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The Use of Bilingualism in the Language Style of Youth Today


Language is an essential tool for communication in our daily lives. In the current era
of digitalization and globalization, many young people are using language in more dynamic
and creative ways. One interesting phenomenon is the use of bilingualism in the language
style of youth. Bilingualism refers to an individual's ability to speak in two or more
languages. In this essay, we will explore the use of bilingualism in the language style of
youth today and its impact on communication and cultural identity.

I. The Use of Bilingualism as a Language Style

Today's youth tend to blend local and global languages in their everyday
communication. For instance, they may switch between Indonesian and English in
conversations or incorporate foreign phrases and words into their native language
sentences. This unique language style reflects the influence of global culture and the easy
access to social media and digital content in foreign languages.

One significant factor influencing the use of bilingualism is the internet and social media.
Young people are frequently exposed to digital content in English, such as music, movies,
and social media platforms originating from abroad. This exposure influences their speech
patterns and the way they express themselves. Moreover, many young people use English
as a lingua franca in online communities, where they interact with individuals from various
countries speaking different languages.

The use of bilingualism as a language style among youth offers several advantages. Firstly, it
allows for greater expressiveness and creativity. By incorporating foreign words and
phrases, young people can convey ideas and emotions in a more nuanced and diverse
manner. This enhances their ability to connect with others and communicate effectively.

Furthermore, bilingualism fosters linguistic adaptability. Young people who are comfortable
with multiple languages have an easier time navigating different cultural contexts and
engaging with diverse communities. They can effortlessly switch between languages
depending on the situation, which facilitates their participation in a globalized world.

II. The Impact of Bilingualism on Communication

The use of bilingualism in the language style of youth today has significant effects on
their communication. Incorporating foreign languages into their native language sentences
or phrases adds variety and richness to their expression. It makes their communication
more dynamic and engaging, particularly in online communication contexts.

Bilingualism also plays a role in fostering inclusivity. By using multiple languages, young
people can bridge communication gaps and connect with individuals from different linguistic
backgrounds. In multicultural societies, where people from various linguistic communities
coexist, bilingualism enables youth to form meaningful connections and promote

However, the use of bilingualism can also pose challenges in communication. When young
people excessively use foreign words or phrases, it can hinder understanding for those who
do not comprehend the language. Moreover, the inappropriate or insensitive use of
bilingualism can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. It is crucial for young
people to be mindful of the context and their audience when utilizing bilingualism in their
language style.

To mitigate potential communication challenges, it is important to strike a balance between

the use of local and foreign languages. Young people should be encouraged to cherish and
maintain their native language while embracing the benefits of bilingualism. By doing so,
they can ensure effective communication and inclusive interactions with individuals from
diverse linguistic backgrounds.

III. The Influence of Bilingualism on Cultural Identity

The use of bilingualism in the language style of youth also impacts their cultural
identity. When young people incorporate foreign languages into their daily communication,
it reflects the integration of global culture into their lives. They may feel more connected to
international cultures and have broader access to information and opportunities on a global

Bilingualism can contribute to a sense of cultural hybridity or multicultural identity among

young people. By adopting multiple languages, they develop a diverse linguistic repertoire
that allows them to navigate various cultural spaces and engage with different communities.
This multicultural identity can provide a sense of belonging to both local and global

However, the use of bilingualism can also spark debates regarding the influence of
dominant foreign cultures and the decline in understanding of local culture. Excessive use of
foreign languages can diminish the use of the native language and decrease understanding
and appreciation for their own cultural heritage. Therefore, young people need to maintain
a balance between the use of local and foreign languages to preserve and appreciate their
cultural identity.
To address this challenge, young people should actively engage in activities that promote
their native language and culture. This includes participating in local cultural events, reading
literature in their native language, and connecting with their cultural heritage through
storytelling and oral traditions. By embracing their cultural roots and valuing their native
language, young people can maintain a strong sense of identity while benefiting from the
advantages of bilingualism.


The use of bilingualism in the language style of youth today reflects the influence of
globalization and the easy access to social media and digital content. While the use of
bilingualism can enhance expression and communication dynamics, it is important to
remember the significance of context and audience sensitivity. Additionally, young people
should strive for a balance between the use of local and foreign languages to preserve their
cultural identity.

By understanding the impact of bilingualism in the language style of youth, we can

appreciate and promote language and cultural diversity in an increasingly interconnected
global society. Bilingualism allows for greater communicative flexibility, inclusivity, and
cultural exchange. As young people navigate the complexities of the modern world, they can
embrace bilingualism as a valuable asset while cherishing their native language and cultural
heritage. In doing so, they can contribute to a more inclusive and culturally rich society.


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