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The Five Super Books

Joint Ventures:
From Mediocrity to
Jay Abraham’s Insider’s Guide to
Engineering Highly Successful Joint
Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Partnerships
and Other Lucrative Host-Beneficiary
© 2005 The Abraham Group, Inc. --- All Rights Reserved
(This product is provided under license to the purchaser. This
product and material it contains may not be copied, modified,
re-sold, licensed, assigned, offered as a bonus or auctioned
without the prior written consent of The Abraham Group, Inc.)
To Contact The Abraham Group, Inc:

The Abraham Group, Inc.

27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274
Phone: 1(310)265-1840
Fax: 1(310)541-3192

To find out more about Jay Abraham’s products and programs, visit:
Joint Ventures: From Mediocrity to Millions

Table Of Contents
FOREWORD BY JAY L. ABRAHAM .................................................................................... 8
YOUR JOINT VENTURE DEAL-MAKING “JUMPSTART” ........................................................................ 8
SECTION ONE: MAKING THE CASE FOR JOINT VENTURES.......................................... 16
CHAPTER ONE: A LIFE-CHANGING SECRET.................................................................................... 16
“The Case Of The Missing Boxers” Saves YOU From Joint Venture Blunders ..................... 17
What Does Tom Sawyer Know That You Don’t?.................................................................... 18
What Is A Joint Venture? (The Answer Is Deceptively Simple, Yet Unbelievably Powerful!) 19
CHAPTER TWO: THE INCREDIBLE VALUE OF JOINT VENTURES ........................................................ 21
The “C” Word - How It Can Annihilate Your Efforts ................................................................ 21
Why Joint Ventures Are Bumping Mergers As Your Best Strategy........................................ 22
You Can’t Argue With Success: The JV Stats YOU Should Know......................................... 23
CHAPTER THREE: THE WORLD AT YOUR DOORSTEP...................................................................... 25
Why JVs Are The Ultimate Tactical Lever .............................................................................. 26
Harness The Power of “O.P.M.” - Other People’s Money ...................................................... 26
How To Make Your Joint Ventures Deliver A Ton Of “Cluck For The Buck”......................... 27
How You Can Build Your Own JV Empire.............................................................................. 27
11 Ways Joint Ventures Make YOU The Big Winner ............................................................. 28
44 Additional Reasons Why Joint Ventures Can Make You A Small -- Or A HUGE -- Fortune30
The Many JV Perks That Can Be YOURS (And Slippers Are Only One!) ............................. 33
A “Candy Store” Of Resources Awaits You............................................................................ 34
Turn Unused Assets Into Your Windfall.................................................................................. 38
Mega-Successes Want To Share Their Secret With YOU!.................................................... 38
How You, Too, Can Pull Rabbits From A Hat......................................................................... 40
A Cornucopia Of Opportunity Is Yours For The Taking.......................................................... 42

SECTION TWO: THE JOINT VENTURE MINDSET............................................................ 44

CHAPTER FIVE: THE FUNDAMENTALS............................................................................................. 45
How You Can Turn One Person’s Distress Into Your Mutual Bonanza ................................ 46
You Can Easily Learn To Be A MASTER Joint Venturist -- Here’s How................................ 47
CHAPTER SIX: THE POWER OF LEVERAGE...................................................................................... 49
Don’t Be Fooled By The Dark Side Of Leverage.................................................................... 49
The “Flip Side” Of Leverage Keeps You On High Ground ..................................................... 49
CHAPTER SEVEN: YOUR CREATIVE GENIUS ................................................................................... 51
Here’s The Good News: You’ve Never Really Lost Your Creativity!...................................... 52
How To Unleash YOUR Creative Genius............................................................................... 52
Why You Can -- AND SHOULD -- Make The Rules............................................................... 53
CHAPTER EIGHT: FINDING THE DEAL ............................................................................................. 54
Discover Your Money Connection, And Unearth Riches ....................................................... 54
Put “The Perpetual Motion Remodeling Machine” To Work For YOU.................................... 54
Visualizing The Concept Will Line People Up Behind YOUR Venture................................... 55
With Control, Understanding, And Mastery Of The Deal… YOU Call All The Shots ............ 56
CHAPTER NINE: HIGHEST AND BEST USE ...................................................................................... 59
Time Is Always Of The Essence - The Tenet That Works In YOUR Favor............................ 59
How Prioritization Amplifies Your EVERY MOVE................................................................... 60
Outsource Your Way To Massive Wealth............................................................................... 61
How The Mythical “The Man For All Seasons” Sabotages Your Life ..................................... 61
“Home, James…” - Two Golden Words That Can Super-Charge Your Day........................ 62
CHAPTER TEN: VIABILITY............................................................................................................... 64
How You May Be Diluting Your Own Hard-Won Success...................................................... 64
The Low-Hanging Fruit Yields Your Sweetest Rewards ........................................................ 66
How You May Be Setting Your Prospects Up For The Big Fall.............................................. 67
Don’t Be Fooled By The Online Marketing Fantasy ............................................................... 69
CHAPTER ELEVEN: DOABILITY ....................................................................................................... 71
How To Find YOUR Match Made In Heaven.......................................................................... 71
How Your Prospect’s “Worst” Problem Can Be Your BEST FRIEND .................................... 71
“Access + Affinity + Delivery = Perfect Setup” - Your Infallible Success Equation ................ 72
HEED THIS WARNING SIGN: “Spikes May Cause Severe JV Damage…”.......................... 74
Know EXACTLY When Financing Your JV Makes Irrefutable Sense .................................... 75
What YOU Can Learn From A Hooker ................................................................................... 77
Tie Up The Rights, Then Test The Venture - Your Path To Prosperity.................................. 77
The Well-Worded Opener That Will Seal Your Deal .............................................................. 78
CHAPTER TWELVE: DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS ............................................................................... 80
Why You Should NEVER “Settle” For One-Shot Deals.......................................................... 82
Get The Deal By The Tail - And YOU Can Wag The Dog!..................................................... 84
Wearing Two Hats Can Double Your “Take”.......................................................................... 86
Why YOU Have An Edge Over ANY Finance MBA .............................................................. 89
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: CREATIVE COMPENSATION, CREATIVE DEALS ................................................ 91
The Dollars and “Sense” Reality That Works In Your Favor .................................................. 91
Why Distribution Is Your Key To Unlimited Wealth ................................................................ 92
Learn The Secret Of The Real Estate “Masters”.................................................................... 93
How To Craft The Contract That Bridges Crucial Gaps And Protect YOUR Interests........... 94
Why Establishing Your “Payday” Keeps The Wheels Turning ............................................... 94
“Every Last Penny”-- The Adage That May Dilute Your Efforts.............................................. 95
When To Expect “An Open Book” - And What To Do When It’s Closed… ............................ 95
How To Keep Your Deal On The Straight And Narrow Path.................................................. 97
How You’ll Know When It’s NOT About Money...................................................................... 98
Anything’s Up For Grabs - Your “Unlimited Options” Mantra ................................................. 99
The Million-Dollar Question: “Who Has What YOU Want?” ................................................. 103
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: LET’S TALK ENDORSEMENTS….................................................................. 105
When “He Said, She Said” Is A GOOD Thing For Your Deals............................................. 105
Know When You Need Celebrity Endorsement - AND When You DON’T........................... 106
How To Harness The Power Of Capital Investment............................................................. 106
How To Tap Into ”The Mother Lode” .................................................................................... 108
Instant Credibility Can Be YOURS - Here’s How….............................................................. 108
The Psychology…................................................................................................................. 109
Here’s How to Get Started…Finding the Right Endorsers to Promote You and Product
or Service............................................................................................................................ 110
How to Sell The Concept to The Endorser… ................................................................... 110
Key Point: Endorsements are NOT a One Shot Deal---Structure Them As a ongoing
Relationship, Profit Center, Revenue Stream… .............................................................. 112
How Much Affinity Does this Endorser Have? ................................................................ 112
From Concept to Offer….................................................................................................... 113
If Your Business is a Start-Up?......................................................................................... 113
What Do Potential JV Partners Look For?........................................................................... 113
“I Found a JV Partner! -- How Should I Compensate Them?”...................................... 114
The Value of Names and E-Mail Addresses .................................................................... 114
Compensation as Motivation ................................................................................................ 115
Letters of Agreement ............................................................................................................ 115
The Hardest Part and the Key To Success…................................................................... 116
Commitment......................................................................................................................... 116
How To Get -- AND STAY -- Squarely In The Middle Of Your Deal .................................... 116
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: NON-LINEAR THINKING .................................................................................. 119
Thinking “Out of the Box” Opens The Vault.......................................................................... 124
The Diving Board Model - A “Springboard” To Disaster....................................................... 125
How The Power Of The Parthenon Supports Your Modern Empire .................................... 126
Licensing Successful Processes Extends Your Reach - And Explodes Your Results ........ 128

