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Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional
Version: 7.0

[ Total Questions: 148 ]

SMRP CMRP : Practice Exam
Question No : 1

What should be done first to address a gap between your manufacturing performance and
World Class performance?

A. Develop gap closure plans and begin to implement them

B. Assign additional resources to work on attaining World Class performance
C. Define the value of the gap to determine its worth to the company
D. Review gap analysis to ensure it reflects your current performance accurately

Answer: D

Question No : 2

Preventive maintenance tasks should be grouped by?

A. Parts required, task interval and lockout -tag out requirement

B. Skill required, parts required and equipmentavailability
C. Skill required, task and interval
D. Skill required, task interval and lockout -tag out requirement

Answer: D

Question No : 3

When would a strategic plan for Maintenance and Reliability be most appropriately

A. Planning and scheduling are not being property implemented at that plant (facility).
B. Improved plant (facility) throughput is required to allow the business to commit to the
requirements of a new customer.
C. The markets that the company operates in are changing on a weekly basis.
D. Fixed costs need to be reduced by 20% within the next year.

Answer: B

Question No : 4

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Which of the following is least likely to be linked to Maintenance and Reliability process

A. Improved product design

B. Reduced rework
C. Lower operating costs
D. Better availability capability

Answer: C

Question No : 5

When acquiring mission-critical, major machinery, it is usually appropriate to use a detailed

equipment specification to assure the best equipment is selected and purchased. Which of
the following is the most appropriate approach to developing an equipment specification for
a piece of equipment?

A. Arrange for potential equipment suppliers to provide their own Sales and Engineering
representatives to visit the plant (facility) where the equipment is to be installed, as often as
necessary, to prepare an equipment specification
B. Review applicable company specifications, as well as supplier and other machinery
specifications. Develop a custom specification that provides detailed construction,
installation, performance, and other criteria as determined by mission requirements.
Confirm that machinery offered by suppliers will meet the criteria in the custom
C. Review applicable specifications from appropriate industry groups, Bee the American
Petroleum Institute (API). National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) etc and
select the specification that best meets the business goals.
D. Send potential suppliers' copies of all of the applicable specifications your company has
developed, with a cover letter explaining that equipment provided must meet applicable
points within the specifications provided. Review supplier quotes and purchase the
equipment from the supplier whose quote best meets business goals.

Answer: B

Question No : 6

One way to stimulate and motivate your team member is to understand what drives human
beings. Which desire does not motivate most of the time?

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A. Desire for Paycheck
B. Desire for Ownership
C. Desire for Competence
D. Desire for Recognition

Answer: A

Question No : 7

Which of the following failures, when avoided,is considered a"best practice" for

A. Design induced
B. Machine induced
C. Self induced
D. Manufacturer induced

Answer: C

Question No : 8

Themost effective method of performance evaluation is:

A. a field review process.

B. a behaviorally anchored rating scale process
C. a employee written assessment.
D. a feedback process.

Answer: B

Question No : 9

Process measures are leading indicators that offer an indication of task performance with a
lead time to manage for successful results. All of the following are examples of leading
indicators except:

A. % planned maintenance.

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B. Asset Availability.
C. planner to craft workers ratio.
D. % rework.

Answer: B

Question No : 10

When deciding if you should keep a part in stock, which of the following should be

A. Is the equipment it fits on the critical equipment list?

B. Does the manufacturer suggest stocking it?
C. Would plant (facility) output be affected?
D. Is the store's inventory too high?

Answer: C

Question No : 11

When forming teams to address reliability issues, four stages of team development should
be recognized and managed by the reliability professional. These stages in order are:

A. Warming/Absorbing/Performing/Norming.
B. Forming/Absorbing/Storming/Performing.
C. Forming/Storming/Norming/Performing.
D. Warming/Swarming/Absorbing/Norming.

Answer: C

Question No : 12

In developing a business plan for a maintenance and reliability improvement initiative it is

important that the:

A. plant manager leads the planning effort to develop the business plan so that ithas
credibility and gains buy-in.

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B. business plan is entered into the Computerized Maintenance Management System and
understood by the controller.
C. business plan outlines a payback on investment of between 1- 1/2 years and2- 1/4
years, with metrics totrack.
D. business plan is a formal document that is linked to the corporate business objectives
and operating goals and other initiatives.

Answer: D

Question No : 13

The historical evolution of maintenance methods from earliest to latest has been:

A. reliability centered, predictive, preventive, breakdown (reactive).

B. preventive, reliability centered, predictive, breakdown (reactive).
C. breakdown (reactive), predictive, preventive, reliability centered.
D. breakdown (reactive), preventive, predictive, and reliability centered.

Answer: D

Question No : 14

In the broadest view, a maintenance planner:

A. places first priority on extensive research to determine possible parts, tools and support
B. writes procedures and gathers tools and parts necessary to do a job quickly and reliably.
C. gives the maintenance organization information to allow scheduling and execution of its
D. ensures good control of vendors that are sources of material, tools, and maintenance

Answer: C

Question No : 15

A decision is made to accompany the vibration technician on adata collection route. What
arethe most important things the observer should be watching for in the technician's

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A. That measurements are collected in the proper route sequence, allowing for machines
that are shut down or not warmed up.
B. That measurements are recorded on all equipment that is operating on the route,
regardless of sequence.
C. That the technician observes and notes other conditions such as leaks, loose bolts, dirty
oil, failed gages, etc.
D. That measurements are taken in displacement and velocity as well as acceleration units.

Answer: C

Question No : 16

Which of the following is not a typical element of a performance agreement between

maintenance and operations?

A. Repair response time targets

B. Machine availability targets
C. Agreed upon staffing levels
D. Call-out procedures and guidelines

Answer: B

Question No : 17

Which list of elements below are the most important to be evaluated and coordinated
during the planning phase of a major shutdown of your operating area (i.e. annual

A. Historical turnaround maintenance days, operations desired work list, prior turnaround
work lists
B. Available turnaround budget, equipment condition, budgeted down-days
C. Condition and remaining life of critical equipment, value of production throughput, labor
and materials availability and cost
D. Heavy lifting equipment availability, labor cost and availability, operations requested

Answer: A

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Question No : 18

The scheduler should assign work plans for the crew to execute what percentage of the
forecasted hours?

A. 100% to fill all available forecasted hours

B. More than 100% in case some jobs do not take as long
C. Less than 100% to allow for emergencies or breaks
D. It does not matter how much is scheduled

Answer: A

Question No : 19

What is the statistical average and the population standard deviation of the following series
of numbers?

