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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Meeting Agenda for December 2nd:

- Open with prayer at 7pm
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
- Meeting will be lead by Larry Eubanks and Charles Lewis

I do not know the exact agenda but I do know it will include,

desserts, music, tree trimming, and several other things. Maybe
even a visit from Santa Claus!

- Close meeting with prayer at approx. 8:00 pm

Please help with clean up, and tip your servers!

Our old friend Mr. Grady Howell was kind enough to speak at our November
meeting. Always a pleasure to listen and learn from him!

Keep up with what’s happening in and around

Camp 265 by checking out the official
Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
Camp Members, Friends, Patriots, Americans,
I pray you, your friends, and your families are doing well The 2023 VA Hospital and Nursing Home Christmas Events
during this Holiday season! Our December 2nd meeting is a go. We will be held again this December. Charles, Robbie, Charla, and
will have a tree decorating ceremony, Mr. Ralph will read the Chandra will be taking the lead on our part in these Awesome
Christmas Story out of the braille Bible, the McCoy Sisters will be events supporting our veterans. These events along with others are
playing music, homemade desserts will be on the menu, and several a chance for elderly disabled veterans to“Christmas shop” for their
other treats will be in store for our last meeting of the year! Please families from the gifts and necessities that we and others in
make plans to attend and make the musicians and the youth in our attendance will bring. Bring the gifts or monetary donations to the
group feel appreciated! A group picture around the Christmas tree December meeting. They don’t have to be anything extravagant; a
would really look great! $10 gift or a couple of $5 gifts would be just fine. You will not be
If possible, please consider helping with several activities able to attend the events because of the Covid and other
coming up in December. Activities include the OCR toy delivery for restrictions. If you want to help, contact me with a monetary pledge
Operation Family Blessing for Rankin County Inmates, Mailing and I will get it to Mrs. Robbie, Charla, Charles Lewis & Chandra
Christmas Cards to our Troops deployed overseas, and we will be D’avy. The VA Nursing Home Christmas Shoppe will be in
helping with Wreaths across America. Whatever you do this December. We are looking at adopting several Wounded Warrior’s
Holiday season, I hope you get plenty of time with the family! Our children that need help this Christmas. Please help us support our
January meeting will be on the 6th, 2024. We will lay out the next veterans and their children this Christmas! Our Veterans are the
few months leading up to our 2024 Civil War Relic Show on June reason we have the Freedoms we enjoy today! From me to all of
8th and 9th. On December 2nd & 3rd, Penny & I will be at the you who help throughout the year, THANK YOU!!! Without You
Franklin, Tennessee Civil War Relic Show harassing vendors and and your support, we would not exist!
trying to talk them into coming to our show here in Brandon. The I feel that it is necessary to mention that we lost several Camp
Franklin show has over 1000 tables and takes every bit of two days and Family members this year. Ed Lofton, Frank Kirtley, &
to cover! Richard Bohlman were as many as I could recall while writing this
I can’t put everything that we did over this past year in this report. I apologize if I omitted a friend or a loved one. These Camp
report, but I did want to give you a few highlights. We marched in and Family members were some of the best people God ever put on
the Dixie National Parade in Jackson, Helped the Brandon Garden this earth! They will be missed but not forgotten! Please keep their
Club, participated in several re-enactments, headstone families in your prayers. Holidays without our loved ones are
dedications,& memorial services. We sent money to Beauvoir. We tough!
held our annual Civil War Relic Show that was attended by around I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, ate too much, and took
2000 people. The Relic Show also raised another $2000.00 for The time to be thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives. I wish
Wounded Warriors of MS! We raised money for donations to St. you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year that exceeds your
Jude’s Children’s Hospital, our Veterans at the VA Hospital, & VA expectations! May your pleasures be many, your troubles be few,
Nursing Home. We held our annual Turkey Shoot for Kids that and as sure as health, family, and friends are priceless, I’ll probably
attend Fall Muster at Beauvoir. We helped the WW of MS raise see you at our January 6th, 2024,meeting. Please pray for our
money at the Car Show hosted by the MS Street Rod Association at country and take comfort in the fact that God will be with us
Brandon City Hall. The list goes on and I can’t mention everyone through the bad times as well as the good! May God bless you &
who made these activities happen but, you know whom you are. yours, our military around the world, our state & country leaders,
Every activity requires time taken out of lives, coordination with our first responders, and may God continue to bless the United
work & loved ones, money out of our own pockets, and the States ofAmerica!
dedication to make it happen. I don’t think that any of these
activities would be possible if you did not have confidence that we – Tim Cupit
are doing what we are supposed to do as Sons of Confederate
Veterans! I am proud of our SCV Camp, our OCR Chapter, and I
think ourAncestors would be proud too!
by Charles Lewis

“A friend had sent me in a package a bottle of old brandy. On Christmas morning I called several comrades up to my bunk to taste the precious fluid of
. . . DISAPPOINTMENT! The bottle had been opened outside and the brandy taken out and replaced with water. . . and sent in. I hope the Yankee who
played that practical joke lived to repent it and was shot before the war ended." – Confederate prisoner of war…

Forty people signed in at the November meeting. Johnny Ralph Wooten opened the meeting with prayer. Second Lt. Commander, Tom Lilly led the pledge
and salutes to the flags. Mr. Ralph Smitherman then asked his monthly trivia questions.

