8970 - 1 - LL - LL Supplier Code of Conduct - D4 - Feb 2020

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Supplier Code
of Conduct

Lendlease Supplier Code of Conduct Health and Safety

The Lendlease Code of Conduct explains the standards We believe in putting people’s safety and wellbeing
that Lendlease expects of its employees in the conduct first, and expect our Suppliers to:
of its operations. It supports the Group’s Core Values
• take steps to proactively assess ‘What’s the worst
of Respect, Collaboration, Integrity, Excellence,
that could happen?’ scenarios and apply controls to
Innovation and Trust.
eliminate or mitigate the risk of incident and injury;
This Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code), sets
• adhere to Lendlease’s Global Minimum
out our expectations and seeks to apply Lendlease’s
Requirements (GMRs) for environment, health and
Core Values in partnership with our third-party
safety on all Lendlease projects;
suppliers, consultants and contractors (Suppliers).
• understand and follow any Lendlease health and
In accordance with contractual arrangements with
safety directives and site requirements whilst on any
our Suppliers, Suppliers are, at a minimum, obliged to
Lendlease worksite or premises;
comply with the laws and regulations of the country/s
in which they operate, including laws relating to health • speak up and stop any tasks or items of work that
and safety, sustainability and the environment, labour are, or could become, unsafe;
practices, modern slavery, materials quality, anti-trust • provide adequate numbers of competent
and anti-corruption and data protection. supervisors; and
Suppliers to Lendlease are also expected to: • not allow a worker to undertake work when the
• have read and understood this Supplier Code; worker’s job performance is impaired by drugs (legal
or illegal), alcohol or other substances, and report
• act consistently with this Supplier Code throughout
any incidents occurring on Lendlease worksite or
their operations and apply it in their dealings with
premises to the Lendlease team.
• take reasonable steps to communicate this Supplier
Code to all employees, subcontractors, agents,
Sustainability and Environmental
suppliers or other third parties in their own supply Management
chains with whom they engage in the performance To create the best places, Lendlease aims to work with
of services or the supply of goods to Lendlease Suppliers to promote sustainable economic growth,
(Supply Chain); and vibrant and resilient communities and cities, a healthy
• use reasonable endeavours to ensure Suppliers’ own planet and healthy people.
Supply Chains also act consistently with this Supplier Lendlease has a long-term aspiration to minimise
Code. waste, be powered by clean energy, and create more
Supplier commitment to the principles of this Supplier usable water than we consume.
Code will be considered when making procurement Lendlease encourages Suppliers to offer sustainable
decisions and building relationships with our Suppliers. alternatives when providing goods and services to
Suppliers must comply with all obligations in any deliver more sustainable outcomes.
contract that a supplier may have with us. Where those Suppliers are expected to:
terms are more onerous than the standards under this
• strive to reduce environmental harm, to the
Supplier Code, Suppliers shall adhere to the contract
extent reasonably practicable and appropriate, by
maximising the efficient use of natural resources,
energy, water and raw materials and minimise
Corporate Governance pollution (including greenhouse gases pollution) and
Suppliers are expected to: waste;

• conduct business with integrity and in a fair, • where relevant, implement and maintain a written
equitable and professional manner; and environmental policy which meets or exceeds
the guidelines for such policies as set out in
• declare any interest they have, that may conflict or ISO14001:2015, and where required, observe
be perceived to conflict with Lendlease. recognised sustainability accreditations;

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• take reasonable steps to educate their Supply Modern Slavery

Chains on the lifecycle of products and materials
Modern slavery is a term which describes a range of
sourced and on ways to reduce their environmental
extreme labour rights abuses and exploitative conduct
footprint; and
including trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude,
• co-operate with Lendlease to measure and track the forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage,
sustainability performance of goods and services deceptive recruitment practices and child labour.
supplied to Lendlease.
Suppliers are expected to:
• take all reasonable steps to source labour, products,
Labour Policies, Human Rights and Non-
services and materials from sources free of modern
Discrimination slavery;
Lendlease is committed to fostering a culture of • promote education and awareness of modern
diversity and inclusion which respects internationally slavery risks within their own operations;
recognised human rights. We honour the United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. • collaborate with Lendlease to manage modern
slavery risks within their Supply Chains;
We are a signatory to the United Nations Global
Compact and are striving to implement the 10 • take reasonable steps to work with their Supply
Principles of that Compact. We expect our Suppliers Chains to implement measures to assess, minimise
to treat others with trust, dignity, respect, fairness and and address modern slavery risks and encourage
equity. greater sourcing transparency; and