1.30, 1.25, 1.50, 1.12, 1.35, 1.38

A. Statistical average = 1.32; standard deviation= 0.128

B. Statistical average = 1.50; standard deviation= 0.25
C. Statistical average = 1.32; standard deviation= 1.50
D. Statistical average = 0.128: standard deviation= 1.32

Answer: A

Question No : 20

When should completed work orders be turned in to the supervisors?

A. at the end of the day

B. at the end of the shift
C. after completing a group of tasks
D. upon completion of the work

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Answer: D

Question No : 21

The primary use of a performance agreement between operations and maintenance is to:

A. Deploy resources most effectively.

B. Know who is responsible when a problem occurs.
C. Clarify operating roles and responsibilities.
D. Minimize unnecessary call-outs.

Answer: A

Question No : 22

What is the relationship between leading indicator metrics and lagging indicator metrics in
the field of Maintenance and Reliability?

A. Lagging indicators are measures that reflect accomplishment of goals, while leading
indicators are measures of what must be done to improve results.
B. Leading indicators are measures thatreflect accomplishment of goalswhile lagging
indicators are measures of what must be done to improve results.
C. Leading indicators are low level measures that reflect accomplishment of goals, while
lagging indicators are measures of what must be done to improve results.
D. Leading indicators are used by management, while lagging indicators are used by
personnel on the shop floor.

Answer: B

Question No : 23

Which one of the following metrics definitions is not accurate?

A. Work Order Cycle Time - average number of hours jobs are planned in advance of
B. Mean TimeTo Repair (MTIR) how long it takes to fix broken equipment
C. Estimated Asset Replacement Value per Mechanic - how much equipment value is

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maintained by each mechanic
D. % Planned Work - the amount of completed work that was planned ahead of time

Answer: A

Question No : 24

As the maintenance manager at a new plant (facility) you are developing the maintenance
workforce strategy for start-up. Select the best workforce attributes for maximum
effectiveness, assuming that unit labor costs are equal

A. An annual bid and selection of a maintenance labor contractor is performed, using unit-
costing of tasks normally required.
B. A managing contractor is brought on site to handle all aspects and provision of
maintenance labor.
C. Multi skilled mechanical crafts (trades) and instrument electrical crafts (trades) are hired
and developed.
D. Operations performing minor maintenance and company multi-skilled technicians
performing complex maintenance tasks.

Answer: D

Question No : 25

There are many ways to improve reliability in the design stage of rotating machinery
development. Eight basic ways are: minimize the static loading, minimize dynamic loading,
minimize cyclic effects, reduce operating temperatures, remove stress raisers, reduce
friction, design for accurate assembly, and isolate corrosive and erosive effects. In regards
to applying these principles to a machine that is already in service:

A. Once a machine is in service, the operating temperature can be lowered without

consulting the manufacturer since lowering temperature always extends machine life.
B. There is little that can be done to improve the basic designed-in reliability" of rotating
machinery once it has been manufactured and placed in service.
C. Maintenance and operations teams can improve machinery reliability by considering the
same basic things that designers look at when designing reliability into a machine.
D. Manufacturers have to take all potential operating conditions into account when
designing rotating equipment so it's not likely you can improve reliability by changing the
operating environment.

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Answer: B

Question No : 26

One way to catch up on back log hours in PM's is to hire outside contractors to complete
backlog work tasks. What should a reliability engineer do when making this decision?

A. assure contractor personnel have many years of experience

B. assure contractors have training programs and documentation from other plant
C. assure contractors have proper safety paperwork on file
D. assure contractors have been trained in work tasks

Answer: D

Question No : 27

Which of the following best measures the effectiveness of the Maintenance and Reliability

A. The amount of backlog work

B. A set of key performance indicators
C. Trends in the Maintenance and Reliability budget
D. Man-hours of Maintenance and Reliability work performed by production

Answer: B

Question No : 28

What aspect of improving reliability is most often overlooked?

A. Assessing the impact of change on the workforce

B. Development of employee skills in root cause analysis
C. Application of state-of-the-art condition monitoring technologies
D. Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) functionality

Answer: A

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Question No : 29

Which of the following is a directly controllable leading performance indicator?

A. Monthly production levels

B. Schedule compliance
C. Unplanned downtime
D. Plant (Facility) profitability

Answer: B

Question No : 30

Superior quality of a product or service can be maintained if the organization:

A. continues product or service improvement and has effective market promotion.

B. holds product specifications constant and historically accurate.
C. ensures its marketing and field service quality controls are perfect.
D. continually promotes its claims to superior quality and market leadership.

Answer: A

Question No : 31

What most strongly influences the development of people skills in a Maintenance and
Reliability organization?

A. Existing labor force

B. Current plant (facility) asset performance requirements
C. Traditional plant (facility) asset performance requirements
D. Future plant (facility) asset performance requirements

Answer: D

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Question No : 32

What attribute of a Maintenance and Reliability professional is essential for future success?

A. Accept standard operating or maintenance practices

B. Attain expert knowledge of specific equipment and technology
C. Stay abreast of current and emerging technologies
D. Obtain multiple memberships in industry craft (trade) associations

Answer: C

Question No : 33

The planning function should focus primarily on:

A. Accurate estimates.
B. Material availability.
C. Equipment records.
D. Future work.

Answer: B

Question No : 34

Preventive Maintenance is defined as: Maintenance tasks, including inspection, service

and or replacement, conducted at regular, scheduled intervals of calendar or operating time
established to avoid failure based on average statistical anticipated lifetime.

There are cautions regarding the application of PM: No more than "A" percent of total
failures are time based, wear out, in nature. .... thus. PM is an ineffective avoidance action
for about *'B" percent of probable failures.

A. A = 20; B = 80
B. A = 40; B = 60
C. A = 60; B = 40
D. A = 80; B = 20

Answer: D

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Question No : 35

Why may two different materials, both with the same surface temperature, appear to
havedifferent temperatures when viewed with a thermal imager?

A. They have different convective coefficients.

B. They have different emissivities.
C. They have different thermal capacities.
D. They have different conductivities.

Answer: B

Question No : 36

For maximum effectiveness maintenance tasks should be allocated to:

A. Operations performing minor maintenance and multiskilled technicians performing

complex maintenance tasks.
B. Operations and/or maintenance depending on availability.
C. Multiskilled maintenance technicians performing all maintenance tasks.
D. A contracted maintenance person to handle all aspects of maintenance.