CHAPTER SIXTEEN: TARGETING PROSPECTS ............................................................................... 135
How To Know When To Enlist The Competition .................................................................. 135
When To Target The Big (And Not-So Big) Fish… And How To Know The Difference....... 136
Opening The Dialogue 101 - Your Wealth-Building Primer.................................................. 137
Why Your Communications Should Literally DROWN In Confidence.................................. 137
How To Capture The Perfect Tone For Your Proposals ...................................................... 138
How To Know When To “Play Your Ace” ............................................................................. 139
Why Personal Contact Is Absolutely Indispensable............................................................. 139
“It’s All About Them” - Words You MUST Live By ................................................................ 140
How To Reach The Finish Line… One Step At A Time ....................................................... 142
How To SUPER-GLUE Your Prospects To YOUR Goals.................................................... 143
A Simple Test Could Reveal This Classic Win/Win….......................................................... 147
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: WHY DO GOOD IDEAS BITE THE DUST?.................................................... 148
How To Keep Your Prospect’s Foot OFF The Brakes ........................................................ 149
What To Do If Your Proposal Is STILL Refused................................................................... 151
How To Eliminate The Risk For Your Prospect And Smooth Your Path To “Yes!”.............. 152
How To Keep The Deal Moving............................................................................................ 153
Common Mistake #1: Dwelling Too Much on the Theory..................................................... 157
Common Mistake #2: Not Knowing How to Communicate................................................... 157
Common Mistake #3: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew................................................ 164
What A Crash Course For An “Olympic Hopeful” Can Teach YOU ..................................... 165
Why Mentorships Can Be INVALUABLE.............................................................................. 167
How Overextending Your Capabilities Send You Into A Tailspin......................................... 171
Why I’m Happy To Tell YOU… “Yes, Even I Make Mistakes!”............................................. 175
What To Do If Your Joint Venture Falls Flat ......................................................................... 178
How To Make Progressive Communications YOUR Key To The JV Kingdom.................... 179
Put The Awesome Power of Collaboration To Work FOR YOU........................................... 181
Case Studies Put Experience Under YOUR Microscope..................................................... 181
Discover These Four Keys to YOUR JV Success................................................................ 183
“You Only Have Two Hands…” And How That CAN’T Hurt You! ........................................ 183
Make The Sky YOUR Limit................................................................................................... 184
What The “Jay Abraham School of Franchising” Has To Teach YOU................................. 184
How The JV Mindset Unleashes Your JV Empire ................................................................ 185
How Many Small Victories Will Balloon Your Joint Venture Success .................................. 186
SECTION FOUR: REACH FOR THE STARS.................................................................... 188
CHAPTER NINETEEN: MY RECOMMENDATION TO YOU .................................................................. 189
How Reverence For Your Contribution (Or Lack Thereof) Will Make Or Break Your Deal . 190
How To Stay On The RIGHT Side Of A Very Fine Line… ................................................... 192
CHAPTER TWENTY: THE STRATEGY OF PREEMINENCE ................................................................. 195
Why You MUST Know The Difference Between Giving Information And Giving Advice ..... 196
Why It’s YOUR Job To Help Provide Focus ......................................................................... 196
Your Essential Success Secret: People Buy For Emotional Benefit .................................... 199
Six Critical Questions to Ask Before You Do ANY Promotion.............................................. 200
12 Words That Will Change Your Life Forever:.................................................................... 200
Why You MUST Sell End Result, Not Steps to Get There ................................................... 201
Why “Show Me” Is More Powerful Than “Tell Me”................................................................ 202
Ways To Put Massive Success Within Your Prospects’ -- AND YOUR -- Grasp................ 202
Why You MUST ALWAYS Make The Customer The Center of Attention........................... 202
EVER RECEIVE”) ........................................................................................................... 204
The Curious Observation That May Change Your ENTIRE Outlook ................................... 205
How Accepting Mediocrity Is KILLING Your Future ............................................................. 205
Principle #1: There Are No Rules ........................................................................................ 205
What Are Your Rules? (Your Own Answer May Surprise YOU!) ......................................... 209
Principle #2: Waking Up From Cultural Hypnosis And Mental Myopia. .............................. 209
How Looking Out Windows, Not In Mirrors Will Change Your Life ...................................... 210
Principle #3: It’s Easier To Make Large Leaps Than Little Steps......................................... 211
Principle #4: Knowing How And Where To Invest Your Time ............................................. 212
Principle #5: Stepping Outside Of Your Box........................................................................ 213
Principle #6: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities ............................................................. 214
Principle #7: Creative Emulation.......................................................................................... 216
The Five Critical Factors Of Passion That Will Open Your Eyes ......................................... 220
The Entrepreneurial Mindset’s Twelve Elements - Why You Should Make Them Yours .... 225
Are You A Charity? ............................................................................................................... 232
What You Can Learn From The FedEx Model ..................................................................... 233
Learn The Secret To My Own Success - The ONLY Three Ways To Grow A Business..... 239
Your Most Revealing Question Are You Limiting Yourself? ................................................. 244
How The Power Of Relationships Builds Momentum FOR You........................................... 245
Everyone Can Use A Push: How To Ensure That Others Are Furthering YOUR Goals .... 248
Eight Power Principles That Will Guarantee Your JV Success............................................ 251
The Eternal Value of Integrity: How It Focus Your Entire World .......................................... 257
The Essential Keys To Having A Good Reputation Deal With A Couple Of Issues:.......... 260
YOU Can Choose Your World.............................................................................................. 261
SECTION SIX: YOUR JV ASSET INVENTORY ............................................................... 263
Let’s Define An Asset…........................................................................................................ 263
Your Skills List: The List That Will Open Your Eyes............................................................. 266
Your Knowledge List: YOU Are A Valuable Resource ......................................................... 268
Your Relationship List: A List That Will Multiply Your JV Power .......................................... 270
Your Greatest Opportunity Is… (The Answer Will Surprise You!)........................................ 271
How To Reframe Your World To Create Massive Success ................................................. 273
SECTION SEVEN: THE PERFECT JV FIT....................................................................... 274
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: SCENARIO #1: BUSINESS OWNERS ........................................................ 276
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: SCENARIO #2: FOR EMPLOYEES............................................................ 307
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: SCENARIO #3: MIDDLE-PERSON ......................................................... 333
“How To Think Like A
Marketing Genius"
By Jay Abraham
© 2005 The Abraham Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
This material may not be modified, re-sold, licensed,
assigned, offered as a bonus or auctioned without the prior
written consent of The Abraham Group, Inc.
To Contact The Abraham Group, Inc:

The Abraham Group, Inc.

