FP UNIT 5 Swift

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Functional Thinking in Swift

Syllabus: Swift: Functional Thinking in Swift


When working with Swift, look for the features which fit the functional paradigm and would
help to handle the concurrency better. The code must be expressed more clearly and
expressively, and easily generalize complex problems to create flexible, reusable solutions.
Think in a different way to realize the benefits of functional programming. It’s not just a new
set of tools, it’s a different way of thinking about problems. While learning Swift, “Functional
Thinking” tips are:
1. Avoid Nil, Unless You Mean It
2. Avoid Mutable State
3. Use Higher-Order Functions

Avoid Nil, Unless You Mean It

Functional languages typically have a way to explicitly state that some data can either contain
some meaningful data or have no value. Just like Scala’s Option/Some/None, for instance. Swift
has the concept of an optional value.
In fact, to say that a variable doen’t have a value, state explicitly about this exceptional case and
declare it as Optional with the ? syntax. It makes a clear statement that anyone using this
variable should deal with the case that it has no value.
When dealing with the Optional value, developers can take advantage of explicit or implicit
unwrapping of the Optional value or the Optional binding syntax, like this:

var optionalValue:String?
if let s = optionalValue {
// do something with s
// handle the nil value

That looks like the if statement checks in Objective-C or other languages, but the key difference
is that it’s explicitly the case that optionalValue may not have a value. Like other functional
languages, Swift also has pattern matching capabilities.

Use pattern matching capabilities to deal with Optionals like this:

var x:String? = "Foo"

switch x {
case .None:
println("This string is empty")
case let s where s!.hasPrefix("B"):
println("it could be Bar")
case let s where s!.hasPrefix("F"):
println("it could be Foo")
println("No idea what this is")

The Optional binding doesn’t work as well in switch statements as in if statements, and still
requires explicit unwrapping in the where guard clause, but calling out the .None case is a
win for readability. Note that having .None as the first case guarantees that the explicit
unwrapping will not fail in the subsequent cases.
Optionals aren’t strictly a functional feature, but avoiding nil is becoming more popular as
more functional languages come on the scene, and Swift, too, comes out of the box with
these powerful, expressive Optional values. Another way Swift helps us keep things more
explicit and safe is by helping us get a handle on mutable state or avoid it altogether.

Avoid Mutable State

A necessary feature of a purely functional language is that it has no side effects; functions return
an answer based on arguments, but nothing in the system should be changed by executing a
function. There are benefits to avoid mutable state in any system. One of the most relevant
benefits of having no mutable state in a function is that concurrency problems don’t occur. No
matter how many threads, or cores, or whatever, are running the code, there’s no chance that
something gets the program in a bad state, because state never changes. Writing code with no
mutable state makes concurrency much easier to deal with no matter what paradigm is used. The
object-oriented programming paradigm treats mutable state as a matter of responsibility. A well-
architected class exposes methods to allow objects of that type to have control over mutating
their own state. It’s the object’s responsibility to mutate its state and to not allow mutation by
other objects. A multi-paradigm language, as opposed to a purely functional language, has both
options available. So Swift has a few ways to deal with state. Thinking about the implications of
these decisions will take a good way down the road of functional thinking.
The most basic is the choice between let and var. Using let to define a value means that never
expect that value to change. Wherever possible, try to use let instead of var. This is a small
win to readability and communicating explicit design goals: if something is declared as a var, it
is explicitly stated that we expect the value to change.
More interesting than immutable variables is the ability collections have to be mutable or
immutable. Just like Objective-C has both mutable or immutable arrays and dictionary,
Swift does too, but it makes the syntax of dealing with them a lot nicer.
 Immutable dictionaries, or those declared with a let, don’t allow changes to either their
keys or values.

 Immutable arrays don’t allow changes to their length, but do allow values already defined
to be changed.
When passing around these simple data structures, using the immutable versions can help make
code more explicit and deterministic.
Swift also has Structures, which, as opposed to objects, are copied by value instead of reference.
This is a possible way to avoid mutating state. Immutable variables and copying by value are
important for dealing with avoiding mutable state, but where the functional paradigm
really gets traction on cutting down on mutation problems is with higher-order functions.