Answer: A

Question No : 37

As the maintenance manager for a manufacturing company, you have conducted a study
that reveals the mechanics, on average, spend four hours per ten hour shift on wrench time
(tool turning time). Your first action should be:

A. Improve planning and scheduling to increase wrench time (tool turning time).
B. Encourage your planners to develop more aggressive job estimates.
C. Inform management that four hours wrench time (tool turning time) per day is
considered good.
D. Investigate the barriers causing loss of wrench time (tool turning time).

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Answer: D

Question No : 38

For a reliability engineer, identify the appropriate key performance indicator below that
he/she should receive (Le„ that they can best influence or control and are accountable for):

A. % rework (perform the same work on a piece of equipment in a short interval).

B. Equipment utilization rate.
C. Shift stream factor and production rate.
D. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).

Answer: A

Question No : 39

A plant (facility) has acquired three new screw pumps to replace centrifugal pumps. Within
two months of installation it is found the seals have deteriorated allowing the release of
hazardous chemicals into the work place. Which of the following is the best step that the
maintenance or reliability leader could have taken to prevent this failure from occurring?

A. Assured an experienced maintenance representative worked on the design review of the

B. Participated in the development of manufacturer’s standards for screw pumps and seal
C. Ensured the project provided an enclosure to contain fluids in the event of a seal leak
D. Reviewed and selected manufacturer’s to bid on the screw pumps based on their past

Answer: A

Question No : 40

When measuring the temperature of an object using a radiometric imager, which two
parameters have the greatest effect on accuracy of the temperature reading on the

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A. Relative humidity and ambient air temperature
B. Emissivity and background temperature
C. Aperture and brightness
D. Range and span

Answer: B

Question No : 41

Which time interval must be considered to decide how frequently to perform a condition
monitoring maintenance activity?

A. The time interval remaining before a failure after the most recent preventive
maintenance operation has been performed
B. The time interval between the occurrence of a detectable potential failure and its decay
into a functional failure
C. The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of the failure being detected, plus a time
safety margin
D. The MTBF of the failure being detected, minus a time safety margin

Answer: B

Question No : 42

For which of the following elements is the maintenance manager directly responsible?

A. Equipment failure probability

B. Equipment operating practices
C. Life cycle costs of equipment
D. Optimization of maintenance costs

Answer: D

Question No : 43

An employee fells to use his safety goggles on the job and. as a result, incurs an eye
irritation from fumes. This incident is an example of a(n):

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A. Unsafe act
B. Unsafe condition
C. Willful safety violation
D. Unrecognized hazard

Answer: A

Question No : 44

Which of the following has the least impact on maintenance and operations process

A. Cross-functional improvement teams

B. Preventive maintenance
C. Age and condition of assets
D. Manufacturing teams

Answer: C

Question No : 45

A maintenance manager has a spreadsheet list of all of the equipment failures that have
occurred at the plant (facility) over the past three years. Which of the following analytical
methods or tools might be used to sort and prioritize the list?

A. Root Cause Failure Analysis

B. Life Cycle Cost Analysis
C. Total cost of ownership
D. Pareto Analysis

Answer: D

Question No : 46

Return on Assets (ROA) is determined by:

A. Net income/Total assets

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B. Gross income/Total assets
C. Revenue/Total assets
D. Net income/Maintenance costs

Answer: A

Question No : 47

Which of the following cannot be considered on-condition technique?

A. Infrared inspection of an electrical bus bar every year.

B. Replacements of car air filter every 12000miles
C. Gear box oil analysis every 6 months.
D. Measurements of tire tread depth with a coin every month.

Answer: B

Question No : 48

The maintenance manager of a bearing manufacturer has asked you to calculate the
reorder point of a spare part item. She has provided you with the following information to
facilitate your calculations. The cost of the spare parties$100. The cost of earning inventory
is 20% of the cost of the part. The cost of placing an order is$40 for which the annual
demand is 100,000 units. The average tad-time for replenishment is two weeks and the
buffer stock of 500 units S desired and the average inventory is 100 units per week. What
is the reorder point in units for this spare part?

A. 350 units
B. 600 units
C. 700 units
D. 707 units
E. 1200 units

Answer: C

Question No : 49

Which of the following statements about reliability is true?

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A. Reliability of a system or equipment can be improved as a result of administration or
B. A reliable system can be designed from unreliable components if enough redundancy is
C. Reliability of a system or equipment can be improved as a result of testing.
D. Increasing the amount of maintenance cannot improve reliability above the level
established by the design of a system.

Answer: D

Question No : 50

Using predictive technologies, approximately what percent of failures in rotating equipment

can be found?

A. 80%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 20%

Answer: A

Question No : 51

A process system consists of two units,A and B. "Unit A" feeds "Unit B." such that if either
unit is not operating, the system is not operating. Given the data below, calculate the
annual Reliability of the system. The system is in continuous operation

Unit A Reliability =0.40

Unit B Reliability = 0.32

t = 1 year

A. 0.128
B. 0.246
C. 0.365
D. 0.721

Answer: A

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Question No : 52

What analysis process can best be used to perform a gap analysis?

A. Risk analysis
B. Benchmarking
C. Root cause analysis
D. Fishbone diagram

Answer: B

Question No : 53

What is the first method that should be considered for controlling noise exposure?

A. personal protective equipment

B. reduction of noise transmitted
C. reduction of noise at its source
D. develop noise transmission standards in equipment specifications

Answer: D

Question No : 54

The most effective method of performance evaluation is:

A. A forced ranking process.

B. A field review process.
C. A continuous feedback process.
D. A behaviorally anchored rating scale process.

Answer: D

Question No : 55

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The two primary costs in the classical inventory management models that are utilized to
determine the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) are the acquisition cost of inventory and the
inventory possession cost. Which of the following best describes the relationship of these
costs with the number of inventory turns peryear as the number of turns per year

A. acquisition cost increases and inventory possession cost increases

B. inventory possession cost and variable cost increase
C. acquisition cost decreases and inventory possession cost increases
D. acquisition cost increases and inventory possession cost decreases

Answer: D

Question No : 56

On Monday, the maintenance manager sent an e-mail memo to the production manager
saying that the date and time of the next planned outage would be on the third shift of the
coming Friday. When the maintenance manager arrived at the unit on Friday third shift, the
equipment was still operating at full capacity. The operator said he knew nothing of a
planned outage and he had to make up production on this shift. Which of the following is
the most likely reason the equipment was still running?

