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Contents Mining ERC Calculator

This document is a guideline made under section 550 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) to provide
guidance relating to the methodology mentioned in section 298(2)(c) of the EP Act and must be used in conjunction
with the department’s “Guideline for estimated rehabilitation cost under the Environmental Protection Act 1994”

Terms and Conditions of Use

1. The Estimated Rehabilitation Cost (ERC) calculator (the "Calculator") is copyright and the Licensee
may only use the Calculator subject to these terms and conditions of use. In using the Calculator, the
Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of use.

2. The Calculator is a general tool which identifies a range of work processes relating to rehabilitation.
The Calculator is made available by the Licensor to assist the Licensees in the calculation of a ERC.
ERC assessments are used in the determination of rehabilitation bonds required to be lodged pursuant
to the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld). The Calculator does not purport to contain all the
information a Licensee will require to calculate any rehabilitation liability.

General Licence

3. The Licensor grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to:

3.1 load a single copy of the Calculator onto a hard disk or other storage device of any computer
on a single network;

3.2 display, print or reproduce that copy of the Calculator; and

3.3 solely for the Permitted Use:

(a) develop any Derivative Work from the Calculator;

(b) distribute any Derivative Work to third parties; and

(c) authorise its consultants, contractors or sub-contractors to do the acts referred to in this paragraph
3.3, and that its consultants, contractors or sub-contractors agree to the terms of this licence and are
directed to the page on the Department’s website containing these terms and conditions.

Derivative work

4. Where the Licensee uses the Calculator to produce any Derivative Work, the Licensee must ensure
that all copies of that Derivative Work include the following notice:

This material has been derived with a software tool used with the permission of the State of
Queensland. The State of Queensland has not evaluated the manner of use of the software tool nor the
validity of the original data treated by the software tool and therefore give no warranty as to its
accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose.

ESR/2015/1824 15-Nov-23 Version 5.03

©State of Queensland, 2023

Terms and Conditions of Use

Third parties

5. Except as permitted by the terms and conditions of use or the Copyright Act 1968, the Licensee must not,
and must not permit a third party to:

(a) decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the
Calculator ;

(b) modify or make any adaptation or other derivative work from the Calculator; or

(c) use, copy, reproduce, publish, store in a retrieval system or transmit the calculator or any
Derivative Work) to any third party; or

(d) sell, rent, lease, licence, sub-licence, display, publish or communicate the Calculator (or any
Derivative Work) to any third party without the prior written consent of the State of Queensland.

Accuracy of information

6. The Department may revise the rates and formulae used in the Calculator at any time without notice but is
not under any obligation to do so.

7. The Licensee should rely on their own independent investigations, review and analysis in using the

8. The output of the Calculator will depend on the accuracy of the information entered by the Licensee
concerning the relevant work plan and rehabilitation plan and current and future site conditions.

9. The default third party rates included in the Calculator are for general information only and use typical
market ‘third party’ contract rates current as at December 2021. As a result, the default third party rates may
not be applicable to some mining or extractive operations. For the purposes of a rehabilitation liability
assessment, the Department or an auditor appointed under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 may set
different rates for specific sites. These rates may be higher for specific sites.

10. The Licensee must review default rates included in the Calculator and ensure they are applicable to their
site conditions. If not, they should specify an alternative rate and insert this rate into the Calculator. Any
alternative rate must be substantiated in a form acceptable to the Department and must be determined using
current market ‘third party’ contract rates.

Review of rehabilitation bonds

11. Rehabilitation bonds are determined and may be reviewed by the Chief Executive under the relevant
legislation. In undertaking these responsibilities the Chief Executive or the Department may refer to any ERC
assessment undertaken by the Licensee but is not bound to do so, and may take other matters into account
including those specified in DES Guidelines from time to time.

ESR/2015/1824 15-Nov-23 Version 5.03

©State of Queensland, 2023

Terms and Conditions of Use
14. Where any law implies a condition or warranty into this Licence which may not lawfully be excluded then to
the maximum extent permitted by law, liability of the Licensors for breach of the condition or warranty will be
limited at its election to:

(a) replacement of the goods or supply of equivalent goods

(b) payment of the costs of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods

(c) supplying the services again; or

(d) payment of the costs of having the services supplied again.

Calculator means the rehabilitation bond calculator developed by EHS Support Pty Ltd and Mike Slight and
Associates and owned by the State of Queensland for use in calculating rehabilitation liabilities under the
Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Definitions and Governing Law

15. These terms have the following meaning in these terms and conditions of use:

Chief Executive means the chief executive responsible for administering the Environmental Protection Act

Department means the State of Queensland through the Department of Environment and Science including
any successor agency or authority.

Derivative Work includes any assessment of rehabilitation liability undertaken by or on behalf of the Licensee
using the Calculator or other information product derived by reference to or use of the Calculator.

Licensee means any person who uses the Calculator or on whose behalf the licence is taken to use the

Licensors mean the State of Queensland (through the Department of Environment and Science).

Permitted Use means the calculation of a rehabilitation liability assessment for the purposes of the
determination of rehabilitation bonds required to be lodged pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act 1994

16. These terms and conditions and the copyright notice are governed by and are to be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland.


I accept the terms and conditions of use above.

ESR/2015/1824 15-Nov-23 Version 5.03

©State of Queensland, 2023

Terms and Conditions of Use

Actual costs of rehabilitation

12. The actual costs of current and future rehabilitation required to be undertaken by a Licensee may be
more or less than any calculation derived by use of the Calculator or the amount of any rehabilitation bond
determined by the Chief Executive or the Department. The Licensee must make their own independent
investigations, review and analysis and obtain independent advice before taking any action on the basis of
any calculation derived by use of the Calculator.

Warranties, representations and liability

13. The Licensors do not warrant or represent that the Calculator or the information it contains is free from
errors or omissions or is suitable for a Licensee’s intended use. To the maximum extent permitted by law,
the Licensors:

13.1 exclude any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reliability,
completeness, quality, performance or fitness for any purpose of the Calculator or any information it
contains, or any calculation derived by use of the Calculator; and

13.2 exclude any liability (whether arising from negligence or otherwise) for any claims, expenses, losses,
damages and costs, including direct, indirect or consequential loss, legal costs and including loss of
revenue, contracts, profit or opportunity which the Licensee (including their respective employees,
contractors, consultants, agents or assigns) may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with:

(a) the Licensee’s use of or access to (or inability to use or access) any part of the Calculator, or any
information contained in the Calculator or any calculation derived by use of the Calculator;
(b) the Licensee’s reliance on any part of the Calculator, any information contained in the calculator or any
calculation derived by use of the Calculator;
(c) any part of the Calculator or any information contained in the Calculator or any calculation derived from
the Calculator:
(i) being inaccurate, incomplete or unfit for any particular purpose; or
(ii) incapable of being processed on your equipment or systems; or

(d) any computer virus or other harmful code contained in or arising from access to or use of the
rehabilitation liability calculator, or any damage to or interference with any data, software or hardware
arising from access to or use of the Calculator.

ESR/2015/1824 15-Nov-23 Version 5.03

©State of Queensland, 2023

Mining ERC Calculator

Click on the Links below to navigate to the target sheet

Terms and Conditions of Use
Table Of Values
1. Eligible Mining Activities
2. Exploration
3. Infrastructure
4. Process and Heavy Equipment
5. Water Storage
6. Water Treatment and Pumping
7. Waste Rock Dumps, Overburden Dumps, Spoil Piles and Stockpiles
8. Heap Leach Pads
9. Tailings Storage Facilities, Rejects, Slimes, Slimes Storage Facilities
10. Pits
11. Underground Mines
12. Ports
13. Investigation, Contamination, Scrap, Waste Levy
14. General Land Rehabilitation
15. Mobilisation / Demobilisation and Additional User Items
Quantity Summary
Waste Levy Register
Capping Alerts

EA - Environmental Authority
ERC - Estimated Rehabilitation Cost

EMA - Eligible Mining Activities


Enter quantities in the green cells. If alternate rates are justified enter to the yellow cells and provide
justification in the Table of Values.

Quantities only need to be entered in one table (e.g. if using rolled-up rates for roads, the same road
quantities do not need to be entered to the User Quantities table. If a quantity based table. e.g. number
of dams is used, the user does not have to enter the area in the area-based table).
For concrete pad removal, this is miscellaneous only. Concrete pads associated with buildings are included
in the buildings rate.

In general, the TOV sheet has spaces for justification of Alternate and User entered items. Where there is
not a space (e.g. land amendment in waste structures), the User must provide a justification either within
this Information sheet or separate to the workbook.

Numerical assumptions are shown in the Assumptions sheet.

The rates generally include activities reasonably anticipated to be required to rehabilitate items.
Specifically, decommissioning, demolition, removal, disposal / storage, rehabilitation of land ("grade and
seed") are included.

User tables allow entry of site-specific quantities and adding on of non-standard items such as long
distance haul of growth media and amendment to soil. In general, the intent is the default rates will cover
most scenarios and the User build-up should only be necessary if there is a clear requirement. For
example, it is known that highly sodic soil will require amendment with a higher gypsum application rate
or growth media will require carting from more than 10 km.

Rates in arid environments do not include growth media and seeding. Arid environments are desert
whereby vegetation is absent (e.g. the Cooper Basin in South West Queensland).

Click in title cells for tips on specific use.

When entering text (e.g. in User Notes to the right), it is recommended to add a blank row at the
beginning and end of the text to ensure text displays correctly. Use Alt Enter to add blank rows.

Quantities only need to be entered in one table (e.g. if using rolled-up rates for roads, the same road
quantities do not need to be entered to the User Quantities table. If a quantity based table. e.g. number
of dams is used, the user does not have to enter the area in the area-based table).

For concrete pad removal, this is miscellaneous only. Concrete pads associated with buildings are
included in the buildings rate.

In general, the TOV sheet has spaces for justification of Alternate and User entered items. Where there is
not a space (e.g. land amendment in waste structures), the User must provide a justification either within
this Information sheet or separate to the workbook.

Date Version
01-Apr-19 4.00
04-May-19 4.01

15-May-19 4.02

29-May-19 4.03

15-Jul-19 4.04

08-Jul-20 4.05

01-Oct-20 4.06


e included

09-Oct-20 4.07
there is
er within
1-Oct-22 5.0

18-Nov-22 5.01

6-Jul-23 5.02

15-Nov-23 5.03

ade and

will cover
tion rate



e there is
er within
Live Date of first issue
Fixed error in Overburden noted during use - added column X in Waste Rock
Dumps (User Defined) and column V in Overburden Dumps and Spoil Piles
(User Defined).
Fixed error in Miscellaneous tab in Bore and drainage input sheet.
Alternate rates was not multiplying.
Infrastructure tab. User Inputs for roads didn’t calculate linear and area
correctly. Added columns.
Macro issue. No impact to user version.
Change "pad" to "hole" for drill holes.
Macro issue. No impact to user version.

Improved clarity of scope in rates #2.03 to 2.11 and 8.01.

Added use and scope descriptions to rates #2.72 to 2.75, 8.05 to 8.07.
growth media added to rate #2.11 (borrow pit) and #2.81 (rail spur).
(Note unit change from ha to m2 for #2.81)
New rate: #2.84 and table ("Rehabilitation of Areas not covered above")
added to Tab 2. Infrastructure to allow for grade, topsoil and seed of
areas not covered in the tables above (see TOV description for applicability).
New rate: #8.34 to Tab 8. Process Equipment to cover land rehabilitation
of any process equipment areas requiring such.
New rate: #8.35 to table Concrete Pads in Tab 2. Infrastructure to allow for
land rehabilitation where concrete pads are removed.
New rate: #10.62 and table ("Rehabilitation of Areas not included elsewhere")
added to Tab 10. Miscellaneous Activities.
Added ramp areas to seeding areas to Waste Rock and Overburden Dumps
in Tab 3. Overburden Dumps Piles.
Removed references "if input sheet not used" in Exploration rates in TOV.
Fixed default width reference in Haul Roads table in 2. Infrastructure.
Minor fixes of typos, referencing and formatting.
Added mobilisation rate for small projects (total ERC pre-mobe < $1000,000).
The User can chose this option by entering a 1 in the "Mobilisation
& Demobilisation - small projects (total ERC < $1000,000 before mobe added
10% applied)" line in the Summary tab and not entering quantities in the
Mobilisation tables.
Fixed referencing error for Pits Low wall volume - now reports correctly to
Qty Summary tab.
Adjusted earthen laydown rate by removing excessive earthmoving.
Added more slope for dozer push.
Added longer dozer push lengths.
Added truck and shovel option to backfill pits.
Added grade, rip, deep rip, seeding to Miscellaneous tab.
Added rate for Medium risk metalliferous mines.
Added Growth Media to other pit treatments.
Fixed error in area calculation for haul roads.
Fixed error in calculation for sewage plants.
Macro issue. Addressed issue with 'add row' functionality.

Major Review
Rates reviewed and updated.
Reworking of Input sheets to make consistent with spatial data requirements.

Removed errant "1" from Eligible Mining Activities

Waste levy rates annual update

Fixed error in Investigation Contamination tab for disposal to off-site facility.

Fixed fleet selection options for Overburden Dump Piles and Pits sheets.
Mining ERC Calculator

The Terms and Conditions should be read before using this calculator.

Environmental Authority Ref: EA Holder:

Tenure: Site Name:

Last ERC Decision Date: Current ERC Amount:

Site Contact: Position:

Site Address: Phone:


Name of Assessor: Name of Authorised Person:

Title: Title:
Date: Date:

Select from dropdown (must not be left blank)

Further user comment on waste

Waste Levy (select)
levy application:
Waste Levy Summary

Below this line for the Department's use only

Name of Department Reviewer: Name of Department Manager:

Title: Title:
Date: Date:

Terms and Conditions of Use

$ -
The most common reason for the Waste Levy not
applying is that the site is not in a Waste Levy zone.
Mining ERC Calculator
Subrates Contents
Use and Notes
Information only, no user inputs are required. The User cannot change these rates.

Contains the rates used to build the TOV values. Includes the unit prices for earthmoving (e.g. cost per cubic m
(e.g. gypsum) and gate fees and levy for waste.

1 2

Subrates Table 1

Growth Media
Bitumen etc

Load and Haul Values per LCM Small Fleet 1

<=200 m $ 3.10
>200 m to <=500 m $ 3.12
>500 m to <=1000 m $ 3.60
>1000 m to <=1500 m $ 4.08
>1500 m to <=2000 m $ 4.11
>2000 m to <=2500 m $ 4.46
>2500 m to <=3000 m $ 4.81
>3000 m to <=4000 m $ 5.15
>4000 m to <=5000 m $ 5.85
>5000 m to <=6000 m $ 6.54
> 6000 m $ 6.89
Fleet_Size Fleet GM Large structure

Small Fleet 1 Small Fleet 1

Small Fleet 2 Medium Fleet
Small Fleet 3 Large Fleet
Medium Fleet Truck / shovel
Large Fleet

Note: productivity rates are sourced from the Caterpillar manual and vary according to the type and size of equipment.

Activity # 5, 6
Load and Haul Fleet Make-up Small Fleet 1
Haul truck 740 C(ADT)
Excavator / shovel None
Loader 980M
Grader 14M
Dozer None
Water truck 19 kL

The number of machines varies according to the activity and distance to push or haul.
Activity 5 is for load, haul and place growth media using the small fleet make-up shown above.
Activity 6 is load, haul and dump bitumen, stabilised materials, and concrete and dispose within onsite void using the small
Activity 7a is load, haul, dump spread fill - Waste Rock Landforms, Spoil Piles, Roadways, contaminated soil footprints, po
Activity 7b is load, haul, dump spread fill - Waste Rock Landforms, Spoil Piles, Roadways, contaminated soil footprints, po
Activity 7c is load, haul, dump spread fill - Waste Rock Landforms, Spoil Piles, Roadways, contaminated soil footprints, po
Activity 8a is load, haul, dump, spread overburden for pit backfill and recontouring using the large fleet make-up shown abo
Activity 10 is excavate, load, haul, dump and spread water storage sediment and silt using the small fleet shown above.
Large and truck / shovel fleets are not used on Tailings Storage Facilities due to stability of material.
"Hyd" = hydraulic shovel"
"d/s" = double shift
Note: productivity rates are sourced from the Caterpillar manual and vary according to the type and size of equipment.

Subrates Table 2
Bulk Push

D6R Dozer
per LCM
<= 20m push $ 0.47
> 20m to <= 30m push $ 0.49
> 30m to <= 50m push $ 0.77
> 50m to <= 75m push $ 1.19
> 75m to <= 100m push $ 1.63
> 100m to <= 125m push $ 1.92
> 125m to <= 150m push Dozer too small
> 150m to <= 200m push Dozer too small
> 200m to <= 250m push Dozer too small
> 250m to <= 300m push Dozer too small
> 300m to <= 350m push Dozer too small
> 350m to <= 400m push Dozer too small
> 400m to <= 450m push Dozer too small
> 450m to <= 500m push Dozer too small
Used in Overburden, HLP, TSF and Pits Input sheets
Major bulk pushing to achieve grades nominated in the approval/permit
Note: productivity rates are sourced from the Caterpillar manual and vary according to the type and size of equipment.

Subrates Table 3
Reshape slopes and batters to angle shown. Max 100 mm push

D6R Dozer
$ / ha
<=2.8 degrees Dozer too small
>2.8<=5.7 degrees Dozer too small
>5.7<=8.5 degrees $ 13,980
>8.5<=14 degrees $ 8,905
>14<=17.5 degrees $ 3,327
>17.5 degrees $ 2,660
Used in Overburden, HLP, TSF and Pits Input sheets
Note: productivity rates are sourced from the Caterpillar manual and vary according to the type and size of equipment.

Subrates Table 4
Rip up and Push Up
Category $ / m3
D9 - 30 m push $ 0.33

Subrates Table 5
Additional Capping and Testing
Item Rate
Geofabric layer over tailings materials as part of cap / cover $ 2.20
Geosynthetic clay liner $ 13.20
Geomembrane $ 14.30
Source and prepare Capillary Break Layer Material Rate $ 4.71
Low Permeability Clay Layer - source, haul, condition, compact $ 8.09
Low Permeability Clay Layer - condition and compact $ 4.06
Permeability / Compaction Testing for caps $ 972

Subrates Table 6
Waste Rock Landforms, Spoil Piles, Stockpiles, Run of Mine pads, Heap Leach piles, Tailings Storage Facilities - r
Item Rate

Water management for soil conservation on rehabilitated landforms

$ 2,885
(construct surface cell and crest bunding etc)

Construct landform spine drains, drop structures and/or stabilising

$ 21,235
water course entry points - required for large catchments on landforms

Doze and shape for natural drainage earthworks, final trim and deep
$ 4,798
rip, and seed (pasture seed)

Doze and shape for natural drainage earthworks, final trim and deep
$ 7,339
rip, and seed (trees, shrubs, native grasses)

Heap Leach Flushing

$ 0.66

1 2
Subrates Table 7
Dams - rates used in User Build-up
Liner Remove
Liner Dispose

Subrates Table 8
Clay work on-site
Growth media

Subrates Table 9
Growth Media / Amendments / Clay
Load and Haul Long Distance 2
Category $ / m3 -km

5 to 10 km $ 0.25
10 to 15 km $ 0.15
15 to 20 km $ 0.11
20 to 25 km $ 0.10
25 to 30 km $ 0.09
30 to 35 km $ 0.08
35 to 40 km $ 0.08
40 to 45 km $ 0.07
45 to 50 km $ 0.07
50 to 60 km $ 0.07
60 to 70 km $ 0.07
70 to 80 km $ 0.06
80 to 90 km $ 0.06
90 to 100 km $ 0.06
100 to 150 km $ 0.06
150 to 200 km $ 0.06
200 to 250 km $ 0.06
$ 0.05

Subrates Table 10
Purchase Capping Material (gate price) Rate ($/t)
Clay $ 50.00

Subrates Table 11
Revegetation $/ha
Pasture $ 1,655.50
Native $ 4,196.50
Subrates Table 12
Dewatering $
Remove downwell dewater pumps $ 197.19
Diesel generator removal $ 351.55

Subrates Table 13
Piping Flush
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $ 0.02
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground $ 0.16
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground $ 0.55
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground $ 2.20
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried $ 0.02
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried $ 0.16
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried $ 0.55
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried $ 2.20

Subrates Table 14 (name: Amend_subrates_table)

Purchase Amendments (gate price) Rate ($/t)
Gypsum Normal Soil $ 100.00
Gypsum Sodic Soil $ 100.00
Gypsum Recycled Normal Soil $ 70.00
Gypsum Recycled Sodic Soil $ 70.00
Lime $ 60.00
Biosolids, MSW, Manure $ 40.00
Hay Mulch / Sugar Cane $ 180.00
Fertiliser $ 1,000.00

Subrates Table 15 (name: )

Levy - Metro Zone
Material / Waste Type
Concrete $ 105.00
Asbestos (ACM) $ 135.00
Asbestos in soil $ 135.00
Low Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil $ -
High Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil $ 185.00
Low Level Inorganics in soil $ -
High Level Inorganics in soil $ 135.00
Sludge $ -
General Waste $ 105.00
Construction / building waste $ 105.00
Regulated waste (e.g. tires and belts) $ 135.00
Construction Debris Disposal Gate Fee $ 105.00
Steel $ -
Wood $ -
Salt $ -
Sludge $ -

Oil / condensate disposal Gate Fee $ 1.08

Oily water / ablution water disposal Gate Fee $ 0.22
Density concrete 2.4
e rates.

earthmoving (e.g. cost per cubic metre to push soil 20 m using a D8 dozer), land amendments purchase price

3 4 5 6 7

Growth Media Fill Growth Media Fill

Sediment Fill Growth Media / Fill
Sediment Sediment

Small Fleet 2 Small Fleet 3 Medium Fleet Large Fleet Truck / shovel
$ 3.00 $ 3.94 $ 2.99 $ 2.14 $ 1.22
$ 3.35 $ 4.28 $ 2.99 $ 2.14 $ 1.24
$ 3.87 $ 4.81 $ 3.35 $ 2.19 $ 1.34
$ 4.05 $ 4.98 $ 3.71 $ 2.44 $ 1.47
$ 4.20 $ 5.13 $ 4.07 $ 2.69 $ 1.58
$ 4.84 $ 5.77 $ 4.51 $ 2.79 $ 1.71
$ 5.33 $ 6.27 $ 4.84 $ 3.01 $ 1.81
$ 5.68 $ 6.61 $ 5.08 $ 3.20 $ 1.95
$ 6.37 $ 7.31 $ 5.31 $ 3.39 $ 2.17
$ 7.07 $ 8.00 $ 5.79 $ 3.76 $ 2.39
$ 7.41 $ 8.35 $ 6.02 $ 3.95 $ 2.48
Fleet Sediment Fleet GM Surface Fleet GM small features

Small Fleet 2 Small Fleet 1

Medium Fleet Medium Fleet
Large Fleet Large Fleet

10 7a 7b 7c 8a
Small Fleet 2 Small Fleet 3 Medium Fleet Large Fleet Truck / shovel
741 C(ADT) 740 C(ADT) 777G 793F 797F
390F None PC1250 EX2500 6090 Hyd
None 980M None None None
14M 14M 16M 16M 16M d/s
D9R D9R D10T D11T D11T d/s
19 kL 19 kL 777G 785D 785D
pose within onsite void using the small fleet make-up shown above.
dways, contaminated soil footprints, ponds, dams, shallow voids, inpit and other tailings storage facilities and other fill areas using the small
dways, contaminated soil footprints, ponds, dams, shallow voids, inpit and other tailings storage facilities and other fill areas using the mediu
ways, contaminated soil footprints, ponds, dams, shallow voids, and other fill areas using the large fleet make-up shown above.
ing the large fleet make-up shown above.
using the small fleet shown above.
ility of material.