27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274
Phone: 1(310)265-1840
Fax: 1(310)541-3192
Chapter One: Jay Abraham Business Building and Marketing Mindset
Principle Number 1: Find Joy In Your Life’s Work 15
How Do You Find What Brings You Joy? 16
Principle Number 2: Discover the Secrets of Successful People 17
Fire In Their Belly 17
Insatiable Childlike Sense Of Discovery… 18
Principle Three: Focus 19
Change Your Focus… And People Will Flock To You! 21
Most People Don’t Have A Clear Definition Of Their Problem 23
Principle Four: \Perspective - The Mindset to Make You Wealthy! 24
Always Look for Opportunities – Your Secret Wealth! 24
The Power of One Little Phone Call… 25
Principle Five: Know Your Purpose 27
Fall In Love With Your Customer 30
Provide Reassurance And Motivation To Use Your Solution 33
Principle Nine: The Power of Being Strategic 37
Principle Ten: Creative Emulation 37
The Concept of Emulation in Action… 39
Principle Eleven: Exploit Every Under-Utilized Asset 41
Use Your Goodwill… 42
From Raw Unrecognized Asset To Transactional Bottom-Line Profit 43
What Are The Assets You’ve Got? 43
Principle Twelve: Do Not Limit Yourself 44
Principle Thirteen: Emphasis the Benefits 45
Principle Fourteen: Time –Your Most Valuable Asset / Your Most Expensive Opportunity Cost 46
How to Overcome Procrastination – A Very Simple Process! 46
A Technique So Simple Yet So Powerful – It’s Embarrassing! 50
Don’t Avoid Doing The More Intimidating Things… Embrace Them With A Full Sense Of Adventure
And Passion! 51
Accomplishment Early In The Day Fuels Your Desire To Achieve More… 52
Tricks-Of-The-Trade For Staying On Track 53
Principle Fifteen: The Axiom for Life…You Make the Rules! 54
You Don’t Have To Do What Everybody Else Does… 55
Out-Of-Work Chef In Colorado Strikes It Rich! 57
It’s Just A Matter Of A Different Positioning… 58
There Are No Rules… 59
Principle Sixteen: Never Become a Commodity 59
How Any “Commodity” Business Can Be Transformed 60
Even The Ultimate “Commodity” Can Be Sold At A “Proprietary Premium” 61
Principle Seventeen: Enormous Profit Potential In Sequential Marketing 62
Principle Eighteen: Everything You Do In A Business Is A Process… 63
Principle Nineteen: What Business Should You Go Into? 64
How Do You Find These Opportunities? 65
Are You Worthy of the Goal? 66
Resources That Helped Me Immensely 67
I Have $4 Billion Worth Of Successes… 68
Chapter Two: Value Who You Are And What You Offer ...........................71
Value What You Do 71
Model Success 72
Look At What’s Possible… 72
Why Don’t You Raise Your Prices? 73
Many People Respect A Higher Priced Service! 73
A Powerful Claim With Proof Will Support Your Price Rise 75
Your Self-Image Has A Major Impact On Your Income 77
How to Value Yourself in Transactions 77
You must believe you are worth it… 78
Keep In Mind The Value You Bring To The Table 79
Change The Rules! Play YOUR Own Game… 80
How Clients of Mine Changed the Rules and Created Enormous Value 80
How To Protect Your Financial Security And Optimizing Your Potential 87
You Must Break Out Of The Box… 88
Charge A Percentage Of The Savings Or Profit 89
Quadruple Your Income By Doing What You’ve Always Done… 90
Don’t Undervalue Your Skills 91
Why Your Really Worth $600,000 – not $50,000! 92
Advocate Your Own Value 93
Have a Super Salesman Represent You! 94
90% Of People Couldn’t Sell If Their Lives Depended Upon It… 95
Focus On That Which You Love To Do! 96
You Are Worth A Great Deal More Than Your Salary Would Indicate… 97
Which would you prefer – making 10% or 210%? 98
Figure Out What You Do Well! 99
How Valuing What I Do Brings Greater Value To You 99
Borrow great success strategies… 100
Don’t Cut Yourself Off From Everything You Know 102
Taking Major Risks IS NOT Necessary! 102
Profit Enormously From Your Expertise… 103
Denominate the results! 104
Tell Your Story… 105
Make Your Contribution…And Riches Will Follow 106
Remove Risk From The Shoulders Of Others 107
Perform In Areas Where You Know You Are Good! 108
Existing Businesses Can Deliver A Windfall! 108
If You Know What You Are Looking For… 108
Don’t Set Yourself Up To Be An Isolated “Island”… 109
Be A Deal Maker! 110
Here Is A Way To Learn Invaluable Information From Your “Competitors” 112
Start Without Committing Your Own Capital 113
What Do You Know That Can Add Incredible Value? 114
Leverage The Resources Of Others… 115
Being Appreciative vs. Being Appreciated 115
Life Is All About Contribution, Value, Benefit…. 118
Appreciate Is The Crux Of Knowing What You Are Really Worth… 119
Demand The Highest And Best Return Always… 120
Referrals Are The Highest Level Of Acknowledgement Of The Value You Have In People’s Eyes… 123
Interview with Paddy Lund 125
Chapter Three: Fall In Love With Your Customers...................................129
The Most Powerful Intangible Asset You Can Possess… 130
See Yourself As Becoming An Agent Of Change, A Creator Of Value, A Value Contributor… 133
People Need Solutions, Not Strategy… 135
Leave your clients better off than when they started with you! 136
Don’t Make Conclusive Statements… 137
Let Them Take Ownership… 138
Don’t Pay The Price For Showing Off Your Brilliance… 139
Lower Your Clients Barrier Of Resistance 140
Your Clients Want To Feel Like You Worry About Them 141
The More I Let You In On My Process… The More You Buy Into It 142
Companies Fall In Love With The Wrong Thing… 143
Fall In Love With Your Team Members Too… 143
A Conversation with Tony Robbins - Passion Made Easy! 146
Passion Is Drive… And Drive Is The Single, Most Important Element To Success In Anything… 146
You Must Create A Magnificent Obsession 147
Passion Is One Of The Ultimate States… 148
“Describe to me the business from hell.” 149
We Have Unconscious Beliefs That Control Every Aspect Of How We Interact With Our Business,
And With Our Life. 150
Find And Focus Your Passion 151

Chapter Four: The Strategy of Preeminence..............................................153

You Are Your Clients Ultimate Trusted And Respected Advisor 153
What Is Innovation – How It Will Make You Rich! 154
The Psychology of Breakthrough Thinking 155
Create A Powerful, Continual, Formalized, And Systematic “Funnel”… 156 – How Their Strategy of Preeminence Fueled Their Stratospheric Growth 161
Don’t Settle For The Day-To-Day Status Quo Existence 163
Why In The World Would You Allow Your Business To Be Worth Less Than It Could? 164
Why We All Need To Be Held Accountable… 165
Key Points for Your Strategic Mind Set 166
Creativity And Innovation Is Not Limited To You 168
The Value Of Looking Outside Of Your Industry 168
Avoid The Inertia Of Your Industry… 169
Creative Emulation - The Ultimate “How-To”… 170
Redesign Your Business For Massive Growth… 171
The Secret Of This Success Lay In Two Areas Of Discipline… 172
Start Probing The Minds Of Other People For Profitable Ideas… 173
You Get What You Want When You Make The Rules… 175
You Don’t Get If You Don’t Ask… 177

Chapter Five: Optimization ..........................................................................179

Your Goal Is To Diversify And Stabilize Your Business And Protect It At All Costs… 180
Maximum Results For The Time With The Minimum Risk, The Minimum Effort, The Minimum
Expense 181
Deming’s Philosophy 182
What Deming’s Principles Mean For Your Business 183
A Philosophy Of Optimization 183
Raise The Baseline And Reduce The Variance… 185
Build Success Upon A Foundation Of Pillars 186
Build Multiple Pillars Of Success 186
Sell Your Customers on Your Philosophy 188
Profit By Optimizing Your Personal Philosophy 188
Profit By Optimizing Your Business Purpose 189
Consider the Implications For Your Business 191
It’s Time to Take Inventory 192
Systemization For Greater Profits and Less Work 199
Remember Abraham’s Law of Optimization 200
Set Up An Information Gathering And Discovery Process 201
There are Three Ways to Grow a Business 202
34 Marketing Strategies Which Make Up the Three Ways to Grow Your Business 202

Chapter Six: The Moving Parade...............................................................205

