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My name is Dr.Peters. What is the reason you are in the emergency room today?

I’m here because I injured my right arm. This morning I was unloading some boxes
at work when I slipped and fell on my side. Truth is that it hurts a lot and my boss
told me to come get it checked out.

But look interpreter, please ask him to take his jacket off and hop on the exam table
and ask him if he’s taken anything for the pain.

I took a 400 milligram ibuprofen pill a couple of hours ago, even so it still hurts a bit
and since it didn’t go away I decided to come here. I thought maybe I broke it but I’m
not really sure, truth is that what I’ve heard is that if you can move it then it’s not

It might be a small fracture, I’ll order a couple of X-rays just to make sure. We have a
full ER today, so you’ll have to wait a few minutes. Please be patient. Once we are
done, the nurse will take you to radiology to wait for your turn.

Wait Dr. You know if my boss is going to pay for all this? Because I’m not going to be
able to pay for this myself, I was unemployed for a long time and I’ve only been at
work for a week so right now I didn’t have any money.

Let me take a look at your file. It looks like you’ll be covered by workers comp, so don’t
worry, your employer’s insurance will take care of the expenses. In case they don’t, we
also have a charity care program that can help you out. I’ll tell the social worker to talk
to you about it.

OK Doctor, thank you very much, Excuse me, you think you can give me something for
the pain? It’s been a while since I took the pills and truly don’t want it hurt like it was
before while I waited

Yes, I can give you some painkillers, but before I do that, I need to ask you some questions.
Have you suffered any injuries to that same arm in the past?

I have. I had a car accident back in 2018 where I fractured my wrist, and since then it hurts
when It’s cold and I don’t cover up or when I lift heavy things at work. But it’s just on that

I understand those injuries are very painful and delicate. Did you require surgery, a cast or
a brace for that?

Oh, they put me in a cast and then a wrist brace, and the recovery was very long. I went
to physical therapy for two months and then occupational therapy. But it did work, I can
move it well and it only hurts with temperature changes and stress

Alright, I’m glad to hear that. Let me get those painkillers for you then. You said you took
ibuprofen 2 hours ago, correct? Are you allergic to any medication?

Yes, I took it around two hours ago and no, I’m not allergic to any medication, only to a
animal fur like dogs, cats and goats.

All right, interpreter, I’ll be right back. I’ll go get Mr. Hernandez’s medication and a referral
to radiology. Please tell him to wait here. It won’t take long.

Client is not in room>>>>>

Alright Sir, I’m giving you acetaminophen 250 milligrams. I want you take 2 pills right now
and sit in those blue chairs next to the front desk. A Spanish speaking social worker will
approach you to talk to you about your insurance.

OK. But wasn’t I supposed to be taken to radiology?

Yes, as I said before, we have a full ER, so you’ll have to wait for your turn. The nurse will
come to get you in a few minutes. She’ll take you to the radiology.

Yes, yes thank you very much doctor, God bless you

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