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Name: Sidney Nijimbere

Write your three wishes and explain why you chose these three.

1. Each student must present and explain their three wishes to the group.
2. As a group, come to a consensus on the best three wishes EVER. Make sure to
discuss why you came to this agreement and write about it on the next page.
Name: Sidney Nijimbere


3. Discuss the following topic and fill the table below.

Consider the advantages or disadvantages of having ​unlimited​ wishes (unlike the
more standard three wishes). You must have at least two things in the
disadvantages column!

We can do whatever we want. We’re going to be lazy forever.
We can buy whatever we want. We’re going to be really spoiled.
We can grant people’s wishes. A lot of people are going to be jealous.
We can eat whatever we want. A lot of people are gonna wonder how
you get all of those things.
Name: Sidney Nijimbere
Name: Sidney Nijimbere

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