Business Plan

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Republic of the Philippines


Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula


Situation: Given you have 2k cash in your hand make a simple business proposal or you have at present business,
upgrade your business.

The logo represent our determination of our service to showcase of the customer’s choice and the customer’ s
unforgettable phenomenon that happen in their life. The Mr. France Event Management is located in
Baliwasan, Zamboanga City. This kind of event planner services is marked to assist everyone with every
information of planning of different events like Weddings, Birthday’s, Anniversary, Private parties and
Fashion show.
Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of small and/or
large-scale personal or corporate events such as festivals, conferences, ceremonies, weddings, formal
parties, concerts, or conventions.
Event management and event planning are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct
processes. Event management is the overall coordination and management of an event, while event
planning is the specific process of planning and organising all of the details that go into an event.
Service stand out competitors:
Provide amazing customer service.
Be thoughtful and listen, then surprise your client with a special gift at the end of the event or after they’re
referred you. This is my favorite and one I’m good at. I listen for the small, seemingly insignificant
details in a conversation and then use that information to make clients feel special with a gift or token of
Make it personal and get to know your clients, and allow them to get to know you. This works well in
person but you can easily use social media to connect with people too.
Before you meet a potential client, do your research. In today’s technological world it’s easy to find out
about their family, friends, likes and dislikes. Look them up on Facebook and see what groups and/or
pages they’ve liked.

Event managers plan and organise promotional, business and social events. They're responsible for running a
range of events, ensuring the target audience is engaged and the message of the event is marketed properly.
Events play a huge part in the success of a brand or an organization.

The Event Management Software Market Research Report aims to provide insights that strongly
demonstrate the market structure, scope, history, potential, and development perspective. By crossing through
the historical and present market status, the Event Management Software market report provides authentic and
reliable estimates for the forecast period.
It became essential to distinguish the saturation of consumption in the Event Management Software
market owing to building competitiveness. Hence, the report furnishes a deep-felt market segmentation
analysis based on several segments such as types, applications, regions, and end-users. It serves to precise
target the actual market size and product and service needs of customers. It also helps industry companies in
promoting products that completely meet emerging customer needs.
As an event organizer, you already know that attendance can make or break the success of your event. Ticket
sales are the single biggest source of revenue for events. So, that’s why it is critical that you learn how to
develop a pricing strategy that will make people want to attend your events repeatedly.
The good news is that pricing an event doesn’t have to be rocket science. In this article, we will demystify the
art of pricing and developing packages for your events.
The first step you need to determine is the cost it will take to host the event. You will need to look at
everything from the cost of catering, previous attendance rates, how many people you want to attend, AV
needs, technology support, gifts, speaker fees, venue costs, and marketing materials. Estimating expenses
is essential when planning an event.
Now that you’ve estimated the overall expenses it will take to execute your event, look at your variable and
fixed expenses to calculate the total cost per person to plan your event. Variable expenses like food and
labor are subject to change, but you can project a ballpark range per person for your event.
This will help build the framework for your goals and objectives. Add the total cost of the food, venue,
entertainment, and misc. expenses together and divide that number by the amount of people you want to
That will tell you the average cost for each attendee. Next, you’ll need to determine how much profit you want
to make from the event to set your break-even point. Your goals and objectives for the event should be
targeted per person to make sure to stay on track throughout the planning process.
Planning multiple events in one year? Then your next step is reviewing the annual budget. Each event should
ladder-back up to the annual budget. So it’s essential that you consider the bigger picture when figuring
out expenses and revenue targets.
This will determine the lowest amount you can charge for tickets to break-even. Now you need to decide how
much you want to charge to make a profit. Add the amount you want to make to your break-even point
and divide the total by your forecasted ticket sales quantity. Once you have both of those numbers
figured out, you can start pricing your ticket packages.
The profit margin for event management can vary depending on several factors such as the type of
event, its size and complexity, the location, and the pricing strategy. Typically, event management companies
charge a percentage of the total event budget, which can range from 10% to 30%. For example, if the total
budget for an event is Rs. 100,000, and the event management company charges a 15% fee, their profit margin
would be Rs. 15,000. However, it's important to note that this fee doesn't cover all expenses related to the
event, such as venue rental, catering, or entertainment.
These costs are typically billed separately to the client. In addition to the percentage-based fee, some
event management companies may charge a flat fee or an hourly rate for their services. These pricing strategies
can also impact the profit margin. Overall, the profit margin for event management can be quite lucrative. But
it also requires careful budgeting and planning to ensure that expenses don't exceed the revenue generated from
the event.
The profit margin in the event management industry in India can vary greatly depending on the:
Size of the event
Scope of services provided
Overhead costs associated with running a business
Generally, the higher the overhead costs, the lower the profit margin. Therefore, it is important to calculate
expenses such as staff salaries, venue rentals, insurance, and marketing when budgeting for an event. When
calculating the profit margin for an event, it is essential to subtract all of the related costs from the total
income. This will give you an accurate measure of what your profits will be after taking into account all of the
costs associated with running your business. It is important to note that a good profit margin is dependent on
accurate pricing and excellent customer service.
When it comes to running a successful event management business in India, the first step is to understand what
it takes to keep the doors open.

There are a number of costs associated with doing business, and these include:
Labour - Labor costs refer to the wages you pay your employees or contractors who help you plan and execute
Materials - Materials refer to any items purchased in advance to host an event, such as decorations, food,
beverages, and equipment rentals.
Marketing - Marketing refers to advertising your services, building your brand awareness, and making
connections in the industry.
Legal fees - Legal fees cover any paperwork associated with the business, like company registration
online costs, compliances, permits, licenses, contracts, and insurance.
Taxes - Taxes are taxes imposed on businesses by the government and must be paid for your business to
remain compliant.
Other Costs - These may include venue rentals, catering, decorations, audio/visual equipment, security
services, transportation, etc.

The cost of doing business can quickly add up and should be taken into account when setting your rates for


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