook up your laptop and start up the car. Immediately look at the air/fuel ratio
the car is warming up at. When the car is warming up, it will tend to be a little
rich, like in the 13's:1 air fuel ratio. When the car gets past a certain
temperature, like when the temp gauge starts to move past the first line, the
car should have an air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1. This is a number you need to
memorize. 14.7:1. During idle, and all normal driving under 50% throttle, you
want 14.7:1 air fuel ratio. What does under 50% throttle mean? People ask
me that. It means that in the tables your ECU is programmed with, your half
way up the table, so if the table has 10 columns, your in column 5. Look at this
illustration below. Notice I have it showing a row for vacuum, and above that
the rows 1-10, 1 being no throttle, to 10 being full throttle. Your car will idle in
1-2. or it should. 07/01/2007
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See that blue highlighted area on the upper left of the matrix, that's when I am
datalogging it is showing me exactly where in the matrix I am at while driving.
At this case, its bouncing back and forth between columns 1 and 2, at idle, at
around 750-800 RPM. Notice that the proper air/fuel ratio up to 50% throttle is
14.7. This is going to get you maximum fuel economy. Now you are NOT
going to change the numbers in the matrix to change the air/fuel ratio to get
the car to idle at 14.7. Not yet. First your going to rev the car up and down to
like 3k, with slight throttle to see if the numbers are consistent. Say, your
idling at 14.7 then you give it a little throttle and your at 12:1, thats not normal
and going to need attention. If your satisfied the numbers are consistent then
go ahead and adjust the INJECTOR MULTIPLIER until your near 14.7, and when
you rev up and down a little, the numbers are consistent around what your
shooting for. Otherwise, your just going to need massive changes all over your
matrix, and your making more work for yourself. Most often, then not, on most
motors, when your idling at 14.7, the rest of the matrix up to 50% throttle
won't be horribly off. It could be 13.xx, or 16.xx but that's ok, we can fix that
later. I am talking about going from 14.7 to like 11:1, or 19:1... So now we
have the car idling at around 800 RPM, and its got an air/fuel ratio of 14.7:1.
Now you call on your boy out there standing over the motor to check the 07/01/2007
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timing. You want to set the timing at stock, which is 16 degrees, at 800 RPM.
Make sure the cam gear that controls the timing, like on a B series motors its
the intake cam gear, is set at 0. Now adjust your distributor until your at 16
degrees. Great, now check in your Hondata to make sure its BASE timing in
the settings is 16 degrees, here is how to do that:

File-->Settings-->Vehicle tab---> Make sure its 16, and then hit OK.
This is critical. You see, don't make the mistake of a rookie tuner by having the
number in the Hondata different than the number on the distributor. Talk
about confusing. Don't even think about starting without 16, and 16, I don't
care who tells you otherwise. turbo, NOS, whatever, your doing it that way!
DO IT! Because what these rookies didn't think of is that 99% of the time your
driving around in less than 50% throttle and the reduction in timing due to the
NOS, or Turbo, or Blower are not going to be needed until columns 6-10, for
when your giving it alot of throttle. If you make the timing anything different
than 16 in the Hondata, or on your distributor, your effectively throwing off
your entire matrix of numbers. We want the numbers to stand for exactly what
they came from the factory, at Honda, and go from there.

Ok, now we have the air/fuel ratio at 14.7:1 at idle, and we have the timing at
16 degrees. That's excellent. Remember when i told you to rev it up and down
a little before going to check the timing was at 16 degrees? Well now our work
has paid off, and we are going to start to drive the car...Put the car in first gear
and ease into it at a very low RPM, like 1500 or 2000. Drive it slowly up to like
3500 RPM and take note of the air/fuel ratio at light throttle up to 3500 RPM, if
you did the first exercise right with the injector multiplier, your probably in the
ballpark. Drive the car in say, 3rd gear, from like 1800 RPM to like 3500 RPM
and try to hit all the columns between 2 and 6. This is your fuel economy area
and attention must be paid to this area. If you are on a Dynapack, your going
to have an easy time at this. Because you can lock in the computer at say
1750 RPM, and then you can give it throttle up to column 5 or so and it will stay
at that RPM the entire way. So you just do it slowly, and deliberate, and make
changes so your air/fuel is 14.7 up to column 5. Columns 6 will be 13.5:1 so
just hit that column and stop there....making that last column 13.5:1.
then you do the same for 2000 RPM
then you do the same for 2250 RPM
then you do the same for 2500 RPM
then you do the same for 2700 RPM
then you do the same for 3000 RPM, you get the look at the Hondata
program, and see what exact RPM, it has numbers you can change. And you
tune to that exact RPM. Every other RPM in between is extrapolated from the
last RPM and the you want to be as accurate as possible and tune
for the exact RPM's the unit you have displays.

