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Ethics and Sports



1. What are Sports and Ethics

2. Key issues of Sports and Ethics
3. Where do you see ethics in sports today
4. What is difference between ethics and sportsmanship?
5. Perspectives Of Local,National, & Global
6. Evidence of the current situation and possible causes
7. Continuation
8. Reflection
9. Bibliography
10. Joke time
11. Quote
What are Sports and Ethics?

The objective of sportsmanship is not just to win,

but to win with dignity by putting out one's best
effort. Four basic characteristics in sports and
ethics are fairness, honesty, accountability, and
respect. All athletes and coaches are required to
follow the rules and regulations.

Sports ethics is a branch of sports philosophy that Ethics is much more than playing within
the rules, as it covers notions such as
deals with ethical concerns that arise during and
friendship, respect for others and the
after athletic activities. sporting ethics
Key Issues in Sports and Ethics

Professional teams and individual athletes continue to place a premium on

sportsmanship, ethics, and a strong work ethic. The use of
performance-enhancing drugs is only one example of a moral quandary that
affects every major sports organization.
Where do you see ethics in sports today?
We may witness ethical conduct in sports in a variety of contexts, such as
following game rules and accepting penalties when they are imposed. As a
referee, you must call games fairly. Players should be compensated decently.
What is difference between ethics and
Ethics refers to moral standards that apply to all aspects of human activity while
sportsmanship refers to the ethical framework and standards of conduct that
define the honorable pursuit of victory in competitive activities.
Perspectives Of Local,National, & Global
Local Views Of Sports & Ethics

In sports locally, we can find ethical behavior in a range of aspects, including:

● Honouring the game's regulations and accepting penalties when they are
● Calling games fairly as a referee
● Players should be compensated fairly.
● Making use of restrictions that safeguard athletes, fans, and officials
National View of Sports & Ethics
If each player has Standards that are significant components of all sports activities,
sports policy, and management, and apply to all levels of talent and dedication,
including recreational and competitive sports, we can see the national view of athletic
events. Some of them are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, justice, compassion,
and citizenship.
Global Views of Sports & Ethics

The global view is :

Sports promotes peace and harmony among nations and communities. Sports are all usually
forms of competitive physical activities or games wich, maintains or improves physical ability
and skills while providing enjoyment for the player and sometimes, entertainment for
spectators. The olympics improve global well being by promoting peace and harmony among
Softening of negative stereotypes through

Sport can also help soften stereotypes that divide persons of different cultures.
Negative cultural stereotypes can project negative feelings toward ethnic groups
for which the negative stereotype is held (Gordijn, Finchilescu, Wijnants, &
Koomen, 2008). Sport provides an opportunity to form primary source perceptions
of people, regardless of their differing backgrounds. The engagement in a sporting
activity offers constant interactions with teammates, coaches, and organizational
leaders that eventually define those involved in the interactions.Through sport
interaction, negative, subconscious cultural biases will be tested through the
engagement of actual experiences with others interacting in sport. Opinions of
others involved in sport will be formed based on the direct sporting experiences
and may be enough to allow for the softening of negative stereotypes that, prior to
sporting interactions, may have been the prevailing perception of those affiliated
with the sporting engagement.
Analyse and evaluate the issues,giving evidence
of the current situation and possible causes
Confidentiality is probably the most commonly cited ethical concern within the field of
sport and exercise psychology and is commonly identified an as The most important
ethical standard.

A multiple-role relationship can be described as having a professional relationship

with a client and at the same time interacting with the client or a close friend or a
family member the client in another role.

The ethical issue of competency Relates to the necessity for the practitioners to
practice one live in areas and with people whom they have requisite knowledge,
skills, and abilities to provide quality services.
Reflection : shreya
I learned that sport improves your mental
and physical health. This presentation taught
me many things such as teamwork is
important . I also learned many things about
my favourite sports and the global, national
and local view of sports and ethics. I also
learned that ethics is important
in sports.
Reflection: Poshini
At first, I used to think sports is only for recreational
purposes. I thought people who have disabilities can play
sports but after learning this topic, My Opinion has
changed. People who have disabilities can play sports In
the Paralympics. I have realized that sports can help us
improve our self- Esteem, Teamwork & can also help us
in weight loss. I have learned many things when doing
this PPT I have realized what is the meaning of ethics,
and if it is necessary. It has been a great experience
working with Roshini, Sunshine, Shreya.
Reflection : Roshini
I I thought By playing sports you can only lose
weight and be fit but when I learned this chapter
I learnt a lot of new things, for example sports
build your self-esteem,Improves mental health
and I also learnt that the goal in sportsmanship
us not to simply to win but, taking part and to
give your best effort. It was a amazing
experience working in team with Poshini, Shreya
and Sunshine.
Reflection: sunshine
Sport has taught me that it is beneficial to both your mental
and physical wellbeing. This talk taught me several things,
including the importance of teamwork. In addition, I learnt a
lot about my favorite sports as well as the global, national,
and local perspectives on sports and ethics. In addition, I
realized that sports ethics are crucial.

Joke Time 🤣😂

“It was with Sport that I learned everything I know

about ethics”-A.Camus

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