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CAPE PHYSICS UNIT2SBA 2022-2023 Expt 1 EMF & Internal Resistance ORR Expt 2 Thermistor M&M and ORR Expt3 Capacitors M&M Expt4 Quick Blow Fuse (L6 only) P&D Situation Many pieces of sensitive equipment have ‘quick blown’ fuse installed in them to prevent damage in case a fault developing in the device. Typically the fuse breaks the circuit within a few millisecond of the current rising above a certain predetermined level. Plan and design an experiment to measure the time taken for such a fuse to blow. Expt.5 Logic Gates P&D Situation When designing circuits in electronics, sometimes components are not readily available. It is therefore necessary to replace components with * others but still achieve the desired outcome. Use the quad-NAND gate and other apparatus and materials provided to build and operate an EX — OR gate. Expt.6 Logic Gates (Implementation of Expt. 5) (L6 Only ) A&l Expt. 5 for U6 is individual work in your lab book. For L6 Expt. 5 & Expt. 6 should be presented in folder. The MAXIMUM number of students per group is four. Hand in Expt. 2 to 5 by Tuesday January 31, 2023. Expt. 7 OP-AMP (A Simulation) ORR Hand in Expt. 6 & 7 by Tuesday February 28, 2023. Expt.8 Radioactivity or Photoelectric Effect. (A Simulation) A&l Exgeecmienr gy Title: Procedure: Data Analysis: Thermistors Toghvestigate how the resistance R of a thermistor varies with its temperature @ A thermistor, battery pack, milliammeter, beaker, thermometer, kettle, connecting leads. thermistor Put the thermistor into a beaker. Write down the uncertainty of the thermometer readings. Pour 100m! boiling hot water into the beaker. Stir the water and measure the temperature @ of the water, the potential difference V and the current /. 5. Record your results in a table. Include a column for T, the thermodynamic temperature. 6. For every 10°C drop in temperature measure / and V until you have at least six sets of readings. 7. Write down the uncertainty of the ammeter and voltmeter readings. 8, Calculate the resistance R of the thermistor at each temperature using the equation V= IR peu 1. Estimate the percentage uncertainty in one of your temperature readings 2. The formula which relates R and Tis R= Aci? where Aisa constant, Eis an energy characteristic of the thermistor and k = 1.38%10IK7. 3. Plota suitable graph which will allow you to determine A and E. Include appropriate units. 4, State any errors that may have occurred while conducting your experiment 5. State any precautions used to reduce these errors. 205s | [etl | Bead he [i oe | | Fa Werle tae Uncoe tants (1 the tobe ba coptarebe, =A Smcllesk trucsion | £ (ks chess eee (2eg,.2 et = Smollastatrvision € $o> Ausint ate small. Fee Tecup Ua coe fats = to-s°SC Percorepe ceacemfacly = = KILO = = D-bf 2 = Mitel Ar lng — ek lap = Fay # a pe Plot oR aprest oy Yo= me te Gradeent = Uk “Lulercopt = In & NB GYF C= oop Sa Unknown OS BRREREHENT BS It is recommended that you spend about 60 minutes on this question. In this experiment you will investigate the rate at which a capacitor discharges through a voltmeter: (a) @ Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 2.1. You should ensure that the positive (+) terminal of the power supply is connected to the + terminal of the capacitor C,. Initially switen S should be olosed. ee Fig. 2.1 (ii) Record the initia! reading V, of the voltmeter. () (Open switch S and simultaneously start a stopwatch. (i) Measure and record values of the potential difference V and time funti the renting ‘on the voltmeter becomes less than V,/10. (©) @ Plota graph of V(yaxis) against t (axis). (i) Use your graph to determine the time + for the potential difference across the capacitor to fall from V, to V/5. {@) rand Care related by the formula t= CAINS Where A, is the resistance of the voltmeter and Cis the capacitance of the capacitor C,. Use your anewer from (e) (il) and the value of the capacitance C (writen on a card) to determine a value for Ry. (0) Justify the number of significant figures which you have given for Ry. y . (©) (Connect a second capacitor C, in series with the first capacitor C, so that the ciroult is now as shown in Fig. 2.2. —-——r--{k tt Cy (@)_ Repeat (b) () and (b) (i). () ) Forthe second set of results and using the same set of axes as before, plot a graph of V against t. (li) Use the graph to determine a value for the capacitance of the capacitor Cp. Fig. 2.2 <= (Ges a rae Untnc wn, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE ‘A. | PLANNING AND DESIGN + HYPOTHESIS AIM © MATERIALS AND APPARATUS 1 > VARIABLES STATED: - Controlled - Manipulated Responding = METHOD 2 — Clearly outlining how manipulated variable will be changed | 1 and measured. — Clearly outlining how the responding variable will be] 2 ‘measured. RESULTS i 2 = Expected Results = Treatment of Results © PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS/ASSUMPTIONS = Twoormorestated 2 Anyone stated 1 ee oe ee 'B. | ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION > RESULTS zi = Complete set of results from quantities mentioned in 2 method. = DISCUSSION - - Complete set of calculations or statement of observations | 2 ortrends. 2 = Interpretations of calculated values, observations or trends Tinked to data in results. = _ LIMITATIONS AND SOURCES OF ERROR 2 = Limitation stated a = _ Source of error stated . 1 © REFLECTIONS. 7 = Relevance of experiment to real life. a — Impact of knowledge gained from experiment. a = _ How can experiment be changed and improved. 2 = CONCLUSION Clearly stated and related to Aim in PD. a{t

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