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Second Quarterly Long Test Reviewer in MAPEH 5

An invasion game is a game in which the objective is to invade or "attack" an opponent's territory and score a goal or
point while keeping the opposing team's points to a minimum. Invasion games usually involve two opposing teams.
Basketball, football, and rugby are some examples of invasion games.

Agawang Sulok (Agawang sulok with 9 players)

This is a traditional Filipino game played by five, seven, or nine players. In this game, the "it" or tagger must secure a
base or corner vacated by a player before another player occupies it. How to Play:
1. The "it" is chosen through maalis taya or maiba taya.
2. All players stay on their bases.
3. The "it" stands in the middle of the playing area.
4. The players in the corners will try to exchange places by running quickly from one base to another.
5. The "it" should try to secure a base by running to any when it is vacant. The player who does not have a base becomes
the new "it."

This game is played when there is light and shade, usually on a sunny day or a moonlit night. In this game, the "it" tags
the players who are “under the light,” which refers to the area exposed to light. Players "under the shade," meaning those
who are staying in the shade, cannot be tagged. More than ten players can play this game.
How to Play:
1. The "it" is chosen through maalis taya or maiba taya.
2. The "it" tries to tag or touch any of the players who is in the light.
3. A runner avoids being tagged by staying in the shade.
4. The one tagged becomes the new "it" in the next game.
5. The game can be made more fun and challenging by having two or three taggers at the same time.

In this game, the players are seated in a big circle, while the "it" walks around outside the circle formation with a
handkerchief. The "it" will drop the handkerchief of the players in the circle. If that player notices the handkerchief, he or
any she must pick it up and chase the "it."

How to Play:
1. The "it" is chosen through the rock-paper-scissors game, or through maalis taya or maiba taya.
2. The "it" goes around outside the circle and drops a handkerchief behind one of the players seated in the circle.
3. If the circle player becomes aware of the handkerchief, he or she has to pick up the handkerchief quickly and chase the
"it" around the circle.
4. If the "it" occupies the vacant spot left by the circle player, he or she will be safe. The other player will become the "it."
se But, if the "it" is tagged before he or she can get to the vacated spot, he or she will remain the "it."

Puberty is characterized by different changes to pave the way for physical and sexual maturity.
Puberty is the stage of human development associated with physical growth and sexual maturity. The word puberty is
derived from the Latin word pubertas which means "adulthood."
commonly, puberty is experienced during adolescence which is the stage of transition from childhood to adulthood.
For girls, puberty can occur anywhere between 8-13 years old. In some cases, puberty may begin even earlier, or in other
cases, later. In most cases, though, the first changes for girls may be noticed at around 10-11 years old. On the other hand,
puberty for boys happens at 10-15 years old, and usually starts a bit later-usually at 11-12 years old.

Puberty is caused by hormonal changes in the body. Two parts of the brain- the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland-
secrete hormones that cause the changes in the body.

The following changes in boys also typically occur during this stage.
Change in body shape as muscle tissues and fats develops.
The skin around the nipples darkens
and increases in size.
The testicles and scrotum grow.
Pubic hair starts to grow at the base of the penis.
The penis starts to grow in size and it tends to grow in length rather than width. Growth in width usually starts at the later
stages of puberty.
The facial features also change. The face, in general, appears more mature.
Emotional Changes
Listed below are some of the emotional changes that you may feel as you go through puberty.
Oversensitivity - Again, puberty causes lots of physical changes. These changes may make you feel uncomfortable and
overly sensitive about your appearance. Thus, you may get irritated easily. You may feel depressed, or you may easily lose
your temper.
Conflicting thoughts – During puberty, you will experience thinking about two contrasting things or ideas. For example,
since you are already maturing from childhood to adulthood, you might encounter times when you are conflicted on how
to act—you know that you should already act as an adult, yet there will be times when you want to be playful and
carefree, like the child you once were. You may also start entertaining thoughts of being independent, although you are
fully aware that you might not be capable of handling independence just yet. These are just examples that can result in
conflicting thoughts during puberty.
Mood swings - Puberty can also cause you to experience casual or frequent extreme changes in your mood. These rapid,
sometimes unpredictable, changes in mood are called mood swings. As in the given example previously, you may be
feeling ecstatic one minute and then feeling miserable the next minute. Mood swings may occur because of the changes in
the hormones of your body that make you behave differently from one moment to another.
Self-consciousness - Since the development of one person differs from another person, you may feel conscious about how
you are growing up.
Sexual desires - During puberty, you become more curious about things, including people of the opposite sex. It is also at
this time when you start to become attracted to others. The best thing to do if you have questions about sexual desires is to
ask your parents, a trusted older relative, your teacher, or guidance counselor. These people have the requisite knowledge
to answer your questions.

