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Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and
onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a
staffing need to filling it. Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the
responsibility of a range of workers.

Employee Recruitment alludes to the overall process of drawing in, shortlisting, choosing and
delegating appropriate possibility for employments (either lasting or transitory) inside an
association. Recruitment can likewise allude to processes associated with picking people for
unpaid jobs.

Recruitment involves actively seeking out and advertising to potential candidates and
obtaining their interest in the position. Selection refers to the process of determining the
best candidate from the pool of applicants.

What is Recruitment?

Recruitment is the process in which people are offered selection in an organization. It is when
prospective employees are searched for and are then encouraged to apply for jobs within the

This is just one step in the process of employment however it is a long process that involves a
series of tasks, starting with an analysis of the job requirements and ending with the
appointment of the employee. Specific tasks involved in the process of recruitment include:

What is Selection?

Selection is the process of identifying an individual from a pool of job applicants with the
requisite qualifications and competencies to fill jobs in the organization. This is an HR process
that helps differentiate between qualified and unqualified applicants by applying various

The term ‘selection’ comes with the connotation of placing the right person in the right job.
Selection is the process in which various strategies are employed to help recruiters decide
which applicant is best suited for the job. Some activities include:

Training and development refers to educational activities within a company created to

enhance the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and instruction
on how to better perform specific tasks.

The importance of training and development mostly revolves around programs that enable
employees to learn precise skills or knowledge to improve performance. Training and
Development programs involve a more expansive employee growth plan, for future
performance rather than immediate career role improvement.

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