D7R Dozer D8R Dozer D9R Dozer D10T Dozer D11T Dozer

$ 0.38 $ 0.33 $ 0.27 $ 0.26 $ 0.20

$ 0.40 $ 0.37 $ 0.30 $ 0.29 $ 0.23
$ 0.53 $ 0.50 $ 0.41 $ 0.40 $ 0.32
$ 0.74 $ 0.72 $ 0.57 $ 0.56 $ 0.46
$ 1.06 $ 1.11 $ 0.83 $ 0.80 $ 0.65
$ 1.27 $ 1.71 $ 1.21 $ 1.05 $ 0.88
Dozer too small $ 2.38 $ 1.53 $ 1.23 $ 1.07
Dozer too small $ 3.26 $ 1.95 $ 1.53 $ 1.37
Dozer too small $ 3.79 $ 2.20 $ 1.88 $ 1.60
Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 2.64 $ 2.09 $ 1.69
Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 4.08 $ 2.78 $ 2.25
Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 5.16 $ 3.52 $ 2.84
Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 5.50 $ 3.75 $ 3.03
Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 5.68 $ 4.32 $ 3.62

D7R Dozer D8R Dozer D9R Dozer D10T Dozer D11T Dozer

Dozer too small Dozer too small $ 5,523 $ 4,071 $ 3,315

Dozer too small $ 9,194 $ 7,052 $ 5,021 $ 4,262
$ 9,267 $ 7,421 $ 4,593 $ 3,573 $ 3,186
$ 5,869 $ 4,085 $ 2,806 $ 2,413 $ 2,049
$ 2,118 $ 2,106 $ 1,642 $ 1,594 $ 1,299
$ 1,655 $ 1,571 $ 1,267 $ 1,240 $ 1,015

Unit Notes
Used for waste structures if additional capping is required. Price is delivered to sites.
Used for waste structures if additional capping is required. Price is delivered to sites.
Used for waste structures if additional capping is required. Price is delivered to sites.
Screening of rock to <50mm
Source haul, condition and compaction
Used if clay is not sourced locally. Load, haul, purchase is added separately in the Input Sheets.
ha Used for testing on caps

piles, Tailings Storage Facilities -Drainage

rates used footprint.
in User calculations
Installation of on-
Unit Notes
Landform footprint.
site rock material
where drains to
minimise the
managing water
ha potential
run-off fromfor erosion.
D10 max 50m
disturbed land push,
1.5m high
and/or upon bunds,
entry 2to
waterper ha -
prevents erosion of
ha gully head
competent material
is locally
Area available).
of landform.
CAT D10 erosion
dozer, of
ha gully head
average pushand20m,
CAT14M grader,water run-
off from seeding
pasture dumps etc.
Area of landform.
CAT D10 material
is locallyisavailable).
zero as
ha average
most heap push 20m,
pads wontgrader,
native seeding
flushed. Assumes
volume of water
required is 10%
m3 over field capacity,
includes cost for
treatment of metals
and pH adjustment.
3 Allowance 4 for water 5 6
cost and equipment
Rate Unit
$ 5,853 ha
$ 1,601 ha

$ 50 m3 For long haul

$ 10 m3 For long haul

dia / Amendments / Clay Rock Rock

3 4 5 6 7
$ / t -km $ / m3 -km $ / t -km Average for Category

$ 0.17 $ 0.39 $ 0.16 7.50

$ 0.10 $ 0.27 $ 0.11 12.50
$ 0.07 $ 0.21 $ 0.09 17.50
$ 0.07 $ 0.18 $ 0.08 22.50
$ 0.06 $ 0.17 $ 0.07 27.50
$ 0.06 $ 0.17 $ 0.07 32.50
$ 0.05 $ 0.16 $ 0.07 37.50
$ 0.05 $ 0.16 $ 0.06 42.50
$ 0.05 $ 0.16 $ 0.06 47.50
$ 0.05 $ 0.15 $ 0.06 55.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.15 $ 0.06 65.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.14 $ 0.06 75.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.14 $ 0.06 85.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.14 $ 0.06 95.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.12 $ 0.05 125.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.08 $ 0.03 175.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.06 $ 0.03 225.00
$ 0.04 $ 0.06 $ 0.02 250.00
pump Includes electrical and mechanical disconnection, two labourers, winch with and flatbed.
item Disconnect, load to truck and transport for storage

Cut and Cap Remove

$ 360.70 $ 5.19
$ 377.64 $ 5.85
$ 394.57 $ 6.67
$ 411.51 $ 7.80
$ 1,214.31 $ 26.84
$ 1,263.99 $ 32.16
$ 1,288.83 $ 43.92
$ 1,313.67 $ 58.44

Rate (t/ha)

Levy - Regional Zone

Gate Fee ($/t)
$ 91.00 $ 64.61
$ 124.00 $ 89.86
$ 124.00 $ 91.12
$ - $ 63.43
$ 179.00 $ 180.00
$ - $ 63.43
$ 124.00 $ 180.00
$ - $ 85.00
$ 91.00 $ 65.00
$ 91.00 $ 65.00
$ 124.00 $ 180.00
$ 91.00 $ 64.61
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ 100.43
$ - $ 85.00

t / m3

8 9 10 11 12
ill areas using the small fleet make-up shown above.
ill areas using the medium fleet make-up shown above.
hown above.
n the Input Sheets.
Haul Distance

Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Table Of Values Use Excel Search function to find key words (Home Ribbon - Find & Select)
Use and Notes
Lists the Default rates used in the Calculator. The calculations and rolled-up (default) rates are designed as far as practical so that the User
does not have to enter quantities more than once for the same element. For example, if a rolled camp rate is selected the assumption is all
reasonably elements associated with a camp are included in that rate.

# Input Sheet Activity / Description Rate Unit Use / Notes

1. Eligible Mining Activities

Eligible Mining
#1.01 Exploration disturbance Includes costeans, sumps and general disturbance $ 2.77 m2 Enter area of disturbance to be backfilled.

Eligible Mining Enter number of holes. Does not include seeding. Use
#1.02 Exploration drill holes $ 216.28 hole
Activities rates #1.03 (pasture) and #1.04 (native) for seeding.

Eligible Mining
#1.03 Seeding of drill holes in pasture $ 22.00 hole Enter number of drill holes requiring pasture seed.

Eligible Mining
#1.04 Seeding of drill holes in native $ 24.20 hole Enter number of drill holes requiring native seed.

Eligible Mining
#1.05 Open Pit Abandonment Bunds $ 47.78 m Enter length of abandonment bunds

Eligible Mining
#1.06 Open Pit Fencing and Signage $ 21.40 m Enter length of fence and signage.

Eligible Mining
#1.07 Backfill Pits and Voids $ 4.98 m3
Activities Enter volume to be backfilled.

Eligible Mining
#1.08 Grade backfilled areas $ 0.88 m2 Enter area to be graded.

Eligible Mining HIGH RISK Waste Rock Dump / Low-grade Ore Stockpile
#1.09 $ 16.31 m2 Enter total area.
Activities The unoxidized zone has been mined.

Eligible Mining HIGH RISK Tailings Storage Facility The unoxidized zone has been mined;
#1.10 $ 19.63 m2 Enter total area.
Activities processing utilises hazardous chemicals (e.g. cyanide, sulfuric acid etc.)
Eligible Mining
#1.11 HIGH RISK Heap Leach Pads $ 16.33 m2 Enter total area.

LOW RISK Waste Rock Dump/Low-grade Ore Stockpile The oxidised zone
Eligible Mining
#1.12 only has been mined $ 4.59 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining LOW RISK Tailings Storage Facility The oxidised zone has been mined
#1.13 $ 7.11 m2 Enter total area.
Activities only; no chemicals used for processing.

Eligible Mining HIGH RISK Processing Plant Chemical processing or non-gravity /

#1.14 $ 33.38 m2 Enter total area.
Activities magnetic separation

LOW RISK Processing plant - Fixed Gravity / magnetic separation or non-

Eligible Mining
#1.15 chemical processing $ 19.70 m2 Enter total area.

LOW RISK Processing plant - Mobile (without footings) Gravity / magnetic

Eligible Mining
#1.16 separation or non-chemical processing $ 18.22 m2 Enter total area.

Infrastructure Includes buildings (camps, administration buildings,

Eligible Mining
#1.17 accommodation, caravans, bath house etc.), plant and equipment, pipes, $ 125.46 m2 Enter total area.
general waste

Eligible Mining
#1.18 Rehabilitate infrastructure footprint $ 1.55 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining
#1.19 Run of mine areas $ 2.26 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining
#1.20 Fuel and chemical storage areas (land area) $ 4.19 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining
#1.21 Fuel and chemical storage areas (tanks) $ 1,995.78 tank Enter number of tanks.

Eligible Mining
#1.22 Uranium core disposal $ 10.00 m Enter total length of cores
Eligible Mining
#1.23 Regulated waste disposal $ 233.95 tonne Enter total mass to dispose.

Eligible Mining
#1.24 Roads and access tracks $ 0.35 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining
#1.25 Landfill $ 3.45 m2 Enter total area.

Eligible Mining
#1.26 Underground operations - Backfill shafts $ 258.91 m Enter total length of shaft to backfill.

Eligible Mining
#1.27 Underground operations - Plug Portals $ 26,857.12 each Enter number of portals to plug.

Eligible Mining
#1.28 Water Storage Dams Contaminated $ 7.34 m2 Enter area of dams.

Eligible Mining
#1.29 Water Storage Dams Treatment $ 2,912.84 ML Enter volume of water to treated

Eligible Mining
#1.30 Water storage dams Uncontaminated $ 4.56 m2 Enter area of dams

Enter total area of disturbance areas from above

Eligible Mining
#1.31 Seeding of pasture areas $ 0.17 m2 activities (excluding drill holes) requiring seeding in
pasture land.

Enter total area of disturbance areas from above

Eligible Mining
#1.32 Seeding of native areas $ 0.42 m2 activities (excluding drill holes) requiring seeding in
native land.

2. Exploration

Enter length of seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks

#2.01 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in pasture land $ 1,006.18 km requiring rehabilitation (not the total length) in pasture
Enter length of seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks
#2.02 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in native land $ 1,895.53 km requiring rehabilitation (not the total length) in native

Enter length of seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks

#2.03 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in arid land $ 426.76 km
requiring rehabilitation (not the total length) in arid land.

Enter area of seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks

#2.04 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in pasture land $ 2,874.80 ha requiring rehabilitation (not the total length) in pasture

Enter area of seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks

#2.05 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in native land $ 5,415.80 ha requiring rehabilitation (not the total length) in native

Enter area (not the total length) of seismic corridor,

#2.06 Exploration Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in arid land $ 1,219.30 ha grid-lines, minor tracks requiring rehabilitation in arid

Enter total length of track in pasture land requiring

#2.07 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture $ 616.70 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in native land requiring

#2.08 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Native $ 1,379.00 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in arid land requiring

#2.09 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid $ 120.05 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in pasture land requiring

#2.10 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture $ 1,233.40 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in native land requiring

#2.11 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Native $ 2,758.00 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in arid land requiring

#2.12 Exploration Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid $ 240.10 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.
Enter total area of track in pasture land requiring
#2.13 Exploration Track, Pasture, Earthen, No replace $ 2,055.66 ha rehabilitation in pasture land. Length and width not

Enter total area of track in native land requiring

#2.14 Exploration Track, Native, Earthen, No replace $ 4,596.66 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter total area of track in arid land requiring

#2.15 Exploration Track, Arid, Earthen, No replace $ 400.16 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter number of bores to plug. Use this rate if plugging

#2.16 Exploration Water Supply / Monitoring bore hole plugging $ 238.28 bore
is all that is required.

Enter number of bores to plug. Use this rate if plugging

#2.17 Exploration Exploration bore hole plugging $ 238.28 bore
is all that is required.

Enter number of bores to backfill with cuttings. Use this

#2.18 Exploration Water supply bore hole backfilling with cuttings $ 618.07 bore
rate if backfill with cuttings is all that is required.

Enter number of bores to backfill with cuttings. Use this

#2.19 Exploration Monitoring bore hole backfilling with cuttings $ 618.07 bore
rate if backfill with cuttings is all that is required.

Enter number of bores to backfill with cuttings. Use this

#2.20 Exploration Exploration bore hole backfilling with cuttings $ 618.07 bore
rate if backfill with cuttings is all that is required.

Enter number of bores to grout up. Includes backfill to

#2.21 Exploration Water supply bore hole grouting $ 2,090.69 bore
grouting location.

Enter number of bores to grout up. Includes backfill to

#2.22 Exploration Monitoring bore hole grouting $ 2,090.69 bore
grouting location.

Enter number of bores to grout up. Includes backfill to

#2.23 Exploration Water reinjection bore hole grouting $ 6,901.26 bore
grouting location.

Enter number of bores to grout up. Includes backfill to

#2.24 Exploration Exploration bore hole grouting (coal / mineral sands / large impact drilling) $ 2,738.65 bore
grouting location.

Enter number of bores to grout up. Includes backfill to

#2.25 Exploration Exploration bore hole grouting (metalliferous / low impact drilling) $ 1,560.55 bore
grouting location.

Enter number of sumps associated with drillholes. Not

#2.26 Exploration Exploration sumps $ 372.17 sump
all drillholes will have sumps.
#2.27 Exploration Lined > 0 and <= 1 ML $ 80,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.28 Exploration Lined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML $ 78,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.29 Exploration Lined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML $ 75,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.30 Exploration Lined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML $ 74,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.31 Exploration Lined > 10 and <= 20 ML $ 70,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.32 Exploration Lined > 20 and <= 50 ML $ 65,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.33 Exploration Lined > 50 and <= 100 ML $ 63,500.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.34 Exploration Unlined > 0 and <= 1 ML $ 50,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures
#2.35 Exploration Unlined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML $ 49,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.36 Exploration Unlined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML $ 47,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.37 Exploration Unlined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML $ 45,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.38 Exploration Unlined > 10 and <= 20 ML $ 43,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.39 Exploration Unlined > 20 and <= 50 ML $ 38,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#2.40 Exploration Unlined > 50 and <= 100 ML $ 36,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

Enter the total land disturbance of infrastructure and

Grade and seed land (pasture) on which infrastructure and equipment equipment such as camps and temporary water
#2.41 Exploration $ 1,858.21 ha
owned by a third-party is implemented. treatment facilities. Use for land that will be
rehabilitated to pasture.

Enter the total land disturbance of infrastructure and

Grade and seed land (native) on which infrastructure and equipment equipment such as camps and temporary water
#2.42 Exploration $ 4,399.21 ha
owned by a third-party is implemented. treatment facilities. Use for land that will be
rehabilitated with native species.
Enter the total land disturbance of infrastructure and
Grade land (arid) on which infrastructure and equipment owned by a third- equipment such as camps and temporary water
#2.43 Exploration $ 202.71 ha
party is implemented. treatment facilities. Use these rate only for arid
environments where seeding is not required.

3. Infrastructure

Enter number of major terminations required to allow

#3.01 Infrastructure Disconnect and terminate all services $ 38,500.00 Item
demolition / rehabilitation of site(s).

Enter number of terminations at remote locations

required to allow demolition / rehabilitation of site(s).
Use for items such as pumps stations, remote
#3.02 Infrastructure Disconnect and terminate services at remote areas $ 11,000.00 Item
workshops, remote sewage treatment plants).(i.e.,
pump stations, remote workshops, sewage treatment
plant, etc.)

Enter total length of track in pasture land requiring

#3.03 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture $ 616.70 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in native land requiring

#3.04 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Native $ 1,379.00 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in arid land requiring

#3.05 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid $ 120.05 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in pasture land requiring

#3.06 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture $ 1,233.40 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in native land requiring

#3.07 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Native $ 2,758.00 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

Enter total length of track in arid land requiring

#3.08 Infrastructure Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid $ 240.10 km rehabilitation. Use for tracks of width shown in Activity /
Description column.

#3.09 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture $ 2,467.46 km Enter total length of track in pasture
#3.10 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Native $ 3,229.76 km Enter total length of track in native

#3.11 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid $ 1,970.81 km Enter total length of track in arid

#3.12 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture $ 4,934.93 km Enter total length of track in pasture

#3.13 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Native $ 6,459.53 km Enter total length of track in native

#3.14 Infrastructure Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid $ 3,941.63 km Enter total length of track in arid

#3.15 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Pasture $ 4,159.50 km Enter total length of track in pasture

#3.16 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Native $ 4,159.50 km Enter total length of track in native

#3.17 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Arid $ 4,159.50 km Enter total length of track in arid

#3.18 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Pasture $ 8,319.01 km Enter total length of track in pasture

#3.19 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Native $ 8,319.01 km Enter total length of track in native

#3.20 Infrastructure Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Arid $ 8,319.01 km Enter total length of track in arid
Enter total area of track in pasture land requiring
#3.21 Infrastructure Track, Pasture, Earthen, No replace $ 2,055.66 ha rehabilitation in pasture land. Length and width not

Enter total area of track in native land requiring

#3.22 Infrastructure Track, Native, Earthen, No replace $ 4,596.66 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter total area of track in arid land requiring

#3.23 Infrastructure Track, Arid, Earthen, No replace $ 400.16 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter total area of track in pasture land requiring

#3.24 Infrastructure Track, Pasture, Rock, No replace $ 8,224.88 ha rehabilitation in pasture land. Length and width not

Enter total area of track in native land requiring

#3.25 Infrastructure Track, Native, Rock, No replace $ 10,765.88 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter total area of track in arid land requiring

#3.26 Infrastructure Track, Arid, Rock, No replace $ 6,569.38 ha
rehabilitation. Length and width not required.

Enter total area in any vegetation where rocks is to be

#3.27 Infrastructure Track, any land, Rock, Replace rock $ 13,865.01 ha

#3.28 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Pasture $ 11,501.99 km Enter total length of haul road in pasture

#3.29 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Native $ 17,854.49 km Enter total length of haul road in native

#3.30 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Arid $ 7,363.24 km Enter total length of haul road in arid

#3.31 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Pasture $ 70,273.27 km Enter total length of haul road in pasture
#3.32 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Native $ 76,625.77 km Enter total length of haul road in native

#3.33 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Arid $ 33,068.33 km Enter total length of haul road in arid

#3.34 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Pasture $ 128,044.15 km Enter total length of haul road in pasture

#3.35 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Native $ 134,396.65 km Enter total length of haul road in native

#3.36 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Arid $ 58,773.41 km Enter total length of haul road in arid

#3.37 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, Pasture $ 4,600.80 ha Enter total area of haul road in pasture

#3.38 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Native $ 7,141.80 ha Enter total area of haul road in native

#3.39 Infrastructure Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Arid $ 2,945.30 ha Enter total area of haul road in arid

#3.40 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Pasture $ 28,109.31 ha Enter total area of haul road in pasture

#3.41 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Native $ 30,650.31 ha Enter total area of haul road in native
#3.42 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Arid $ 13,227.33 ha Enter total area of haul road in arid

#3.43 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Pasture $ 51,217.66 ha Enter total area of haul road in pasture

#3.44 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Native $ 53,758.66 ha Enter total area of haul road in native

#3.45 Infrastructure Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Arid $ 23,509.36 ha Enter total area of haul road in arid

Enter number of rail overpasses to be removed.

#3.46 Infrastructure Remove rail overpass $ 350,000.00 item

Enter number of road overpasses to be removed.

#3.47 Infrastructure Remove road overpass $ 500,000.00 item

Enter number of water course overpasses to be

#3.48 Infrastructure Remove course overpass $ 1,300,000.00 item removed.

#3.49 Infrastructure Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Pasture $ 6,698.62 ha Enter total area of earthen laydown in pasture

#3.50 Infrastructure Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Native $ 9,239.62 ha Enter total area of earthen laydown in native

#3.51 Infrastructure Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Arid $ 400.16 ha Enter total area of earthen laydown in arid

#3.52 Infrastructure Laydown, Rock, No replace, Pasture $ 13,908.26 ha Enter total area of rock laydown in pasture

#3.53 Infrastructure Laydown, Rock, No replace, Native $ 16,449.26 ha Enter total area of rock laydown in native
#3.54 Infrastructure Laydown, Rock, No replace, Arid $ 7,609.80 ha Enter total area of rock laydown in arid

#3.55 Infrastructure Borrow Pit - pasture $ 9,568.95 ha Enter area of borrow pit in pasture to be rehabilitated.

#3.56 Infrastructure Borrow Pit - native $ 12,109.95 ha Enter area of borrow pit in native to be rehabilitated.

#3.57 Infrastructure Borrow Pit - arid $ 6,443.42 ha Enter area of borrow pit in arid land to be rehabilitated.

#3.58 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $ 13.10 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.59 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground $ 14.23 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.60 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground $ 15.78 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.61 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground $ 18.90 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.62 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried $ 51.82 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.63 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried $ 58.27 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.64 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried $ 70.92 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.

#3.65 Infrastructure Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried $ 87.58 m Enter the length of pipe to be removed.
Enter number of small demountable structures (e.g.
small office.) This rate does not include grade and
#3.66 Infrastructure Portable $ 2,190.26 unit seed as a portable building will typically be within a
larger area (e.g. laydown).

Enter the area of the building to be demolished.

#3.67 Infrastructure Small, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors $ 121.23 m2

Enter the area of the building to be demolished.

#3.68 Infrastructure Large, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors $ 72.83 m2

Enter the floor area of the building to be demolished.

#3.69 Infrastructure Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors $ 87.18 m2

Enter the floor area of the building to be demolished.

#3.70 Infrastructure Small, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors $ 129.69 m2

Enter the floor area of the building to be demolished.