The “Moving Parade” is a very powerful dynamic… 205
People Are on a Continuum… 206
Not Only Are Your Customers A Moving Parade, But Your Products Are Also A Moving Parade… 208
Implications for Your Service Business 209
Implications for Your Professional Practice 210
Implications for Real Estate 211
Implications for a Retailer 213
Implications for the Technology Industry 213
The “Moving Parade” is a “River of Customers” 215
The “Baskin Robbins” Theory 216

Chapter Seven: Unique Selling Proposition...............................................219

What is your USP? 219
Use Your USP To Profit Massively… 221
Ideally, A USP Is One Statement… 221
The USP: A Key Factor 223
Articulating your Unique Selling Proposition 223
How To Create a Unique Selling Proposition 224
Your USP — Your Killer Concept 226
Identify Needs That Are Going Unfulfilled In Your Industry 227
Focus On One Niche 228
Keep The Promises You Make 229
Clearly state your USP, preferably in the headline 229
Attract Customers and Conquer the Competition By Being Unique 229
Why a Unique Selling Proposition? 231
Stay Away from Empty Words 232
Deal In Highly Demonstrable Specifics — Comparable Specifics 233
Ask Yourself this Question 234
Give Them Your Solution — Or Somebody Else Will 235
Unique Selling Proposition Examples 236
What Affects Your Buying Decisions? 238
Be Able to Deliver on Your USP 239
Test to Find Your Ideal USP… 240
Marketing Your Uniqueness: Use Your USP in Ads and Promotions — And Get Results 241
The “Broad Selection” USP 241
The “Service-Oriented” USP 242
The “Value-Oriented” USP 243
The “Discount Price” USP 244
The “Snob-Appeal” USP 246
Adopt A USP That Addresses An Obvious Void In The Marketplace 247
Be Clear And To The Point 248
Suggestions On Finding Your Niche 249
Embrace, Believe, Postulate Your USP With Everyone 250
Use Your USP To Create Repeat Sales 251
Extend Your USP 252
Make Yourself Special To Your Customers 256
Jay and Joel Roberts Talk About Your USP 256
A “Hot Seat” That Targets Your USP 258

Chapter Eight: Lifetime Value.....................................................................265

Understanding the Lifetime Value of your Customer (a.k.a. Marginal Net Worth) 265

Chapter Nine: Leverage and Exponential Business Growth....................267

The Nine Driver’s of Upside Leverage and Exponential Business Growth 267
How Do You Change Strategies? 271
What Is the ROI On Your Own Capital Expenditures? 274
Double Your Profit By Adding Just One More… 277
Give Yourself Four Times The Budget… 277
How To Find Superstar Salespeople… 279
Profit By Tapping Into Your Contacts Regularly… 280
Like To Improve Your Business 2,100%? 284
Study Other People’s Ideologies… 286
The Missing Link —The Elusive Final Piece Of The Puzzle… 288
You Shouldn’t Steal From Yourself… 289
It’s Going To Transform Your Life… 290
“Funnel Vision Vs. Tunnel Vision” 291
You Have Three Tiers Of Clients 293
There Are Three Ways To Grow A Business… 294
The Principle of Multiple Pillars of Income 295
The Force Multiplier Effect 298
Adversity Truly Is Opportunity For People Who Learn To Embrace Challenge… 299
Take On Calculated Investments… 300

Chapter Ten: Benefits Over Features.........................................................301

People Care Most About What Is Going To Benefit Them 301
How Do You Find The Highest Benefit? 302

Chapter Eleven: Why Establishing Trust Is Essential To Success ..........305

Why You Must Develop Goodwill with Your Customers 306
Your Highest and Best Use… 306
Opportunities and Options to Maximize Everything You Do 307
Trust is the Foundation of Relationships 309
The Three-Fold Way To Assure People They Can Trust You 311
The Value Of Consultative Selling 313
Why Empathy Is Critical 314
The Value In Host / Beneficiary Relationships 315
Make Your Offer Better… 316
“You’re Only Going To Benefit.” 317
There’s Another Side Of Trust –You Have To Trust The Client 319
Did You Know That You Already Have The Answers… 320
Make Sure You’re Talking To The Right Market 321

Chapter Twelve: Always Ask Questions......................................................323

Figure Out What In The World Is Powering This Result… 324
The Power In Thinking About Combinations 325
“Where’s The Big Opportunity Here That Nobody Else Sees? 326
Connectivity is a Powerful Key to Success 328
Ask Questions to Find Your USP 328
Internet Marketing Consultation Questionnaire 329
Goals and General Internet Marketing Strategy Questions 329
Website Optimization Questions 331
“Email Marketing” Optimization Questions 332
How to Come Up With Money Making Ideas 333
Do Not Limit Your Scope… 334
You Can Learn Instantaneously Just by Questioning 335
Become A “Lateralist”! 336
The Value Of One Good Idea Acted Upon... 337
Accumulated Intellectual Capital at Virtually No Cost 337
Question Sequence for Telephone Selling 339

Chapter Thirteen: Upgrade Your Business Performance.........................341

The Golden Secrets of Success 341
Why Shabby Acts Comprise – A Sure-Fire Formula For Failure 342
The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie 343
Other Forms Of Business Dishonesty That Will Limit Success… 344
Companies Get Big Because They Practice Honesty 344
Word of Mouth is Critical 345
Without Integrity, No Company Can Have Positive Word Of Mouth 347
Make No Unwarranted Claims, Dubious Promises Or Predictions… 347
Service Starts With Empathy 349
This Is How To Make A Million Dollars… 350
Do Whatever Everyone Else In Your Competitive Marketplace Is Not Doing 351
Make Prospective Clients Overwhelmingly Delighted With You 351
Your Primary Task is to Add Value 353
The Universal Truth: Actions Speak Louder Than Words 353
Lemons Into Lemonade – How To Turn Around Even Dissatisfied Customers 355
Increase Your Customer’s Perceived Value and Unlock Your Profits 356
Always Qualify Your Prospects Up Front 357

Chapter Fourteen: Know Your Target Market............................................359

Write Down Everything You Know Generically About Your Customers 359
Get Back In Touch With The Real, Live Pulse Of Your Marketplace 361
Marketing To Your Customer’s “Comfort Zone” 362
The “Stair-Step” Approach To Marketing 363
Chapter Fifteen: Educate Your Customers..................................................367
The Cornerstone of Marketing is Education 367
Take Your Customer By the Hand 368
Educate People to Appreciate the Value of What You Deliver 369
Tell Your Customers the Truth 369
Position Your Company As An Industry Expert 371
Send Out Press Releases 372
Defer “Self-Serving” For “Education-Rendering” Marketing 373
How To Win People Over In Droves 374
Educate Before You Ask Anybody To Buy 376
Make Them An Irresistible Offer… 377
Use Preemptive Marketing to Make Customers Think of You First 377
“Tell Your Story”! 378
Educate … Educate … Educate Your Customers and They Will Buy 380
Educate Your Customers by Giving “Reasons Why” 381
Massive Profits Are In The Back-End 382
An Illustrative Example of the “Because Factor” 384
Don’t Forget Credibility, Even On The Smaller Ticket Items 385
Increase the Perceived Value of Your Product or Service Through Better Customer Education 386
Ramp Up Desirability By Educating… 387
Value Is A Matter Of Perception, Not Just Reality 389
Educate the Prospect 391
Using “Paper Perceived Value” for the Ethical Bribe 392
The Ethical Bribe Technique Has Made My Clients Millions Of Dollars… 392
The Better-Than-Risk-Free-Guarantee 393
Please, Tell Me Your Reasons Why! 394
Let People In On The “Method To Your Madness” 395
The More Factual You Are With Me, The More I’ll Favor You 396
Motivating Your Clients To Action 397

Chapter Sixteen: Make the Best Offer Possible .......................................401