A. The maintenance manager did not know if the production manager had communicated
the plan to the shift leader.
B. The maintenance manager did not know if the production manager received his e-mail
C. The maintenance manager made a unilateral decision it was time to do the outage.
D. The maintenance manager did not know if the production schedule allowed for the
planned downtime.

Answer: C

Question No : 57

Two common reliability specifications to include in purchase orders for equipment are:

A. Availability (A) and Maximum Required Outage Time (MROT).

B. Guaranteed Uptime (GU) and Guaranteed Downtime (GD).
C. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).

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D. Mean Time Between Repair (\1TBR) and Guaranteed Availability (GA).

Answer: C

Question No : 58

Grouping of data into families and eliminating statistical outliers from a statistical alarm

A. Is not necessary as the standard deviation process corrects for all deviations.
B. Must be performed to assure proper calculation of statistical alarms.
C. Will only affect the bad data, but not affect the good data.
D. Can be dealt with by using the percent offset method.

Answer: B

Question No : 59

What is the best way for a Maintenance and Reliability Program to use process

A. Justify replacement equipment purchases

B. Assist in the explanation of failures
C. Assign detects to equipment and systems
D. Correlate to changes in equipment condition

Answer: D

Question No : 60

Which of the following factors are considered when ranking equipment by Criticality? Select
the best answer.

A. Number of starts per year and cost of power to operate

B. Probability of equipment failure and severity of consequences
C. Equipment age and annual maintenance cost
D. Probability of environmental consequences if a failure occurs and cost of failure

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Answer: B

Question No : 61

In a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program what is autonomous maintenance?

A. Proactive maintenance as a result of condition monitoring

B. Maintenance that is carried out by the production department
C. Maintenance performed while the asset is in production
D. Planned preventive maintenance such as lubrication

Answer: B

Question No : 62

What factor is not used to calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness?

A. Availability
B. Failure Rate
C. Quality Rates
D. Throughput Rate

Answer: B

Question No : 63

The interval between condition based maintenance (CBM) tasks should be determined
based on:

A. how quickly the failure mode progresses and causes functional failure.
B. the failure rate under different operating conditions.
C. the criticality of the equipment and the impact of the failure mode.
D. the failure rate under different operating conditions.

Answer: C

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Question No : 64

What is the responsibility of a leader?

A. Influence others to accomplish an objective.

B. Inspire and carry out team vision and mission.
C. Recognize the skills, talents, and abilities of those working for him.
D. Provide regular feedback to each employee.

Answer: B

Question No : 65

Quantitative analyses, such as break even analysis, can be oversimplifications of the

problem because:

A. Assumptions depart too far from reality.

B. All of the variables are covered.
C. Management needs simple answers.
D. Options are analyzed and weighed.

Answer: A

Question No : 66

You are new to the job of maintenance manager. As you start reviewing the work done by
your five planners you find that, on average, they are dividing their time as follows:

5% Interviewing area personnel to scope out jobs

2% Creating pipe sketches and other small drawings

9% Ordering materials through the Computerized Maintenance Management System


5% Creating work order estimates

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15% Researching what spare parts are needed and where to find them

25% Expediting materials that have not come in yet

5% Creating material kits for future jobs and maintaining the kitting area

1% Creating formal job steps in the work order record in the CMMS

10% Checking on field progress of the larger jobs

15% Talking with mechanics to explain the details of work they are to perform

8% Closing work orders and other data clean up tasks in the CMMS

In which two areas should you concentrate onto make the planners more productive?

A. Eliminate the practice of job materials kitting or staging and purchase a different
computerized maintenance and materials system
B. Encourage the planners to create more detailed job instructions in the work order record
and hire another designer draftsman
C. Increase the planning horizon and improve the quality of bills of material in the
computerized maintenance and materials system
D. Improve their communication skills through training and train all planners on proper
estimation methods

Answer: B

Question No : 67

A well-developed business case will have statement of problem, opportunity or need,

description of options available, and should also include the:

A. financial impact.
B. health and safety impact.
C. environmental impact.
D. customer impact.

Answer: A

Question No : 68

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Reliability predictions are often expressed in terms of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
or its reciprocal.The reciprocal is known as the:

A. Failure Rate.
B. Failure Mode.
C. Mean Time To Failure.
D. Service Life.

Answer: A

Question No : 69

When initiating change to an existing process or program,the best practice is to:

A. Involve key personnel in planning, development of new process or program directives),

train affected personnel, and then implement before a specified compliance date.
B. Issue a directive on the revised process or program, start it and require compliance by a
specific date, then begin training as soon as possible thereafter.
C. Announce the new process or program, issue a draft directive for review and comment
then issue the final with a specific compliance date, and employee review comments and
recommendations incorporated to the maximum extent possible to get "buy-in."
D. Make organizational meetings to plan, train for, and implement change mandatory, but
make participation voluntary to avoid alienating employees who dislike change.

Answer: A

Question No : 70

Maintainability is defined as:

A. a characteristic of a system or product design .that pertains to the ease, accuracy,

safety and economy in the performance of maintenance functions ^
B. a characteristic that pertains to the amount of time the machinery/equipment will be
available when needed
C. a characteristic that pertains to the efficient conversion of labor, raw material and energy
into an on-specification product where the ratio of output to input is optimal
D. the probability that an item will carry out its stated function adequately for the time
intervalwhen operating according to the design function

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Answer: A

Question No : 71

After repeated re-organization of the Maintenance and Reliability structure, only marginally
better performance was realized. To get improved results from your team you should first:

A. Develop better training materials.

B. Develop and communicate a new strategic plan.
C. Assess what gaps exist in processes and people.
D. Establish key performance indicators.

Answer: C

Question No : 72

When forming teams to address reliability issues, four stages of team development should
be recognized and managed by the reliability professional In the Performing stage, team
members should not:

A. Complete problem analysis.

B. Begin to improve and control
C. Make changes to the process.
D. Swing from optimism to uncertainty.

Answer: D

Question No : 73

You are the maintenance manager for a manufacturing plant (facility) that runs 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. The product is selling well. The business is healthy. Which
consideration will bring the most value to your business when planning your next major
shutdown of your operating area?

A. Keeping the cost within budget

B. Limit the work to only jobs that require a shutdown to perform
C. Make full utilization of manpower during the shutdown period

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D. Delay the shutdown until an equipment failure forces the plant (facility) down

Answer: B

Question No : 74

Motor Circuit Analysis (MCrA) on a low (450-600) voltage 3 Phase motor reveals
significantly higher capacitance-to-ground than baseline values. Resistance-to-ground
readings are good. What does this indicate and/or what should you do?