Social Changes
The following are some of the reasons why a person experiences social changes during puberty:
Seeking independence
Seeking more responsibility
Looking for new and more experiences
Developing and exploring sexual identity

The following are puberty-related myths and misconceptions on growth and development:
1. Myth: Growth of pubic hair signals the start of puberty.
Fact: The growth of pubic hair is not necessarily the onset of puberty for an individual. Puberty starts internally, which
means that the beginning of puberty happens inside your body. The onset of puberty is associated with the increase of sex
hormones such as LH and FSH.
Myth: Breast development signals the start of puberty for girls.
Fact: Though having more developed breasts is one of the characteristics of a girl undergoing puberty, it does not
necessarily mean that such growth is the first sign of puberty.
Myth: Girls nowadays enter puberty even earlier compared to girls in the past.
Fact: There is no definitive evidence that girls of today undergo puberty earlier than girls of the past did.

On Menstruation
The following are puberty-related myths and misconceptions on menstruation:
Myth: Menarche or the first menstrual period means that the end of growth son is near.
Fact: Menarche is not a sign that a girl will already stop growing and maturing. Myth: Menarche can be used as facial
wash to eliminate pimples.
Fact: This is merely a superstition, and there is no scientific evidence that backs it up.
Myth: Girls with early menarche will grow an average of four more inches.
Fact: The height of a female has nothing to do with the onset or start of menstruation.
Myth: Girls should not take a bath when they are having their period.
Fact: This is another superstition-that taking a bath during one's menstrual period would lead to muscle cramps and
coldness because water may get into the head and genital organ. However, there is no scientific evidence that proves this
superstition as true.
Myth: Hopping over stairs shortens the menstrual cycle.
Fact: Hopping or always moving quickly does not shorten the period of menstruation.
Myth: Salty and sour food should be avoided.
Fact: The belief is that salty and sour food can cause pain when the uterine muscles expel menstrual blood. However,
there is no scientific basis for this claim.
Myth: Girls should not engage in physical activity during menstruation.
Fact: activities anymore. However, the type and duration of such activities may be When a girl has her period, it does not
mean that she cannot engage in physical limited due to the pain that menstruation can cause.
The following are puberty-related myths for boys and misconceptions on nocturnal emissions and circumcision:
Myth: Nocturnal emission or wet dream is a sign of physical abnormality.
Fact: Having wet dreams is not an indication of any physical abnormality. It is a natural event that happens to males
during puberty.
Myth: Nocturnal emission means one has sexual thoughts.
Fact: Having nocturnal emission is normal for males undergoing puberty. It does not mean that a boy is having sexual
thoughts at all.
Myth: Circumcision is medically necessary.
Fact: Males are circumcised for hygiene purposes; however, it is not actually a necessity. In the Philippines, circumcision
is an age-old tradition, and that means males are encouraged to get circumcised.
Myth: Babies do not feel pain during circumcision.
Fact: Many Filipino parents have their male child circumcised while he is still a baby, believing that he will not feel any
pain. Such belief is untrue, however, as the baby does feel pain.
Myth: An uncircumcised male is infertile or incapable of having children.
Fact: Being uncircumcised does not mean that a male is infertile or incapable of having a child.
Myth: Circumcision spurs fast growth.
Fact: This is a common misconception that has no scientific basis. The growth usually experienced by boys who have
undergone circumcision is not actually spurred by the act of circumcision itself; rather, the growth spurt is a result of

Precocious puberty –
Otherwise known as early puberty, precocious puberty refers to the earlier-than-normal development of sexual
characteristics in boys and in girls (typically, before the age of 8 for girls and before the age of 9 for boys).
It may be caused by tumors in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, brain, and ovaries (in girls).
It may also be caused by abnormalities in the central nervous system, a family history of any disease, or genetic disorders.
Precocious puberty can be diagnosed by looking at the complete medical history and performing a physical examination.
Diagnosis can also include the use of X-ray where bones can be seen and their age can be identified. Doctors can also
measure the amount of hormones present in the body.