Well pretty soon, your engine is loving it and your sitting pretty at 14.7 all the
way up to column 5 at any cruising RPM. Say before 6k. Now take note of the
cars responsiveness under these light throttle activities. When you give it a
little gas, does the car feel responsive? If it does not you may require slightly
more timing in these areas. Try adding like 2 degrees in areas you feel like it
was not responsive, and see if it makes a difference. If it makes no difference, 07/01/2007
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go back to the lower timing. If you put the timing up to high, and have a
blower, or a turbo, and say its very hot outside, you might start detonating at
light throttle under harsh conditions. so be conservative.

Notice that the entire procedure so far, is pretty much what I stated in
the break-in article? The previous steps of setting idle, timing and narrow
throttle tuning SHOULD BE DONE before you drive that car 100 feet! After you
do all that, you can drive it around if you want to before you tune for full
throttle. Or you can do like us, and just go for it that very day with like only
20-40 miles on the motor. After taking apart alot of motors broken in like this,
with the pistons looking brand new and so good you could almost put them
back in the box and re-sell them, we are sticking to it. Some famous
motorsycle guys do it this way too, as do professional racing teams.

before we move on, its important to look at the matrix your working with to
make sure its pretty linear. Meaning it is consistent and not jagged, or you
have any numbers in column 2, say, higher in value than column 3! Look at
this example, see how each column 1-10 is right below the others in unison?
And that its fairly flat across the band not all jagged? 07/01/2007
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If it was all jagged, with the 2nd line from the bottom (which is column 2)
touching column 3, or even column 1, this will be an area your ride is probably
not smooth, or it hesitates. hesitation is usually the result of going from an
area too lean/rich to an area of too rich/lean. Your motor wants a smooth

We now set VTEC. In the Rom Editor, you should be on tab "Ignition & Fuel
Tables" as shown in the picture above. You might be looking at the matrix view
of the graph, because the picture above is looking at the 2D graph. Anyway,
click on the tab to the right of the tab your on, called "VTEC". Click "FIXED
VTEC POINT" and make sure that box is checked, then go into that area and
type in a number you think is lower than where VTEC might be. Like say, with
JUN cams, VTEC might end up near 6000 RPM, like Toda cams, which are even
higher than that. But we are going to take out the guesswork by using a
shortcut to find VTEC in a hurry. We are going to set VTEC like at 5000 RPM
and get ready for the test pass...

Time for a test pass!

*Turbo/NOS/Blower your going to want to gradually lower the timing from
column 7 on to into boost. Hondata tables are already reduced in timing, but
reduce them some more for safety sake, and then when your tuning bring them
back up slowly.
EVERY SINGLE PASS. Keep the water temperature consistent also. That
affects fuel at a certain if your dynoing at 180 degrees water, and
100 degrees air, try and keep that every pass. Whatever the car is comfortable
with. If you find yourself waiting 10 minutes between each pass, your not
dynoing at the cars normal temperature and doing it wrong. The wait should
be a few minutes at most, unless its very hot outside. And you must start at
the same exact RPM each time, when you floor it. Consistency is key in
tuning. Ok, now your ready to give it a little throttle. Go to like 2000 RPM and
floor it...keep your eye right on the lambda meter, and keep your ears open for
detonation. At full throttle, we are searching for around 13.5:1 air/fuel ratio for
a naturally aspirated engine. Turbo, we are seeking from 12.0-12.5.
Supercharger, you would want it around 12.0 on the richer side of the spectrum
because it generates so much heat. Anyway, 13.5 or so for all motor, so you
give it gas at 2000 and see the indicator that's datalogging jump up to column
9-10 pretty fast, and you notice your at 15:1 air/fuel ratio as soon as you
floored it to when you let off at about 3000 RPM. You let OFF if your outside of
say 13.9:1 or higher, or say your richer than 11.0:1, you let off right away.
Then, instead of making adjustments to that one area from 2k-3k, its pretty
reasonable to assume your going to be lean (15:1) across much of the band, so
go ahead and add fuel in the last column all the way to your rev limiter.
If you make a change to column 10, always change column 9 the same
amount! So if you adjust 5% richer across 10, do it to 9 also. The
reason is, you might not be exactly the vacuum of column 10, just
barely into it, and the computer is using the numbers from 9 AND 10
and extrapolating. So change both, and you don't have to worry.
Don't forget to switch the tables to VTEC table, which is the number 2 on the
fuel icon. In the picture above, the number 1 fuel icon is indented...showing 07/01/2007
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you your on the non-vtec lobe. Pay attention to where your making changes,
you want to be making changes in the right table! VTEC or Non-Vtec. 1 or 2.
so now you made a pas up to about say, 6500 RPM, and your letting off every
time you go outside your parameters. So if your up at 7000 RPM your motor
should be tuned for air/fuel ratio pretty damn good up to that point. When you
get up around a point where your in VTEC and have gone a little past VTEC, you
will get a graph like this:

You had put your VTEC at 5000 RPM, and when you hit VTEC it was too soon,
as noted from that dip from 5k-5800 you see there. So then that should turn a
light bulb on your your head to think "well, it would be nice if I couldn't even
feel the VTEC transition, and it was just a straight line" Well exactly. So now,
you look at the point where your curve below 5k would hit the line in VTEC
above, if it carried on its current trajectory upward, and forward. Take into
account its going to not be straight, it will probably round down slightly. Take a
good guestimate in your head and then place VTEC where you might think its
going to be a good transition. In this case, VTEC will probably come in at 5700-
5800 RPM and the graph will clean up nicely. This is a shortcut method, so
you don't spend 7 passes trying to find the proper VTEC point. We also don't
want to focus on tuning that much above VTEC until our permanent VTEC point
is discovered because changes in your VTEc point will have an effect on fueling
after VTEC. Now your graph should look like this: 07/01/2007
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Also, note in the above picture I might be able to bring the VTEC down like 100
RPM to make it more of a perfect straight line? You could do this, but if you do,
you won't feel when VTEC comes in and it will be just a noise. I have a
philosophy on this subject and I believe the Honda experience should be fun to
drive. So what I do is set the VTEC 100, or even 200 higher than its "straight
line" position, so that when the customer hits VTEC, the torque jumps up like
10 LBS and the HP climbs steeply up and he gets thrown back in his seat a little
bit. It makes the car feel "quick" in that area, and makes it more fun to drive.
On 2 liter motors especially, I like to make it steep after it hits VTEC so the
customer can chirp the tires just hitting VTEC. Like this graph for example... 07/01/2007
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See the area I circled? I could have easily set the VTEC 200 RPM lower so that
the graph went up less steeply after VTEC, but I wanted the customer to feel
the VTEC power when it kicked in. See the torque immediately jump up 10-15
lbs in an instant? The guy gets a little chirp out of it, and gets him excited
about driving his car. The job of the tuner is not only to make the air/fuel ratio
great and the car safe to race, but to make the car FUN TO DRIVE. BTW, you
can mess with VTEC points like this all day long and it does not make the car
any slower in a race, because only a beginner would be at that low of an RPM
on a VTEC motor racing anywhere.

HIGHER RPM's Your motor will want fuel up to a certain RPM, and then it will
want a little bit taken away, or the fuel curve will flatten out. Look at the graph
here, below. See how from like 6500 RPM to like 9000 RPM the fuel is pretty
similar? That is how most engines are. And if you went past 9000 RPM, the
fuel might be a little less, you can see at a certain point it peaks, then the fuel
backs off slightly. Remember this when your tuning, so make sure the graph is
smooth, and not all bumpy. 07/01/2007
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Ok, we have come a long way already, and we need to finish up. Well what
about columns 6-8? We never really talked about that much. You could have
taken care of those in 2 ways. You could have done them after you did 1-6 in
the narrow throttle and tuned them before you started the full throttle, or you
can do what I do which is effective also.
Columns 6-9 are all 13.5:1 Air fuel ratio on most vehicles, except boosted ones,
where on them column 9 would be like 12.5:1 perhaps or 12:1. Also of note,
its pretty difficult and hard on your engine to sit there on a dyno at 8,000 RPM
and tune for columns 6-8. Its hard to do it even at 3,000 RPM sometimes.
Because what happens is your letting on and off the throttle and thats junk,
because your injectors are going nutz on and off. So do this. Take your mouse
and highlight from column 6 to column 9, and then go to the menu under edit,
and do: "Interpolate Selection" or ALT-E, this will average between column 9
and 6 everywhere in between and give you a nice smooth transition to full
throttle. But notice it won't change the number on column 6 or 9. Remember,
you can do this step before you start the full throttle exercise but its more
difficult also if you don't know your precise VTEC point. Then go and test the
air/fuel ratio in a few area's in your matrix to see how good the interpolate
was. then make minor adjustments from there. I have datalogged probably 3
thousand miles in various cars before and I have not even once, cruised in
columns 7-8 ever. I am either giving it gas to get on an onramp in like columns
4-5, or I have given it almost full throttle and I am in column 9. Columns 7-8
are really just transitional areas to full throttle, and rarely used daily.