A. The motor contains abnormally high moistureand/or conductive contamination. Continue

normal operation, but plan follow-on MCrA readings and possible corrective action.
B. Remove motor-from service and send to shop to be cleaned, dried, dipped and baked,
since this is the surest way to corrective problem.
C. Do not start the motor. An "explosive" shorting condition could cause near instantaneous
winding failure.
D. No problem exists. Take no action.

Answer: A

Question No : 75

Determining the optimal replacement time for spares (spare parts) with an unacceptable
interval, needs to account for:

A. The depreciated value of the equipment.

B. The value of money changing over time.
C. The interest charges for capital expenditures.
D. The cost of borrowing versus interest lost on operating funds.

Answer: B

Question No : 76

What is a standard methodology to change the frequency of a PM inspection?

A. (ANSI) American National Standards Institute

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B. (RBI) Risk Based Inspection
C. (SMRP) Society of Maintenance & Reliability Professionals
D. (ASME) American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Answer: B

Question No : 77

Who should be responsible for communicating and enforcing company policy from
management to the shop-floor?

A. The maintenance supervisor should be the primary means of communicating and

enforcing company policy directly to his subordinate maintenance personnel with lace-to-
lace communications.
B. Middle management should be responsible for communicating and enforcing company
policy directly to staff
C. Middle management is responsible for communicating and enforcing company policy, in
the presence of the maintenance supervisor.
D. Upper management is responsible for communicating and enforcing company policy, in
the presence of the maintenance manager.

Answer: D

Question No : 78

A maintenance superintendent (manager) has just joined the company and has read the
company's statement of strategic direction in which it says. "Our most important goal is to
increase the return on capital investment in our plants (facilities). All management incentive
compensation will be reflected in the achievement of this goal" The new superintendent
(manager) has asked the plant (facility) manager for a copy of the plan to achieve the
company's goal The plant (facility) manager explains that such a plan does not exist, nor is
there time to do one. The best next step for the superintendent (manager) should be to:

A. Wait until the plant (facility) manager develops a plan to improve return on capital
investment and then develop the maintenance plan.
B. Develop a program to defer maintenance tasks to reduce expenses and increase return
on capital investment.
C. Discuss the role of maintenance in improving return on capital investment with the head
of manufacturing.
D. Develop and present a maintenance plan to increase return on capital investment to

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Answer: D

Question No : 79

Of the choices below, which is the best way to evaluate the effectiveness of a Safety

A. Measure the number of safety slogans and bulletins posted

B. Periodic safety audits of work processes in the field
C. Review health and safety performance as required
D. Solicit feedback about safety performance from employees

Answer: B

Question No : 80

Which of the following tasks should be used to incorporate changes to process and

1.Use an accepted risk analysis process when a change is made

2.Use a database to record equipment failures

3.Use change procedures and policies to document changes

4.Use cross-functional teams to conduct safety, operability. and maintainability reviews

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 2, 3, 4

Answer: C

Question No : 81

Inwhich of the following circumstances might it be appropriate to conduct a Failure Modes

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and Effects Analysis?

A. A custom-made production machine, critical to meeting production requirements, has

failed for a third time in six months. The Maintenance Department has carefully inspected
the machine after each failure, and each failure has been attributed to a loss of lubrication
to the machine's bearings.
B. Corporate downsizing has reduced the staff of the Maintenance Department to two
Reliability Technicians and two foremen for each craft (trade). These foremen will now
manage contracted maintenance crews for all plant (facility) maintenance activities.
C. The Maintenance Department has assumed responsibility for maintenance of the
equipment in a small production line acquired after buyout of a smaller competitor. The
competitor uses equipment that is different from the company's existing equipment.
D. The Production Department has added a third production shift to meet increased sales.
The new shift will be staffed mostly of new employees whose training consists of two
weeks working with the day shift. Adding the third shift also increases equipment operating
hours by 50%.

Answer: C

Question No : 82

Which of the following manufacturing improvement tools uses statistical process control
techniques and design of experiments as a primary method?

A. Root Cause Analysis

B. Predictive maintenance
C. Six Sigma
D. Supply chain management

Answer: C

Question No : 83

After examining the work order history, a maintenance manager finds 25% of the work
orders were written and executed on the same day (unscheduled); 60% were formally
scheduled the day before they were started; 20% of the work orders have emergency
priority; 10% were on the schedule for about a week; and 5% were on the schedule for
about a month or more. Your planners are responsible for expediting materials. The
Maintenance Coordinator meets with your planners each afternoon to make the next day's
schedule. Operations does (Operations do) a good job of preparing equipment for the day's

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scheduled work. Maintenance costs seem high relative to the value of the equipment being
maintained. What should be done first?

A. Nothing - this is a perfectly acceptable situation

B. Concentrate on doing more Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
C. Move the expediting function to the purchasing organization
D. Work with the scheduling group to put work orders on the schedule earlier

Answer: C

Question No : 84

Which of the following is not part of a well-developed training strategy?

A. Definition of skill requirements

B. Performance reviews
C. Gap closure plan
D. Assessment of current skills

Answer: B

Question No : 85

Which of the following methods best identifies maintenance problems caused by

maintenance or operating work processes?

A. Root Cause Failure Analysis

B. Bottleneck Analysis
C. Weibull Analysis
D. Pareto Analysis

Answer: A

Question No : 86

Which one of the followingwork order characteristics addthe most value to the business?

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A. Correct charge codes used
B. Proper authorization
C. Closed in a timely manner
D. Work completed is well-documented

Answer: D

Question No : 87

A reliability block diagram is used in the analysis of plant machinery:

A. availability.
B. OEE (OverallEquipment Effectiveness).
C. downtime.
D. productivity.

Answer: C

Question No : 88

What is defined as "the supervision of a process designed to alter and improve the function
of a business"?

A. Change Management
B. Incremental Management
C. Strategic Planning
D. Commitment Management

Answer: A

Question No : 89

Which one of the following work order characteristics add the most to the business?

A. Accurate estimate of time and cost

B. Properly categorized - expense versus capital
C. Correct equipment number used

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D. All parts ordered and received before work begins

Answer: C

Question No : 90

After management leadership and employee involvement, what is the next step in creating
a good safety and health program?

