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◦ tu - you (informal, used for people you know or with children)

◦ vous - you (more formal, or for more than one person)
◦ on - here we illustrate on as the informal/conversational 'we' but depending on context, it
can be translated in other ways, for example 'one', 'you', 'they', 'everyone', 'someone' and
◦ ils - they (used to replace masculine nouns or mixed masculine and feminine nouns)
◦ elles - they (used to replace feminine nouns)


Refer to the course outline page to explore the individual tenses in more detail.

For example, lesson 23 is very useful for comparing the passé composé to the imparfait,
and lesson 10 gives you information on how to express the 'continuous' in French.

◦ je viens - I come, I am coming
◦ tu viens - you come, you are coming
◦ il vient - he comes, he is coming
◦ elle vient - she comes, she is coming
◦ on vient - we come, we are coming
◦ nous venons - we come, we are coming
◦ vous venez - you come, you are coming
◦ ils viennent - they come, they are coming
◦ elles viennent - they come, they are coming


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◦ je suis venu(e) - I came, I have come, I did come
◦ tu es venu(e) - you came, you have come, you did come
◦ il est venu - he came, he has come, he did come
◦ elle est venue - she came, she has come, she did come
◦ on est venu(e)(s) - we came, we have come, we did come
◦ nous sommes venu(e)s - we came, we have come, we did come
◦ vous êtes venu(e)s - you came, you have come, you did come
◦ ils sont venus - they came, they have come, they did come
◦ elles sont venues - they came, they have come, they did come

◦ je viendrai - I will come
◦ tu viendras - you will come
◦ il viendra - he will come
◦ elle viendra - she will come
◦ on viendra - we will come
◦ nous viendrons - we will come
◦ vous viendrez - you will come
◦ ils viendront - they will come
◦ elles viendront - they will come


◦ je venais - I was coming, I used to come, I came

◦ tu venais - you were coming, you used to come, you came
◦ il venait - he was coming, he used to come, he came
◦ elle venait - she was coming, she used to come, she came
◦ on venait - we were coming, we used to come, we came
◦ nous venions - we were coming, we used to come, we came
◦ vous veniez - you were coming, you used to come, you came
◦ ils venaient - they were coming, they used to come, they came
◦ elles venaient - they were coming, they used to come, they came

◦ je viendrais - I would come
◦ tu viendrais - you would come
◦ il viendrait - he would come
◦ elle viendrait - she would come

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◦ on viendrait - we would come
◦ nous viendrions - we would come
◦ vous viendriez - you would come
◦ ils viendraient - they would come
◦ elles viendraient - they would come

◦ j'étais venu(e) - I had come
◦ tu étais venu(e) - you had come
◦ il était venu - he had come
◦ elle était venue - she had come
◦ on était venu(e)(s) - we had come
◦ nous étions venu(e)s - we had come
◦ vous étiez venu(e)s - you had come
◦ ils étaient venus - they had come
◦ elles étaient venues - they had come


◦ je serai venu(e) - I will have come

◦ tu seras venu(e) - you will have come
◦ il sera venu - he will have come
◦ elle sera venue - she will have come
◦ on sera venu(e)(s) - we will have come
◦ nous serons venu(e)s - we will have come
◦ vous serez venu(e)s - you will have come
◦ ils seront venus - they will have come
◦ elles seront venues - they will have come

◦ je serais venu(e) - I would have come
◦ tu serais venu(e) - you would have come
◦ il serait venue - he would have come
◦ elle serait venue - she would have come
◦ on serait venu(e)(s) - we would have come
◦ nous serions venu(e)s - we would have come
◦ vous seriez venu(e)s - you would have come
◦ ils seraient venus - they would have come

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◦ elles seraient venues - they would have come

◦ que je vienne - that I come
◦ que tu viennes - that you come
◦ qu'il vienne - that he comes
◦ qu'elle vienne - that she comes
◦ qu'on vienne - that we come
◦ que nous venions - that we come
◦ que vous veniez - that you come
◦ qu'ils viennent - that they come
◦ qu'elles viennent - that they come


◦ que je sois venu(e) - that I came

◦ que tu sois venu(e) - that you came
◦ qu'il soit venu - that he came
◦ qu'elle soit venue - that she came
◦ qu'on soit venu(e)(s) - that we came
◦ que nous soyons venu(e)s - that we came
◦ que vous soyez venu(e)s - that you came
◦ qu'ils soient venus - that they came
◦ qu'elles soient venues - that they came

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