Now I have 13.3-13.6 or so, Air fuel Ratio all the way across, what
now? Before we tune the timing curve, we are going to play with the cam 07/01/2007
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gears, or IVTEC, etc. Start with the timing cam gear first (the one on the other
end of the distributor). When you move this cam gear, it will affect timing, so
get your timing gun out and put the timing back to exactly 16 degrees after you
move the cam gear. We do one cam gear at a time, starting with the timing
one first. Do a pass, notice the graph move up or down, start with a modest
adjustment like +1. If it likes it, go more, until your engine builder says its
unsafe. If it likes +1, then it likes +2 even more, you can count on it thats its
going to hate -1, or more...heck motors might like +6, if you have that much
clearance in your piston/valve & valve/valve. Now that the distributor/timing
cam gear is done, move to the other one. Adjust that one...this one doesn't
affect the timing, so it goes pretty fast.
TIPS: If you advance the intake cam gear and retard the exhaust, you bring
the valves closer together. So with big cams, you probably don't want to
advance the intake cam gear too much, because that will bring the valves
closer to hitting the pistons, and if you left the exhaust gear at 0, its bringing it
closer to that valve too. So as a rule of thumb with motors with tight
tolerances, your going to want to leave the intake cam gear around 0, or +1,
and ADVANCE the exhaust cam gear to like minimum +2. You advance your
exhaust cam gear, you move the valves farther away from each other, and
reduce overlap!

Now its time to fine tune the timing curve. Now we got the cam gears to
where the motor is breathing nicely, and it likes it... Start out with a nice
blanket of say 2 degrees advanced across the entire wide throttle 9-10 area, in
both non-vtec and VTEC. see if it likes that. If it likes it up to say, 7000 RPM,
add maybe 1/2 a degree more before there and then go back and lower it after
7k, slowly. You don't want to go from say 34, to say 30 right away, you want a
smooth transition like 33, 32, 31, etc. The higher RPM you go, the lower timing
it will probably like in most cases. So you might have a peak timing of say 33
on the matrix at 8000 RPM, and then at 9k your timing is 31, then at 9500 your
at 29. At this point your tuning for maximum upper range horsepower, since
your lower range is probably lines over lines at this point. So you do 1/2 a
degree at a time in the upper areas until you get the power to carry on as long
as possible. Now that you have the timing perfect, or as good as you can get it
all up there, you take a step back to fuel...

Back to Fuel... This is a short step and may only take 2 passes. Changing the
timing/cam gears could slightly alter the air/fuel ratio, but if your only adjusting
a couple degrees, probably not noticeably. But anyway, for maximum power,
now we are going to blanket change the power band to see how the motor likes
it. We highlight from say 7k-9500 and add 1% fuel across that area, and do a
pass. Did it like it? Did it run .2 richer? If it liked it, do another 1/2 a percent
until it reaches maximum. Do the same for leaning it out 1% if the first pass of
Richer was not good.
EVERY SINGLE PASS. You also want the water temp to be consistent too,
because that affects fuel too at a certain point. And you must start at the same
exact RPM each time, when you floor it. Consistency is key in tuning.

So now we have hit the cam gears, the timing curve, we have hit the fuel curve 07/01/2007
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2x, and we are pretty much done. Now is the time to experiment with other
mufflers, or whatever, intakes, to see how it affects your ride. You should have
tuned your car exactly the same as your going to race it. Don't show up at the
dyno with a cat on your car, if you race with no cat. That won't work at all.