A. Examination and analysis of work processes and working conditions

B. Kick-off event such as a safety and health lair
C. Finding the right person to be the safety and health manager
D. Getting employee engagement and buy-in

Answer: A

Question No : 91

The primary purpose of operation’s involvement in the maintenance program is to:

A. Increase the skill levels of operations.

B. Reduce maintenance workforce staffing and maintenance costs.
C. Increase stakeholder contributions to asset maintenance.
D. Improve plant (facility) housekeeping and decrease contractors.

Answer: C

Question No : 92

The measured units used for Mechanical Ultrasound are:

B. KHz
C. MHz
D. Hz

Answer: B

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Question No : 93

Which ofthe following answers is not a critical factor in identifying customer requirements in
developing a Maintenance and Reliability Program?

A. Define customer needs

B. Establish standard operating procedures
C. Validate customer requirements
D. Identify and prioritize requirements

Answer: B

Question No : 94

Examples of workplace ethics issues include everything except:

A. whistle-blowing.
B. pay raises.
C. conflicts of interest.
D. workplace privacy.

Answer: B

Question No : 95

Shutdown Work Ratio is defined as the:

A. the amount of planned labor hours for key resource person(s) relative to actual labor
hours worked during an outage.
B. amount of available work time key resource person(s) can work relative to the actual
calendar time of the shutdown.
C. amount of work in manhours that a maintenance team actually achieved in a shutdown
relative to the amount of work it could achieve.
D. the amount of estimated labor hours that a maintenance team can devote to an outage
relative to the total downtime scheduled.

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Answer: A

Question No : 96

The best way to achieve employee buy-in acceptance of the Maintenance and Reliability
Program is to:

A. Sub-contract all maintenance work and have existing employees become inspectors.
B. Develop a pay structure that rewards reactive maintenance performance.
C. Begin a campaign to recruit volunteers to participate in the Maintenance and Reliability
D. Link employee to his job, link the job to the process, and link the process to the
organizational goals.

Answer: D

Question No : 97

Your plant is in a sold-out position. You just told a visiting senior manager from the
corporate office that the reason you place so much emphasis and spend so much money
on maintenance planning is that it not only saves money, butit makes money for the
business. He asks: How can it make money for the business? Your answer is:

A. it reduces finished product inventory through incasing reliability.

B. it improves quality yield through reduced process disruptions.
C. it enables effective maintenance thereby increasing production capability.
D. it ensures the mechanics are productive all day long.

Answer: C

Question No : 98

Which of the following criteria is not normally used to determine if a piece of equipment is

A. Its failure will result in loss of production.

B. Its failure will trigger the start-up of the spare.

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C. Its failure may result in the breach of environmental regulations.
D. The cost of repair or replacement is very high.

Answer: B

Question No : 99

The "quality function" used in leading organizations to achieve"fitness for use or purpose"
of a product or service is:

A. The resultant of the work of all departments of the organization is the responsibility of
upper level management and the quality assurance department that reports directly to it.
B. The resultant of the work of all departments of the organization is the responsibility of
the manufacturing department or the department providing service to the client.
C. The resultant of the work of all departments of the organization regardless of their
D. The resultant of the work of all departments of the organization as enforced by the
quality control inspectors who oversee activities within each specialized department.

Answer: D

Question No : 100

Which answer is not one of the steps in performing an RCA (Root Cause Analysis)?

A. Track the recommended solutions to ensure effectiveness.

B. Develop solutions and recommendations.
C. Identify possible mitigating factors.
D. Define the problem or the failure.

Answer: C

Question No : 101

Root Cause Failure Analysis has determined that 30% of premature equipment failures are
due to human errors. As the maintenance manager, what would be your first step to begin
improving this performance?

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A. Increase inspection of all equipment repairs
B. Conduct a skills assessment of the craft (trade) workforce
C. Implement a refresher training program
D. Attach assembly diagrams to all work orders

Answer: B

Question No : 102

Which of the following is the best definition of a work-team?

A. Supervision defines mission, direction, and assesses performance. The team is largely
self-governing and is responsible for accomplishing goals.
B. The team defines mission and direction Supervision and the team are responsible for
accomplishing the goals.
C. Supervision provides all work direction and holds the team accountable for results.
D. The team defines direction and conducts peer performance assessments.

Answer: A

Question No : 103

For a very stable and capable manufacturing process that is centered around the product
specification, extremely low levels of detects may be identified by using:

A. Process control charts.

B. Process visual inspections.
C. Process automated inspections.
D. Process stability charts.

Answer: A

Question No : 104

Total quality management focuses all employees on producing products that meet
customer needs. This is done by:

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A. Sharing information with all levels in the organization
B. Developing a high level of expertise in all employees
C. Eliminating processes that waste time and materials
D. Balancing the needs of all stakeholders in the organization

Answer: B

Question No : 105

What is a high level metric used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a Safety Program?

A. First aid case frequency

B. Number of job hazard analyses completed
C. Near miss report submissions
D. Lost time injury frequency

Answer: D

Question No : 106

After plotting your failure data (six points) for a single piece of equipment in a Weibull chart
(log-log x log), you notice that the data forms a line with a dog leg (two intersecting straight
lines). This means:

A. There is not enough data to interpret the failures.

B. The trend indicates improving reliability.
C. There are two modes of failure occurring.
D. The failure pattern is a classic bathtub curve.

Answer: C

Question No : 107

Which of the following is the least productive way to gain employee ownership in a
maintenance or reliability task?

A. Ask the employee to attend a Maintenance and Reliability conference to obtain buy-in

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B. Allow the employee to develop programs on assets that have die largest impact on the
organization, according to their experience
C. Ask the employee to develop programs on assets identifiedas critical, and validate with
D. Assign the work with details about how, where, and when it is to be done

Answer: D

Question No : 108

While performing an inspection of a machinery type it is noticed that the attached structure
has more vibration that the actual equipment type. This is an example of what?

A. Transmitted Hz
B. Transmitted harmony
C. Spectral radiance
D. Resonance

Answer: D

Question No : 109

What are the three most significant constraints when developing a Maintenance and

A. Engineering/Human/Resources/Budget
B. Budget/Operations/People
C. Culture/People/Resources
D. Culture/Engineering/Budget

Answer: C

Question No : 110

In lean Manufacturing environment which formula most accurately defines profit?

A. (Price-Cost-Waste)/Volume

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B. Profit = Price - Cost
C. Profit = (Price-Cost)/Volume
D. Profit = (price-cost) X volume

Answer: A

Question No : 111

The Weibull distribution with a shape factor less than 1 is associated with burn in or early
life failures that could be caused by:

A. Poor quality assurance.

B. Irregular loading.
C. Increasing strength.
D. Improper assembly.

Answer: B

Question No : 112

What is one of the significant achievements of predictive maintenance programs?

