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Name: Jessa Mae M.

Torres Score:

Grade and Section: 11 Scientia Learning Area: Org. Man.




The administration and coordination of tasks to accomplish a goal is management. Setting the
organization's strategy and organizing staff efforts to achieve these goals through the use of resources
available are examples of such administrative actions. The five functions of management as defined by Henri
Fayol are: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, and Controlling. These five functions comprise
“management”, one of the six industrial activities described in Henri Fayol management theory.

So the PLANNING is a setting goals and choosing a course of action to achieve them are both part of the
management task of planning. Next to ORGANIZING it’s a process known as organizing may be characterized
as one that starts the execution of plans by defining roles, establishing cooperative relationships, and
efficiently allocating resources to achieve specific and desired objectives (goals). Followed by STAFFING the
main goal of staffing is to fill the various roles within the company with suitable candidates. In
other side there is DIRECTING it is a procedure or technique for educating, guiding, motivating, advising,
supervising, and leading individuals toward the achievement of corporate goals is known as "directing”. And
the last one is CONTROLLING is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make
sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished.


At present selecting a people or stuff for your company is not easy than before, because people are no
longer trusted based only on their looks or abilities. In contrast to some of the other corporate divisions,
management does not have the same detailed responsibilities. It is not in the position or degree to base a
person's ability, it is in their actions how they affect the flow of their work. That’s why training is not enough
before employee to start to their word, because you are not sure how her/his actions will affect the flow of
your company. If I am the boss/employer, the step I would take in order to avoid the some negative situation
is start by having an open conversation to understand what is causing their negativity, you can find out that
the employee's job and attitude are being affected by a personal problem. Or if there is a serious issue inside
your company, and what you initially take to be a bad attitude ends up being constructive criticism. It's
possible that you have a blind spot that has to be filled and that as your business has evolved certain
adjustments have been made that have left this individual behind. Finding the source of the issue is the first
step, and if you approach the situation with compassion, the employee will be less defensive and more
receptive to sharing their true sentiments. The flow of a company is greatly aided, in my opinion, by
This allows everyone to be more open, even about little things, because in a business, even little things may
have a big impact. Nevertheless having a positive attitude in the workplace won’t necessarily make you better
at your job, but it will improve the way people view you as a person, so they may be more inclined to help you
succeed and cheer you on.


Even if you have a college degree, if the firms you work for negatively impact their business due to your
contributions, you will not be able to get employment. Additionally, if you frequently relocate, some
employers may reject you due to your past employment history. In short even if you haven't finished college,
if you are accepted by a company, your boss will not think twice about to promote you in a high position on
your company, if your ability to work is positive and it has a strong impact on your company. All in all nothing
in the knowledge, ability or no matter how long you work in that company to go to the highest position on
your work. In the end being good, positive mindset and good listener is essential to elevating yourself to a
high position. Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person, not just
employee, are more productive more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customer,
which leads to profitability.

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