Mr. Grady Howell Jr. was the guest speaker. His topic was the Conquered Provinces in Mississippi during the “Late Unpleasantness.” Mr. Grady began his
writing career while researching his Great Grandfather’s service in the War between the States. One thing I took away from his talk was, we are still in
reconstruction even in these modern times. After Shiloh, it was known there would be no reconciliation between the North and South. If you are in need of
a Christmas gift, consider one of his books.

Charla Lewis gave the OCR report. She stated the chapter, and any camp member wishing to participate, would be ringing the Salvation Army bell at
Ramey’s market in Florence, MS on Saturday November 25th from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. She also reminded everyone of the V.A. Christmas Shoppes on
December 2nd and 9th. Lastly she invited all to attend the “Old Fashioned Christmas” being held at the Old Courthouse Museum in Vicksburg, MS on
Sunday December 10th from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.

Charla also reported on the Living History/Reenactment at Askew Landing in Edwards, MS held on October 14th.

Glenn Pippen and Bo & Robin Pitts reported on Fall Muster held at Beauvoir on October 21st and 22nd. Bo talked about the pleasure he feels when he
sees/helps a child shoot at a target for the first time, and Robin mentioned her favorite “Yankee” re-enactor, Cadet Ryan Stanley.

Commander Cupit stated 103 people shot at the targets. He then held up one of the targets. The target was that of the best shot of the Turkey Shoot, Adalyn
McInnis. Adalyn was presented her target, a certificate, letter from the Commander and a $100.00 cash prize. Congratulations Adalyn!

Brandon Audirsch presented Lori Hobson one of his drawings, “A Memorial to 9-11.” Lori lived and worked in New York at the time of the attacks, and
would have been in the towers had she not overslept that morning. Brandon’s prints also make good Christmas gifts.

Ian Powell gave an Ex-Council report. One fact that stood out to me was the Mississippi Division lost 226 members this year, not counting deaths.

The drawing for a Benjamin Sheridan pellet air rifle, among members current on their dues, was held. Mr. Willard Chatham was the lucky winner.

Commander Cupit will be out of town for the December meeting. First Lt. Commander, Larry Eubanks will be handling a short meeting and the Christmas
party. The McCoy sisters and Jerry Brooks will provide music and perhaps there will be another surprise appearance. Tim also ask the restaurant musician
to play a couple of songs. So please bring an extra dollar or two to tip him.

I would like to thank the camp and camp members for donations to purchase gifts for the V.A. Christmas Shoppes. We will be at the one at the V.A.
Hospital on Saturday (Dec. 2nd) morning. Come out and support these veterans. They gave so much, so it is or pleasure to give back to them these gifts and
our time.

Rabi Tom Fortenberry closed the meeting with prayer.

Dec 2 - camp meeting and Christmas party
Dec 2 - V.A. Christmas Shoppe - 8:00 A.M.- V.A. Hospital, Jackson, MS
Dec 9 - V.A. Christmas Shoppe - State Nursing Home - Time and place TBA
Dec 10 - Old Fashion Christmas - Old Courthouse Museum, Vicksburg, MS - 2:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Dec 16 - Wreaths Across America - 2:00 P.M. - City Cemetery, Crystal Springs, MS
Jan 6, 2024 - camp meeting

During January there will be Lee-Jackson Banquets all over the state. Please attend one if possible.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year!

– Charles Lewis, Adjutant

by Tom Fortenberry


Ok, Ok, I know it’s a stupid joke but anyway here it comes. “ Who in the Bible had no father or mother? Answer; Joshua, son
of Nun. Many of you probably can remember or even create interesting questions and comments that draw a little humor to
past time or diminish the reality of day to day life. My Mom and Dad were such people. They worked hard and they played
hard. My Dad often told me by his own experiences that honest hard work would provide when the need arose and to be
careful for what you prayed for.

I related the beginning comments to my life just as you. You see our lives are not so separate or different from each other.
Life goes on and with life, we constantly see that we are not separate or so distant from those who have come before us. It is
often said and demonstrated that each of us are a reflection of those who have come before us and we a continuing
inheritance of those who will come after us. We haven’t changed. Many of us will be celebrating eating too much turkey or
putting up our Christmas tree as the season moved toward the New Year. It is not a surprise that as this year comes to a
renewal. The coming year awaits the many expectations and challenges to all of us. Yet just as our Mom and Dad often said it
and provided witnesses to us by their faith, hope, and love. We also have been given the same measure by which we can
encourage and enrich the lives of those around us. Thus, as the shortest and darkness month of the year approaches. We
share the light of our faith to bring light to those who live in darkness. We continue with expectation to the hope which is set
before us; and demonstrate our love without expectation to those who God places in our path. In the end we will readily see,
that it was not just Mom and Dad who brought us to faith, hope, and love but God’s unending love through His Son Jesus

As a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Camp 265 Rankin Rough and Ready, my service as Chaplain continues
to enrich my appreciation to all of you whom God has so gracefully allowed me to minister to. And in return so many
blessings and confirmation of our unified cause in which we are joined.

