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Chart 1 shows the distribution of the world’s population by continent. The vertical axis shows the
percentage of world population and the horizontal axis compares the six continents listed, divided
into a comparison of three years: 1800, 1900 and 1997.

 From … to …

 Rise/decrease by …

 Reach a peak of …

 Between … and …

 Remain/stand/stay at…

 A rise/decrease/fall of…

 Start at …

As can be seen from the graph/chart that (……) increased / decreased slightly / sharply from ... to ...


As can be seen from the table of secondary school attendance in 2010, the

persentase yang terbesar yaitu voluntary controlled schools pada tahun 2010 dan 2015. voluntary
controlled schools decrease of 2020 is 20%. Sedangkan pada tahun 2020 yang terbesar yaitu
community schools yaitu sekitar 58%.

The largest percentage is voluntary controlled schools in 2010 and 2015. voluntary controlled schools
decrease of 2020 is 20%. While in 2020 the largest is community schools, which is around 58%.

Pie graph shows the distribution of persen aktifitas sehari. The biggest activity sehari is tidur yaitu
40%, kemudian school yaitu 25%. The persentase terendah yaitu meals yaitu 5%,

Pie graph shows the distribution of percent of activities per day. The biggest activity of the day is
sleeping which is 40%, then school which is 25%. The lowest percentage is meals which is 5%

Pie graph shows the distribution of persentages international plastic consumtion in 1996. The contry
have biggest plastic consumption is Western Europe is 38% or 30 M ton, then north America is about
25% or 25 M ton. Latin America is smallest persentages plastic consumption about 5% or 8,5 M ton.

The pie chart shows the percentage distribution of international plastic consumption in 1996. The
country with the largest plastic consumption was Western Europe at 38% or 30 million tons, followed
by North America at 25% or 25 million tons. Latin America had the smallest percentage of plastic
consumption at about 5% or 8.5 million tons.
Chart shows the distribution of the home and international student from 2010 to 2012. . The
vertical axis shows the jumlah siswa and the horizontal axis compares the tahun, divided into a
comparison of three years: 2010,2011 dan 2012. Jumlah British home student lebih tinggi
dibandingkan international students baik pada laki-laki maupun Perempuan. Jumlah siswa yang
tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2012.

Chart shows the distribution of the home and international students from 2010 to 2012. . The
vertical axis shows the number of students and the horizontal axis compares the years, divided into a
comparison of three years: 2010, 2011 and 2012. The number of British home students is higher than
international students in both males and females. The highest number of students occurred in 2012.

Jurnal :

The Indonesian Hydration Study menyatakan bahwa sebanyak 42,5% dari orang dewasa
mengalami kekurangan air. Air memiliki fungsi vital pada ibu hamil yaitu menjaga
kelangsungan hidup janin, membentuk cairan ketuban, mendukung peningkatan volume
plasma darah, dan produksi Air Susu Ibu. The objectives of this study was to analyze water
intake among pregnant women (PW) in Indonesia. The study used secondary data of Total
Diet Study 2014 which applied a cross-sectional study design, involved 606 PW. Total water
intake derived from beverages, foods and metabolic water were determined based on 24-
hours food recall method. The analyzed of water based on food composition table of
Indonesia and nutrition fact. Beverages that most frequently consumed by PW were plain
water (100%), tea (30.2%) and milk (26.07%). This study showed that the mean water intake
of PW was 2,027.3±698.8 mL/d which was derived from beverages (1,348.7±597.9 mL),
foods (472.1±190.8 mL) and metabolic water (206.5±75.0 mL). The mean adequacy level of
water intake of PW was 85.3±31.6%. The percentage of PW’s water intake categorized as
severe deficit and moderate deficit was 29.0 and 25.6% respectively. PW who had high
educational level had 26.7% lower risk to water deficit than lower educational level. This
study show that the important to increase water intake of PW in Indonesia.

Water has vital functions in pregnant women, namely maintaining fetal survival, forming amniotic
fluid, supporting increased blood plasma volume, and breast milk production. Water deficiency in
pregnant women efects in constipation, contractions, stunting and organ failure in infants. This study
aimed to analyze water intake in pregnant women in Indonesia. This study used secondary data from
the 2014 Total Diet Study which used a cross-sectional research design, involving 606 pregnant
women. Total water intake from beverages, food, and metabolic water was determined based on the
24-hour food recall method. Water was analyzed based on Indonesian food composition tables and
nutrition facts. The most frequently consumed beverages by WUS were water (100%), tea (30.2%),
and milk (26.07%). This study showed that the average water intake of WUS was 2,027.3±698.8 mL/d
which came from beverages (1,348.7±597.9 mL), food (472.1±190.8 mL), and metabolic water
(206.5±75.0 mL). The average water intake adequacy level of PW was 85.3±31.6%. The percentage of
WUS water intake categorized as severe deficit and moderate deficit was 29.0 and 25.6%. WUS who
had a high level of education had a 26.7% lower risk of experiencing a water deficit compared to
WUS who had a lower level of education. This study shows the importance of increasing water intake
among women in Indonesia.

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