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Take into account:

 audience & formality
 context
 variation of the language
 message: the aim of it
 purpose: personal view, go dipper in the topic, explain the arguments…

- Personal letter:
*narrate, describe things or feelings, explain thoughts, ideas, give advice
o Adress
o Date
o Dear…,
o Hope to see you soon, best wishes, Cristina
- Email:
o To:
o From:

- Personal blog:
o Express feelings

- Travel blog:
o Mass media
o Inform about something, share an experience and feelings
o Date and title
o Grab the audiences attention
o Titles in each paragraph
o Give some advice
o End: Hope to write to you soon/ Hope it has helped you/ See you on my next blog

- Diary entry:
o Could be written to someone or to your self
o Reflections/ mood/ feelings…
o What a day…/ How could I have imagined…/ I wonder if…/ Yesterday…
o Wish me luck, Cristina
- Review:
o Start with a Little summary of the book/ film
o Use a ¿? To grab the audience
o Continue talking about the book: plot, good and bad things
o Leave the reader wanting for more
- Interview:
o Introduction
o Questions and answers
o Final ¿? And conclusions

- Set of instructions:
o Title
o Introduction
o Explain each step (bullet points)

- Thesis driven essay:

*make an argument to prove a point
o Introduction
o Question
o Thesis
o Supportive paragraphs
o Conclusion (you can reformulate the question)

- Set of guidelines:
o Title
o Small introduction
o 1… 2… 3… 4… (titles can be added at the beginning)

- Reports:
*Tell something you have lived giving your opinion, and giving future improvements
o Title
o Explain the aim
o Summary
o Argument about the topic (add titles for each paragraph, add survey info)
o Talk about negative things and offer solutions
o Conclusion with suggestions/ recommendations

- Proposal:
o Title
o Explain the situation
o Offer a solution
o Steps to get to the solution
o Benefits
o Obstacles that could be found and offer a solution
o Conclusion

- Speech:
o Mass media
o Persuade and influence on the audience: reach everyone
o Formal
o Persuasive (imperative: you have to…)
o Present the argument as clear as possible and providing reasons
o Introduction: state clearly what you want to persuade with some of the reasons
o Body: (each paragraph with one topic [name it and describe it]): the arguments that
provide reasons to my idea, positive ideas/message
o Conclusion: remark the reasons why you want them to follow you

- Editorial:
o Mass media
o Express an opinion based on previous knowledge
o Formal
o Structure:
 Title
 Headline
 Introductory paragraph
 Main body with supporting ideas in paragraphs
 Conclusion (remind main idea, make a recommendation)

- Application letter:
o Dear head of admissions of ….
o It has always been my dream to become a student at the…
o describing your interest
o Outline your experience and qualifications
o Include aspects of your personality
o Express appreciation
o Close the letter: I´m deeply grateful for your attention and looking forward to hearing
from you. Yours faithfully, Cristina

- Letter to the editor:

*Reaction to an opinion column. Use persuasive language. Formal
o Dear Sir…
o In response to… letter, I wish to say…
o Opinion and why
o Arguments explaining the opinion
o Conclusion: re-state the opinion and summarize all the arguments

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