The area is the base footprint only as the rate takes
#3.71 Infrastructure Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors $ 138.97 m2
account of the multi-storeys. For process plant such as
CHPP use the rate in Process Equipment.
#3.72 Infrastructure Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20 camp Enter number of camps

#3.73 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons $ 65,859.18 camp Enter number of camps

#3.74 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons $ 94,167.70 camp Enter number of camps

#3.75 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons $ 136,991.91 camp Enter number of camps
#3.76 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons $ 165,956.44 camp Enter number of camps

#3.77 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons $ 231,159.61 camp Enter number of camps

#3.78 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons $ 259,035.19 camp Enter number of camps

#3.79 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons $ 317,460.89 camp Enter number of camps
#3.80 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons $ 410,539.65 camp Enter number of camps

#3.81 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons $ 592,242.65 camp Enter number of camps

#3.82 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons $ 771,974.25 camp Enter number of camps

#3.83 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons $ 1,530,233.90 camp Enter number of camps
#3.84 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons $ 2,287,756.16 camp Enter number of camps

#3.85 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons $ 3,046,015.81 camp Enter number of camps

#3.86 Infrastructure Temporary camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons $ 3,803,889.62 camp Enter number of camps

#3.87 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 0 and <= 20 persons $ 65,962.00 camp Enter number of camps
#3.88 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons $ 106,755.63 camp Enter number of camps

#3.89 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons $ 176,338.29 camp Enter number of camps

#3.90 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons $ 243,154.37 camp Enter number of camps

#3.91 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons $ 312,027.16 camp Enter number of camps
#3.92 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons $ 393,060.27 camp Enter number of camps

#3.93 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons $ 453,160.04 camp Enter number of camps

#3.94 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons $ 575,041.13 camp Enter number of camps

#3.95 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons $ 721,125.79 camp Enter number of camps
#3.96 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons $ 903,898.73 camp Enter number of camps

#3.97 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons $ 1,186,839.18 camp Enter number of camps

#3.98 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons $ 2,331,960.18 camp Enter number of camps

#3.99 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons $ 3,453,914.88 camp Enter number of camps
#3.100 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons $ 4,591,595.48 camp Enter number of camps

#3.101 Infrastructure Permanent camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons $ 5,726,506.89 camp Enter number of camps

Enter area of buildings and associated land between

buildings. If the camp area has open land not
#3.102 Infrastructure Small temporary camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint) $ 41.74 m2
associated with buildings and structures enter the area

Enter area of buildings and associated land between

buildings. If the camp area has open land not
#3.103 Infrastructure Larger temporary camp (> 50 persons) (footprint) $ 42.23 m2
associated with buildings and structures enter the area

Enter area of buildings and associated land between

buildings. If the camp area has open land not
#3.104 Infrastructure Small permanent camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint) $ 37.61 m2
associated with buildings and structures enter the area

Enter area of buildings and associated land between

buildings. If the camp area has open land not
#3.105 Infrastructure Larger permanent camp (> 50 persons) (footprint) $ 40.15 m2
associated with buildings and structures enter the area
#3.106 Infrastructure Communications Tower $ 30,188.57 tower Enter number of towers.

Enter length of power lines on steel tower and steel

#3.107 Infrastructure Overhead powerlines (steel towers) $ 25,555.74 km

#3.108 Infrastructure Overhead powerlines (wooden poles) $ 18,053.34 km Enter length of power lines on wooden poles.

#3.109 Infrastructure Overhead powerlines (concrete poles) $ 27,685.49 km Enter length of power lines on concrete poles.

Assumes single story and includes segregation of

#3.110 Infrastructure Substation $ 660.00 m2
materials for scrap.

#3.111 Infrastructure Switchyard $ 60.50 m2 Enter the footprint of the switchyard

#3.112 Infrastructure Remove rail loop and spur, ballast etc. $ 60.50 m Enter the length of rail

#3.113 Infrastructure Collapse, cut and remove rail loading bins $ 71,500.00 Item Enter the number of rail loading bins/hoppers.

#3.114 Infrastructure Remove train loading facilities $ 291.50 m2 Enter the footprint of train loading infrastructure.

#3.115 Infrastructure $ 3.61 m2 Enter total area of landfill to be covered
Enter nameplate capacity of wastewater treatment
plant. Rate is for aboveground unit with tanks. If the
Sewage Plant facility has large in-ground clarifiers / settling ponds
#3.116 Infrastructure $ 144.19 kL/day
add a pond or tank rate. If the facility places / irrigates
treated materials to land, add a land rehabilitation rate.

Enter capacity (ML/day) of company owned water

#3.117 Infrastructure Water Treatment Plant (company owned) $ 3,353.23 ML / day treatment plant.

Enter total pad area of light vehicle (e.g. passenger

#3.118 Infrastructure Light Vehicle Wash Down $ 145.62 m2
vehicles) wash down pads.

Enter total pad area of heavy vehicle (e.g. dump truck)

#3.119 Infrastructure Heavy Vehicle Wash Down $ 80.74 m2
wash down pads.

Enter number of water filling stations.

#3.120 Infrastructure Water Filling Station $ 3,490.94 unit

Enter number of fuel filling stations.

#3.121 Infrastructure Fuel Filling Station $ 14,725.86 unit

Enter total area (top) of oil / water separators.

#3.122 Infrastructure Oil/water separator $ 240.06 m2

Enter area of bitumen to be removed.

#3.123 Infrastructure Remove bitumen (aprons, sealed areas) for dumping in a void on-site $ 10.00 m2

Enter area of bitumen airstrip to be removed.

#3.124 Infrastructure Remove bitumen (airstrip) for dumping in a void on-site $ 20.00 m2

Enter area of concrete to be removed.

#3.125 Infrastructure Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void $ 37.00 m2

Breaking up slab and loading into void or crushing area

#3.126 Infrastructure Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void $ 75.00 m2
for conversion to road aggregate.

#3.127 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 75 mm $ 10.00 t Crush concrete
Does not include haulage of materials - assumes
#3.128 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 50 mm $ 13.00 t
crushing plant is readily available.

Does not include haulage of materials - assumes

#3.129 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 30 mm $ 15.00 t crushing plant is readily available.

#3.130 Infrastructure Remove fence (cyclone/wire fence) $ 20.00 m Enter length of fence to remove.

#3.131 Infrastructure Construct no-climb stock fence around rehabilitated areas $ 21.12 m Enter length of fence to construct.

#3.132 Infrastructure Construct standard stock fence around rehabilitated areas $ 16.72 m Enter length of fence to construct.

Enter area of land beneath demolished / removed

Rehabilitation of infrastructure footprints
#3.133 Infrastructure $ 0.65 m2 infrastructure to be rehabilitated. Includes reshape rail
spur and load out areas.

Enter the area to be ripped and graded.(Used in User

#3.134 Infrastructure General grader and shape to re-establish natural rip $ 400.16 ha build tables).

#3.135 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML $ 3,616.51 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.136 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.6 ML $ 6,543.87 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.137 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1 ML $ 7,430.27 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.138 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.5 ML $ 15,589.92 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.139 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7 ML $ 24,675.35 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.140 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 ML $ 28,165.58 tank Enter number of tanks
#3.141 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 ML $ 33,078.12 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.142 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 17 ML $ 44,197.13 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.143 Infrastructure Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 4 kL $ 15,559.76 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.144 Infrastructure Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 kL $ 23,306.35 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.145 Infrastructure Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL $ 29,025.07 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.146 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 1.2 kL $ 1,370.41 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.147 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL $ 1,527.45 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.148 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL $ 1,703.78 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.149 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 20 kL $ 1,995.78 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.150 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 30 kL $ 2,093.81 tank Enter number of tanks
#3.151 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 40 kL $ 2,374.92 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.152 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 50 kL $ 2,594.91 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.153 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 55 kL $ 2,668.24 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.154 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 70 kL $ 2,961.57 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.155 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 90 kL $ 3,105.55 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.156 Infrastructure Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 110 kL $ 3,383.15 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.157 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 100 kL $ 4,565.76 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.158 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 200 kL $ 5,895.28 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.159 Infrastructure Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 300 kL $ 7,449.68 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.160 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.2 kL $ 18,426.04 tank Enter number of tanks
#3.161 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.9 kL $ 23,896.38 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.162 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.6 kL $ 35,845.21 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.163 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 5.5 kL $ 45,832.54 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.164 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7.6 kL $ 57,093.13 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.165 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL $ 71,244.34 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.166 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 15.5 kL $ 84,220.69 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.167 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 25 kL $ 121,840.87 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.168 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 40 kL $ 173,539.58 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.169 Infrastructure Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 50 kL $ 204,470.22 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.170 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 1.5 kL $ 6,137.76 tank Enter number of tanks
#3.171 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 3 kL $ 570.08 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.172 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL $ 570.71 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.173 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL $ 571.16 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.174 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 13.5 kL $ 698.66 tank Enter number of tanks

#3.175 Infrastructure Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 18.2 kL $ 699.52 tank Enter number of tanks

4. Process and Heavy Equipment

Use for CHPP, mineral concentrator, CIP/CIL,

crushing, milling and similar items.

Enter total floor space including multiple levels. For

example, if the ground floor is 100 m2 and second floor
#4.01 Process Equipment Demolish and remove processing plant $ 216.06 m2/floor is 100 m2, the quantity to enter is 200 m2. Use for
CHPP, crushers, mills, furnaces, agglomeration,
electrowinning, floatation, sizing stations, rotary
breakers etc. - include the area of each floor of the

Enter the number of radial and/or luffing (or similar)

#4.02 Process Equipment Remove stacker or reclaimer $ 750,000.00 Item stackers and reclaimers.

Enter the number of bucket wheel stacker reclaimers.

#4.03 Process Equipment Demolish and remove bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer or wing stacker $ 2,000,000.00 Item

Enter the length of rails and ballast/footings associated

#4.04 Process Equipment Remove rails and ballast for stacker and/or reclaimer $ 75.00 m with rail mounted stacker reclaimers.
Enter the length of conveyors that are on the ground.
#4.05 Process Equipment Demolish and remove on-ground conveyors and gantries $ 185.00 m

Enter the length of conveyors that are elevated >5 but

#4.06 Process Equipment Demolish and remove overhead conveyors and gantries $ 297.90 m <10 m off the ground.

Enter the length of conveyors that are elevated >10 m

#4.07 Process Equipment Demolish and remove elevated conveyors and gantries $ 850.00 m off the ground.

Enter the area of the roof of the reclaim tunnel to be

"punched in" to expose the conveyor for removal. Does
Demolish reclaim tunnel, cut reo and expose reclaim conveyor, then not include excavation of material to expose the
#4.08 Process Equipment $ 80.00 m2
collapse into the reclaim tunnel void structure. Use rate below for conveyor removal and/or

Enter the length of conveyors in reclaim tunnels that do

not have canopies or protection from the
elements .Enter the length of reclaim tunnel to be
#4.09 Process Equipment Remove and demolish conveyor from reclaim tunnel $ 150.00 m
demolished. Use rate above for excavation and
demolition of reclaim tunnel roof.

Enter the area of reclaim tunnel is to be completely

#4.10 Process Equipment Demolition of reclaim tunnel concrete $ 950.00 m2 removed.

Enter the length of on-ground conveyor to be

#4.11 Process Equipment Dismantle on-ground conveyors for reuse/resale $ 462.50 m dismantled for re-use.
Enter the length of overhead conveyor to be
#4.12 Process Equipment Dismantle overhead conveyors for reuse/resale $ 750.00 m dismantled for re-use.

Enter the number of small silos to be removed. The

User can assume this rate applies for vessel sizes up
#4.13 Process Equipment Collapse, cut and remove 1250 t silo / bin / hopper $ 75,881.26 Item
to the next category.

Enter the number of medium silos to be removed. The

User can assume this rate applies for vessel sizes up
#4.14 Process Equipment Collapse, cut and remove 3000 t silo / bin / hopper $ 107,362.51 Item
to the next category.

Enter the number of large silos to be removed. The

User can assume this rate applies for vessel sizes up
#4.15 Process Equipment Collapse, cut and remove 5000 t silo / bin / hopper $ 143,603.15 Item
to the next category.

Demolish and remove above ground small tank clean (Fuel storage, Enter the number of tanks to demolish. Use for fuel
#4.16 Process Equipment $ 10,000.00 item
thickener etc. 3 - 9 m diameter) storage, thickener, flocculation and similar tanks.

Demolish and remove above ground medium tank clean (Fuel storage, Enter the number of tanks to demolish. Use for fuel
#4.17 Process Equipment $ 30,000.00 item
thickener etc. 10 - 15 m diameter) storage, thickener, flocculation and similar tanks.

Demolish and remove above ground large tank clean (Fuel storage, Enter the number of tanks to demolish. Use for fuel
#4.18 Process Equipment $ 45,000.00 item
thickener etc. 16 - 25 m diameter) storage, thickener, flocculation and similar tanks.

Demolish and remove above ground extra large tank clean (Fuel storage, Enter the number of tanks to demolish. Use for fuel
#4.19 Process Equipment $ 100,000.00 item
thickener etc. 26 - 50 m diameter) storage, thickener, flocculation and similar tanks.

Demolish and remove above ground extra extra large tank clean (Fuel Enter the number of tanks to demolish. Use for fuel
#4.20 Process Equipment $ 175,000.00 item
storage, thickener etc. >50 m diameter) storage, thickener, flocculation and similar tanks.
Enter the number of small underground tanks to be
#4.21 Process Equipment Removal of small underground tank (<5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc. $ 21,000.00 item
removed and disposed.

Enter the number of large underground tanks to be

#4.22 Process Equipment Removal of large underground tank (>5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc. $ 30,000.00 item
removed and disposed.

Enter the number of small tanks to be transported for

#4.23 Process Equipment Transport small tank and dispose $ 5,000.00 item

Enter the number of small skid mounted or plinth

#4.24 Process Equipment Small Pump Set $ 431.17 item secured pump sets to be removed.

Enter the number of large skid mounted or plinth

#4.25 Process Equipment Large Pump Set $ 2,587.01 Item secured pump sets to be removed.

Enter the number of draglines to be removed.

#4.26 Process Equipment Dismantle and remove dragline up to 2,000 t $ 1,500,000.00 item

Enter the number of draglines to be removed.

#4.27 Process Equipment Dismantle and remove dragline >2,000 t to 5,000 t $ 2,000,000.00 item

Enter the number of draglines to be removed.

#4.28 Process Equipment Dismantle and remove dragline > 5,000 t $ 2,500,000.00 item

Enter area of bitumen to be removed.

#4.29 Infrastructure Remove bitumen (aprons, sealed areas) for dumping in a void on-site $ 10.00 m2

Enter area of bitumen airstrip to be removed.

#4.30 Infrastructure Remove bitumen (airstrip) for dumping in a void on-site $ 20.00 m2

Enter area of concrete to be removed.

#4.31 Infrastructure Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void $ 37.00 m2

Breaking up slab and loading into void or crushing area

#4.32 Infrastructure Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void $ 75.00 m2
for conversion to road aggregate.

#4.33 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 75 mm $ 10.00 t Crush concrete

Does not include haulage of materials - assumes

#4.34 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 50 mm $ 13.00 t
crushing plant is readily available.

Does not include haulage of materials - assumes

#4.35 Infrastructure Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 30 mm $ 15.00 t crushing plant is readily available.

Enter area of land beneath demolished / removed

#4.36 Infrastructure Rehabilitation of infrastructure footprints $ 0.65 m2 infrastructure to be rehabilitated. Includes reshape rail
spur and load out areas.
5. Water Storage

Enter number of minor water management structures

#5.01 Water Storage Clean water small dams/sediment control structures retained after closure $ 10,500.00 Item
(i.e. small sediment dams) to remain after closure

Small Mine / Quarry - enter number of minor water

Clean water small mine/quarry dams/sediment control structures retained
#5.02 Water Storage $ 2,500.00 Item management structures (i.e. small sediment dams) to
after closure
remain after closure

#5.03 Water Storage Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture $ 7,677.20 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.04 Water Storage Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture $ 26,041.11 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.05 Water Storage Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture $ 37,490.41 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.06 Water Storage Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture $ 48,164.45 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.07 Water Storage Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture $ 97,437.48 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.08 Water Storage Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture $ 179,912.24 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.09 Water Storage Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture $ 195,528.57 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.10 Water Storage Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture $ 310,641.88 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.11 Water Storage Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture $ 469,212.61 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.12 Water Storage Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture $ 684,443.57 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.13 Water Storage Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture $ 1,138,676.05 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.14 Water Storage Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture $ 1,530,667.96 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.15 Water Storage Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture $ 2,111,389.96 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.16 Water Storage Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture $ 2,431,941.86 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.17 Water Storage Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture $ 2,803,157.35 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.18 Water Storage Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native $ 7,931.30 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.19 Water Storage Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native $ 26,803.41 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.20 Water Storage Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native $ 38,760.91 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.21 Water Storage Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native $ 49,689.05 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.22 Water Storage Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native $ 100,486.68 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.23 Water Storage Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native $ 186,772.94 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.24 Water Storage Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native $ 203,151.57 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.25 Water Storage Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native $ 323,092.78 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.26 Water Storage Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native $ 488,778.31 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.27 Water Storage Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native $ 715,443.77 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.28 Water Storage Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native $ 1,191,782.95 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.29 Water Storage Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native $ 1,617,061.96 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.30 Water Storage Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native $ 2,233,357.96 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.31 Water Storage Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native $ 2,571,696.86 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.32 Water Storage Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native $ 2,955,617.35 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.33 Water Storage Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid $ 7,511.65 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.34 Water Storage Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid $ 24,151.58 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.35 Water Storage Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid $ 34,341.18 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.36 Water Storage Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid $ 44,385.38 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.37 Water Storage Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid $ 89,879.33 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.38 Water Storage Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid $ 162,906.40 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.39 Water Storage Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid $ 176,633.20 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.40 Water Storage Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid $ 279,779.43 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.41 Water Storage Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid $ 420,714.48 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.42 Water Storage Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid $ 607,602.38 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.43 Water Storage Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid $ 1,007,038.27 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.44 Water Storage Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid $ 1,316,520.38 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.45 Water Storage Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid $ 1,809,063.97 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.46 Water Storage Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid $ 2,085,526.65 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.47 Water Storage Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid $ 2,425,249.86 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.48 Water Storage Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture $ 6,664.79 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.49 Water Storage Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture $ 23,003.88 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.50 Water Storage Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture $ 32,428.35 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.51 Water Storage Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture $ 42,089.98 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.52 Water Storage Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture $ 85,288.54 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.53 Water Storage Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture $ 152,577.12 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.54 Water Storage Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture $ 165,156.22 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.55 Water Storage Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture $ 265,143.93 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.56 Water Storage Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture $ 397,715.83 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.57 Water Storage Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture $ 571,162.97 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.58 Water Storage Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture $ 944,613.37 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.59 Water Storage Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture $ 1,323,200.78 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.60 Water Storage Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture $ 1,818,495.12 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.61 Water Storage Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture $ 2,096,333.18 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.62 Water Storage Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture $ 2,437,038.80 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.63 Water Storage Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native $ 6,918.89 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.64 Water Storage Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native $ 23,766.18 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.65 Water Storage Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native $ 33,698.85 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.66 Water Storage Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native $ 43,614.58 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.67 Water Storage Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native $ 88,337.74 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.68 Water Storage Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native $ 159,437.82 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.69 Water Storage Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native $ 172,779.22 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.70 Water Storage Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native $ 277,594.83 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.71 Water Storage Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native $ 417,281.53 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.72 Water Storage Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native $ 602,163.17 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.73 Water Storage Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native $ 997,720.27 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.74 Water Storage Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native $ 1,409,594.78 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.75 Water Storage Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native $ 1,940,463.12 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.76 Water Storage Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native $ 2,236,088.18 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.77 Water Storage Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native $ 2,589,498.80 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.78 Water Storage Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid $ 6,499.24 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.79 Water Storage Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid $ 21,114.34 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.80 Water Storage Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid $ 29,279.12 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.81 Water Storage Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid $ 38,310.91 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.82 Water Storage Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid $ 77,730.39 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.83 Water Storage Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid $ 135,571.28 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.84 Water Storage Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid $ 146,260.84 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.85 Water Storage Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid $ 234,281.49 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.86 Water Storage Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid $ 349,217.70 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.87 Water Storage Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid $ 494,321.78 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.88 Water Storage Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid $ 812,975.59 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.89 Water Storage Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid $ 1,109,053.20 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.90 Water Storage Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid $ 1,516,169.12 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.91 Water Storage Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid $ 1,749,917.98 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.92 Water Storage Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid $ 2,059,131.30 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.93 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture $ 4,757.97 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.94 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture $ 17,283.41 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.95 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture $ 22,894.24 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.96 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture $ 30,649.05 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.97 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture $ 62,406.66 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.98 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture $ 101,092.90 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.99 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture $ 107,951.53 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.100 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture $ 175,819.84 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.101 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture $ 257,349.40 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.102 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture $ 348,764.20 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.103 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture $ 563,618.76 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.104 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture $ 811,633.81 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.105 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture $ 1,096,282.92 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.106 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture $ 1,268,798.38 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.107 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture $ 1,534,273.55 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.108 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native $ 5,012.07 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.109 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native $ 18,045.71 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.110 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native $ 24,164.74 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.111 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native $ 32,173.65 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.112 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native $ 65,455.86 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.113 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native $ 107,953.60 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.114 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native $ 115,574.53 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.115 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native $ 188,270.74 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.116 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native $ 276,915.10 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.117 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native $ 379,764.40 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.118 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native $ 616,725.66 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.119 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native $ 898,027.81 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.120 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native $ 1,218,250.92 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.121 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native $ 1,408,553.38 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.122 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native $ 1,686,733.55 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.123 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid $ 4,592.42 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.124 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid $ 15,393.87 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.125 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid $ 19,745.01 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.126 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid $ 26,869.97 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.127 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid $ 54,848.51 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.128 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid $ 84,087.06 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.129 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid $ 89,056.15 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.130 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid $ 144,957.39 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.131 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid $ 208,851.27 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.132 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid $ 271,923.01 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.133 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid $ 431,980.99 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.134 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid $ 597,486.22 structure Enter number of water structures
#5.135 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid $ 793,956.93 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.136 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid $ 922,383.17 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.137 Water Storage Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid $ 1,156,366.06 structure Enter number of water structures

#5.138 Water Storage Lined > 0 and <= 1 ML $ 80,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.139 Water Storage Lined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML $ 78,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.140 Water Storage Lined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML $ 75,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.141 Water Storage Lined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML $ 74,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.142 Water Storage Lined > 10 and <= 20 ML $ 70,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.143 Water Storage Lined > 20 and <= 50 ML $ 65,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures
#5.144 Water Storage Lined > 50 and <= 100 ML $ 63,500.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.145 Water Storage Unlined > 0 and <= 1 ML $ 50,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.146 Water Storage Unlined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML $ 49,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.147 Water Storage Unlined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML $ 47,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.148 Water Storage Unlined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML $ 45,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.149 Water Storage Unlined > 10 and <= 20 ML $ 43,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.150 Water Storage Unlined > 20 and <= 50 ML $ 38,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

#5.151 Water Storage Unlined > 50 and <= 100 ML $ 36,000.00 ha Enter total crest area of water structures

6. Water Treatment and Pumping

Water Treatment Enter the volume of water that is required to be treated

#6.01 Water pH 5.5 Adjustment $ 1,911.95 ML
and Pumping for pH adjustment. Add pumping rate if required.
Water Treatment Enter the volume of water that is required to be treated
#6.02 Water pH 4.5 Adjustment $ 2,418.95 ML
and Pumping for pH adjustment. Add pumping rate if required.

