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1. Chose the correct option.

a. Are those/these your colours here?

b. This/That glass over there is empty.

c. Those/These bricks over there are for your home.

d. These/Those photographs here are much better than those/these

photographs on the other book.

e. That/This was a great afternoon.

f. James, take this/that book and put it on the table over there.

g. That/This book over there is mine.

h. These/Those are my parents, and that/this person over there is my sister.

i. Look at this/these magazine here.

j. This/That is my phone and that/this is your phone on the shelf over there.

2. Change each word to plural or singular as needed.

a. Book - BOOKS

b. Children - CHILDREN

c. Wife - WIFE

d. Car - CARS

e. Table - TABLES

f. Watch - WATCH

g. Glass - GLASSES

h. Bus - BUSES

i. Dictionary - DICTIONARIES

j. Body - BODIES
k. Tooth - TOOTHS

l. Men - MEN

m. Mice - MICE

n. Sheep - SHEEPS

o. Pitch - PITCHES

p. Foot - FOOTS

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