A. Permitting the ordering of long lead-time parts when the equipment breaks
B. Minimizing use of components that are designed to wear out
C. Increased awareness of and less uncertainty concerning machinery condition
D. Providing delayed information about equipment condition after the equipment has failed

Answer: C

Question No : 113

Select the best measure of maintenance effectiveness from the following list.

A. Return on net assets

B. Total maintenance cost
C. Percent planned maintenance
D. Maintenance cost per unit of production

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Answer: B

Question No : 114

In what order should you consider tasks to defend against failure?

A. Predictive testing, periodic replacement, periodic rebuild

B. Periodic replacement, periodic rebuild, predictive testing
C. Periodic rebuild, periodic replacement, predictive testing
D. Predictive testing, periodic rebuild, periodic replacement

Answer: D

Question No : 115

Key performance indicators can be classified as leading or lagging indicators. An example

of a lagging indicator for manufacturing is:

A. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).

B. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).
C. Overall Equipment Effectiveness.
D. Operating Costs.

Answer: D

Question No : 116

With regard toquality of goods and serviceswhich of the following is true in all economies?

A. A surplus of goods (buyer's market) results in a relaxing of quality standards.

B. A shortage of goods (seller's market) results in a relaxation of quality standards.
C. When demand exceeds supply (seller's market), sellers are forced to increase quality
D. When a surplus of goods exists (buyer's market), buyers force sales prices up.

Answer: B

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Question No : 117

Vibration monitoring can detect all but which one of the following?

A. Soft foot
B. Misalignment
C. Worn coupling
D. Uniform Impeller Wear

Answer: D

Question No : 118

Which of the following statements best represents the primary objective of an inventory
controlsystem for maintenance materials?

A. Provide for accounting and managing of inventory.

B. Balance the cost of inventory with the risk of running out of stock.
C. Provide maintenance items when required and at the right price.
D. Reduce and sustain the maintenance costs of an organization.

Answer: B

Question No : 119

When developing and presenting a new strategic plan to stakeholders, which of the
following is the most important?

A. Implementation timetable
B. Gaining the trust of stakeholders
C. Craft (trade) flexibility
D. Establishment of a common goal

Answer: B

Question No : 120

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One of our five pumps fails each month. We have been getting 45 days of service out of
our dryer belts. We have to fix five piping leaks per month. We have had to replace three of
our 25 air cylinders in the last two years. If a Pareto diagram was created for this failure
data, which equipment type would show the highest failure frequency?

A. Air cylinders
B. Dryer belts
C. Pumps
D. Piping

Answer: D

Question No : 121

What is a good indicator of individual job performance?

A. Annual number of customer complaints

B. Attendance and safety performance
C. Performance compared to individual goals
D. Experience and length of company service

Answer: C

Question No : 122

In order to have the greatest control over maintenance spending, which method of
budgeting and reporting would work best?

A. Annual reduction of historical spending levels

B. Historical spending
C. Chargeback system where operations budgets and reports results
D. Activity-based costing

Answer: D

Question No : 123

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What is the preferred method of obtaining failure information from operator rounds when
the consequences of failure are severe and there is reason to doubt whether the tasks will
be done without a formal reminder?

A. Displaying the inspection schedule in a prominent location

B. Maintenance checks incorporated into standard operating procedures
C. Formal written or electronic checklist performed on a regular schedule
D. Train the operators in such a way that the inspections become second nature

Answer: C

Question No : 124

Guidelines for developing a defensible performance appraisal process include the

following, except

A. Incorporating a rating instrument.

B. Developing job specializations for each employee.
C. Providing definitive performance standards to rater and rates.
D. Using clearly defined individual dimensions of job performance.

Answer: A

Question No : 125

To be trusted by all members of a group, afacilitator must:

A. be a member of the group.

B. notprefer any potential solution.
C. have decision making authority.
D. be acceptable to most of the group.

Answer: A

Question No : 126

Which one of the following work order characteristics add the most value to the business?

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A. Accurate estimate of time and cost
B. Correct equipment number used
C. All parts ordered and received before work begins
D. Properly categorized - expense versus capital

Answer: D

Question No : 127

Which of the following are leading tools or techniques to identify Maintenance and
Reliability process improvements?

1. Total Productive Maintenance

2. Reliability Centered Maintenance

3. Historical analysis of spending patterns

4. Process benchmarking with industry leaders

A. 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 1, 2, 4
D. 1, 2, 3

Answer: C

Question No : 128

What is a standard methodology to reduce or increase the frequency of a PM inspection?

A. Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
C. American Petroleum Institute (API)
D. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Answer: A

Question No : 129

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How do you avoid the pitfall of the Maintenance and Reliability Program appearing to have
littlevalue to the organization?

A. Implement all available predictive technology techniques

B. Use a systematic approach to ensure business goals drive the effort
C. Establish a comprehensive communication program including e-mail web page, and
D. Claim the success of the company is directly related to the Maintenance and Reliability

Answer: B

Question No : 130

Arrange the following cascading indicators in descending order:

1.Schedule compliance

2.Return on Invested Capital


4.Equipment reliability

5.Plant (Facility) Profitability

6.Production volumes

A. 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5
B. 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1
C. 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1
D. 3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2

Answer: C

Question No : 131

Business excellence requires that in most companies the following things be done well
andintegrated effectively:

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A. budgeting, executing, follow-up
B. communications, recruitment
C. reliability improvement, sales, installation
D. marketing, manufacturing, research and development

Answer: D

Question No : 132

What would dictate the basicminimum skill requirements for new Maintenance and
Reliability employees?

A. The skills available in the general workforce

B. The current level of plant (facility) technology
C. The content of the apprenticeship program
D. The educational demographics of the region

Answer: B

Question No : 133

Your plant (facility) is in a sold-out position You just told a visiting senior manager from the
head office that the reason you place so much emphasis and spend so much money on
maintenance planning is that it not only sales money, but it makes money for the business.
He asks: How can it make money for the business? Your most comprehensive answer is:

A. It improves quality yield through reduced process disruptions.

B. It ensures the mechanics are productive all day long.
C. It reduces finished product inventory through increasing reliability.
D. It enables effective maintenance thereby increasing production capability.