Water Treatment Enter volume of residual water in dams to be treated.

#6.03 Water Salt Removal $ 2,715.51 ML
and Pumping Add pumping rate if required.

Enter the volume of water that is required to be treated.

This includes the removal of contaminated water from
Water Treatment
#6.04 Water Organics Removal $ 2,026.59 ML bunded areas and sump using a vacuum truck and
and Pumping
disposing of the water to a licensed facility. Add
pumping rate if required.

Water Treatment Enter the number of dam / ponds with residual water
#6.05 Naturally Evaporate Water in Pond $ 5,291.20 Dam
and Pumping and where the water will be allowed to evaporate.

Water Treatment Enter the number of dam / ponds with residual water
#6.06 Evaporate Water with Evaporators $ 53,739.57 Dam
and Pumping that will be evaporated using and atomiser.

Water Treatment Enter if a unit must be mobilised to site. Cost covers

#6.07 Mobilisation of Reverse Osmosis Unit $ 48,000.00 lump
and Pumping mobilisation to an area.

Water Treatment Enter the number of tonnes of salt to be transported for

#6.08 Salt disposal - load and transport $ 9.96 tonne
and Pumping disposal.

Water Treatment Enter the number of tonnes of salt to be disposed to a

#6.09 Salt disposal - gate fee $ 110.39 tonne
and Pumping waste facility.

Water Treatment Enter the volume of water that is required to be

#6.10 Water pumping / transfer $ 120.45 ML
and Pumping pumped/transferred on site.

Water Treatment Removal of evaporation fans and / or other water transfer and Provisional sum for removal of water management
#6.11 $ 27,500.00 Item
and Pumping management infrastructure infrastructure.

Water Treatment
#6.12 Dewatering Plant Decommissioning $ 4,099.07 ML/day Enter capacity of dewatering system.
and Pumping

Enter the volume of water to which these items will

Water Treatment
#6.13 Water Management establishment, engineering, O&M $ 2,700.00 ML apply.
and Pumping
7. Waste Rock Dumps, Overburden Dumps, Spoil Piles and Stockpiles

Enter footprint for high risk waste rock dump (WRD) or

overburden dump (OB). High risk WRD/OB contains
potentially acid forming material (PAF); other highly
#7.01 WRD / Overburden HIGH RISK Waste Rock Dump / Overburden $ 167,262.75 ha
reactive materials (ARD/AMD/NMD); or have observed
contaminated seepage capable of causing
environmental harm.

High risk waste rock dump (WRD) or overburden dump

(OB) has one or more of the following characteristics:
- Moderately reactive materials (ARD/AMD/NMD)
#7.02 WRD / Overburden MEDIUM RISK Waste Rock Dump / Overburden with low permeability layer $ 111,627.28 ha
- Hypersaline tailings that could impact on the
proposed end land use

Medium risk waste rock dump (WRD) or overburden

dump (OB) has one or more of the following
- Moderately reactive materials (ARD/AMD/NMD)
#7.03 WRD / Overburden MEDIUM RISK Waste Rock Dump / Overburden $ 81,036.68 ha
- Hypersaline tailings that could impact on the
proposed end land use
Low risk Waste rock dump (WRD) or overburden dump
(OB) has one or more of the following characteristics:
#7.04 WRD / Overburden LOW RISK Waste Rock Dump / Overburden $ 50,106.23 ha
- Low reactive materials (ARD/AMD/NMD)

Very low risk Waste rock dump (WRD) or overburden

#7.05 WRD / Overburden VERY LOW RISK Waste Rock Dump / Overburden $ 14,670.82 ha
dump (OB) which has benign materials.

8. Heap Leach Pads

Heap Leach Pad HIGH RISK Heap Leach Pad

#8.01 $ 167,512.75 ha Enter footprint of the Heap Leach Pad.
Input Sheet
Heap Leach Pad
#8.02 MEDIUM RISK Heap Leach Pad with low permeability layer $ 111,877.28 ha Enter footprint of the Heap Leach Pad.
Input Sheet

Heap Leach Pad

#8.03 MEDIUM RISK Heap Leach Pad $ 81,486.68 ha Enter footprint of the Heap Leach Pad.
Input Sheet

Heap Leach Pad

#8.04 LOW RISK Heap Leach Pad $ 50,156.23 ha Enter footprint of the Heap Leach Pad.
Input Sheet
Heap Leach Pad
#8.05 VERY LOW RISK Heap Leach Pad $ 14,770.82 ha Enter footprint of the Heap Leach Pad.
Input Sheet

9. Tailings Storage Facilities, Rejects, Slimes, Slimes Storage Facilities

Tailings Storage HIGH RISK TSF

#9.01 $ 200,511.79 ha Enter footprint of the Tailings Storage Facility.

Tailings Storage MEDIUM RISK TSF with low permeability layer

#9.02 $ 144,378.88 ha Enter footprint of the Tailings Storage Facility.
Tailings Storage MEDIUM RISK TSF
#9.03 $ 114,038.28 ha Enter footprint of the Tailings Storage Facility.

Tailings Storage LOW RISK TSF

#9.04 $ 75,254.54 ha Enter footprint of the Tailings Storage Facility.

Tailings Storage VERY LOW RISK TSF

#9.05 $ 23,181.48 ha Enter footprint of the Tailings Storage Facility.
Tailings Storage
#9.06 In-pit tailings $ 2,945.30 ha Enter the area of in-pit, alluvial etc tailings

10. Pits

#10.01 Pits Drill and blast faces to make safe $ 1.92 m3 Enter total volume of material to be blasted.

Highwall treatment - trench and safety berm construction (excavate and

#10.02 Pits $ 24.05 m Enter total length of highwall.

#10.03 Pits Highwall treatment - safety berm construction haul from stockpile 4km $ 47.78 m Enter total length of highwall.

Enter total length of highwall.

#10.04 Pits Security fence around steep section of high wall $ 224.70 m

Enter total length of highwall.

#10.05 Pits Standard barbed 5 strand cattle fence around open pit $ 16,720.00 Km

Enter total length of fence.

#10.06 Pits Purchase and erect warning signs $ 0.28 m

Water Treatment Enter the volume of water that is required to be

#10.07 Water pumping / transfer $ 120.45 ML
and Pumping pumped/transferred on site.

11. Underground Mines

Enter number of fan installations.

#11.01 Underground Mines Demolition and removal of vent fans, electrical substation and winch $ 27,500.00 Item

Demolition and removal of hoisting shaft headframe, winder building, and

#11.02 Underground Mines $ 1,200,000.00 item Enter number of hoisting assemblies.
support infrastructure

#11.03 Underground Mines Removal of conveyors and support services down Drift/Decline $ 1,015.87 m Enter number of conveyor assemblies.

Enter number of adits. Example of use is where site

#11.04 Underground Mines Install gate or grill over an adit $ 7,700.00 Item might be used by bats.

Enter number of adits. Use for small (width < 2 m

#11.05 Underground Mines Small adits - seal $ 28,278.56 Item

Enter number of portals, declines, adits, drifts. Use for

#11.06 Underground Mines Larger portals, declines, adits, drifts - seal $ 301,857.12 Item openings of width >2 m. If concrete bulk head not
required, reduce rate by 50%.
Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 4 m
#11.07 Underground Mines Ventilation shafts - seal with concrete plug and rehabilitate $ 135,498.88 Item

Hoisting and person haulage shafts - seal with concrete plug and Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 8 m
#11.08 Underground Mines $ 242,886.65 Item
rehabilitate diameter.

Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 4 m

#11.09 Underground Mines Ventilation shafts - seal with steel plate and rehabilitate $ 58,498.88 Item

Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 8 m

#11.10 Underground Mines Hoisting and person haulage shafts - seal with steel plate and rehabilitate $ 105,997.76 Item

Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 4 m

#11.11 Underground Mines Ventilation shafts - backfill using suitably sized (screened) material $ 258.91 m

Hoisting and person haulage shafts - backfill using suitably sized Enter number of shafts. Use for openings up to 8 m
#11.12 Underground Mines $ 1,035.63 m
(screened) material diameter.

Enter number of major terminations required to allow

#11.13 Underground Mines Disconnect and terminate all services $ 38,500.00 Item
demolition / rehabilitation of site(s).

Enter total area of land requiring minor earthworks.

#11.14 Underground Mines Existing rehabilitation repair - minor $ 1,233.07 ha Applicable to land experiencing minor cracking and/or
drainage issues.

Enter total area of land requiring moderate earthworks.

Applicable to land experiencing surface expression of
#11.15 Underground Mines Existing rehabilitation repair - moderate $ 1,803.81 ha
subsidence effects (e.g. cracking, sink holes) where
remedial works have not been successful.

Enter total area of land requiring major earthworks.

Applicable to land experiencing widespread surface
#11.16 Underground Mines Existing rehabilitation repair - major $ 2,945.30 ha expression of subsidence effects (e.g. cracking, sink
holes) where remedial works have not been

Enter only specific area of landform requiring re-

#11.17 Underground Mines Existing rehabilitation repair - total failure of intended landform $ 28,124.05 ha
construction following failure of intended design.

12. Ports
#12.01 Ports Jetty $ 937.36 m Enter the length of jetty to demolish.

#12.02 Ports Wharf $ 108.22 m2 Enter the area of wharf to demolish.

Enter the number of dolphins to remove.

#12.03 Ports Dolphins $ 200,000.00 item

#12.04 Ports Reclaimer $ 750,000.00 item Enter the number of reclaimers to remove.

#12.05 Ports Shiploaders $ 375,000.00 item Enter the number of shiploaders to remove.

#12.06 Ports Conveyor on jetty $ 370.00 m Enter the length of conveyor on jetty to remove.

#12.07 Ports Conveyor on land $ 241.45 m Enter the length of conveyor on land to remove.

13. Investigation, Contamination, Scrap, Waste Levy

Apply to a discrete area (e.g. a process area) or areas

Investigation that are close together and share similar
#13.01 Preliminary site investigation (Phase 1 investigation) $ 16,149.96 Cluster
Contamination Scrap characteristics (e.g. operating history).

Apply once to areas that can feasibly be investigated

during one campaign. Typically this means facilities in
close proximity. The User can enter a fraction (less
Investigation than 1) if it is reasonable to assume the area will be
#13.02 Land investigation one-off costs $ 35,075.58 lump
Contamination Scrap part of multiple areas. For example, if two potentially
contamination areas in the same area, the entry can be

Investigation Enter the area to be investigated (not the total facility

#13.03 Land investigation per unit area costs $ 3,964.53 ha
Contamination Scrap area).
Investigation Enter the total mass of asbestos to be disposed off-
#13.04 Asbestos (ACM) $ 143.81 tonne
Contamination Scrap site.

Investigation Enter the total mass of asbestos in soil to be disposed

#13.05 Asbestos in soil $ 145.07 tonne
Contamination Scrap off-site.

Investigation Enter the total mass of soil impacted with low level
#13.06 Low Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil $ 117.38 tonne
Contamination Scrap petroleum hydrocarbons in soil to be disposed off-site.

Investigation Enter the total mass of soil impacted with high level
#13.07 High Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil $ 233.95 tonne
Contamination Scrap petroleum hydrocarbons in soil to be disposed off-site.

Investigation Enter the total mass of soil impacted with low level
#13.08 Low Level Inorganics in soil $ 117.38 tonne
Contamination Scrap petroleum hydrocarbons in soil to be disposed off-site.

Investigation Enter the total mass of soil impacted with high level
#13.09 High Level Inorganics in soil $ 233.95 tonne
Contamination Scrap petroleum hydrocarbons in soil to be disposed off-site.

#13.10 Sludge $ 138.95 tonne Enter the total mass of sludge to be disposed off-site.
Contamination Scrap

#13.11 General Waste $ 118.95 tonne Enter the total mass of sludge to be disposed off-site.
Contamination Scrap

#13.12 Construction / building waste $ 118.95 tonne Enter the total mass of sludge to be disposed off-site.
Contamination Scrap
#13.13 Regulated waste (e.g. tires and belts) $ 233.95 tonne Enter the total mass of sludge to be disposed off-site.
Contamination Scrap

Enter the total volume of soil to be treated. Where an

assessment has been made to confirm that
Investigation On-site remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils (<=100m3 soil) -
#13.14 $ 117.36 m3 bioremediation is possible the total volume of material
Contamination Scrap landfarming / bioremediation.
can be included for on-site land farming.

Enter the total volume of soil to be treated. Where an

assessment has been made to confirm that
Investigation On-site remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils (>100m3 to
#13.15 $ 80.28 m3 bioremediation is possible the total volume of material
Contamination Scrap <=500m3 soil) - landfarming / bioremediation.
can be included for on-site land farming.

Enter the total volume of soil to be treated. Where an

assessment has been made to confirm that
Investigation On-site remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils (>500m ) -
#13.16 $ 7.96 m3 bioremediation is possible the total volume of material
Contamination Scrap landfarming / bioremediation.
can be included for on-site land farming.

Enter mass of miscellaneous scrap to be buried on-

site. This rate is used in isolation for miscellaneous
scrap that are not covered under other domains. If this
Investigation activity is required under another domain (e.g. for a
#13.17 Removal of scrap metal and bury on-site $ 18.67 tonne
Contamination Scrap facility) the costs are included in that domain, i.e. no
need to add again here.

Enter mass of miscellaneous scrap to be dispose off-

site. This rate is used in isolation for miscellaneous
scrap that are not covered under other domains. If this
Investigation activity is required under another domain (e.g. for a
#13.18 Removal of scrap metal and dispose off-site $ 21.03 tonne
Contamination Scrap facility) the costs are included in that domain, i.e. no
need to add again here.

14. General Land Rehabilitation

Enter area rehabilitated land requiring maintenance

General Land (i.e., where revegetation was unsuccessful) whether
#14.01 Maintenance of rehabilitated areas $ 2,300.40 ha
Rehabilitation previously disturbed or proposed to be disturbed and
rehabilitated within the ERC period.

Enter total area of land requiring minor earthworks.

General Land
#14.02 Existing rehabilitation repair - minor $ 1,233.07 ha Applicable only to land experiencing minor cracking
and/or drainage issues.
Enter total area of land requiring moderate earthworks.
Applicable only to land experiencing surface
General Land
#14.03 Existing rehabilitation repair - moderate $ 1,803.81 ha expression of subsidence effects (e.g. cracking, sink
holes) where remedial works have not been

Enter total area of land requiring major earthworks.

Applicable to land experiencing widespread surface
General Land
#14.04 Existing rehabilitation repair - major $ 2,945.30 ha expression of subsidence effects (e.g. cracking, sink
holes) where remedial works have not been

General Land Enter only specific area of landform requiring re-

#14.05 Existing rehabilitation repair - total failure of intended landform $ 28,124.05 ha
Rehabilitation construction following failure of intended design.

General Land
#14.06 Rehabilitation of miscellaneous footprints $ 12,040.52 ha Enter area of footprint area to be rehabilitated.

Land management of undisturbed areas (e.g., weed management, feral

General Land
#14.07 animal control, erosion and sediment control works) $ 495.00 ha Enter area requiring land management.

General Land
#14.08 Pest management on buffer lands, non-disturbed, and rehabilitated areas $ 150.00 ha Enter area of land requiring pest management.

General Land Engineered cut-through drain (6m wide) riprap lined (100 mm thick) based Enter surface area of the surface expression of chain
#14.09 $ 18,728.21 ha
Rehabilitation on catchment size of subsidence using D10 dozer. pillars to re-establish natural drainage pathways.

Enter length of major channel requiring repair (not the

General Land
#14.10 Maintenance of water course diversion (major structure) $ 37.98 m total length) / maintenance. Major channels are
assumed to be greater than 5 m wide.

Enter length of major channel requiring repair (not the

General Land
#14.11 Maintenance of water course diversion (minor structure) $ 18.16 m total length) / maintenance. Major channels are
assumed to be less than or equal to 5 m wide.

Enter area of diversions requiring rock armouring to

General Land
#14.12 Installation of rock armouring $ 1.86 m2 ensure long term stability. Use if structure has rock
armour (e.g. on slopes) that needs to be replaced.
General Land
#14.13 Minor drainage line (non-watercourse) realignments. $ 6.41 m Enter length of minor drainage line to re-align.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.14 General grader and shape to re-establish natural rip - 12M $ 357.77 ha
Rehabilitation under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.15 General grader and shape to re-establish natural rip - 14M $ 400.16 ha
Rehabilitation under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.16 General grader and shape to re-establish natural rip - 16M $ 432.68 ha
Rehabilitation under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance

revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.17 General doze deep ripping - D6R $ 421.48 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance

revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.18 General doze deep ripping - D7R $ 465.64 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.
Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance
revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.19 General doze deep ripping - D8R $ 507.04 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance

revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.20 General doze deep ripping - D9R $ 560.81 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance

revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.21 General doze deep ripping - D10T $ 662.33 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring deep ripping to enhance

revegetation program. This rate is used in isolation for
General Land miscellaneous areas that are not covered under other
#14.22 General doze deep ripping - D11T $ 763.91 ha
Rehabilitation domains. If this activity is required under another
domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are included
in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D6R isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.23 $ 8,484.38 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D7R isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.24 $ 6,032.97 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.
Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to
enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D8R isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.25 $ 3,850.15 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D9R isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.26 $ 3,007.01 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D10T isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.27 $ 2,945.30 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area requiring minor reshaping, and ripping to

enhance revegetation program. This rate is used in
General Land General doze and shape to re-establish natural drainage and rip - D11T isolation for miscellaneous areas that are not covered
#14.28 $ 2,658.35 ha
Rehabilitation dozer under other domains. If this activity is required under
another domain (e.g. for a laydown area) the costs are
included in that domain, i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter number of mature trees to be planted. This rate

General Land is used in isolation for re-planting areas not covered
#14.29 Planting mature trees (>15 cm) $ 22.00 Item
Rehabilitation under other domains.

Enter number of mature trees to be planted. This rate

General Land
#14.30 Planting tube stock (<=15 cm) $ 11.00 Item is used in isolation for re-planting areas not covered
under other domains.

General Land Enter area of land for areas that require additional
#14.31 Hydro-seeding with mulch and bitumen tack $ 1.92 m2
Rehabilitation stabilisation and not included in other domains or rates.

General Land Enter the area of land requiring amendment.

#14.32 Gypsum Normal Soil $ 346.87 ha
General Land Enter the area of land requiring amendment. This rate
#14.33 Gypsum Sodic Soil $ 1,387.46 ha is used for areas where high sodicity soil is present
which will require a higher amendment rate.

General Land Enter the area of land requiring amendment. If the

#14.34 Gypsum Recycled Normal Soil $ 271.87 ha User can demonstrate access to recycled gypsum this
rate can be used.

Enter the area of land requiring amendment. This rate

is used for areas where high sodicity soil is present
General Land which will require a higher amendment rate. If the
#14.35 Gypsum Recycled Sodic Soil $ 1,087.46 ha
Rehabilitation User can demonstrate access to recycled gypsum this
rate can be used.

General Land
#14.36 Lime $ 221.63 ha Enter the area of land requiring amendment.

General Land
#14.37 Biosolids, MSW, Manure $ 3,854.35 ha Enter area of land to which organic material will be

General Land
#14.38 Hay Mulch / Sugar Cane $ 1,230.32 ha Enter area of land to which organic material will be

Enter area of land requiring additional fertilising is

General Land
#14.39 Fertiliser $ 337.91 ha required. This rate is used in isolation for areas not
covered under other domains.

Enter area of land to be seeded with pasture species.

This rate is used in isolation for miscellaneous areas
that are not covered under other domains. If this
General Land activity is required under another domain (e.g. for a
#14.40 Direct seeding / fertiliser (pasture grass species) $ 1,655.50 ha laydown area) the costs are included in that domain,
i.e. no need to add again here.

Enter area of land to be seeded with pasture species.

This rate is used in isolation for miscellaneous areas
that are not covered under other domains. If this
General Land activity is required under another domain (e.g. for a
#14.41 Direct seeding / fertiliser (native tree/shrub/grass species) $ 4,196.50 ha laydown area) the costs are included in that domain,
i.e. no need to add again here.

General Land
#14.42 Water Supply / Monitoring bore hole plugging $ 238.28 bore Enter number of bores to plug.

General Land Enter number of bores to backfill with cuttings.

#14.43 Water supply bore hole backfilling with cuttings $ 618.07 bore
General Land Enter number of bores to backfill with cuttings.
#14.44 Monitoring bore hole backfilling with cuttings $ 618.07 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout up.

#14.45 Water supply bore hole grouting $ 2,090.69 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout up.

#14.46 Monitoring bore hole grouting $ 2,090.69 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout up.

#14.47 Water reinjection bore hole grouting $ 6,901.26 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout up.

#14.48 Exploration bore hole grouting (coal / mineral sands / large impact drilling) $ 2,738.65 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout up.

#14.49 Exploration bore hole grouting (metalliferous / low impact drilling) $ 1,560.55 bore

General Land Enter number of bores to grout and cap.

#14.50 Gas and goaf drainage bore hole grout and cap $ 6,813.43 bore

15. Mobilisation / Demobilisation and Additional User Items

#15.01 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (<= 150 km) $ 130,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.02 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km) $ 238,500.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.03 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km) $ 451,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.04 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 1000 km) $ 555,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.05 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (<=150 km) $ 191,000.00 Site See Information Sheet
#15.06 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km) $ 350,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.07 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km) $ 661,500.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.08 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 1000 km) $ 814,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.09 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (<= 150 km) $ 208,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.10 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km) $ 381,000.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.11 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km) $ 720,500.00 Site See Information Sheet

#15.12 Mobe sheet Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 1000 km) $ 887,000.00 Site See Information Sheet
Mining ERC Calculator Filter - de-select zero to redu
Contents Summary
$ - Total ERC
Use and Notes
Summarises the total costs from each Input Sheet and adds the multipliers of project management, maintenance and monitoring, and contingency. The User ca
maintenance and monitoring multipliers in this Sheet. See notes to the right for conditions under which that can occur.