May God Bless each of you and keep you. May this season of celebrations be an uplifting and rewarding time of drawing
closer to the real reason and purpose of this season.

– Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain Camp 265, Sons of Confederate Veterans

Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose
Charla Lewis called the Nov. 4th meeting to order. Members recited the pledge.

Cards for deployed troops were distributed and signed during the meeting. T. J. Cupit voluntold to have the card, along with a bag of
“Black Rifle” coffee for him, be sent to him and he would get them to the Chaplin for further distribution.

Mrs. Pam Collier gave a presentation on Confederate heroine Belle Boyd.

BrandonAudirsch presented Lori Hobson a commemorative drawing of 9-11. Lori lived and worked in New York at the time of the attacks.

Charla Lewis attended the living history/re-enactment at Askew Landing in Edwards MS. For the first attempt it went pretty well and
hopefully it will become a yearly event.

Several OCR ladies attended Fall Muster at Beauvoir. Everyone enjoyed the “Ladies Tea”, the re-enactment and helping with our host
camp, The Rankin Rough and Ready’s, Turkey Shoot booth.

The chapter voted to purchase 6 wreaths for “WreathsAcrossAmerica.” They will be placed at the City Cemetery in Crystal Springs, MS.

They also voted to give a donation toward purchasing gifts for the V.A. Christmas Shoppes. We will be at the Christmas Shoppe held at the
V.A. Hospital in Jackson on December 2nd starting at 8:00A.M. . Hopefully we will be able to see some of the patients/residents.

On Saturday, November 25th OCR members and some SCV camp members rang the Salvation Army bell at Ramey’s Market in Florence,

Then on November 27th, Charla and Robbie Lewis delivered the toys we collected for “Operation Family Blessing” to the Rankin County
Sheriff’s Office. These toys will go to children of Rankin County inmates.

We will have our Christmas party at the December 2nd meeting. Don’t forget your ornament for our annual “Ornament Exchange.”

Future activities for the chapter include: V.A. Christmas Shoppe, Dec. 9th for the V.A. State Nursing Home, bi-annual OCR meeting, Dec.
9th Lake TiakO’Khata, Old Fashion Christmas at Old Courthouse Museum, Dec. 10th, 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. Vicksburg, MS. and “Wreaths
AcrossAmerica” placing wreaths at the City Cemetery in Crystal Springs, MS Dec. 16th 2:00 P.M.

– Robbie Lewis, Events Coordinator

For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please visit them online
You can also visit them on Facebook at:

Brandi Gray and Charla Lewis ringing the Salvation Army bell! Mr. Tom Lilly gets special treatment from Melanie Benton while helping to ring the
Salvation Army bell!
Re-enactors attending Kenneth Randy McNeese’s funeral. The McCoy ladies attended Kenneth Randy McNeese’s funeral as black roses.

Charles Tucker recently setup camp for an educational and teaching opportunity. Very interesting to see what camp life was like almost 160 years ago!

Brandon presenting Mrs. Lori Hobbs with a September 11th, 2001 tribute print. Mrs. Pam Collier presenting a historical talk on Civil War heroine Belle Boyd.

by Bo Pitts
Enlisted in Marion, AL - Age 18 For more information about SCV Camp 265,
the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:
Co. G, 4 Reg't Alabama Infantry
Killed in Action May 6, 1864 ROUGH
Battle of the Wilderness

Spotsylvania, VA CAMP
Commander Cupit presented Miss Adalyn McInnis with the winning target from the OCR Christmas Toy Drive collected toys for Operation Family Blessing through
Beauvoir Fall Muster Turkey Shoot, a certificate, and one hundred dollars! the Rankin County’s Sheriffs Department.
Congratulations Adalyn, great job!

Mr. Larry Eubanks played an important roll in returning this monument to Hwy 49S. Just a few of the gifts gathered by the MAFOCR & Camp 265 for the Veteran’s
His help locating it's place of storage is greatly appreciated! Christmas Shoppe and State Nursing Home.

Girls just wanna have fun! Congratulations to Mr. Willard Chatham for winning the drawing for the
Benjamin Sheridan pellet air rifle!



The Chatham Company

Sustainable Natural Resources
and Forestry Products
Willard & Maureen Chatham
Membership MFA, RCFA
777 Hwy 468
Brandon, MS 39042

2605 US-80 E

Pearl, MS 39208 601-932-1700
317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is December 2nd at:

The Back Porch Restaurant
2146 Hwy 471
Brandon, MS 39047
at 7:00pm. Come early!

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