Answer: A

Question No : 134

Quality superiority of a product or service can be maintained if the organization:

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A. Ensures its marketing and field service quality controls are perfect.
B. Holds product specifications constant and historically accurate.
C. Continually promotes its claims to superior quality and market leadership.
D. Continues product or service improvement and has effective market promotion

Answer: D

Question No : 135

The 'Karl Fischer Method' measures:

A. The count in parts per million (ppm), of coliform bacteria in a sample of cooling tower
B. The viscosity of an oil sample based on its flow rate through a calibrated orifice.
C. The conductivity in micro-ohms, of a sample of cooling tower water.
D. The amount of water in a sample of oil, in ppm.

Answer: D

Question No : 136

A Company produced 80.000 tons of "Good Product" last year, and the Sales department
has projected a 5% increase in sales during the coming year. Production Statistics:

1.The production line operates 24 hours per day. seven days per week, except for the
downtime listed below.

2.The production line downtime for maintenance averaged 108 hours per month during the
past year.

3.The production line was shut down three times during the year due to power
interruptions, for a total of 18 hours of downtime.

4.The production operators' union has threatened a strike that may last as long as three
weeks if it occurs.

5.The production rate is expected to stay the same as last year's production rate.

6.Power interruption downtime is expected to stay the same as last year.

Based on the Production Statistics shown, what is the required production line availability

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to meet the sales projected for next year?

A. 86.50%
B. 88.50%
C. 89.50%
D. 93.50%

Answer: C

Question No : 137

What is at the heart or core of the Organization for International Standards (ISO) 9000
series documents concerning quality of products and services?

A. Management of quality assurance processes

B. Human safety and environmental protection
C. How to write quality control documents
D. Procedures, document existence, compliance, and control

Answer: D

Question No : 138

The maintenance function should be viewed in value added terms and should be
associated with profit and the optimization of maintenance costs. When developing the
maintenance budget, it is important to:

A. Increase last year's budget by approximately 9.5% to 12% and be prepared to reduce
the budgeted amount after management reviews the budget.
B. Determine, through benchmarking, the percentage of money spent on maintenance
compared to the Replacement Asset Value of equipment.
C. Review the budget from the previous year and increase the budget for the upcoming
year based on the effects of inflation.
D. Base the budget on the individual needs of each specific equipment item annually.

Answer: D

Question No : 139
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The Maintainability of a machine may be measured by:

A. Life Cycle Cost.

B. Machine Maintenance Cost.
C. Failure Rate.
D. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).

Answer: D

Question No : 140

Percent overtime maintenance labor hours is:

A. Overtime maintenance labor hours used to maintain assets, divided by the total
maintenance labor hours to maintain assets, expressed as a percentage.
B. Total overtime labor hours, divided by the total scheduled maintenance labor hours,
expressed as a percentage.
C. Total overtime labor hours, divided by the total maintenance labor hours to maintain
assets, expressed as a percentage.
D. Scheduled overtime maintenance labor hours used to maintain assets, divided by
scheduled maintenance labor hours to maintain assets, expressed as a percentage.

Answer: A

Question No : 141

Nearly all infrared imaging systems detect radiation in two distinct radiation bands,
shortwave (2-6u) and longwave (8-14u). This would be due to:

A. most objects only emitting in these two wavebands.

B. the atmosphere being fairly transmissive to infrared radiation in these two wavebands.
C. most infrared lens materials being only transmissive in these to wavebands.
D. Infrared detectors being only available in these two wavebands.

Answer: A

Question No : 142

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Why is change management essential to the implementation of a Maintenance and
Reliability Program?

A. To create an appropriate paradigm shift where required

B. To explain past mistakes and lost profits
C. To overcome the "program-of-the-month" syndrome
D. Because management systems are slow to react

Answer: C

Question No : 143

For the oil in a pressurized lubrication system, oil samples for analysis and trending should
be taken from:

A. The center of flowing oil line upstream of the oil filter, to assure that the sample is
representative of the oil leaving the lubricated components.
B. The center of a flowing oil line downstream of the oil filter, to assure that the sample is
representative of the oil being supplied to the lubricated components.
C. A low point in the oil sump, to assure that the sample includes wear particles, water, and
other contaminants that may have settled out of the oil.
D. The oil sump at a point above the bottom, to assure that the sample does not include
wear particles, water, and other contaminants that may have settled out of the oil.

Answer: A

Question No : 144

Which of the following does not apply when monitoring product reject rates?

A. Scrap loss
B. Product downgrade
C. Rework or reapplication
D. Lost production time

Answer: D

Question No : 145
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Which of the following should be considered when designing for maintainability?

A. Total cost of ownership for new equipment

B. Pressure and flow ratings of safety relief valves
C. Location of eyewash stations near hazardous chemical handling areas
D. Accessibility for component assembly disassembly

Answer: D

Question No : 146

What is the importance of the P - F Curve with respect to condition monitoring?

A. The P - F Interval can be utilized as the primary basis for determining the proper
condition monitoring interval.
B. The P - F Interval can be utilized to estimate the amount of downtime required to repair
the asset.
C. The P - F Interval can be utilized to estimate the amount of time before an asset starts to
D. The P - F Interval can be utilized to estimate the frequency of Preventative Maintenance

Answer: A

Question No : 147

Surveys have shown that plants (facilities) with good planning and scheduling systems and
good predictive and preventive programs have which ratios of maintenance tasks? (Does
not include service to operations or capital projects or turnarounds)

A. 50% of all work is preventive and predictive. 80% of work is planned and scheduled at
least one week before execution, 5% of all work is emergency
B. 25% of all work is preventive and predictive. 60% of work is planned and scheduled at
least one week before execution, 15% of all work is emergency
C. 95% of all work is preventive and predictive. 90% of work is planned and scheduled at
least one week before execution, 5% of all work is emergency
D. 30% of all work is preventive and predictive. 40% of work is planned and scheduled at
least one week before execution, 20% of all work is emergency

Leaders in it certification 53
SMRP CMRP : Practice Exam
Answer: C

Question No : 148

Motor current analysis reveals an unbalanced motor current in excess of 40% when the
motor is loaded to over 70% of its nameplate full bad ampere rating. What should you
suspect and or what should you do?

A. Do nothing. Current unbalance is normal in a motor that is not fully loaded.

B. Order the motor to be removed from service immediately, since failure due to
overheated winding insulation is imminent.
C. Order more on-line tests to confirm the problem, allowing production to continue as long
as possible.
D. Atthe first opportunity, shut down the motor and have motor circuit analysis performed to
locate the cause so it can be corrected.

Answer: C

Leaders in it certification 54

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