Delayed puberty
- Delayed puberty means that the physical signs of puberty do not appear yet by the age of 13 for girls and 14 for boys.
This type of concern can be hereditary, which means that it is a condition passed on by parents to their children.
Delayed puberty can also be due to genetic disorders, medical problems, poor nutrition, or chronic illnesses that damage
the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.
When these parts of the brain are affected, maturation may be affected.
Delayed puberty may be diagnosed through a complete medical history and physical examination, blood tests to check for
any genetic abnormalities and hormone levels, and even X-ray to determine bone maturity.

defined as the period where a baby grows inside the uterus of a woman.
happens if there is a successful union of male and female sex cells.
Without proper awareness and education, adolescents become involved in actions that can lead to pregnancy.
Teenage pregnancy (or adolescent pregnancy) happens when a female under the age of 20 gets pregnant.
Hence, it can also be an unintended pregnancy. which is unplanned pregnancy of a girl due to lack of awareness on sexual
and reproductive health, or even violence.

A MNEMONIC device can help you remember the notes

is the foundation sound of stereo music. In music, the low notes before the middle Care written usually on the staff with a
bass clef or Fclef. Each musical instrument below has unique characteristics of producing low sounds
• Also known simply as the bass, is the largest and lowest- pitched bowed string instrument in the modem symphony
It is the lowest-pitched musical instrument in the brass family. As with all brass instruments, the sound is produced by lip
vibration into a mouthpiece.
It has a uniquely resonant low- pitched sound. It is typically used to express excitement and signal climatic moments in
the music.

Musical instruments are designed to play notes on a specific clef in a staff. A clef is a musical symbol used to indicate the
pitches of notes in the lines and spaces of a STAFF.
The Staff
In a piano music sheet for example, the upper staff uses the Gclef, while the lower staff uses the Fclef.
The middle C is the reference point from which notes are commonly written on a staff with a Gclef or an Fclef. This can
be best illustrated using the piano keyboard and a grand staff.

Notes played from the middle C going to the right of the keyboard are usually written on a staff with a G clef. Meanwhile,
the notes played from the middle C going to the left are usually written on a staff with an F clef.

Vertical Lines - dignified, formal and stable persona
Diagonal Lines -models movement and activity
Curved Lines - more fluid and graceful manner

Dashed/ Dotted Line - some sort supervisory responsibility

Spiral Line - Curve circle around a fixed center point
STATIC - steady or standing still
DYNAMIC – movable

-the thing that is enclosed by line - made when lines connect
- found in two-dimensional planes - has length and width
-mathematical - precise
- These are the shapes that have clear edges like circles and spheres, triangles and pyramids, squares and cubes and
- measurable
- natural look and a flowing and curving appearance
- irregular or asymmetrical
-They can be found in trees, flowers, shells, and other natural things.

-three-dimensional or has more than two sides
- has length, width, height and depth

the way in which art feels or would seem to feel to the touch

the lightness darkness of objects
It can also indicate direction, movement, and rhythm.

COLORS are treated differently in a landscape

(foreground, middle ground and background)
When drawing or painting such as wonderful views, you need to have knowledge and skills in using lines and colors.
With the skillful use of colors, you can attract the attention of the viewer, evoke certain emotions or make an important

The following are examples of complementary colors.

Blue and orange Red and green
Yellow and violet
Blue green and red orange
Yellow orange and blue violet

Combination of colors near one another in the color wheel.
A minimum of two colors can be considered an analogous combination.

Characterized by high contrast. These combinations create an energetic effect, especially when you use them at full

Here some tips when using the complementary color scheme.

1. Use one background color and set the other as accent or highlight.
2. If you want to make a color prominent (blue, for example), use a tiny accent of orange next to it. 3. Make one of the
complementary colors dominant.
4. You can make a color dull without adding gray or black.
5. For many painters, complementary colors work effectively when they have similar intensity. You may experiment with
different intensities: for instance, light violet and dark violet or light orange and dark blue.

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