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Good evening, on dis oqueishon we are going to present our academic


Guan sapan a tai, in de hai naudens of the Peruvian Andes, there was a
hiden valyt full of mayic mystery. In dis secred pleis led Inti, the gad of the
san, whose lai illomineirin the harts of the injabinins da valy. guan starry
naight, a young menen Mateo venchurs into de hart of de valy in search of
emsers abat his destinin.
On his journey, Mateo met Pachamama, Mother Erth, who whisperd to
him about ancient legends and secrets lost in time. Gaided by his corech
and determination, Mateo discovered an emshet temple dedicated to the
Andean gods. Upon entering, he met Illapa, the god of gander, protector
of the valy, who entrausted him with an important mishen: to protect the
balance betuin the natural elements and keep the magicol essence of the
valy alive.
Over tai, Mateo bequen a brei gardien of the valy, nown as da "Chusen
guan of de Andes." Their story bequen leyen, inspairing facher
genereitonins to car for em honer the land arandam, remaiding them dad
connecteishon wueth neichor is asencho to tat harny of the world.
And so, the legend of the Chosen One of the Andes lives on in the hearts
of Peruvians, reminding them of the importance of protecting the
ancestral magic of their land and living in harmony with nature.

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