Here are the mistakes people make when they go and tune:
-They changed the exhaust/header. Get your exhaust BEFORE you tune. or Go
fine tune again.
-They put on a High-Flow cat. Time to re-tune, now your running lean.
-They changed the cams...DO NOT DO THAT!
-They took off the cat to go race, now your probably melting pistons, your way
too lean.
-They put in a different thermostat, and the car runs at a different water
temperature than when tuned. This will change the air/fuel ratio, don't do that.
-They thought they were smart and tried to mess with the timing, or fuel
pressure. When your done tuning, notice what your timing and fuel pressure
were, and MARK THEM. Do not change them. Even if you go up or down in
elevation, it is only going to run slightly leaner or richer, not crazy off.
-With a turbo, never change any aspect of your setup, if you do, go back to
tune. Wastegate, manifold, turbo, piping, intercooler, anything, or your asking
for trouble.

What is ok to change after I go tune?

-Most intakes are ok, unless your talking about going from stock, to cold air,
thats no good.
-Spark Plugs are ok.
-valve adjustment is ok.
-Oil change. LOL
-Air Filter is ok

As a general rule of thumb, something that affects airflow a great deal should
not be changed after the tuning. Unless you want to put it back up for a few
runs to adjust.

So in review we have a few basic steps here.

-Go to a dyno
-Get a buddy to assist you.
-You have to have a Wideband 02 sensor
-Set Idle at 14.7
-Set distributor/Timing at stock 16 degrees
-Make sure Hondata/Unit is set to 16 degrees
-Make sure your air intake temp is the same before each pass, and your water
temp is full warm and the same before each pass.
-Tune for 14.7 from column 1-5, and 6 for 13.6 up to VTEC or 6k or so.
-Do VTEC shortcut to find VTEC, remember, make the car fun to drive.
-Tune fuel for upper RPM's in VTEC
-Play with Cam gears
-Fine tune the timing, using blanket adjustments
-Go back to fuel, again, and use Blanket adjustments for fine tuning.
-Do not change anything on your motor after tuning that can affect air flow 07/01/2007
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greatly, unless you re-tune.

Now I would say your machine is pretty fine tuned. Pretty dang good. The
approach is systematic, its deliberate, and your not on there long at all. You
memorize the above, you know what your doing, and you will be consistent in
your tuning. The approach also makes it very hard to hurt a motor because
you have your observer there, and your going up the RPM's tuning it slowly, 1
pass to a new RPM each time until your perfect all the way up.

If you follow this approach, you will be successful at tuning cars. One thing I
did beyond what the above states is that I had my wideband directly wired into
my laptop, so that the air/fuel numbers showed right on my screen, like this:

Those numbers are the air/fuel ratio the motor is in at that particular RPM, and
throttle %. So you can see, when I have these numbers, it makes it really
systematic. Most tuners do not have this like the above and simply look at the
air/fuel ratio on the dyno machine and make the changes manually. This is an
OK method, but that takes more time for sure and is less accurate.
So guys, if you have the Hondata dealer package, and you don't have your
lambda wired directly into your laptop, make it happen!! Its wonderful. I 07/01/2007
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would only say its not really necessary on a dynapack, because of the accuracy
of the loading at each RPM. But it would be better nonetheless to have it like
the above.

There are other options on the Hondata worth discussing, but they really don't
affect how to tune a car. Like for example, you can remove the knock sensor
on Hondata, any ECU, and for example, you can disable the 02 heater so you
can run your car just fine with no 02 sensors even plugged in. You can even
mess with the idle speed if your idle has a slight lope, you can fix that. You can
have your Hondata switch off your A/C after a certain throttle position. You can
set the boost cut at any amount you want, lmited by the map sensor you have
plugged in, and you can also set the rev limit anywhere you want. It also has a
NOS controller on board to change your timing curves and fuel curves for when
your on the unit.

Pretty smart little box this Hondata is. I recommend supporting Hondata by
buying from them, or their dealers. One of the better business's in our realm.

If you need Hondata, I sell it, and I also sell a full compliment of pistons, rods,
valvetrain, headwork, blocks, sleeving, etc for the hard core engine enthusiast.
With the fine products I sell comes everything I know, to help guide you to
success with your motor. I appreciate those of you that support me and buy
from me. Thank you 07/01/2007

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