Item Quantity

1. Eligible Mining Activities

Total 0

2. Exploration
Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by length) 0.00

Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by area) 0.00

Tracks and Roads (by length) 0.00

Tracks and Roads (by area) 0.00

Drillholes and sumps 0

Water Structures by area 0

Camps and Water Treatment Plants (Disturbance) 0.00

3. Infrastructure
Disconnect Major Services to Facility 0

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by length) 0.00

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by Area) 0.00

Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by length) 0.00

Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) 0.00

Road and watercourse overpass 0

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by length) 0.00

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by area) 0.00

Mine Haul Roads (User defined by length) 0.00

Mine Haul Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) 0.00

Laydown Yards (Defaults) 0.00

Laydown Yards (User Defined) 0.00

Borrow Pits 0.00

Pipelines (not associated with facilities / plant, i.e. pipelines connecting facilities / dams) 0.00

Pipelines (not associated with facilities etc) User Build 0.00

Camps (by capacity) 0

Camps (by area) 0.00

Buildings by area 0.00

Buildings Portable 0

Lattice Structures 0

Power Distribution 0.00

Concrete and Bitumen Hardstand including airstrip (not associated with buildings, processing facilities) 0.00

Rail Infrastructure 0

Landfills 0.00

Sewage Treatment Plants 0.00

Rehabilitation of Areas not covered above or in Process Equipment (see TOV descriptions) 0.00

Fencing 0

Small Ancillary (washdown, water filling, oil/water separator) 0

Tanks 0

4. Process and Heavy Equipment


5. Water Storage
Water Storages Defaults by Category and Capacity 0
Mining ERC Calculator Filter - de-select zero to redu
Contents Summary
Water Storages Defaults by Area 0.00

Water Structures User 0

6. Water Treatment and Pumping

Water Treatment and Transfer 0

Dewatering 0

7. Waste Rock Dumps, Overburden Dumps, Spoil Piles and Stockpiles

Waste Rock Dumps (Defaults) 0.000

Waste Rock Dumps (User) 0.000

Overburden Dumps and Spoil Piles (User Defined) 0.000

Growth Media Stockpiles 0.000

8. Heap Leach Pads

Heap Leach Pads (Defaults) 0.00

Heap Leach Pad (User) 0.00

9. Tailings Storage Facilities, Rejects, Slimes, Slimes Storage Facilities

Tailings Storage Facilities (Defaults) 0.00

Tailings Storage Facilities (User) 0.00

10. Pits
Total 0.00

11. Underground Mines


12. Ports
Ports (and other Marine Facilities) - Defaults

Ports (and other Marine Facilities) - User Build 0.00

13. Investigation, Contamination, Scrap, Waste Levy

Land Investigation 0.00

Remove material from footprint of process facility / stockpile area / roads and dump in void on-site from footprint of the process facility (leach pads) / stockpile area (ROM produc

Remove scrap (only where a source separate to process equipment and other activities generating waste) 0.00

Disposal to Off-site Facility 0.00

Disposal to Off-site Facility - Waste Levy 0.00

Soil Bioremediation 0.00

14. General Land Rehabilitation

Land Rehabilitation and Repair of Subsidence and Land Management 0

Natural Drainage and Diversions 0

General Grade and Rip 0

General Doze and Rip 0.00

Miscellaneous Soil Amelioration and Seeding 0

Bores 0

Long Distance Carting of Amendments 0.00

Purchase, Load, Haul, Place Growth Media 0.00

Long Distance Carting of Clay 0.00

15. Mobilisation / Demobilisation and Additional User Items

Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet 0

Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet 0

Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet 0

Mining ERC Calculator Filter - de-select zero to redu
Contents Summary
Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Truck/Shovel Fleet 0

Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Projects

If total ERC is < A$1M before PM, M&M, contingency and mobe, user can elect to select items (10% applied as mobe)
Additional Items
Combined 0.00

Total before Project Overheads and Contingency

Project Overheads and Contingency

Project Management

Environmental Maintenance and Monitoring


Total Estimated Rehabilitation Cost for the Site (excluding GST)

The contingency is to cover reasonable unknowns that can't be quantified at the time of the estimate. The contingency cannot be changed.
Difference from Last ERC amount
Total pre-mobe and multipliers
Filter - de-select zero to reduce the rows to only structural rows and rows with values 1
maintenance and monitoring, and contingency. The User can change the project management and
ich that can occur.

Unit Average Rate Total Cost
items $0.00 $ -
$ -

km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
items $0.00 $ -
items $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

# $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
see sheet $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
m $0.00 $ -
m $0.00 $ -
camps $0.00 $ -
m2 $0.00 $ -
m2 $0.00 $ -
# $0.00 $ -
# $0.00 $ -
km $0.00 $ -

m2 $0.00 $ -
various $0.00 $ -
m2 $0.00 $ -
m2 $0.00 $ -

m2 $0.00 $ -

see sheet $0.00 $ -


see sheet $0.00 $ -

tanks $0.00 $ -
$ -

$ -
$ -

structures $0.00 $ -
Filter - de-select zero to reduce the rows to only structural rows and rows with values 1
ha $0.00 $ -
see sheet $0.00 $ -
$ -

various $0.00 $ -
pumps $0.00 $ -
$ -

ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

ha $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

ha $0.00 $ -
m3 $0.00 $ -

t $0.00 $ -
t $0.00 $ -
t $0.00 $ -
t $0.00 $ -
$ -

total $0.00 $ -
total $0.00 $ -
mix $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
mix $0.00 $ -
bores $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
m3 $0.00 $ -
ha $0.00 $ -
$ -

mobes $0.00 $ -
mobes $0.00 $ -
mobes $0.00 $ -
Filter - de-select zero to reduce the rows to only structural rows and rows with values 1
mobes $0.00 $ -
mobes $0.00 $ -
$ -

mix $0.00 $ -
$ -
$ - 1

10% $ -

5% $ -

10% $ -

$ -

$ -

Total pre-mobe and multipliers figure used in 15. Mobilisation and User $0.00
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 1. Eligible Mining Activities
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Used to calculate the ERC for an eligible mining activity only. If you are calculating ERC for an EA which wa
can use this sheet to calculate only the elements of your activity that comply with the standard conditions an
activities. You will then need to use the other relevant sheets to calculate the ERC for the elements of your a

The activities shown in this sheet do not include seeding costs. Include costs for the seeding to rates #1.31

Map ID



Waste Rock Dumps,

Tailings Storage Facilities
and Heap Leach Pads
Processing Plants


Water Storage and Dams

Land Rehabilitation

User added or Additional


e Mining Activities

eligible mining activity only. If you are calculating ERC for an EA which was applied for via a variation EA application, you
nly the elements of your activity that comply with the standard conditions and eligibility criteria for the mining lease
se the other relevant sheets to calculate the ERC for the elements of your activity which were the subject of the

t do not include seeding costs. Include costs for the seeding to rates #1.31 and #1.32


Exploration disturbance Includes costeans, sumps and general


Exploration drill holes

Seeding of drill holes in pasture

Seeding of drill holes in native

Open Pit Abandonment Bunds

Open Pit Fencing and Signage

Backfill Pits and Voids

Grade backfilled areas

HIGH RISK Waste Rock Dump / Low-grade Ore Stockpile

The unoxidized zone has been mined.
HIGH RISK Tailings Storage Facility The unoxidized zone has been
mined; processing utilises hazardous chemicals (e.g. cyanide, sulfuric
acid etc.)

HIGH RISK Heap Leach Pads

LOW RISK Waste Rock Dump/Low-grade Ore Stockpile The oxidised

zone only has been mined

LOW RISK Tailings Storage Facility The oxidised zone has been mined
only; no chemicals used for processing.

HIGH RISK Processing Plant Chemical processing or non-gravity /

magnetic separation

LOW RISK Processing plant - Fixed Gravity / magnetic separation or

non-chemical processing

LOW RISK Processing plant - Mobile (without footings) Gravity /

magnetic separation or non-chemical processing

Infrastructure Includes buildings (camps, administration buildings,

accommodation, caravans, bath house etc.), plant and equipment,
pipes, general waste

Rehabilitate infrastructure footprint

Run of mine areas

Fuel and chemical storage areas (land area)

Fuel and chemical storage areas (tanks)

Uranium core disposal

Regulated waste disposal

Roads and access tracks


Underground operations - Backfill shafts

Underground operations - Plug Portals

Water Storage Dams Contaminated

Water Storage Dams Treatment

Water storage dams Uncontaminated

Seeding of pasture areas

Seeding of native areas

Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
Enter description
User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes
n EA which was applied for via a variation EA application, you Enter any information that will support assumptions and as
d conditions and eligibility criteria for the mining lease
ments of your activity which were the subject of the

to rates #1.31 and #1.32


Backfill costeans/sumps with removed material (to 1.5m). Rip. No

allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Cap and seal open bore holes. No allowance for seed. Add any area to be
seeded to rates #1.03 and #1.04.

Allowance for purchase of pasture seed and hand casting.

Allowance for purchase of native seed and hand casting.

Suitable rock sourced from stockpile, includes load, haul and dump using
medium fleet (CAT 777 or smaller). Includes fresh rock truck dumped. No
allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Fencing and signage (5 strand x 12m high). Allows for purchase of signs
and fencing material and installation.

Source local material, cart and backfill (>1000 m to <=1500 m Rock) -

small fleet. No allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates
#1.31 and #1.32.

Source local growth material (200mm GM) - small fleet. No allowance for
seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Recontouring, rip and trim. Capillary break rock cover @ 0.6m thick. Clay
cover, compacted @ 0.5m thick. Rock cover @ 1.5m thick. Spread growth
media @ 0.15m thick (haulage < 1km). No allowance for seed. Add any
area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.
Recontouring, rip and trim. Working cover @ 0.5m thick. Capillary break
rock cover @ 0.6m thick. Clay cover, compacted @ 0.5m thick. Rock
cover @ 1.5m thick. Spread growth media @ 0.15m thick (haulage <
1km). No allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31
and #1.32.

Recontouring, rip and trim. Capillary break rock cover @ 0.6m thick. Clay
cover, compacted @ 0.5m thick. Spread growth media @ 0.15m thick
(haulage < 1km). No allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to
rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Recontouring, rip and trim. No allowance for seed. Add any area to be
seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Shape, recontour, doze, rip and trim. No allowance for seed. Add any area
to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Demolish equipment and remove footings. Excavate footprint area (to 0.3
m depth). Backfill (to 0.3m). Rip and trim with grader. Spread growth
media @0.15m thick (haulage < 1km). No allowance for seed. Add any
area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Demolish equipment and remove footings. Reshape to establish drainage.

Spread growth media @0.15 m thick (haulage < 1km). No allowance for
seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Reshape to establish drainage. Less intensive than above as mobile

equipment. Spread growth media @0.15 m thick (haulage < 1km). No
allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Dismantle and remove all demountable buildings and associated

infrastructure. No allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates
#1.31 and #1.32.

Shape and doze for drainage. Rip and trim. No allowance for seed. Add
any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Excavate footprint area (to 0.3m depth). Rip and trim. No allowance for
seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Excavate footprint area (to 0.5m depth). Backfill (to 0.5m)Rip and trim. No
allowance for seed. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Remove, cut-up and dispose of steel and transport to yard. No allowance

for seed as footprint of tanks are typically within larger areas. Add any
area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.
Dispose at a suitable location. The input is the total length of core.

Transport and dispose - distance to disposal assumed 250 km. Includes

gate fee at facility. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32 If
Waste Levy is applicable the mass entered to Eligible Mining Activities is
automatically populated to the Waste Register.

Rip up road base, shape for drainage (D9). Salvage growth media from
road verge using grader. Rip and trim. Add any area to be seeded to rates
#1.31 and #1.32.

Cover up with dozer. Use soil from nearby. Assumes dozer push of 3 lifts
of 0.5m. Haul from nearby (up to 1000m) using loader and trucks and
place. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32. D9R Dozer.

Backfill shaft. Assumes 4.0m dia. backfill graded rock. Assumes screened
suitable rock (1000m haulage from stockpile), fed into centre of shaft using
CAT980 loader.

Seal portal. Assumes height 6 m, width 6 m, length 50 m. Backfill with

rock. Portal gate allowance $7700.

Excavate contaminated sediment (up to 0.3m). Backfill. Recontour, rip and

trim Spread growth media @ 0.15m thick (haulage < 1km). No allowance
for seeding. Add any area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Treatment of contaminated water. Rate allows for a ranges of treatment

options such as salt and metals removal, organic treatment, and pH
adjustment (minimum start pH 5.5 to minimum target pH 6.5). Allowance
for pumping and establishment, O&M. No allowance for seeding. Add any
area to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Backfill. Recontour, rip and trim. No allowance for seeding. Add any area
to be seeded to rates #1.31 and #1.32.

Direct seeding of non-native pasture grass species with the principal aim
of returning the land to stable, sustainable grazing land use. Rate includes
purchase of seed and fertiliser and application.

Acquiring a diverse mix of native tree and shrub species appropriate for
the area (including understorey), mixing and treating the seed (i.e. smoke
and heat as required) and applying the seed at a rate between 4 - 10kg/ha
(as applicable).Rate includes purchase of seed, and seedlings, and
fertiliser and application. Seedling cost allows for the preparation,
germination and propagation of “tube stock” seedling plants that are hand
write the text below to add User Notes)
ion that will support assumptions and assist department review.


#1.01 $ 2.77 m2

#1.02 $ 216.28 hole

#1.03 $ 22.00 hole

#1.04 $ 24.20 hole

#1.05 $ 47.78 m

#1.06 $ 21.40 m

#1.07 $ 4.98 m3

#1.08 $ 0.88 m2

#1.09 $ 16.31 m2
#1.10 $ 19.63 m2

#1.11 $ 16.33 m2

#1.12 $ 4.59 m2

#1.13 $ 7.11 m2

#1.14 $ 33.38 m2

#1.15 $ 19.70 m2

#1.16 $ 18.22 m2

#1.17 $ 125.46 m2

#1.18 $ 1.55 m2

#1.19 $ 2.26 m2

#1.20 $ 4.19 m2

#1.21 $ 1,995.78 tank

#1.22 $ 10.00 m

#1.23 $ 233.95 tonne

#1.24 $ 0.35 m2

#1.25 $ 3.45 m2

#1.26 $ 258.91 m

#1.27 $ 26,857.12 each

#1.28 $ 7.34 m2

#1.29 $ 2,912.84 ML

#1.30 $ 4.56 m2

#1.31 $ 0.17 m2

#1.32 $ 0.42 m2

No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
COST ($)

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -
$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ -
Justification for Alternate Rate
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 2. Exploration
$ - Input Sheet Total

$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
Enter quantities for exploration activities including seismic corridors, grid-lines, minor tracks, drillholes and small water structures. For seismic, the User may Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.
choose to enter the total length of 2D and 3D seismic in one line.

"Owned by a third party" means the infrastructure / facility is owned by a third party and they would remove it. The only liability for the EA holder in these
cases is the land rehabilitation, only if the individual line length are not known.

Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by length) 5% *

Rehab Length - User

Map ID Land type Total Length Rehab Length - Default Rehab Length Used Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate ($/unit) Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in pasture land - - km #2.01 $ 1,006.18 $ -
Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in native land - - km #2.02 $ 1,895.53 $ -
Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in arid land - - km #2.03 $ 426.76 $ -
- - km No alert $ -
- - km No alert $ -

- - - - km $ - $ - km

Top Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by area) 5% *

Rehab Area - User

Map ID Land type Total Area Rehab Area - Default Rehab Area Used Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in pasture land - - ha #2.04 $ 2,874.80 $ -
Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in native land - - ha #2.05 $ 5,415.80 $ -
Seismic corridor, grid-lines, minor tracks rehabilitation in arid land - - ha #2.06 $ 1,219.30 $ -
- - ha No alert $ -
- - ha No alert $ -

- - - - ha $ - $ - ha

Top Tracks and Roads (by length)

Map ID Type Length Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture km #2.07 $ 616.70 $ -

Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Native km #2.08 $ 1,379.00 $ -
Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid km #2.09 $ 120.05 $ -
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture km #2.10 $ 1,233.40 $ -
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Native km #2.11 $ 2,758.00 $ -
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid km #2.12 $ 240.10 $ -
km No alert $ -
km No alert $ -
km No alert $ -
km No alert $ -

- km $ - $ - km

Top Tracks and Roads (by area)

Map ID Type Area Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Track, Pasture, Earthen, No replace ha #2.13 $ 2,055.66 $ -

Track, Native, Earthen, No replace ha #2.14 $ 4,596.66 $ -
Track, Arid, Earthen, No replace ha #2.15 $ 400.16 $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -

- ha $ - $ - ha

Top Drillholes and sumps

Map ID Type Qty Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Whole Number
Water Supply / Monitoring bore hole plugging bore #2.16 $ 238.28 $ -
Exploration bore hole plugging bore #2.17 $ 238.28 $ -
Water supply bore hole backfilling with cuttings bore #2.18 $ 618.07 $ -
Monitoring bore hole backfilling with cuttings bore #2.19 $ 618.07 $ -
Exploration bore hole backfilling with cuttings bore #2.20 $ 618.07 $ -
Water supply bore hole grouting bore #2.21 $ 2,090.69 $ -
Monitoring bore hole grouting bore #2.22 $ 2,090.69 $ -
Water reinjection bore hole grouting bore #2.23 $ 6,901.26 $ -
Exploration bore hole grouting (coal / mineral sands / large impact drilling) bore #2.24 $ 2,738.65 $ -
Exploration bore hole grouting (metalliferous / low impact drilling) bore #2.25 $ 1,560.55 $ -
Exploration sumps sump #2.26 $ 372.17 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

0 $ - $ - holes and sumps

Top Water Structures by area

Map ID Type Area Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Lined > 0 and <= 1 ML ha #2.27 $ 80,000.00 $ -

Lined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML ha #2.28 $ 78,000.00 $ -
Lined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML ha #2.29 $ 75,000.00 $ -
Lined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML ha #2.30 $ 74,000.00 $ -
Lined > 10 and <= 20 ML ha #2.31 $ 70,000.00 $ -
Lined > 20 and <= 50 ML ha #2.32 $ 65,000.00 $ -
Lined > 50 and <= 100 ML ha #2.33 $ 63,500.00 $ -
Unlined > 0 and <= 1 ML ha #2.34 $ 50,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML ha #2.35 $ 49,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML ha #2.36 $ 47,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML ha #2.37 $ 45,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 10 and <= 20 ML ha #2.38 $ 43,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 20 and <= 50 ML ha #2.39 $ 38,000.00 $ -
Unlined > 50 and <= 100 ML ha #2.40 $ 36,000.00 $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -

- ha $ - $ - ha
Top Camps and Water Treatment Plants (Disturbance)

Map ID Type Footprint Unit TOV# Default Rate Alternate Rate Total Justification for Alternate Rate

Grade and seed land (pasture) on which infrastructure and equipment owned by a third-party is implemented. ha #2.41 $ 1,858.21 $ -
Grade and seed land (native) on which infrastructure and equipment owned by a third-party is implemented. ha #2.42 $ 4,399.21 $ -
Grade land (arid) on which infrastructure and equipment owned by a third-party is implemented. ha #2.43 $ 202.71 $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -
ha No alert $ -

- ha $ - $ - ha
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 3. Infrastructure
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for infrastructure including tracks, road, laydown, pipelines, buildings and camps.

Where practical, tables are included for entries by length (e.g. kilometres of road) and by area (e.g. hectares
that growth media is adjacent to the activity. For rock tracks (includes gravel, waste rock, bitumen), the scop
void on-site less than 2 km distant, rip length of road, and salvage growth media adjacent to road. Resurfac
and placement on the surface.

Camps: scope includes electrical and mechanical disconnection of accommodation, mess, ablution, laundry
a storage location, removal of hardstand and gravel, grading and seeding. All activities reasonably expected
(for light vehicles), sewage plants, irrigation areas) are assumed included in the rate and do not need to be
storage area and wastes to disposal facilities.

Earthmoving equipment is small fleet comprising D10 dozer and 14M grader.

Disconnect Major Services to Facility

Map ID #


User Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by length)

Map ID #


User Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by Area)

Map ID #


Alternate Rate alert:

Alternate Rate

Top Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by length)

Map ID #


Alternate Rate alert:

Alternate Rate

Top Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by area)

Map ID #

Top Road and watercourse overpass

Map ID #


User Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by length)

Map ID #


Alternate Rate Alert:

Alternate Rate

Top Mine Haul Roads (User defined by length)

Map ID #


Top Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by area)

Map ID #


Alternate Rate

Top Mine Haul Roads / Tracks (User defined by area)

Map ID #


Top Laydown Yards (Defaults)

Map ID #


Alternate Rate

Top Laydown Yards (User Defined)

Map ID #


Top Borrow Pits

Map ID #


Top Pipelines (not associated with facilities / plant, i.e. pipelines connecting facilities / dams)

Map ID #


Top Pipelines (not associated with facilities etc) User Build

Map ID #


Top Camps (by capacity)

Map ID #


Top Camps (by area)

Map ID #


Top Buildings by area

Map ID #


Top Buildings Portable

Map ID #


Top Lattice Structures

Map ID #


Top Power Distribution

Map ID #


Top Concrete and Bitumen Hardstand including airstrip (not associated with buildings, processing

Map ID #


Top Rail Infrastructure

Map ID #


Top Landfills

Map ID #


Top Sewage Treatment Plants

Map ID #


Top Rehabilitation of Areas not covered above or in Process Equipment (see TOV descriptions)

Map ID #


Top Fencing

Map ID #

Top Small Ancillary (washdown, water filling, oil/water separator)

Map ID #


Top Tanks

Map ID #

3. Infrastructure Links to Default Values:
Input Sheet Total

rastructure including tracks, road, laydown, pipelines, buildings and camps.

s are included for entries by length (e.g. kilometres of road) and by area (e.g. hectares of road). Tracks and roads: generally
djacent to the activity. For rock tracks (includes gravel, waste rock, bitumen), the scope assumes remove rock and haul and
2 km distant, rip length of road, and salvage growth media adjacent to road. Resurface rates including import of rock from 2

s electrical and mechanical disconnection of accommodation, mess, ablution, laundry and recreational modules, transport o
moval of hardstand and gravel, grading and seeding. All activities reasonably expected to occur at a camp (including minor fu
wage plants, irrigation areas) are assumed included in the rate and do not need to be entered as separate items. Transport o
es to disposal facilities.

nt is small fleet comprising D10 dozer and 14M grader.