Suppliers are expected to: • upon reasonable request by Lendlease, provide

to Lendlease traceability data and other relevant
• strive to reduce or avoid contributing to adverse information regarding modern slavery risks in their
human rights impacts through fair and ethical operations and Supply Chains.
sourcing practices;
• advance an inclusive workplace free of
Quality, Products and Materials
discrimination, harassment, bullying and other
unlawful behaviour; Lendlease is committed to utilising quality products
and materials to create the best places. Suppliers are
• not use any form of child, forced or involuntary
expected to:
labour, nor use physical punishment to discipline
employees; • ensure all products and materials used in Lendlease
projects meet all applicable laws and standards and
• ensure all persons engaged to work (either directly,
comply with the manufacturers’ specifications for
or through recruitment agencies), hold all legal work
testing and installation;
permits and visas;
• adopt a systematic approach to product integrity,
• respect the rights of workers to choose freely to
ensuring specified products are not substituted
associate with one another and to communicate
without relevant written approvals, meeting specific
openly with management regarding working
quality requirements and minimising the risks of non-
conditions without threat of reprisal, intimidation, or
conforming work;
harassment; and
• take reasonable steps to conduct due diligence on
• support participation, where reasonably practicable,
products containing ‘conflict minerals’ (including
in training programs for their workers on Lendlease
tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold) and strive to verify
projects, to enhance the level of their professional
sourcing from legitimate, conflict-free mines; and
• produce, upon reasonable request, evidence of all
required certifications and traceability of products

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Anti-Corruption and Anti-Trust is legally required or necessary to perform their

obligations to Lendlease;
Lendlease is committed to ensuring compliance with
anti-corruption and anti-trust laws. • not access or use Lendlease Sensitive Information
other than for the legitimate purpose for which it
Suppliers are expected to:
was collected, or, in accordance with a contractual
• not attempt to bias a decision or gain a business obligation owed to Lendlease; and
or commercial advantage for Lendlease’s benefit,
• inform Lendlease of, and cooperate with Lendlease
directly or indirectly, by promising, giving, requesting
in relation to any data breach or incident that may
or agreeing to receive or accept bribes or facilitation
impact Lendlease Sensitive Information.
payments including a kickback, favour, cash,
gratuity, inappropriate level of entertainment or
anything of an inappropriate value; Supplier Diversity and Community
• not offer, promise or give to any Lendlease employee Investment
a kickback, favour, cash, gratuity, inappropriate level Lendlease works with communities to foster economic
of entertainment, or anything of an inappropriate prosperity and social inclusion in the places it creates.
value with the purpose of obtaining favourable Lendlease supports Supplier diversity through
treatment from Lendlease; engagement with a variety of suppliers including
• preserve and promote free competition in all minority owned businesses (including Indigenous
undertakings, and not conceal or fail to report any (native) and women-owned businesses), disability
indication of improper payments; enterprises, social enterprises and local businesses in
the communities in which we operate.
• not engage in anti-competitive practices such
as price fixing schemes, misleading or deceptive Suppliers are expected to:
conduct, misuse of market power or bid rigging • respect the traditions, cultures and laws of the
arrangements; and countries and communities in which we operate;
• take reasonable steps to have appropriate policies • where appropriate and practicable, share our
and procedures in place designed to prevent commitment in supporting programs and initiatives
corruption, bribery or anti-competitive behaviour, that encourage supplier diversity and community
including insider trading and money laundering. investment;
• preference local suppliers and resources on
Data Protection, Privacy, Confidentiality and Lendlease projects where reasonably practicable;
Cyber Security and
Lendlease collects, uses, discloses and retains personal • where appropriate and practicable, keep records
information and commercial in confidence information of resources and time spent delivering community
(Lendlease Sensitive Information) to the extent benefit and social value activities in conjunction with
necessary to meet its business requirements, and as Lendlease and, on reasonable request, provide this
permitted by law and contractual arrangements in the data to Lendlease.
jurisdictions in which we operate.
Suppliers are expected to: Raising a Concern
• use reasonable safeguards to protect Lendlease If a Supplier becomes aware of a circumstance or
Sensitive Information against loss, theft, destruction action that contravenes, or appears to contravene,
or unauthorised access, use, alteration or disclosure; this Supplier Code of Conduct or the Lendlease Code
of Conduct they can lodge a confidential report via
• ensure appropriate cyber security measures
Ethics Point.
within their information assets and resources to
appropriately manage the risk of internal and
external cyber threats;
• unless otherwise agreed with Lendlease, not retain
Lendlease Sensitive Information for longer than

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