Offer Greater Units of Purchase, Package Products Together, Give Price Inducements, and Make
Irresistible Offers 401
A Phenomenon That Has Driven A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry 401
Offer Bigger Units Of Sale, Bigger Inducements, And Bigger Packages… 402
Why Packaging Isn’t Just For Products 403
Offer Larger Units Or Higher Quality 404
Offer Price Inducements for Frequency 408
More Communication = Greater Profits For Life… 410
The Concept of Frequency 411
Offer Larger Units Of Purchase… 413
Test It For Yourself… 415
Are You Making Irresistible Offers? 416
Honor Frequent Purchasers for Being Special 416
Just Figure Out What You Can Do, And Then Test It 417
“I Have Generated Forty To Fifty Million Dollars Worth Of Lifetime Subscriptions” 419
Don’t Think They Are Not Being Lured By Your Competition… 420
Use Card Programs or Rebates 422
Making Irresistible Offers and Telling the “Reasons Why” 423
Convert Inquiries from Sales by Making Irresistible Offers 424
You Must Have Total Confidence In Your Product 425
It’s All A Numbers Game… 425
Ask Your Best Customers What They Want 426
Don’t Ignore The Possibilities in Packages… 432
Always Add to Each Transaction 433

Chapter Seventeen: Be In Front and Stay In Front of Your Customers ....439

Communicate Personally With Your Customers 439
The More Frequently You Communicate From The Heart About Their Interests… The Greater The
Connection… 440
People Are Silently Begging To Be Led 441
Don’t Forget About The “Moving Parade” 442
How To Be Booked Weeks In Advance… 443
Communication Must Be Strategic… 443
People Need A Third Perspective 444
You Are Their Most Trusted And Valued Friend 446
Become a Customer Or Client’s Pen Pal 446
“Pen-Pal” Marketing 447
The “Secret” of Communication… 448
Examples from All Types of Businesses 448

Chapter Eighteen: Constantly Test Everything............................................457

Don’t Ever Assume! Constantly Test Everything 457
How To Test 457
Keyed Response — The Key To Testing 458
Never Test Big If You Can Test Small 459
Telephone Testing 460
Direct Mail Testing 460
A Few Examples From My Files 462
Go Out in the Field and Test 463
For the Advanced Tester 464
Fast-Track Marketing Vehicles… 465
Putting It All Together 466
Hopkins In A Nutshell 467
Human Nature Is The Same Today 470
As In The Time Of Caesar 470
Remember To Always Test Your Direct Mail 471

Chapter Nineteen: Process Marketing Mindset...........................................473

What Is Process Marketing? 473
Seven To Twelve Calls To Close The Sale 473
Break It Down To A Sequence Of Layers 474
All Communications Must Convey Value 475
Never Let Them “Off-The-Hook” 476
Explain, Describe, Articulate, Dimensionalize… 477
Process Marketing Has A Proven Science Behind It… 478
Real Estate Example of Process Marketing 479
Medical Practice Example of Process Marketing 481
Retailer Example of Process Marketing 482
Process Marketing for Artists 483
Process Marketing for the Service Industry 484
Jay Abraham’s Strategic Marketing Mindset Presentation 486
Seven-Step Marketing Implementation System 487
Three Ways to Grow Any Business 493
How To Grow Your
Business Geometrically…
18 Immediately Actionable Ways
To Windfall After Windfall…
Volume I

By Jay Abraham
© 2005 The Abraham Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
This material may not be modified, re-sold, licensed,
assigned, offered as a bonus or auctioned without the prior
written consent of The Abraham Group, Inc.

To Contact The Abraham Group, Inc:

The Abraham Group, Inc.
27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274
Phone: 1(310)265-1840
Fax: 1(310)541-3192
Chapter One: Reactivate Old Clients...........................................................1
Attrition Happens for Relatively Simple Reasons 1
You Have an Obligation to Show How Much You Care 2
Reestablish Contact 3
Half of Your Inactive Customers Stopped for No Good Reason 4
Enrich Your Customers and Enrich Yourself in the Process 5
You Have Everything to Gain, Nothing to Lose 6
Stay Connected and Avoid Attrition 6
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate 7
Reactivating Old Customers & Clients...featuring Michael Basch 9
To Escape The Ordinary You’ve Got To Look At The Outrageous 10
What’s Extraordinary Today Is Ho-Hum Tomorrow 15
Look At It From Your Customer’s Perspective 17
Be Constantly Innovative 18
What To Do When You’re Front Page on The Wall Street Journal 20
Get Really Clear About Where You’re Going 21
Examples of Customer Reactivation 35

Chapter Two: Communicate Frequently With Your Customers................38

Get Your Customers to Buy More and More Often 38
Follow-Up 39
Reinforce The Buyer’s Buying Decision 42
Practice Perpetual Reselling and Cross-Selling 43
Begin A Perpetual Communication With Your Customers 44
Repeat Business For Many Is An Untapped Gold Mine 45
Moving Parade 49
Work Your Customer List And Your Prospects 55
Why Follow-Up Selling Is Worthwhile 57
Never Rule Out Telemarketing 57
Post-Purchase Reassurance 58
Repeat Sales and The USP 59
Communicating With Your Prospects 60
The Easiest Way to Grow is to Stop Losing Customers 64
Build Relationships and Keep in Touch 65
Keep Track of and Develop Relationships with Your Customers 70
Value Customers by Communicating Frequently 71
37 Ways and Examples to Nurture Customers Through Communication 73
Be Proactive to Outsell the Reactive 76
The Gold Mine Under Your Nose 77
Show A Continual Interest In Your Past Customers 79
Communicate Personally, Formally, and Consistently 84

Chapter Three: Risk Reversal ..................................................................86

Reverse Risk to Put Your Sales in Forward Drive 86
Removing the Risk 88
Put Your Business in Fast Forward Through Reversed Risk 89
Three Ways to Reverse Risk 89
Who’s Afraid of Reversed Risk? 92
Can You Profit from Refunds? 93
Put Your Offer to the Test 93
Half-Hearted is Half-Baked 94
Emphasize Risk Reversal 95
An Offer They Can’t Refuse: Develop a Powerful Risk-Reversal Approach 96
Risk-Reversal Questions: 98
Turn The Tables on Risk in Your Sales Proposition 99
Risk Reversal Is A Strong Conversion Technique 99
My Most Liberal Guarantee Ever 100
The Power Of Risk Reversals And Preview Periods 102
Better Than Risk Free Guarantees 103
Performance Guarantees 103
Offer Extended Guarantees and Incentives 104
The Definition of Incentive 105
You Must Sell The Incentive 106
Elaborate on the Concept of Risk Reversal 107
The Better-than-Risk-Free Guarantees with a Bonus 108
Take the Risk Out of Relationships 109
Risk Reversal in Action 109
Risk Reversal Should Be Integral to Your Selling Process 110
How to Build an Effective Guarantee 111
Use the Strongest Guarantee You Can Offer 111
Take The Risk Out Of Buying 112
Build Trust with Your Guarantees 113
How to Strategically Implement Risk Reversal 115
Risk Reversal Improves Your Performance 118
Two Examples of Risk Reversal 118

Chapter Four: Referral Systems..................................................................122

Turn Your Best Customers Into Voluntary Sales Representatives 122
Don’t Settle for Passive Referrals 122
Revere the Benefits You Give 124
Referrals in Four Easy Steps 124
Offer a Special Incentive 125
Make Referral Sales by Forming a Club 126
Clubs Can Work for Any Business 127
Try More Than One System 128
How My Clients Have Profited Through Referrals 131
Real Life Success Stories 132
Five Step Plan for Getting Referrals 133
Never Turn A Customer Away: Referrals Are A Two-Way Street 134
A Referral May Not Be Worth As Much As A Sale, But It’s Something 135
Referral Systems Are The Key to Optimization and Exponential Growth 136
Information You Should Know In Order To Optimize Your Referral Systems 137
Referral System Template 138
The Exponential Effect of Referrals on a Business 144
Referral System Example 145
Referral Strategies 146
Require Your Customers To Give You Referrals 152
Stop Spending A Lot Of Money On Advertising 152
Use Cost-Effective Alternatives 152
Developing Referrals With And Without Your Customer Base 153
How to Use the 93 Referral Examples 156
93 Referral Examples 158