Disconnect Major Services to Facility

Name Type

Disconnect and terminate all services

Disconnect and terminate services at remote ar

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by length)


Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture

Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Arid

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by Area)


Track, Pasture, Earthen, No replace

Track, Native, Earthen, No replace
Track, Arid, Earthen, No replace
Track, Pasture, Rock, No replace
Track, Native, Rock, No replace
Track, Arid, Rock, No replace
Track, any land, Rock, Replace rock

Default: 6.0
Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by length) ROAD DIMENSIONS AND COVER

Road / Track Name Road/Track Width (m)

Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) ROAD DIMENSIONS AND COVER

Road / Track Name Area (ha)


Road and watercourse overpass


Remove road overpass

Remove course overpass

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by length)


Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wid

Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wid
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m w
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m w
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m w
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla

Mine Haul Roads (User defined by length) ROAD DIMENSIONS AND COVER

Road / Track Name Haul Road Width (m)

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by area)


Haul Road, Decompact, doze, Pasture

Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Native
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Pastur
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Native
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and repla

Mine Haul Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) ROAD DIMENSIONS AND COVER
Road / Track Name Area (ha)

Laydown Yards (Defaults)


Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Pasture

Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Native
Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Arid
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Pasture
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Native
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Arid

Total by area
Laydown Yards (User Defined) DIMENSION

Laydown Yard Area (ha)

Borrow Pits

Borrow Pits

Borrow Pit - pasture

Borrow Pit - native
Borrow Pit - arid

Pipelines (not associated with facilities / plant, i.e. pipelines connecting facilities / dams)


Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground

Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Abovegrou
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Abovegroun
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried

Pipelines (not associated with facilities etc) User Build PIPELINE DETAILS

Pipe Types Liquid

Select from dropdown

Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground Tailings

Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground Tailings
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground Tailings
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground Tailings
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried Tailings
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried Tailings
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried Tailings
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried Tailings

Camps (by capacity)

Name of Camp Type and Capacity

Temporary camp - <= 20 persons

Temporary camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
Temporary camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
Temporary camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
Temporary camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
Temporary camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
Temporary camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
Temporary camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
Temporary camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
Temporary camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
Temporary camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
Temporary camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 person
Temporary camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 person
Temporary camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 person
Temporary camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 person
Permanent camp - > 0 and <= 20 persons
Permanent camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
Permanent camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
Permanent camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
Permanent camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
Permanent camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
Permanent camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
Permanent camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
Permanent camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
Permanent camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
Permanent camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
Permanent camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 person
Permanent camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 person
Permanent camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 person
Permanent camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 person

Camps (by area)

Name of Camp Type and Capacity

Small temporary camp (<= 50 persons) (footprin

Larger temporary camp (> 50 persons) (footprin
Small permanent camp (<= 50 persons) (footpr
Larger permanent camp (> 50 persons) (footpr

Buildings by area

Name of Building Type

Small, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 fl

Large, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 fl
Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 fl
Small, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 fl
Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 fl

Buildings Portable

Name of Building Type

Lattice Structures

Name Structure

Communications Tower

Power Distribution

Name Type

Overhead powerlines (steel towers)

Overhead powerlines (wooden poles)
Overhead powerlines (concrete poles)

Concrete and Bitumen Hardstand including airstrip (not associated with buildings, processing facilities)

Name Type

Remove bitumen (aprons, sealed areas) for dum

Remove bitumen (airstrip) for dumping in a void
Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thic
Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thick
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 75 m
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 50 m
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 30 m

Rail Infrastructure
Name Type

Remove rail loop and spur, ballast etc.

Collapse, cut and remove rail loading bins
Remove train loading facilities
Remove rail overpass

Name Type


Sewage Treatment Plants

Name Type

Sewage Plant

Rehabilitation of Areas not covered above or in Process Equipment (see TOV descriptions)

Name Type

Rehabilitation of infrastructure footprints

Name Type
Remove fence (cyclone/wire fence)
Construct no-climb stock fence around rehabilit
Construct standard stock fence around rehabilit

Small Ancillary (washdown, water filling, oil/water separator)

Name Type

Water Treatment Plant (company owned)

Light Vehicle Wash Down
Heavy Vehicle Wash Down
Water Filling Station
Fuel Filling Station
Oil/water separator

Name Activity

Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin

Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lin
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single s
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single s
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single s
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin,
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, N
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, N
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, N
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, L
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single s
Tracks Overpass Mine Haul Roads Laydown
Camps Buildings Lattice Structures Power Distribution
Landfills Sewage Plants Rehabilitation Fencing

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)

Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department revi

Tracks and roads: generally assumed

s remove rock and haul and dispose in
cluding import of rock from 2 km distant

eational modules, transport of modules to

at a camp (including minor fuel systems
s separate items. Transport of modules to

Qty Unit

Whole Number
nd terminate all services Item
nd terminate services at remote areas Item

0 items

Quantity Unit

en, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture km

en, No replace, 3 m wide, Native km
en, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid km
en, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture km
en, No replace, 6 m wide, Native km
en, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid km
No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture km
No replace, 3 m wide, Native km
No replace, 3 m wide, Arid km
No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture km
No replace, 6 m wide, Native km
No replace, 6 m wide, Arid km
Replace rock, 3 m wide, Pasture km
Replace rock, 3 m wide, Native km
Replace rock, 3 m wide, Arid km
Replace rock, 6 m wide, Pasture km
Replace rock, 6 m wide, Native km
Replace rock, 6 m wide, Arid km

Total by length (user) - km

Quantity Unit

re, Earthen, No replace ha

e, Earthen, No replace ha
Earthen, No replace ha
re, Rock, No replace ha
e, Rock, No replace ha
Rock, No replace ha
nd, Rock, Replace rock ha

Total by area - ha


Length of Road surface

Total Length
Type of Surface Covering covering to be removed
or ripped (if earthen)

Select from dropdown

Earthen -
Gravel -
Rock -
Bitumen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -

- km -

Default: 150

Area of Road surface

covering to be removed User Thickness of
Type of Surface Covering
or ripped (if earthen) surface covering (mm)

Select from dropdown

Earthen -
Gravel -
Rock -
Bitumen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -

Quantity Unit

Whole Number
rse overpass item

Total by area 0 item

Quantity (distance

Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Pasture km

Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Native km
Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Arid km
Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Pasture km
Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Native km
Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Arid km
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Pasture km
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Native km
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Arid km

Total by length - km


Length of Haul Road

surface covering to be
Total Length (km) Type of Surface Covering
removed or ripped (if
earthen) (km)

Select from dropdown

Earthen -
Gravel -
Rock -
Bitumen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -

- km -

Quantity (distance

Decompact, doze, Pasture ha

Decompact, doze, shape, Native ha
Decompact, doze, shape, Arid ha
Rock, Remove contam only, Pasture ha
Rock, Remove contam only, Native ha
Rock, Remove contam only, Arid ha
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Pasture ha
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Native ha
Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Arid ha

Total by area - ha

Default: 500
Area of Road surface
covering to be removed User Thickness of
Type of Surface Covering
or ripped (if earthen) surface covering (mm)

Select from dropdown

Earthen -
Gravel -
Rock -
Bitumen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -
Earthen -

ha - ha

Quantity Unit

rthen, No replace, Pasture ha

rthen, No replace, Native ha
rthen, No replace, Arid ha
ock, No replace, Pasture ha
ock, No replace, Native ha
ock, No replace, Arid ha

- ha
Earthen 0
Gravel 150
Rock 150
Bitumen 150

Area of Laydown to be Default Thickness of

Type of Surface Covering
Removed (ha) surface covering (mm)

Select from dropdown

Earthen - 0
Gravel - 150
Rock - 150
Bitumen - 150
Earthen - 0
Earthen - 0
Earthen - 0
Earthen - 0
Earthen - 0
Earthen - 0

ha - ha

Quantity Unit


- ha

Quantity Unit

0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground m

> 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground m
> 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground m
> 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground m
0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried m
> 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried m
> 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried m
> 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried m

- m

Default 2

Is pipeline to be
Pipeline length (m) Is pipeline to be flushed? # of Cut and Caps

Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes
Yes 0 Yes

- m 0.00

Qty Unit

Whole Number
amp - <= 20 persons camp
amp - > 20 and <= 50 persons camp
amp - > 50 and <= 100 persons camp
amp - > 100 and <= 150 persons camp
amp - > 150 and <= 200 persons camp
amp - > 200 and <= 250 persons camp
amp - > 250 and <= 300 persons camp
amp - > 300 and <= 400 persons camp
amp - > 400 and <= 500 persons camp
amp - > 500 and <= 750 persons camp
amp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons camp
amp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons camp
amp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons camp
amp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons camp
amp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons camp
amp - > 0 and <= 20 persons camp
amp - > 20 and <= 50 persons camp
amp - > 50 and <= 100 persons camp
amp - > 100 and <= 150 persons camp
amp - > 150 and <= 200 persons camp
amp - > 200 and <= 250 persons camp
amp - > 250 and <= 300 persons camp
amp - > 300 and <= 400 persons camp
amp - > 400 and <= 500 persons camp
amp - > 500 and <= 750 persons camp
amp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons camp
amp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons camp
amp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons camp
amp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons camp
amp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons camp

0 camp

Note units

Qty Unit

rary camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint) m2

orary camp (> 50 persons) (footprint) m2
nent camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint) m2
anent camp (> 50 persons) (footprint) m2

- m2

Ground Floor Area Unit

wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2

wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors m2

- m2

Qty Unit

Whole Number
0 item

Qty Unit

Whole Number

0 items

Qty Unit

werlines (steel towers) km

werlines (wooden poles) km
werlines (concrete poles) km

- mix

Area Unit

men (aprons, sealed areas) for dumping in a void on-site m2

men (airstrip) for dumping in a void on-site m2
crete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void m2
crete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void m2
ete to make road aggregate - 75 mm t
ete to make road aggregate - 50 mm t
ete to make road aggregate - 30 mm t

- mix
Qty Unit

Whole Number where by item

loop and spur, ballast etc. m

and remove rail loading bins Item
n loading facilities m2

- mix

Qty Unit


- m2

Qty Unit


- kL/day

Qty Unit

n of infrastructure footprints

- m2

Qty Unit
ce (cyclone/wire fence) m
-climb stock fence around rehabilitated areas m
andard stock fence around rehabilitated areas m

- m

Qty Unit

Whole Number where by item

ment Plant (company owned) ML / day

Wash Down m2
le Wash Down m2

0.00 Unit and m2

Quantity Unit

Whole Number
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.6 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.5 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 ML tank
el, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 17 ML tank
ng, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 4 kL tank
ng, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 kL tank
ng, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 1.2 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 20 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 30 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 40 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 50 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 55 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 70 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 90 kL tank
teel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 110 kL tank
el, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 100 kL tank
el, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 200 kL tank
el, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 300 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.2 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.9 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.6 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 5.5 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7.6 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 15.5 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 25 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 40 kL tank
ete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 50 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 1.5 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 3 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 13.5 kL tank
lastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 18.2 kL tank

Total by area 0 tanks

Borrow Pits Pipelines
Hardstand Rail Infrastructure
Small Ancillary Tanks

dd User Notes)
mptions and assist department review.

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.01 $ 38,500.00 $ -
#3.02 $ 11,000.00 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.03 $ 616.70 $ -
#3.04 $ 1,379.00 $ -
#3.05 $ 120.05 $ -
#3.06 $ 1,233.40 $ -
#3.07 $ 2,758.00 $ -
#3.08 $ 240.10 $ -
#3.09 $ 2,467.46 $ -
#3.10 $ 3,229.76 $ -
#3.11 $ 1,970.81 $ -
#3.12 $ 4,934.93 $ -
#3.13 $ 6,459.53 $ -
#3.14 $ 3,941.63 $ -
#3.15 $ 4,159.50 $ -
#3.16 $ 4,159.50 $ -
#3.17 $ 4,159.50 $ -
#3.18 $ 8,319.01 $ -
#3.19 $ 8,319.01 $ -
#3.20 $ 8,319.01 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

$ -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.21 $ 2,055.66 $ -
#3.22 $ 4,596.66 $ -
#3.23 $ 400.16 $ -
#3.24 $ 8,224.88 $ -
#3.25 $ 10,765.88 $ -
#3.26 $ 6,569.38 $ -
#3.27 $ 13,865.01 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

$ -


Surface covering Volume of surface

User Thickness of Length of road to
thickness used in covering to remove
surface covering (mm) replace rock (km)
calculations (mm) (m3)

0 -
150 -
150 -
150 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -

- -


Surface covering Volume of surface

Area of road to replace Thickness of rock to
thickness used in covering to remove
rock (ha) replace (mm)
calculations (mm) (m3)

0 -
150 -
150 -
150 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
- -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.47 $ 500,000.00 $ -
#3.48 $ 1,300,000.00 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

$ -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.28 $ 11,501.99 $ -
#3.29 $ 17,854.49 $ -
#3.30 $ 7,363.24 $ -
#3.31 $ 70,273.27 $ -
#3.32 $ 76,625.77 $ -
#3.33 $ 33,068.33 $ -
#3.34 $ 128,044.15 $ -
#3.35 $ 134,396.65 $ -
#3.36 $ 58,773.41 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
$ 1.00
$ -


Surface covering Volume of surface Length of haul road to

Thickness of surface
thickness used in covering to remove replace waste rock
covering (mm)
calculations (mm) (m3) (km)

0 -
500 -
500 -
500 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -

km - -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.37 $ 4,600.80 $ -
#3.38 $ 7,141.80 $ -
#3.39 $ 2,945.30 $ -
#3.40 $ 28,109.31 $ -
#3.41 $ 30,650.31 $ -
#3.42 $ 13,227.33 $ -
#3.43 $ 51,217.66 $ -
#3.44 $ 53,758.66 $ -
#3.45 $ 23,509.36 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

$ -


Surface covering Volume of surface
Area of road to replace Thickness of rock to
thickness used in covering to remove
rock (ha) replace (mm)
calculations (mm) (m3)

0 -
500 -
500 -
500 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -
0 -

- -

Alternative Rate
TOV# Default Rate Total Cost

#3.49 $ 6,698.62 $ -
#3.50 $ 9,239.62 $ -
#3.51 $ 400.16 $ -
#3.52 $ 13,908.26 $ -
#3.53 $ 16,449.26 $ -
#3.54 $ 7,609.80 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -
User Thickness of Surface covering Volume of surface
Area of laydown to rip
surface covering to be thickness used in covering to remove
and grade (Ha)
removed (mm) calculations (mm) (m3)

0 - -
150 - -
150 - -
150 - -
0 - -
0 - -
0 - -
0 - -
0 - -
0 - -

- -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.55 $ 9,568.95 $ -
#3.56 $ 12,109.95 $ -
#3.57 $ 6,443.42 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.58 $ 13.10 $ -
#3.59 $ 14.23 $ -
#3.60 $ 15.78 $ -
#3.61 $ 18.90 $ -
#3.62 $ 51.82 $ -
#3.63 $ 58.27 $ -
#3.64 $ 70.92 $ -
#3.65 $ 87.58 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Default 150 Default easement width (m)

Growth media volume
Area for growth media User Growth Media User growth media
used in calculations
(ha) Thickness (mm) volume (m3)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- 0 -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.72 $ 47,392.20 $ -
#3.73 $ 65,859.18 $ -
#3.74 $ 94,167.70 $ -
#3.75 $ 136,991.91 $ -
#3.76 $ 165,956.44 $ -
#3.77 $ 231,159.61 $ -
#3.78 $ 259,035.19 $ -
#3.79 $ 317,460.89 $ -
#3.80 $ 410,539.65 $ -
#3.81 $ 592,242.65 $ -
#3.82 $ 771,974.25 $ -
#3.83 $ 1,530,233.90 $ -
#3.84 $ 2,287,756.16 $ -
#3.85 $ 3,046,015.81 $ -
#3.86 $ 3,803,889.62 $ -
#3.87 $ 65,962.00 $ -
#3.88 $ 106,755.63 $ -
#3.89 $ 176,338.29 $ -
#3.90 $ 243,154.37 $ -
#3.91 $ 312,027.16 $ -
#3.92 $ 393,060.27 $ -
#3.93 $ 453,160.04 $ -
#3.94 $ 575,041.13 $ -
#3.95 $ 721,125.79 $ -
#3.96 $ 903,898.73 $ -
#3.97 $ 1,186,839.18 $ -
#3.98 $ 2,331,960.18 $ -
#3.99 $ 3,453,914.88 $ -
#3.100 $ 4,591,595.48 $ -
#3.101 $ 5,726,506.89 $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.102 $ 41.74 $ -
#3.103 $ 42.23 $ -
#3.104 $ 37.61 $ -
#3.105 $ 40.15 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.67 $ 121.23 $ -
#3.68 $ 72.83 $ -
#3.69 $ 87.18 $ -
#3.70 $ 129.69 $ -
#3.71 $ 138.97 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.66 $ 2,190.26 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.106 $ 30,188.57 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.107 $ 25,555.74 $ -
#3.108 $ 18,053.34 $ -
#3.109 $ 27,685.49 $ -
#3.110 $ 660.00 $ -
#3.111 $ 60.50 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.123 $ 10.00 $ -
#3.124 $ 20.00 $ -
#3.125 $ 37.00 $ -
#3.126 $ 75.00 $ -
#3.127 $ 10.00 $ -
#3.128 $ 13.00 $ -
#3.129 $ 15.00 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -
Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.112 $ 60.50 $ -
#3.113 $ 71,500.00 $ -
#3.114 $ 291.50 $ -
#3.46 $ 350,000.00 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.115 $ 3.61 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.116 $ 144.19 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.133 $ 0.65 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)
#3.130 $ 20.00 $ -
#3.131 $ 21.12 $ -
#3.132 $ 16.72 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Alternative Rate
TOV # Default Rate Total Cost ($)

#3.117 $ 3,353.23 $ -
#3.118 $ 145.62 $ -
#3.119 $ 80.74 $ -
#3.120 $ 3,490.94 $ -
#3.121 $ 14,725.86 $ -
#3.122 $ 240.06 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

Total $ -

Default Rate Alternative Rate

TOV # Total Cost
($/km) ($/tank)

#3.135 $ 3,616.51 $ -
#3.136 $ 6,543.87 $ -
#3.137 $ 7,430.27 $ -
#3.138 $ 15,589.92 $ -
#3.139 $ 24,675.35 $ -
#3.140 $ 28,165.58 $ -
#3.141 $ 33,078.12 $ -
#3.142 $ 44,197.13 $ -
#3.143 $ 15,559.76 $ -
#3.144 $ 23,306.35 $ -
#3.145 $ 29,025.07 $ -
#3.146 $ 1,370.41 $ -
#3.147 $ 1,527.45 $ -
#3.148 $ 1,703.78 $ -
#3.149 $ 1,995.78 $ -
#3.150 $ 2,093.81 $ -
#3.151 $ 2,374.92 $ -
#3.152 $ 2,594.91 $ -
#3.153 $ 2,668.24 $ -
#3.154 $ 2,961.57 $ -
#3.155 $ 3,105.55 $ -
#3.156 $ 3,383.15 $ -
#3.157 $ 4,565.76 $ -
#3.158 $ 5,895.28 $ -
#3.159 $ 7,449.68 $ -
#3.160 $ 18,426.04 $ -
#3.161 $ 23,896.38 $ -
#3.162 $ 35,845.21 $ -
#3.163 $ 45,832.54 $ -
#3.164 $ 57,093.13 $ -
#3.165 $ 71,244.34 $ -
#3.166 $ 84,220.69 $ -
#3.167 $ 121,840.87 $ -
#3.168 $ 173,539.58 $ -
#3.169 $ 204,470.22 $ -
#3.170 $ 6,137.76 $ -
#3.171 $ 570.08 $ -
#3.172 $ 570.71 $ -
#3.173 $ 571.16 $ -
#3.174 $ 698.66 $ -
#3.175 $ 699.52 $ -

$ -
Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - items

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - km

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - ha


Length of track / bare Area of track / bare

Thickness of rock to Volume of rock to
road to rip, grade, seed road to rip, grade, seed
replace (mm) replace (m3)
(km) (ha)

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -


Area of track / bare Area of track / bare

Volume of rock to
road to rip, grade, seed road to rip, grade, seed Area for topsoil (ha)
replace (m3)
(ha) (ha)

- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - item

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - km


Thickness of waste Length of haul road to Area of haul road to

Volume of rock cover
rock / gravel cover to decompact, doze, decompact, doze,
to replace (m3)
replace (mm) shape, and rip (km) shape, and rip (ha)

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - ha

Volume of rock to Area of track / bare User Growth Media
Area for topsoil (ha)
replace (m3) road to rip (ha) Thickness (mm)

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

- - -

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - ha
Growth media volume
Area for Growth Media User Growth Media User growth media
used in calculations
(ha) Thickness (mm) volume (m3)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - -

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - ha

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m

Default easement width (m) 1.00

Width of re-seed area Area of seeding Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land
(m) required (ha) Land (%) (%)

10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%
10.00 - 100%

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - camp

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m2

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m2

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - item

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - item

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - mix

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - mix
Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - mix

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m2

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - kL/day

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m2

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - m

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - Unit and m2

Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - tanks

Growth media volume

User Growth Media User growth media
Area for topsoil (ha) used in calculations
Thickness (mm) volume (m3)*

- - -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - -


Growth media volume

User Growth Media User growth media Area of seeding
used in calculations
Thickness (mm) volume (m3)* required (ha)

0 - -
0 - -
0 - -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - -


Growth media volume

User Growth Media User growth media
Area for topsoil (ha) used in calculations
Thickness (mm) volume (m3)*

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - -
Growth media volume
User growth media Area of seeding Proportion Pasture
used in calculations
volume (m3)* required (ha) Land (%)

- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%

- - -
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land
required (ha) Land (%) (%) (%)

- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%


Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do Haulage Distance for
(%) not equal 100%) Growth Media (m)

Select from dropdown

0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m

0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land
required (ha) Land (%) (%) (%)

- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%

Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Land (%) (%) (%) not equal 100%)

100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land
required (ha) Land (%) (%) (%)

0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%
0.00 100% 0%

Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do Haul distance to
(%) (%) not equal 100%) surface covering (m)

Select from dropdown

0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m

0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m
0% No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m

Alert (if land types do Distance to haul Fleet to remove surface

not equal 100%) surface covering (m) cover

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

Cut and Cap Rate

Fleet Size Flushing Rate ($/m) Removal Rate ($/m)

Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 1 $ 0.02 $ 360.70 $ 5.19

Small Fleet 1 $ 0.16 $ 377.64 $ 5.85
Small Fleet 1 $ 0.55 $ 394.57 $ 6.67
Small Fleet 1 $ 2.20 $ 411.51 $ 7.80
Small Fleet 1 $ 0.02 $ 1,214.31 $ 26.84
Small Fleet 1 $ 0.16 $ 1,263.99 $ 32.16
Small Fleet 1 $ 0.55 $ 1,288.83 $ 43.92
Small Fleet 1 $ 2.20 $ 1,313.67 $ 58.44
Small Fleet 1
Small Fleet 1

Haul distance for

Alert (if land types do Fleet Size for Removed
removed surface
not equal 100%) Surface Material
material (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1


Haul distance to Fleet Size for Removed

surface covering (m) Surface Material

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

Alert (if land types do Haul distance to Fleet Size for Removed
not equal 100%) surface covering (m) Surface Material

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
No Alert >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Distance to return
Fleet Size for Removed
waste rock / gravel
Surface Material
cover (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m

Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m

Haulage Distance for Load and Haul Surface

Fleet Size
Growth Media (m) Material Rate ($/m3)

Subrates Table 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27


Growth Media Load Total Cost for Flushing Cost for Cut and Cap
Cost for Removal ($)
and Haul Rate ($/m3) ($) ($)

Subrates Table 1
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Haul Distance for Fleet Size for Returned
return rock (m) Rock

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

Distance to return
Fleet Size for Returned
waste rock / gravel
cover (km)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Distance to return
Fleet Size for Returned
waste rock / gravel
cover (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Fleet Size for Returned Haul Distance for
Rock Growth Media (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m

Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m
Small Fleet 3 >2500 m to <=3000 m