Use Higher-Order Functions

Another defining feature of a functional language is making functions first class citizens. That
means that not only is it possible to have functions attached to objects or structures or enums (or
even inside of functions), it is also possible to have variables or constants that point to functions,
to pass functions into other functions, and to return functions from functions.
Objective-C made great strides with block syntax, and has always had use of C functions,
but Swift provides even more power and much clearer syntax for dealing with functions.
There is a subtle shift to using higher-order functions of a collection to take action on the
collection as a whole. This action will in fact do what is needed to each item, one at a time,
achieving the same effect as the looping approach and we operate at a higher conceptual level.

Example: Suppose we wanted to loop through a list of numbers and find their square, or find out
which were odd, or sum them up. We could use a for-in loop and build up some mutable local
variables and do the work. The functional way, however, looks like this:
let numbers = [1,2,3]
let squares = numbers.map { $0 * $0 }
let odds = numbers.filter { $0 % 2 == 1 }
let sum = numbers.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }
Using Swift’s trailing closure syntax, shorthand argument names, and implicit return syntactic
Take notice of a few things here—things crucial to functional thinking:
First, we don’t have any mutable state to worry about. Instead of calculating an answer using
temporary variables, we use functions to give us the answers directly and place these into
Second, we use methods already on the collections to do the high-level iteration work.
These functions are:
• Map, which produces a new collection with new values for each of the values in another
• Filter, which returns only the values we specify from a collection.
• Reduce, which turns a collection of values into a single value.
Notice that these definitions don’t specify how the mapping or filtering or reducing is to be done:
they are high-level functions. Using these high-level collection functions, which are common to
almost all functional languages, allows us to separate the problem of iteration—a general
problem—from the specific problem of deriving the answer that we want in particular.

The answer we want in particular is derived by passing a closure, but we could just as easily
have passed a function reference. The point is that the heavy lifting is done one item at a time by
a small chunk of composable, reusable functionality that deals with solving a particular problem.
Consider a list of scene titles from Shakespeare’s Romeo And Juliet. There’s an example of a for-
in loop walking through this list to decide if the scene falls into Act 1 or not.
Here’s what that looks like:
var act1SceneCount = 0
for scene in romeoAndJuliet {
if scene.hasPrefix("Act 1 ") {

And now here it is done in a functional way:

func countIfAct1(accumulator: Int, title: String) -> Int {
if title.hasPrefix("Act 1") {
return accumulator + 1
} else {
return accumulator
let act1SceneCount = romeoAndJuliet.reduce(0, countIfAct1)

This functional solution actually has more lines of code than the procedural one. The benefit to
functional thinking demonstrated here is that reduce handles the iteration part, while the
reusable function countIfAct1 handles the counting logic. Not much in the procedural
approach is reusable. It also requires us to manage our own mutable state, where the functional
approach does not.
By having countIfAct1 be a reusable chunk of functionality, we can start to organize the code
around certain bits of utility that are like this. Maybe those are in objects, maybe they’re in
function libraries. On the other side, by having reduce handle the iteration logic, we hand off that
requirement to the language and compiler. We could possibly gain some benefit from this in the
future, like perhaps a performance benefit if reduce learned to take advantage of multiple cores.
Finally, here’s the same functional approach with a somewhat more readable implementation,
taking advantage of Swift’s trailing closure syntax.
let act1SceneCount =romeoAndJuliet.reduce(0)
count, title in title.hasPrefix("Act 1") ? count + 1 : count
However, when we get to problems dealing with lists of data, transforming data, deriving
answers from data sets, and so forth, that’s where the functional paradigm really shines.
Languages like Swift that offer a multi-paradigm approach are often the pragmatic way to go
because they give us a variety of tools for different types of problems.
Explore the functional tools of Swift, make functional thinking part of our skill sets, and start
looking at where we can use it to improve how to solve problems, more flexibly, safely, and with
cleaner code.

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