Chapter Five: Host/Beneficiary Relationships And Joint Ventures…… 210

Reap The Rewards From Someone Else’s Advertising Budget 210
Host/Beneficiary Defined 212
Targeted, Leveraged Approach 212
Start by Making a List 213
Target Specific Companies, Starting with the Small Ones 214
Set Up the Appropriate Relationship 214
A Two-Way Valve for Profit Flow 215
Structuring The Deal 217
New Profit Centers Change Customer’s Marginal Net Worth 219
You Are Not Going To Gain A Customer For Free 220
Making It Work for You 221
Here’s How to Get The Relationship Going 222
Address the Fears of the Host Immediately 227
Typical Objections You Should Be Prepared to Answer 228
Things to Watch Out For 229
If It Doesn’t Cost You Time or Resources and Makes You Money, Do It 231
Start Out with a Pilot Program 231
Host/Beneficiary Relationship Examples 232
Three Reasons Why Businesses Do Not Implement Profitable Activities 236
Generate An Ongoing Stream Of Business 237
Joe Karbo’s Horse Gambling Paid Off 241
You’ll Be Amazed At What You Can Come Up With 242
Those Methods May Be “Unconventional” But They Work 243
Client Success Stories 244
The Economy Is Making It Easy For You! 249
Keep Your Eyes Open For Opportunities 251
Specific Applications 252
Piggyback 252
Give Your Host a Real Gift — Special Treatment 254
A Host/Beneficiary Works With Anyone 255
Joint Ventures 256
Joint Venture Marketing: A Broad Umbrella of Opportunities and Possibilities 259
Opportunities in Distressed Businesses 261
Link Your Business with Competitors 262
Keys to Endorsements 264
Grow Through Endorsements 265
Competitors Can Help You 266
Look at the Dynamics They Offer You 270
Look For Business Assets That Aren’t Being Maximized 270
Partner or Perish 273
Strategic Alliances Aren’t New 274
Endorsing Other People’s Products To Your List 276
Strategic Alliance Template 278
Your Most Valuable Asset is Your Goodwill 279
Endorsing Other Products or Services 284
Harry C. Picken’s Cross Promotion Ideas 287
12 Points Of (Often Free) Distribution: 289
How To Grow Your
Business Geometrically…
18 Immediately Actionable Ways
To Windfall After Windfall…
Volume II
By Jay Abraham
© 2005 The Abraham Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
This material may not be modified, re-sold, licensed,
assigned, offered as a bonus or auctioned without the prior
written consent of The Abraham Group, Inc.

To Contact The Abraham Group, Inc:

The Abraham Group, Inc.
27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274
Phone: 1(310)265-1840
Fax: 1(310)541-3192
Chapter One: Upgrade Skills of Your Sales Staff......................................11
Benefits of Sales Training: (Strategic vs. Technique) 11
Formal Training Makes All The Difference 13
Increasing Sales Skills Levels 14
Take Action and Take Control 16
Increasing Sales Skills Levels – Vision Success Weekend 18

Chapter Two: Qualify and Pre-Frame...........................................................31

Qualifying Leads Up Front and Pre-framing Your Customers 31
Getting Leads From Your Competitors 36
Getting Vendors to Generate Leads for You 36
Lead Generation and Conversion 37
Pre-frame or Program Customers to Buy More and More Often 39
Give “TFN” Selling a Try 43
Pre-framing or Programming Customers 45
Use “Reasons Why” in Pre-Framing 48
A Wish, a Hope, and a Goal for Your Customers 49
Programming is Meeting Needs Systematically 50
Future Pacing Takes the Customer Forward 52
Offer Products or Services On a Timetable 56
Acquiring Qualified Lists 57
Know Your Target Market 57
Ways To Create Irresistible Offers 67

Chapter Three: POS, Cross-Sell, Up-Sell.....................................................71

Point of Sale Promotions, Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 71
The Strategy of Up-Sell, Cross-Sell is Based on Preeminence and Optimization 71
Up-Selling Should Be at the Top of Your List 74
Any Business Can Up-sell 75
Up-Selling Produces Exponential Returns 76
Up-selling Refers to Any Additional Sales Activity You Do at the Point of Sale 77
You Can Employ Up-selling Anywhere, Anytime in the Sales Process 78
Packaging Complementary Products Together 80
Larger Units of Purchase 83
Don’t Be Afraid of the Bump 84
Add Value When You Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 85
Bundle Products or Services 87
Sell ‘Em What They Want 87
Page 4
Use Point of Sale Promotions 89
Offer “Good, Better, Best” Options 90
Use Volume Discounts 91
Never Sell Them Less Than They Need! 91
Up-Selling Will Help You Grow 92
Up-sell Or Resell Right At, Or Immediately After, The Initial Sale 94
Fast Cash Boosters Up-Sell 94
Use This Script To Up-sell Your Customers Like Crazy 95
Two-Step Selling 96
Chapter Four: Enhancing Profits with Telemarketing ...........................113
Grow Your Customer Base and Increase Transaction Frequency by Using Telemarketing 113
Using Telemarketing To Boost Your Profits 113
Maximize Telemarketing With Frequency and Consistency 118
Telephone Selling Behind Sales Letters 119
Never Rule Out Telemarketing 120
Meld Telemarketing To Your Operation 120
Uses and Applications for Telemarketing 121
Re-Examine Your Pricing 124
Organize Your Activity 125
Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 126
Check Up On Your Telemarketers 128
What Kind Of Product Or Service Lends Itself To Telemarketing? 130
Qualify Your Telemarketing Prospects 130
Don’t Telemarket To The Phone Book 130
Set Up Mail Before Calling 131
How To Hire Telemarketers 132
Two-Tier Calling Can Qualify Interested Parties 132
Keep The Telemarketers On The Phone 133
Monitor What Telemarketers Say 133
You Have About 30 Seconds To Appeal 134
Learn To Ask Questions — It’s The Best Way To Sell 134
A “Service” Call Is A Good Introduction 135
Telemarketing Don’ts 136
How To Use The Telephone 136
When The Prospect Calls You 136
How To Respond To A Prospect Who Writes 137
Using The Telephone To Follow Up Leads 138
Appraising Your Telephone Skills 142
Using Predicates in Telemarketing 144
A List of Predicate Words for Your Reference 144
A List of Predicate Phrases for Your Reference 145
Telephone Testing 147
Telemarketing Follow-Up 147
Examples Of Telemarketing In Action 148
Press Releases and Telemarketing 156