No Alert Rate #
TOV#: #3.134 Pasture #14.40
Rate $400.16 Native #14.41
Alternate Rate
Unit: ha


Growth Media Rate Cost to rip area and Cost to remove surface Cost for Growth Media
($/m3) grade ($) covering ($) ($)

Subrates Table 1
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Rate # Default Rates Alternate Rates

#14.40 $ 1,655.50 No Alert

#14.41 $ 4,196.50 No Alert

Cost for Growth Media

Cost for Seeding ($) Total Cost ($)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
Haul Distance for Fleet Size for Growth
Growth Media (m) Media

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

Haul Distance for Fleet Size for Growth

Growth Media (m) Media

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
Haul Distance for Fleet Size for Growth
Growth Media (m) Media

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

Fleet Size for Growth Load and Haul Surface
Media Material Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27
Small Fleet 1 $ 6.27

Default Rates Alternate Rates

$ 1,655.50 No Alert
$ 4,196.50 No Alert


Cost for Seeding ($) Total Cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rates

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - per ha
per m

Remove Surface
Return Surface Material Growth Media Rate
Materials Default Rate
Default Rate ($/m3) ($/m3)

Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1

$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81

Alternate Rate


Remove Surface
Return Surface Material Growth Media Rate Cost to remove surface
Materials Default Rate
Default Rate ($/m3) ($/m3) covering ($)

Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1

$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 4.81 $ 6.27 $ 4.81 $ -
$ -

No Alert
TOV#: #3.134
Rate $400.16
Alternate Rate
Unit: (ha)


Remove Surface
Return Surface Material Rip Road and Grade
Materials Default Rate
Default Rate ($/m3) ($/ha)

Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1

$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16
$ 6.27 $ 6.27 $ 400.16

No Alert
TOV#: #3.134
Rate $400.16
Alternate Rate
Unit: (ha)

Rip and Grade Rate Growth Media Rate Cost to remove surface
Default Rate
($/ha) ($/m3) covering ($)

Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 1

$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -
$ 6.27 $ 400.16 $ 4.81 $ -

$ -
No Alert Rate #
TOV#: #3.134 Pasture #14.40
Rate $400.16 Native #14.41
Alternate Rate
Unit: (ha)


Cost to rip road / track Cost for Growth Media

Cost to remove surface and grade and replace if required to be
Cost to replace rock ($)
covering ($) growth media / seed for imported from further
adjacent feature away

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -

No Alert Rate # Default Rate

#3.134 Pasture #14.40 $ 1,655.50
$400.16 Native #14.41 $ 4,196.50

(ha) (ha)

Cost for Growth Media

Cost to rip road / track if required to be
Cost to replace rock ($) Cost for Seeding ($)
and grade imported from further

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -



Cost of haul road to

Growth Media Rate Cost to remove surface
decompact, doze, Cost for Growth Media
($/m3) covering ($)
shape, and rip (ha)

Subrates Table 1
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -

Rate # Default Rates

Pasture #14.40 $ 1,655.50
Native #14.41 $ 4,196.50

Cost to rip road / track
Cost for Growth Media Cost to replace rock ($) Cost for Seeding ($)
and grade

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
Default Rate Alternate Rate
$ 1,655.50 No Alert
$ 4,196.50 No Alert


Cost for Seeding ($) Total Cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rates

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - per km

Alternate Rate
No Alert
No Alert

Total Cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rates

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ - $ - per ha

Rate # Default Rates Alternate Rates

#14.40 $ 1,655.50 No Alert

#14.41 $ 4,196.50 No Alert


Cost to replace rock

Cost for Seeding ($) Total Cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rates
cover ($)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -

Alternate Rates

No Alert
No Alert
Total Cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rates

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ - per ha
on for Alternate Rates
per km
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 4. Process and Heavy Equipment
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for process equipment including stackers, reclaimers, and conveyors. The rates do not inclu
Equipment Footprints" for land rehabilitation. If this table is used the quantities are automatically reported to

The rates include disconnection of services, removal of any liquids or chemicals prior to demolition, disman
collapsing tanks and shearing tank steel, breaking concrete pads and footings), removing skids, allowance
and haul of concrete, steel and other waste and disposal at waste facility.

The rates are for scrapping and do not cover the situation whereby an item is dismantled for reuse at anoth

Map ID #


The quantities below are reported to the rates table above. The User does not have to use th
Top Processing Equipment Footprints

Map ID #

4. Process and Heavy Equipment
Input Sheet Total

ocess equipment including stackers, reclaimers, and conveyors. The rates do not include land rehabilitation, use the Proces
for land rehabilitation. If this table is used the quantities are automatically reported to column F of the rates table.

onnection of services, removal of any liquids or chemicals prior to demolition, dismantling major components, demolition (e.
hearing tank steel, breaking concrete pads and footings), removing skids, allowance for asbestos removal where required, l
steel and other waste and disposal at waste facility.

pping and do not cover the situation whereby an item is dismantled for reuse at another site.


Demolish and remove processing plant

Remove stacker or reclaimer
Demolish and remove bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer or wing stacker
Remove rails and ballast for stacker and/or reclaimer
Demolish and remove on-ground conveyors and gantries
Demolish and remove overhead conveyors and gantries
Demolish and remove elevated conveyors and gantries
Demolish reclaim tunnel, cut reo and expose reclaim conveyor, then collapse into the reclaim tunnel void
Remove and demolish conveyor from reclaim tunnel
Demolition of reclaim tunnel concrete
Dismantle on-ground conveyors for reuse/resale
Dismantle overhead conveyors for reuse/resale
Collapse, cut and remove 1250 t silo / bin / hopper
Collapse, cut and remove 3000 t silo / bin / hopper
Collapse, cut and remove 5000 t silo / bin / hopper
Demolish and remove above ground small tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 3 - 9 m diameter)
Demolish and remove above ground medium tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 10 - 15 m diameter)
Demolish and remove above ground large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 16 - 25 m diameter)
Demolish and remove above ground extra large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 26 - 50 m diameter)
Demolish and remove above ground extra extra large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. >50 m diameter)
Removal of small underground tank (<5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc.
Removal of large underground tank (>5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc.
Transport small tank and dispose
Small Pump Set
Large Pump Set
Dismantle and remove dragline up to 2,000 t
Dismantle and remove dragline >2,000 t to 5,000 t
Dismantle and remove dragline > 5,000 t
Remove bitumen (aprons, sealed areas) for dumping in a void on-site
Remove bitumen (airstrip) for dumping in a void on-site
Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void
Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 75 mm
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 50 mm
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 30 mm
Rehabilitation of infrastructure footprints
The quantities below are reported to the rates table above. The User does not have to use the table below, it is a way to list out any are
Processing Equipment Footprints


Lump Sum entry (enter if not itemising)

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.

Quantity (footprints
Quantity Unit TOV#
Whole Number where by Item
m2/floor #4.01
Item #4.02
Item #4.03
m #4.04
m #4.05
m #4.06
m #4.07
m2 #4.08
m #4.09
m2 #4.10
m #4.11
m #4.12
Item #4.13
Item #4.14
Item #4.15
item #4.16
item #4.17
item #4.18
item #4.19
item #4.20
item #4.21
item #4.22
item #4.23
item #4.24
Item #4.25
item #4.26
item #4.27
item #4.28
- m2 #4.29
- m2 #4.30
- m2 #4.31
- m2 #4.32
- t #4.33
- t #4.34
- t #4.35
- m2 #4.36
ng rehabilitation or miscellaneous areas (separate to the process equipment above) where concrete or bitumen must be removed.

- - - -
Remove concrete pads Remove concrete pads
Crush concrete to Crush concrete to
& footings (<=0.3 m & footings (>0.3 m
make road aggregate - make road aggregate -
thickness) and thickness) and
75 mm 50 mm
dumping in void dumping in void

m2 m2 t t
Alternative Unit Rate
Default Unit Rate Total Cost Justification for Alternate Rate

$ 216.06 $ -
$ 750,000.00 $ -
$ 2,000,000.00 $ -
$ 75.00 $ -
$ 185.00 $ -
$ 297.90 $ -
$ 850.00 $ -
$ 80.00 $ -
$ 150.00 $ -
$ 950.00 $ -
$ 462.50 $ -
$ 750.00 $ -
$ 75,881.26 $ -
$ 107,362.51 $ -
$ 143,603.15 $ -
$ 10,000.00 $ -
$ 30,000.00 $ -
$ 45,000.00 $ -
$ 100,000.00 $ -
$ 175,000.00 $ -
$ 21,000.00 $ -
$ 30,000.00 $ -
$ 5,000.00 $ -
$ 431.17 $ -
$ 2,587.01 $ -
$ 1,500,000.00 $ -
$ 2,000,000.00 $ -
$ 2,500,000.00 $ -
$ 10.00 $ -
$ 20.00 $ -
$ 37.00 $ -
$ 75.00 $ -
$ 10.00 $ -
$ 13.00 $ -
$ 15.00 $ -
$ 0.65 $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -
No alert $ -

ncrete or bitumen must be removed. $ -

- - - -
Remove bitumen Rehabilitation of
Crush concrete to Remove bitumen
(aprons, sealed areas) infrastructure
make road aggregate - (airstrip) for dumping
for dumping in a void footprints
30 mm in a void on-site

t m2 m2 m2
on for Alternate Rate
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 5. Water Storage
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for dams, ponds, weirs and other water storage. There are separate table for number-b
pasture), area-based entries (e.g. 2 ha lined dam), and a User build table. The User only enters to one o

Use the water treatment and pumping sheet for removal / treatment of any water remaining.

Includes removal of sediment, liners (where present), push-in of walls, levelling and grade and seed. Th
be present.

Water Storages Defaults by Category and Capacity

Map ID #


Top Water Storages Defaults by Area

Map ID #

Top Water Structures User

Map ID #

5. Water Storage
Input Sheet Total
Total ERC

for dams, ponds, weirs and other water storage. There are separate table for number-based entries by category (e.g. 1 x 10
ased entries (e.g. 2 ha lined dam), and a User build table. The User only enters to one of the tables for each structure.

eatment and pumping sheet for removal / treatment of any water remaining.

al of sediment, liners (where present), push-in of walls, levelling and grade and seed. There is no allowance for any water / b

Water Storages Defaults by Category and Capacity


Water Storages Defaults by Area

Water Structures User

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
er-based entries by category (e.g. 1 x 10 ML dam in Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist dep
one of the tables for each structure.

d. There is no allowance for any water / brine that may

Water Structure type Size Land

Select from dropdown (except first two items) Select from dropdown (except first two items)
Clean water small dams/sediment control structures retained after closure
Clean water small mine/quarry dams/sediment control structures retained after closure
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid

Water Structure type

Select from dropdown

Lined > 0 and <= 1 ML
Lined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML
Lined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML
Lined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML
Lined > 10 and <= 20 ML
Lined > 20 and <= 50 ML
Lined > 50 and <= 100 ML
Unlined > 0 and <= 1 ML
Unlined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML
Unlined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML
Unlined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML
Unlined > 10 and <= 20 ML
Unlined > 20 and <= 50 ML
Unlined > 50 and <= 100 ML


Type Size (ML)

text below to add User Notes)
ll support assumptions and assist department review.

Combined Name Qty

Whole Number

Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture

Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid

Qty Unit TOV# Default Rate ($/unit)

ha #5.138 $ 80,000.00
ha #5.139 $ 78,000.00
ha #5.140 $ 75,000.00
ha #5.141 $ 74,000.00
ha #5.142 $ 70,000.00
ha #5.143 $ 65,000.00
ha #5.144 $ 63,500.00
ha #5.145 $ 50,000.00
ha #5.146 $ 49,000.00
ha #5.147 $ 47,000.00
ha #5.148 $ 45,000.00
ha #5.149 $ 43,000.00
ha #5.150 $ 38,000.00
ha #5.151 $ 36,000.00
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert
No alert

- ha

Multiplier on base area for liner


# of structures in this Top of Water Structure Liner (select Lined or

Pump Water (ML)
category (each row) Area (ha) Unlined)

Whole Number Select from dropdown


0 - -
Unit TOV# Default Rate ($/unit) Alternate Rate ($/unit)

Item #5.01 $ 10,500.00

Item #5.02 $ 2,500.00
structure #5.03 $ 7,677.20
structure #5.18 $ 7,931.30
structure #5.33 $ 7,511.65
structure #5.17 $ 2,803,157.35
structure #5.32 $ 2,955,617.35
structure #5.47 $ 2,425,249.86
structure #5.48 $ 6,664.79
structure #5.63 $ 6,918.89
structure #5.78 $ 6,499.24
structure #5.62 $ 2,437,038.80
structure #5.77 $ 2,589,498.80
structure #5.92 $ 2,059,131.30
structure #5.93 $ 4,757.97
structure #5.108 $ 5,012.07
structure #5.123 $ 4,592.42
structure #5.107 $ 1,534,273.55
structure #5.122 $ 1,686,733.55
structure #5.137 $ 1,156,366.06
structure No alert
structure No alert
structure No alert
structure No alert
structure No alert


Water Structures Total

Alternate Rate ($/unit) Alternate Rate Justification
Cost ($)
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ -

Multiplier on base area for liner 1.2


User Entered Liner Liner area used in Wall Height (above

Liner Warning
Area (ha) Calculations (ha)* ground surface) (m)

- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert
- No Alert

- -
Water Structures Total
Alternate Rate Justification
Cost ($)

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ - structure(s)
Calculated Area of Wall
Wall width at top (m) Slope (1 in X) Width at base (m)

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

User Entered Wall Area Linear Length of Bund User Entered Linear Volume of Dirt in
(m2) Walls (m) Length of Bunds (m) Bunds (m3)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - - -
0.50 150

User Entered Sediment User Growth Media

Sediment volume (m3) Growth Media area (ha)
Thickness (m)* Thickness (mm)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- -
Growth Media Volume Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land
Seeding Area (ha)
(m3) Land (%) (%)

- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- - 100%
- 100%

- -

Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do User Area to

Area to Investigate (ha)
(%) not equal 100%) Investigate (ha)

0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -
0% No Alert -

- -

Share (Fraction) of Remove Silt - Select

Sediment Fleet
Upfront Cost* Haulage Distance (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 2
Push Distance (m) Push Fleet

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
Load, haul, dump
Growth Media Fleet
growth media distance

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

<=200 m Small Fleet 1

> 6000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1

Sediment Haul Rate Liner Removal Rate

Pump Water ($/ML)
($/m3) ($/ha)

Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 7

$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
$ 120.45 $ 5.33 $ 5,852.57
No Alert No Alert
TOV# #14.40
TOV Rate $ 1,655.50
Alternate Rate
Unit ha

Liner Dispose Rate Wall Push in Rate

Growth Media ($/m3) Seed Pasture ($/ha)
($/ha) ($/m3)

Subrates Table 7 Subrates Table 2 Subrates Table 1

$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 3.10 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 6.89 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 1,600.86 $ 1.92 $ 4.81 $ 1,655.50
$ 4,196.50



Land Investigation Land Investigation

Seed Native ($/ha) Pump Water ($)
Upfront ($) ($/ha)

$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -

$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -
$ 4,196.50 $ 35,075.58 $ 3,964.53 $ -

$ -
Soil Movement
Sediment ($) Liner Removal ($) Liner Disposal ($)

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
Land Investigation Land Investigation - per
Growth Media ($) Seed ($/)
Upfront costs ($) area ($/)

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -

Total Cost for All

Total Cost for Dam $/ML $/ha
Dams in Category

$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -

$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -
$ - Enter ML Enter area $ -

$ - $ -
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert

$ - structure
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 6. Water Treatment and Pumping
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for water pumping and treatment. Includes a User Build table for dewatering system whereb

Water Treatment and Transfer

Map ID #



Map ID #

Treatment and Pumping

g and treatment. Includes a User Build table for dewatering system whereby the user enters quantities for each item to build

Water pH 5.5

Enter name of area below

Remove downwell
Area Name
dewater pumps

Enter name of area or sub-area below Whole Number

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User No
ser enters quantities for each item to build the rate. Enter any information that will support assumptions and

Water pH 4.5 Water Organics

Water Salt Removal
Adjustment Removal


- - -
Piping Pipe Rate

Select from dropdown
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground $14.23
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground $15.78
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground $18.90
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground $13.10
erwrite the text below to add User Notes)
ation that will support assumptions and assist department review.

Naturally Evaporate
Evaporate Water with Evaporators
Water in Pond

Dam Dam
Whole number Whole number

0 0
Pipe Length Tanks

Select from dropdown
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 13.5 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 5.5 kL
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML

Mobilisation of Reverse Salt disposal - load and
Salt disposal - gate fee
Osmosis Unit transport

lump tonne tonne

Whole number

0 - -
Tank Rate Tanks Ponds / Dams

Whole Number Select from dropdown
$698.66 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$45,832.54 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
$3,616.51 Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid


Removal of
evaporation fans and /
Dewatering Plant
Water pumping / transfer or other water transfer
and management

ML Item ML/day
Whole number

- 0 -
Diesel generator
Pond / Dam Rate Pond / Dams

# #
Whole Number Whole Number

0 0
No Alert No Alert No Alert
TOV#: #6.01 #6.02 #6.03

Rate $1,911.95 $2,418.95 $2,715.51

Alternate Rate

Water Management
Water pH 5.5 Water pH 4.5
establishment, Water Salt Removal
Adjustment Adjustment
engineering, O&M

ML $ $ $

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

- $ - $ - $ -

Reference: Subrates Table 12

Rate $197.19
* Unit: item

Dewatering User Dewatering User Dewatering User Remove downwell

Entered 1 Entered 2 Entered 3 dewater pumps

Enter Unit Enter Unit Enter Unit $

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

0.00 0.00 0.00 $ -

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
#6.04 #6.05 #6.06 #6.07

$2,026.59 $5,291.20 $53,739.57 $48,000.00

ML Dam Dam lump

Water Organics Naturally Evaporate Evaporate Water with Mobilisation of Reverse

Removal Water in Pond Evaporators Osmosis Unit

$ $ $ $

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -

Alternate rate alert:

Reference: Subrates Table 12

Rate: $351.55
Unit: item

Diesel generator
Piping Tanks Ponds / Dams

$ $ $ $

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
#6.08 #6.09 #6.10 #6.11

$9.96 $110.39 $120.45 $27,500.00

tonne tonne ML Item

Removal of
evaporation fans and /
Salt disposal - load and Water pumping /
Salt disposal - gate fee or other water transfer
transport transfer
and management

$ $ $ $

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -

No Alert No Alert No Alert

<< Enter Rate

Enter Unit Enter Unit Enter Unit

Dewatering User Dewatering User Dewatering User

Total Cost
Entered 1 Entered 2 Entered 3

$ $ $ $

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert
#6.12 #6.13

$4,099.07 $2,700.00

ML/day ML

Water Management
Dewatering Plant Alternative Total Rate
establishment, Total Cost
Decommissioning for Line Item
engineering, O&M

$ $

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Alternative Rate (Total
Cost to ERC Justification for Alternate Rate
for Line Item)

$ $

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ - pump
Cost to ERC Justification for Alternate Rate

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ - mix
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 7. Waste Rock Dumps, Overburden Dumps, Spoil Piles and Stockpiles
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for waste rock dumps, spoil piles and stockpiles. For the default table, the User only enters
used if capping requirements are more stringent than those shown in the Capping Values table to the right.

In the User-build table, if the user enters a thickness for a capping element (e.g. low permeability layer) that
Capping Alerts and the User must provide justification (see Capping Alerts for further detail).

Growth media stockpiles will be re-used and consequently only the footprint requires management.

Waste Rock Dumps (Defaults)

Map ID #


TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Top Waste Rock Dumps (User)
Map ID #


TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Top Overburden Dumps and Spoil Piles (User Defined)

Map ID #


TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Top Growth Media Stockpiles

Map ID #

Rock Dumps, Overburden Dumps, Spoil Piles and Stockpiles

umps, spoil piles and stockpiles. For the default table, the User only enters the disturbance footprint. The User-build table ca
more stringent than those shown in the Capping Values table to the right.

r enters a thickness for a capping element (e.g. low permeability layer) that is less than the default, an alert will appear in
st provide justification (see Capping Alerts for further detail).

e-used and consequently only the footprint requires management.

ck Dumps (Defaults)

Waste Rock Dump Name Area (ha)* Risk Category*

Select from dropdown

High Risk
Medium Risk Low Perm
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Very Low Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk


Total Footprint area of Risk Category (select
WRD (ha)* from dropdown)

Select from dropdown

High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk

en Dumps and Spoil Piles (User Defined) OVERBURDEN DUMP DIMENSIONS

Total Footprint area of Rehabilitation of flat

Dump / Pile (ha) areas(ha)*
- -


Total Footprint area Average doze thickness

(ha) (m)

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
The User-build table can be Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.

n alert will appear in

TOV # Default Rate ($/ha) Alternate Rate ($/ha) Total cost for WRD ($)

#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.02 $ 111,627.28 $ -
#7.03 $ 81,036.68 $ -
#7.04 $ 50,106.23 $ -
#7.05 $ 14,670.82 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -
#7.01 $ 167,262.75 $ -

$ -

Rehabilitation of flat Average doze Average doze
Rehabilitation of
areas (tops, benches, thickness flat areas thickness slope areas
slope/batter areas (ha)*
berms etc) area (ha)* (m)* (m)*


- -

Average doze Rehabilitation of

Rehabilitation of Average doze thickness
thickness flat areas Overburden access
slope/batter areas (ha)* slope areas (m)*
(m)* ramps (ha)*
- -

User entered volume to Volume to push on flat

Reshape Length of Dozer
push on flat surfaces surfaces used in Fleet for Reshape
(m3)* calculations (m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

- -
d assist department review.

