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Madison McQuagge

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301-102

25 September 2023

Genre Analysis of a Flyer for Keynote Speaking Event

The IBC Bank & Commerce Bank 2023-2024 Keynote Speaker Series has recently

announced their latest event at Texas A&M International University through flyers on bulletin

boards. The flyer targets everyone on campus including TAMIU employees and students. This

flyer was made to promote and to spread information about the keynote speaking event. IBC

Bank & Commerce Bank uses the genre of the flyer to give out information and recruit

attendance at the event. The flyer grabs attention by having the author and title in a big bold font,

having the location and time in a medium sized font, and the contact information on a contrasting


First of all, the author uses the title in big bold letters to grab the audience’s attention.

The title, “IBC Bank & Commerce Bank 2023-2024 Keynote Speaker Series,” has a big impact

on the flyer because it catches the eye. The title is a huge factor to the conventions of the flyer,

so the author had to make it recognizable in a big white font. With a maroon background and

white letters, contrasting from the white flyer and black letters, the title draws the attention of the

community and makes them want to read the rest. In the title the author is named and is bigger

than the rest of the title, which tells the audience that the author is really important to this flyer

and the keynote speaking event.

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Secondly, the keynote speaking event flyer has its date, location, and time emphasized.

The date, location, and time is in a bigger font than the description of the event, which makes it

stand out. This is important because this information is what the audience needs to know to be

interested in the event and to attend, so the author emphasized it to grab attention. The date and

time is found below the details of the event, but right above the contact information. It is

emphasized by being in big bold letters, stating “Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.” is the

day the keynote speaking event will take place at TAMIU. The location is in a smaller font than

the date and time, but still is bold. The author, IBC Bank & Commerce Bank, made the location

bold to still catch the attention of the audience, but not too big to take away from the to date and


Finally, the flyer gives contact information to help the community gain their knowledge

about the event. On the flyer, there are many points of information for little details like contact

information. For example, the flyer states, “For additional information, contact the Center for the

Study of Western Hemisphere Trade.” This shows that IBC Bank & Commerce Bank want to

persuade the audience to be interested in the event. They want the community to contact them

with questions, so they can persuade and interest you to attend the keynote speaking event. The

information is on the bottom of the page, and is highlighted by having a maroon background and

white letter to contrast from the white flyer with black letters. The contrast is made to draw

attention to where the IBC Bank & Commerce Bank want the audience to look at. It is made

purposely to catch the community’s eye, in this way the audience cannot miss the contact

information and maybe even remember how to contact them. The contact is emphasized for

everybody to know how to contact the author for any questions that they may have about the
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event. Also, since the information is important, they made it stand out to grab the audience’s


All in all, the author, IBC Bank & Commerce Bank, uses the genre of the text,

flyer, to spread information to the audience about the keynote speaking event. The text

demonstrates the author’s use of genre because they give contact information, dates, and

emphasize the title. My insight on the use of the flyer is important because looking at the flyer,

the little details like the author making the text bigger on important information, or making

certain points stand out that the audience may not subconsciously recognize on their first glance.

This is why the author chose to make the flyer to have the information easy to access for the

audience and to grab their attention. Next time the audience sees a flyer, they can analyze it and

see what points the author makes the text bigger or contrast from the back because those are the

points that the author really wants the reader to know about.
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IBC Bank & Commerce Bank. 2023-2024 Keynote Speaker Series. TAMIU Student Center

Ballroom, 2023.

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