Chapter Five: Develop A “Back-End” Of Products and Services ............197

Working the “Back-End” 197
Explore Back-End Selling 198
Make Conservative and Inexpensive Tests To Determine Your Market 200
Building A Valuable Back-End 200
Break Even on the Front-End 201
Marketing Mistake: Not Having A “Back-End” 203
Avoid the High Cost of Acquiring New Customers 204
Be Pro-Active on Behalf of Your Customer’s Best Interests 205
A Good Back End Makes a Good Business 207
Lifetime Value and Marginal Net Worth 208
The “Back-End” Must be Consistent with Your Primary Market 211
Dramatically Improving What You Do 216
Integrate “Back-End” Sales on an On-Going Basis 217
Distribution is Leverage 218
Chapter Six: Direct Response Advertising...................................................221
What Is Direct Response Advertising? 221
The ABC’s of Direct Marketing 222
Why Use Direct Response Advertising 223
The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail 224
No Company Can Get By Without Advertising 224
Advertising is Nothing More than Salesmanship 227
Salesmanship in Print and/or Over the Air 228
Advertising is Salesmanship 228
Direct Response Sells Benefits 230
People Care Most about What is Going to Benefit Them 230
Direct Response as Opposed to Institutional Advertising 231
Ads Should Be Created to Stimulate a Direct Response — Immediate Action 231
Cut Back On Costly Institutional Advertising 232
Use Direct-Response Advertising, Not Image Advertising 233
Targeting Your Buyer – Your Platform 234
For a Bull’s Eye, Use the Right Arrow 235
Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition 236
Use Your USP 237
Choose Your Direct Marketing Media 237
Direct Mail 239
PI Advertising Can Make Sweet Deals For All 243
Who Does Per-Inquiry Advertising? 244
What Types of Media Allow Per-inquiry Advertising? 244
Timing Your PI Offers 245
Why Would An Advertising Medium 246
Use Per-Inquiry Advertising? 246
Bounce Back Advertising 248
A Few Things For You To Know About Classified Ads 249
How To Make Yellow Page Advertising Work For You 250
Television Advertising’s Unique Features 251
Are You Using Your Choice of Media Correctly? 252
“Drip-Feeding” is Better Than One “Big Bang” 254
Making A Deal 254
How To Buy Media For Pennies On The Dollar 254
How To Make Deals That Can Cut Your Advertising Cost 258
Identify Your Market 259
Your Lists and Markets 260
Envelope or Carrier 261
Your Teaser Envelope 261
Headlines: Key to a Successful Ad 262
Your Headline 263
Writing Good Headlines That Pull 264
How Many Words Should a Headline Contain? 265
Power Words Produce Powerful Results 266
Attraction of the Specific 266
What Kind of Rewards Do Good Headlines Promise? 267
Tips About a “Negative” Approach 267
Putting Headlines To Work 268
Headlines for “Broad Selection” USPs 270
Headlines for “Service-Oriented” USPs 271
Headlines for the “Snob Appeal” USP 271
Tips On Headlines That Work Best 272
The Primary Viewpoint — The “Point of You” 272
Now, Let’s Write a Headline for Your Business 273
Don’t Stop Now — The Fun Has Just Begun 274
Stale News to the Advertiser May Be Fresh News to the Reader 275
The Power of Emulation 275
Power Headlines Produce Powerful Results 276
A Sure-Fire System for Creating the Best Headlines for Your Client’s Ads 278
Ways to Strengthen Your Headline Once You Have Your Basic Idea 278
Headlines — the Most Important Element 280
Find The Dominant Benefit — Make That Your Headline 281
What Advertising Genius David Ogilvy Has to Say about Headlines 282
Claude Hopkins Has This to Say About Headlines 284
Who Needs A Good Headline? 284
Effective Copy Made Easy 285
Make The Reader A Guarantee 285
Where Would You Be Without Your Customers? 286
Put the Main Benefit in the Headline — Don’t Save It for Last 292
Don’t Put A Question In The Headline 292
Body Copy 298
Your Opener 299
Your Sell 300
Think of Your Customers as Individuals 300
Lead Your Customers To Buy 300
Let Your Customer Try Your Product 301
“Cheap” May Not Be Your Strongest Appeal 302
Personalizing Can Help You Sell Product 303
Avoid Diminishing the Value of Your Product 306
Target Your Prospects Appropriately 307
Don’t Brag — Just The Facts Please 307
Be Specific 308
Draw Your Claims From Your Foundation 309
Say It First — Preemptive Marketing 309
Tell A Story — Stories Appeal To Individuals 310
Creating Great Copy 310
A Proven Pattern for a Good Sales Pitch 311
Effective Ads Can Run For Years 312
Tell the Truth, But Make the Truth Fascinating 313
People Will — And Do — Read Long Copy 314
Every Advertisement Should Be A Complete Sales Pitch 314
The Powerful Case 315
Use Testimonials In Your Copy 316
Channel and Direct “Desire for the Product” To You 317
Sell The Benefits — The “Functional Product” — What It Does 318
Satisfy the Market’s Desire By Underscoring Benefits 320
Persuasion Techniques In Print 321
The More You Tell, The More You Sell 322
Promote What the Customer Really Wants 324
Do You Even “Need” To Compete On Price? 327
One Final Word On Price Cutting 328
Follow These Body Copy Tips 328
Credentialize Yourself 329
Your Offer 330
Emphasize Risk Reversal 331
Now Close the Sale 331
Testing is the Key to Successful Advertising 332
Don’t Change It Because You Are Tired of It 334
A Product Can Be Advertised Without Investment 334
Use Advertising To Do Product Acceptance Research 335
You Can Prove Advertising’s Effectiveness 336
Test Your Method of Illustration and Layout 337
Here’s How To Set Up Your Tests 338
Testing “Small” Can Reduce Downside Risks 340
Analyze Responses Carefully 342
The Importance of Your Headline 343
Don’t Forget to Test! 344
Cutting Your Cost Per Sale 346
A Few Steps To Maximizing Your Advertising 346
Key-Coding 347
Some Pointers on...Using Graphics To Sell 349
The Bottom Line On Advertising Lies With Its Integrity 350
Increase Your Lead And Inquiry Generation Through Advertising 351
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Ads 352
Ten Limitations of Small Ads 352
Ten Advantages of Small Ads 353
Print Advertising 357
A Key Point To Remember About Direct Response 359
Model On What Others Are Successfully Using 359
How To Use Illustrations To Help Advertisements Sell 360
Write Ads that Work 364
Giving Up Too Soon On What Works 366
Forgetting Who Your Customer Is 366
A Grab Bag of Cautions, Encouragements and Details 367
All-Time Great Gimmicks: 369
Stop Spending a Lot of Money on Advertising; Use Cost-Effective Alternatives 369
How to Save Advertising Dollars by Negotiating Per-Inquiry Deals with Media 370
Don’t Waste Advertising Dollars 372
Marginal Net Worth 373
Why People Keep Doing What They Do 374
Creative Emulation 378
How To Write A PI Ad 381
Getting PI Ads Placed 383
Print Advertising 384
Yellow Page Advertising 384
Commission Advertising 384
Producing Your Ad 386
Other Essentials 386
Launching a Mail-Order Division: 387
How to Establish a Mail-Order Division 387
Catalogs, Direct Mail Letters and Other Vehicles 388
Headline Examples 389
Headlines For Selling Financial Products and Services 400
Headlines For Recruiting Purposes 402
Headlines For Selling Subscriptions 403
Headlines For Selling Books 404
Headlines For Selling Personal Products 407
Headlines For Selling Home Study Courses 409
Headlines for Selling Business Services 411
Letter Templates 413
Direct Response Success Stories 415
Set Your Own Standard 433
Telemarketing 433
Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 433
Seven Keys to a Winning Sales Pitch 435
How To Grow Your
Business Geometrically…
18 Immediately Actionable Ways
To Windfall After Windfall…
Volume III

By Jay Abraham
© 2005 The Abraham Group, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
This material may not be modified, re-sold, licensed,
assigned, offered as a bonus or auctioned without the prior
written consent of The Abraham Group, Inc.

To Contact The Abraham Group, Inc:

The Abraham Group, Inc.
27520 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274
Phone: 1(310)265-1840
Fax: 1(310)541-3192
Chapter One: Internet Marketing ...............................................1
Chapter Two: Direct Mail.............................................................16
Your Tireless Sales Force 16
The Reasons You Should Use Direct Mail 18
The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail 19
Put A Salesperson At Your Customer’s Convenience 19
Generate New Business 20
Direct Mail’s Many Uses 20
The Wizard Speaks 24
How to Make Direct Mail Work for You! 25
Putting the Package Together 26
Getting the Right List 30
Using Computers To Target Your Best Mailing List 31
Test, Test, and Test Again 36
A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing Effective Sales Letters and Brochures 38
The Seven Essentials of Powerful Sales Letters 39
Present The Facts, State The Basic Truths 44
How Long Should Your Letters Be? 57
Read Your Mail, See What “They” Are Doing 61
Fancy Stationery Offers No Advantage 61
Layout and Art 65
Envelopes 67
Get Immediate Action 70
Action Stimulators 73
Other Techniques To Close More Sales 76
That Personal Touch 79
Copywriting — To Outsource, Or Not To Outsource… That Is The Question 80
Analyzing the Copy 91
Human Interest Direct Response Copy 92
Use Connecting Words… 93
Joe Karbo’s Advice 94
The Power of Customer Endorsements 97
Use Testimonials 97
More On Testimonials Boosting Response 98
Crafting Your Brochure 100
Coupons Can Help You Track Response 102
Send Your Clients An Unexpected Gift 103
Tactics to Maximize Your Results — and Profits 104
The Power Of Affinity — Turning Affinity Into Revenue 104
Drastically Increase Revenue By Regaining Inactive Clients 107
Reestablish Contact 108
Regular Communication is Key 110
Arrange Third-Party Deals 111
Use Courtesy Mailings to Rev Up Sales 113
Planning Regularly Scheduled Contact with Customers 114
Continuity in Correspondence 114
Become a Customer Or Client’s Pen Pal 117
Finding Your Ideal Customer 118
A Lesson in Efficiency 119
Use a Targeted List 120
A Simple Way to Build a Potent Customer Mailing List 121
Building the Database 123
Mathematical Modeling 126
Renting Mailing Lists 129
If You Know a Company That Is Going Out Of Business, Buy Their Customers and The Right to
Fulfill on Orders 133
Restructuring the Customer Capturing System and Database 135
Segmenting the Customer List 136
Fully Utilize Your Customer List 136
Reactivating Old Customers & Clients 138
Contacting New Customers 144
Focus Your Efforts 146
Your Most Important Asset Is Your Customer List 147
How To Look At A Name: The Value Of A Specific Customer 148
Acquiring Qualified Lists 150
Offer A Consideration To The Host For The Benefit Of His/Her List 153
Mailing List Rental Is Another Income Generator 155
Testing Can’t Be Stressed Enough! 157
Four Key Rules Most Direct Marketers Overlook 158
Mailing And Postage 158
Media 159
Distribution 160
Follow-Up 162
Fund Raising 164
Offers 166
Printing and Typography 167
Products 168
Sampling 169
Special Occasions 169
Specialty Advertising 169
Show Me The Money! 170
Cost Per Thousand 170
Cost Per Order 174
Projecting and Budgeting 175
More Detail on Testing: Scientific Testing For Increased Response 177
Some Ideas On What To Test 180
Now Let’s Test The Tester — You! 184
More Tips To Stimulate Your Creativity 185
34 Ways To Make Direct Mail Work For Your Customers 188
Letters That Increase Profits Like Crazy 190
More Examples 203
Pulling More Income Out of the Client’s Customer Base 210
Selling Products to a List Never Before Mailed 211
Boiler-Plate Scenarios: Four Simple Letters to Instantly Boost Profits by $25,000 211
Selling High Ticket Items 218
Identifying Potential Clients: Prefacing Letters to Set Up a Potential Client for Your Phone Call 219
Letters to Solicit Clients in Vertical Markets 228
Four Letters That Keep Customers Coming Back — and Profits Rolling In 231
Industry Suggestions 235
Great Examples 240

Chapter Three: Public Relations..............................................................270

What Is Publicity? 270
Work the Publicity and Public Relations Machine to Your Advantage 272
Be Alert To Promotion Opportunities — Call Them 273
Most Businesses Fail Because They Neglect to Promote Their Business 274
Know Who Your Customers Are 274
Promote Your Business To Them 275
Find the Unique Hook 277
The Nine Points of a Good News Release 277
Don’t Waste the Valuable Time of the Media With Unimportant Trivia 278
How to Generate Real News 279
Quality Over Quantity 279
Know Where To Put What 279
Use the Consumerism Angle 281
Targeting News Releases 283
Zeroing In On A Target 284
The Case of the Ketchup King 285
The Three Agendas of Public Relations: 288
Most People Mismanage PR in a Crisis 290
Four Quick Ways to Get Print PR 290
The Benefits of Using Radio for Publicity 291
You Must Tell the Right Story 293
Your Story Is Not An Expanded Advertising Message 294
Remember: The Press Does Not Owe You a Living! 294
Tie Your Story To Top National Stories vs. Top Local Stories 295
Your Story Should Piggyback Something Newsworthy 295
Add Your Story as a “Spin” on the Trend 296
To Make Your Story Relevant Add A “Twist” Or “Hook” 299
How to Fit the Consumer Into Your Story 300
Get Your Story Taken Seriously, Not Just Half-Read and Thrown in the Trash 301
Step-By-Step Procedure 302
How to Orchestrate a Perfect Appearance 306
How to Pitch Your Product Without Failing on your Face 307
When To Pitch Your Product 308
Be Prepared to Receive the Response 308
How Publicity Can Feed a Starving Company 309
Direct Contact Can Push Publicity 309
PR Ideas 310
Examples of Story Angles for Media: 314
Seize the Opportunity to Create More and Better Media Coverage 317
Don’t Forget to Say Thank You in a Meaningful Way 317
Make Media Relations a Two-Way Street 318
Am I Important Enough to Be Called By Name? 318
Should I Retain the Services of a Professional Publicist or Public Relations Firm? 318
Page 7
Are You Prepared for the Response? 319
Always, Always Make Time for the Press! 320
Acquiring Qualified Lists 323
Distinguish Yourself Through Charity 323
Doctor Marc Rogers’ Magic Top Ten News Release Templates 324
How To Use These Templates 324
Template #1: New product or service launch 327
Template #2: New business scores 329
Template #3: Winning an award 332
Template #4: New appointments 335
Template #5: Anniversaries 337
Template #6: Business expansion 339
Template #7: Surveys 343
Template #8: Issues 346
Template #9: Charities and Sponsorship 349
Template #10: “Competition” 351
Excerpts from Consulting Calls 352
Use the Holiday Season to Improve Your Business 364
Drawings Draw Customers 364
Forget Cards — Send a Holiday Letter 364
Host a Party — a Big Party 365
Distinguish Yourself Through Charity 365
Public Relations Excerpts from One of My Seminars 371

Chapter Four: Offer Special Events for Customers and Prospects ..........403
Run Special Events (“Closed door” sales, preferred customer offers) 403
Using Special Events to Bring in First Time Buyers 403
Special Events Can Serve Many Purposes 404
Consider Having A Ongoing Series of Special Events 405
Using Special Events for Existing Customer Base 405
Using the Media to Attract People to Your Special Event 406
Make Special Offers for Existing Customers 407
Special Events for Preferred Customers 408
Using Special Events to Move Products 409
Special Events to Make Customers Feel Special 410
Offer “Preferred Customer” Discounts 410
Keys to a Successful Special Event 411
Examples and Ideas for Special Events 412
The Best Programs Recognizing the Customer as Someone Special 436
A Conversation with Fran Tarkenton 438
Set Yourself Apart From Competitors 439
A Conversation with Chet Holmes 440

Chapter Five: Marketing Your Unused Assets ..........................................443

Make an Inventory of Your “Hidden” Assets 444
Use Your Competitors’ Resources 445
Sell Your Unconverted Leads to Competitors 446
Licensing Your Products and Services 448
How To License Your Own Concepts 448
Market Ideas You’ve Learned Here To Your Industry Or Local Businesses 450

Chapter Six: Buying Other Businesses .....................................................453

The Dealmaker: The Philosophy Of Putting Deals Together 453
Know Your Business Purpose 453
Are You Ambitious? 454
Finding Your Business 454
The Reason Those Businesses are for Sale 455
The Proposal 457
How Do You Turn the Business Around? 459
Putting Deals Together 460
Where You Find Good Deals 461
Don’t Do It If You Can’t Buy Low 462
The Dealmaker As Strategist 462
Establishing Yourself As A Dealmaker 463
How To Make A Lasting Impression 464
Regarding Your Reputation 464
The Bank That Got Away 465
How To Buy A Bankrupt Bank 466
The Auction 466
Why It Didn’t Work 467
Words of Wisdom from Tom Phillips, Entrepreneur 467

Chapter Seven: Barter .................................................................................471

An Overlooked Profit Opportunity 471
Create Purchasing Power At Will 471
Increase Your Sales With Barter 473
Pay Hard Costs With Soft Dollars 474
Get Easy Terms of Your Choosing 476
Leverage Your Dollars with Barter 477
How to Approach People for Barter Deals 478
Remember, You Sell the Benefits and the Advantages 479
Barter for Advertising 480
You Can Use Barter to Finance Growth 481
Turn Excess or Obsolete Inventory into Cash 484
Recycle Dollars Right Back Into Your Pocket 484

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