Alternate Rate Justification

$0.00 per ha


User entered volume to Volume to push on flat
Rehabilitation of WRD
Reprofiled slope angle* push on flat surfaces surfaces used in
access ramps (ha)*
(m3)* calculations (m3)

Select from dropdown

>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -

- - -


User entered volume to Volume to push on flat

User volume to push
Reprofiled slope angle* push on flat surfaces surfaces used in
slopes (m3)*
(m3)* calculations (m3)

Select from dropdown

>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -

- - -

Default: 0.15

Flat Areas Unit Rate Cost for Dozer Push All User Growth Media User growth media
($/m3) Areas ($) Thickness (m)* volume (m3)*

Capping Alerts
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -

$ -
ODP Capping Values
Layer Unit High Risk

Default Slope Rock Armour Cover Thickness m 1.0

Default Working Layer Thickness m 0.0
Default Capillary Break Layer Thickness m 0.6
Default Low Permeability Layer Thickness m 0.5
Default Rock Cover Layer Thickness m 1.5
Default Growth Media Thickness m 0.15
Engineering $ / ha $ 2,850
User volume to push Volume to push slopes Reshape Length of Dozer
Fleet for Reshape
slopes (m3)* used in calculations (m3) Push

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

- -

Volume to push slopes

Reshape Length of Dozer Flat Areas Unit Rate
used in calculations Fleet for Reshape
Push ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92


Growth media volume

Haulage Distance for Fleet for Load and Haul
used in calculations Growth Media ($/m3)
Growth Media (m) Growth Media

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81

Medium Risk Low Perm Medium Risk Low Risk Very Low Risk

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0
0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
$ 2,600 $ 2,075 $ 1,550 $ 650
Cost to Doze and
Flat Areas Unit Rate Slope Areas Unit Rate Cost for Dozer Push All
Shape slopes and
($/m3) ($/Ha) Areas ($)
ramps ($)

Subrates Table 2 Subrates Table 3

$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -

$ - $ -


Cost to Doze and User Slope Rock

Slope Areas Unit Rate Cost for Dozer Push All
Shape slopes and Armour Cover
($/Ha) Areas ($)
ramps ($) Thickness (m)*

Subrates Table 3 Capping Alerts

$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 8,905 $ - $ -

$ - $ -

Growth Media Long

Source for Growth Distance return for Haul Unit Rate
Growth Media ($)
Media growth media (km) (Excludes purchase)
Select from dropdown Select from dropdown
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -

$ -
Default Slope Rock User Slope Rock Thickness of Rock for User Slope Rock
Armour Cover Armour Cover Slope Layer used in Armour Cover Volume
Thickness (m)* Thickness (m)* Calculations (m)* (m3)*

ODP Capping Values Capping Alerts

1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00


User Slope Rock Rock armour volume

Haulage Distance for Fleet for Rock Armour
Armour Cover Volume used in calculations
Slope Rock Armour (m) on Slopes
(m3)* (m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

- -

Purchase Growth
User Growth Media Long Haul growth 1st Soil Amendment
Media not sourced
Delivered to Site ($/m3) media ($) area (ha)
locally ($/m3)

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - -
Rock Armour for
Rock armour volume used in Haulage Distance for Fleet for Rock Armour
Stability Unit Rate
calculations (m3)* Slope Rock Armour (m) on Slopes

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27


User Input Thickness

Rock Armour for Stability Unit Cost for Rock Armour Dump / Pile Surface
of Rock Cover Layer
Rate ($/m3) ($) area (ha)

Capping Alerts
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - -

$ - -

User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and
Amendment 1 for soil* TOV Rate # Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
User Input Thickness
Cost for Rock Armour WRD Surface area to install Default Capillary Break
of Capillary Break
($) capillary layer (ha) Layer Thickness (m)
Layer (m)*

ODP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60

$ - -


Thickness of Rock Volume Used in

User Input Volume of Rock Haulage Distance for
Layer used in Calculations for Rock
Cover Layer (m3) Rock Cover layer (m)
Calculations (m) Cover Layer (m3)

ODP Capping Values Select from dropdown

1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.00 - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -

2nd Soil Amendment Amend 2 Supply and

Amendment 2 for soil* TOV Rate #
area (ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

Thickness of Capillary User Input Volume of Volume for Capillary Break Source and prepare
Break Layer used in Capillary Break Layer Layer used in Calculations Capillary Break Layer
Calculations (m)* (m3)* (m3)* Material Rate ($/m3)

Subrates Table 5
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71

- -

Load and Haul Top

Fleet for Load and Haul Cost for source, load haul and Length of Dozer Push
Rock Layer Unit Rate
Rock Cover dump rock cover layer ($) Rock Cover Layers (m)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push

$ -

User Delivered
3rd Soil Amendment
Amendment 2 ($/ha Amendment 3 for soil* TOV Rate #
area (ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A

Source and prepare
Haulage Distance for
Capillary Break Layer Fleet for Capillary Capillary Break Unit
Capillary Break layer
Material Break Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

$ -

Fleet for Top Rock Dozer Push Top Rock Cost for Dozer Push Total Cost for Rock
Push Layer Unit Rate ($/m3) Rock Cover Layers ($) Cover layers ($)

Select from dropdown

D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -

$ - $ -

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and Area of seeding
Amendment 3 ($/ha Amend Cost ($)
Deliver ($/ha) required (ha)

$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -

$ - -
Cost for source, load haul
Length of Dozer Push Dozer Push Capillary
and dump capillary break Dozer
Capillary Break Layers (m) Break Unit Rate ($/m3)
layer ($)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92

$ -


Geosynthetic clay liner Geosynthetic clay liner

Geofabric area (m2) Geofabric Rate ($/m2)
(m2) rate ($/m2)

$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20

- -

TOV Rate
Alternate Rate

Proportion Pasture Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Proportion Native Land (%)
(%) (%) not equal 100%)

100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
Cost for Dozer Push Default Low
Total Cost for Capillary
Capillary Break Layers WRD Surface area (ha) Permeability Layer
Break layers ($)
($) Thickness (m)

ODP Capping Values

$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50

$ - $ - -


Major Drains and Drop

Geo-membrane (m2) Geo-membrane ($/m2) Total for Geo layers ($) Structure footprint on
dump (Ha)

$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -

- $ - -

No Alert No Alert
#14.40 #14.41
$ 1,655.50 $ 4,196.50

Cost for Growth Media /

Seeding Pasture ($/ha) Seeding Native ($/ha) Cost for Seeding ($)
Amendment ($)

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
Thickness of Low
User Input Thickness User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Permeability Layer
of Low Permeability Low Permeability Layer Calculations for Low
used in Calculations
(Clay) Layers (m)* (m3) Permeability Layer (m3)

Capping Alerts
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -

- -


Water Management Water Management

Major drains and drop Major drains and drop
Earthworks On Dump Earthworks On Dump
structures on dump ($) structures on dump ($)
($) ($)*

$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -

$ - $ -

User Other Activities Total Cost for Stockpile Cost per Unit Area
($) ($) ($/ha)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Source, prepare, place
and compact Low Distance one way for
Low Permeability Unit Source for Low
Permeability Layer low permeability
Rate ($/ha) Permeability Capping
Material capping (km)
Subrates Table 5 Select from dropdown Select from dropdown
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km

$ -


Growth media volume

User Growth Media User growth media Haulage Distance for
used in calculations
Thickness (m) volume (m3)* Growth Media (m)

Capping Alerts Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

Justification for Alternate Rates

Low Permeability
Purchase Low
Source Long Haul Unit User Clay Delivered to Long Haul Low
Permeability not
Rate (Excludes Site ($/m3)* Permeability Layers ($)
sourced locally ($/m3)
purchase) ($/m3-km)

Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ -

Fleet for Load and Haul Source for Growth

Growth Media ($/m3) Growth Media ($)
Growth Media Media

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local

$ -
User Input Thickness
Total Cost for Low Default Rock Cover
WRD Surface area (ha) of Rock Cover Layer
Permeability layers ($) Layer Thickness (m)

ODP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50

$ - -

Growth Media Long

Purchase Growth
Distance return for Haul Unit Rate User Growth Media
Media not sourced
growth media (km) (Excludes purchase) Delivered to Site ($/m3)
locally ($/m3)
Select from dropdown
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Thickness of Rock User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Haulage Distance for Rock
Layer used in Rock Cover Layer Calculations for Rock
Cover layer (m)
Calculations (m)* (m3)* Cover Layer (m3)

Select from dropdown

1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -

Long Haul growth Cost for Growth Media / 1st Soil Amendment
Amendment 1 for soil*
media ($) Amendment ($) area (ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend

$ - $ - -
Load and Haul Top Cost for source, load haul
Fleet for Load and Haul Length of Dozer Push Rock
Rock Layer Unit Rate and dump rock cover layer
Rock Cover Cover Layers (m)
($/m3) ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push

$ -

User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and
TOV Rate # Amendment 1 ($/ha 2nd Soil Amendment area (ha)
Deliver ($/ha)

N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -

Dozer Push Top Rock Cost for Dozer Push Total Cost for Rock
Fleet for Top Rock Push
Layer Unit Rate ($/m3) Rock Cover Layers ($) Cover layers ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -

$ - $ -

User Delivered
Amend 2 Supply and
Amendment 2 for soil* TOV Rate # Amendment 2 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
Geosynthetic clay liner
Geofabric area (m2) Geofabric Rate ($/m2) Geosynthetic clay liner (m2)
rate ($/m2)

Subrates Table 5 Subrates Table 5

$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20

- -

3rd Soil Amendment Amend 3 Supply and

Amendment 3 for soil* TOV Rate #
area (ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

Major Drains and Drop
Geo-membrane (m2) Geo-membrane ($/m2) Total for Geo layers ($) Structure footprint on
dump (ha)*

Subrates Table 5
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -

- $ - -

User Delivered
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture
Amendment 3 ($/ha Amend Cost ($)
required (ha) Land (%)

$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%

$ - -
Water Management Water Management
Major drains and drop Major drains and drop
Earthworks On Dump Earthworks On Dump
structures on dump ($) structures on dump ($)
($) ($)*

Subrates Table 6 Subrates Table 6

$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -

$ - $ -

No Alert
TOV# #14.40

TOV Rate $ 1,655.50

Alternate Rate

Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Seeding Pasture ($)
(%) (%) not equal 100%)

0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -

$ -
Growth media volume
Default Growth Media User Growth Media User growth media
used in calculations
Thickness (m) Thickness (m) volume (m3)*

ODP Capping Values Capping Alerts

0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -
0.15 -

No Alert
$ 4,196.50

$ 1,000.00

User Alternate Rate for User Other Activities

Seeding Native ($) Engineering ($)
Engineering ($/ha) ($)

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Haulage Distance for Fleet for Load and Haul Growth Media Load
Growth Media ($)
Growth Media (m) Growth Media and Haul ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -

$ -

Total Cost for Dump / Cost per Unit Area

Justification for Alternate Rates
Pile ($) ($/ha)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
Growth Media Long
Purchase Growth
Source for Growth Distance return for Haul Unit Rate
Media not sourced
Media growth media (km) (Excludes purchase)
locally ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Local 50 to 60 km $ - $ -

on for Alternate Rates

User Growth Media
Long Haul growth Cost for Growth Media
Delivered to Site 1st Soil Amendment area (ha)
media ($) ($)

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - -
User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and
Amendment 1 for soil* TOV Rate # Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
Amend 2 Supply and
2nd Soil Amendment area (ha) Amendment 2 for soil* TOV Rate #
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

User Delivered
Amendment 2 ($/ha 3rd Soil Amendment area (ha) Amendment 3 for soil* TOV Rate #

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and Area of seeding
Amendment 3 ($/ha Amend Cost ($)
Deliver ($/ha) required (ha)

$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -

$ - -
TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Land (%) (%) (%) not equal 100%)

100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
No Alert No Alert
#14.40 #14.41
$ 1,655.50 $ 4,196.50

ha ha
Area for Permeability User Number of points
Seeding Pasture ($/ha) Seeding Native ($/ha)
Testing (ha) per ha

$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -

$ - $ - -
Subrates Table 5
$ 972.13



Permeability Testing by User Alternate Rate for
Engineering ($/ha) Engineering ($)
area ($) Engineering ($/ha)

ODP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -
$ - $ 2,850.00 $ -

$ - $ -
User Other Activities Cost per Unit Area
Total Cost for WRD ($)
($) ($/ha)


$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Justification for Alternate Rates
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 8. Heap Leach Pads
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for heap leach pads. For the default table, the User only enters the disturbance footprint. Th
capping requirements are more stringent than those shown in the Capping Values table to the right.

In the User-build table, if the user enters a thickness for a capping element (e.g. low permeability layer) that
will appear in Capping Alerts and the User must provide justification (see Capping Alerts for further detail).

Heap Leach Pads (Defaults)

Map ID #


TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Top Heap Leach Pad (User)
Map ID #

Leach Pads

User Note
ads. For the default table, the User only enters the disturbance footprint. The User-build table can be used if Enter any i
stringent than those shown in the Capping Values table to the right.

r enters a thickness for a capping element (e.g. low permeability layer) that is less than the default, an alert
the User must provide justification (see Capping Alerts for further detail).

ch Pads (Defaults)

Name Area (ha) Risk Category

Select from dropdown

High Risk
Medium Risk Low Perm
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Very Low Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk


Total Footprint area of Risk Category (select from
HLP (ha) dropdown)

Select from dropdown

High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
used if Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.

n alert

TOV # Default Rate ($/ha) Alternate Rate ($/ha) Total cost for HLP ($)

#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.02 $ 111,877.28 $ -
#8.03 $ 81,486.68 $ -
#8.04 $ 50,156.23 $ -
#8.05 $ 14,770.82 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -
#8.01 $ 167,512.75 $ -

$ -
$ -


Rehabilitation of flat Average doze Average doze
Rehabilitation of
areas (tops, benches, thickness flat areas thickness slope areas
slope/batter areas (ha)*
berms etc) area (ha)* (m)* (m)*


- -
HLP Capping Values
t review. 1 Layer
2 Default Slope Rock Armour Cover Thickness
3 Default Working Layer Thickness
4 Default Capillary Break Layer Thickness
5 Default Low Permeability Layer Thickness
6 Default Rock Cover Layer Thickness
7 Default Growth Media Thickness
8 Engineering

Alternate Rate Justification

per ha
User entered volume to Volume to push on flat
Rehabilitation of HLP
Reprofiled slope angle* push on flat surfaces surfaces used in
access ramps (ha)*
(m3)* calculations (m3)

Select from dropdown

>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -
>8.5<=14 degrees -

- - -
Unit High Risk Medium Risk Low Perm Medium Risk
m 1.0 1.0 1.0
m 0.0 0.0 0.0
m 0.6 0.3 0.3
m 0.5 0.3 0.0
m 1.5 1.0 1.0
m 0.15 0.15 0.15
$ / ha $ 2,850 $ 2,600 $ 2,075
Volume to push slopes
User volume to push Reshape Length of Dozer
used in calculations Fleet for Reshape
slopes (m3)* Push

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

- -
Low Risk Very Low Risk
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.5 0.0
0.15 0.15
$ 1,550 $ 650
Cost to Doze and
Flat Areas Unit Rate Slope Areas Unit Rate Cost for Dozer Push All
Shape slopes and
($/m3) ($/Ha) Areas ($)
ramps ($)

Subrates Table 2 Subrates Table 3

$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -
$ 1.92 $ 8,905 $ - $ -

$ - $ -
Default Slope Rock User Slope Rock Thickness of Rock for User Slope Rock
Armour Cover Armour Cover Slope Layer used in Armour Cover Volume
Thickness (m)* Thickness (m)* Calculations (m)* (m3)*

HLP Capping Values Capping Alerts

1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
Rock armour volume Rock Armour for
Haulage Distance for Fleet for Rock Armour
used in calculations Stability Unit Rate
Slope Rock Armour (m) on Slopes
(m3)* ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

HLP Surface area to User Input Thickness
Cost for Rock Armour Default Capillary Break
install capillary layer of Capillary Break
($) Layer Thickness (m)
(ha) Layer (m)*

HLP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60
$ - - 0.60

$ - -
Thickness of Capillary User Input Volume of Volume for Capillary Source and prepare
Break Layer used in Capillary Break Layer Break Layer used in Capillary Break Layer
Calculations (m)* (m3)* Calculations (m3)* Material Rate (m3)

Subrates Table 5
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71
0.60 - $ 4.71

- -
Source and prepare
Haulage Distance for
Capillary Break Layer Fleet for Capillary Capillary Break Unit
Capillary Break layer
Material Break Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

$ -
Cost for source, load haul
Length of Dozer Push Dozer Push Capillary
and dump capillary break Dozer
Capillary Break Layers (m) Break Unit Rate ($/m3)
layer ($)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92

$ -
Cost for Dozer Push Default Low
Total Cost for Capillary
Capillary Break Layers HLP Surface area (ha) Permeability Layer
Break layers ($)
($) Thickness (m)

HLP Capping Values

$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50
$ - $ - - 0.50

$ - $ - -
Thickness of Low
User Input Thickness User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Permeability Layer
of Low Permeability Low Permeability Layer Calculations for Low
used in Calculations
(Clay) Layers (m)* (m3) Permeability Layer (m3)

Capping Alerts
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -
0.50 -

- -
Source, prepare, place
and compact Low Distance return for low
Low Permeability Unit Source for Low
Permeability Layer permeability capping
Rate ($/ha) Permeability Capping
Material (km)
Subrates Table 5 Select from dropdown Select from dropdown
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km
$ 8.09 $ - Local 50 to 60 km

$ -
Low Permeability
Purchase Low
Source Long Haul Unit User Clay Delivered to Long Haul Low
Permeability not
Rate (Excludes Site ($/m3)* Permeability Layers ($)
sourced locally ($/m3)
purchase) ($/m3-km)

Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ -
User Input Thickness
Total Cost for Low Default Rock Cover
HLP Surface area (ha) of Rock Cover Layer
Permeability layers ($) Layer Thickness (m)

HLP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50
$ - - 1.50

$ - -
Thickness of Rock User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Haulage Distance for
Layer used in Rock Cover Layer Calculations for Rock
Rock Cover layer (m)
Calculations (m)* (m3)* Cover Layer (m3)

Select from dropdown

1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
1.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -
Load and Haul Top Cost for source, load haul
Fleet for Load and Haul Length of Dozer Push
Rock Layer Unit Rate and dump rock cover
Rock Cover Rock Cover Layers (m)
($/m3) layer ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push

$ -
Fleet for Top Rock Dozer Push Top Rock Cost for Dozer Push Total Cost for Rock
Push Layer Unit Rate ($/m3) Rock Cover Layers ($) Cover layers ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ -

$ - $ -
Geosynthetic clay liner Geosynthetic clay liner
Geofabric area (m2) Geofabric Rate ($/m2)
(m2) rate ($/m2)

Subrates Table 5 Subrates Table 5

$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20
$ 2.20 $ 13.20

- -
Major Drains and Drop
Geo-membrane (m2) Geo-membrane ($/m2) Total for Geo layers ($) Structure footprint on
Structure (Ha)*

Subrates Table 5
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -
$ 14.30 $ -

- $ - -
Major drains and drop Major drains and drop Water Management Water Management
structures on Structure structures on Structure Earthworks On Earthworks On
($) ($) Structure ($) Structure ($)*

Subrates Table 6 Subrates Table 6

$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -
$ 21,234.53 $ - $ 2,885.29 $ -

$ - $ -
Total calculated
Thickness of Pad to be User entered volume to
Area to be flushed (ha) volume to be flushed
flushed (m) be flushed (m3)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - -
Volume used in Heap Leach Pad Total cost for flushing Default Growth Media
calculations (m3) Flushing Default Rate ($) Thickness (m)

- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15
- $ 0.66 $ - 0.15

- $ -
Growth media volume
User Growth Media User growth media Haulage Distance for
used in calculations
Thickness (m) volume (m3)* Growth Media (m)*

Capping Alerts Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

Fleet for Load and Haul Growth Media Load Source for Growth
Growth Media ($)
Growth Media* and Haul ($/m3) Media

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local

$ -
Growth Media Long
Purchase Growth User Growth Media
Distance return for Haul Unit Rate
Media not sourced Delivered to Site
growth media (km) (Excludes purchase)
locally ($/m3) ($/m3)*

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8

5 to 10 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Long Haul growth 1st Soil Amendment
Cost for Growth Media ($) Amendment 1 for soil*
media ($) area (ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend

$ - $ - -
User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and 2nd Soil Amendment
TOV Rate # Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha) area (ha)

N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -

Amend 2 Supply and User Delivered Amendment 2
Amendment 2 for soil* TOV Rate #
Deliver ($/ha) ($/ha delivered)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
3rd Soil Amendment Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 3 for soil* TOV Rate #
area (ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

User Delivered
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture
Amendment 3 ($/ha Amend Cost ($)
required (ha) Land (%)

$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%

$ - -
Alert No Alert
TOV# #14.40
TOV Rate $ 1,655.50
Alternate Rate
Unit ha
Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Seeding Pasture ($/ha)
(%) (%) not equal 100%)

0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -

$ -
No Alert
#14.41 Subrates Table 5
$ 4,196.50 $ 972

ha ha
Default 1
Area for Permeability Number of points per Permeability Testing by
Seeding Native ($/ha)
Testing (ha) ha area ($)

$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -
$ - - $ -

$ - - - $ -
User Alternate Rate for User Other Activities
Engineering ($/ha) Engineering ($)
Engineering ($)

HLP Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -
$ 2,850.00 $ -

$ - $ -
Cost per Unit Area
Total Cost for HLP ($) Justification for Alternate Rates


$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
on for Alternate Rates
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 9. Tailings Storage Facilities, Rejects, Slimes, Slimes Storage Facilities
$ - Input Sheet Total

User Notes
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for tailings storage facilities. For the default table, the User need only enter the disturbance
capping requirements are more stringent than those shown in the Capping Values table to the right.

In the User-build table, if the user enters a thickness for a capping element (e.g. low permeability layer) that
Capping Alerts and the User must provide justification (see Capping Alerts for further detail).

If capping and/or growth materials are required to be sources off-site (> 6 km), the quantities should be add
footprint of tailings storage facilities.

User Tailings Storage Facilities (Defaults)

Map ID # Name


Alternate Rate Alert

TOV Rate
Alternate Rate
Top Tailings Storage Facilities (User)
Map ID # Name

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add U
y enter the disturbance footprint. The User-build table can be used if Enter any information that will support assumpti
ble to the right.

permeability layer) that is less than the default, an alert will appear in

antities should be added in 10. Miscellaneous Activities sheet. Enter

Area (ha) Risk Category TOV #

Select from dropdown

High Risk #9.01
Medium Risk Low Perm #9.02
Medium Risk #9.03
Low Risk #9.04
Very Low Risk #9.05
In-pit tailings #9.06
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01
High Risk #9.01


Total Footprint area of
Risk Category (select from dropdown) Embankment Area (ha)*
TSF (ha)

Select from dropdown

High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk
High Risk

- -
es (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
y information that will support assumptions and assist department review.

Default Rate ($/ha) Alternate Rate ($/ha) Total Cost ($) Alternate Rate Justification

$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 144,378.88 $ -
$ 114,038.28 $ -
$ 75,254.54 $ -
$ 23,181.48 $ -
$ 2,945.30 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -
$ 200,511.79 $ -

$ -
$ - per ha


Thickness of Rock
Default Thickness of User Input Thickness User Embankment
cover for Embankment
Rock Cover for of Rock Cover for Rock Cover Volume
used in Calculations
Embankments (m) Embankments (m) (m3)*

Capping Alerts TSF Capping Values

1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
TSF Capping Values
Layer Unit
2 Default Embankment Rock Cover Thickness m
3 Default Ramps Rock Cover Thickness m
4 Default Working Layer Thickness m
5 Default Capillary Break Layer Thickness m
6 Default Low Permeability Layer Thickness m
7 Default Rock Cover Layer Thickness m
8 Default Growth Media Thickness m
9 Engineering $ / ha

Rate Justification


Rock armour volume Default Thickness of User Input Thickness
Access Ramps onto
used in calculations Rock Cover for Ramps of Rock Cover for
TSF (ha)*
(m3)* (m) Ramps (m)

Capping Alerts
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50

- -
High Risk Medium Risk Low Perm Medium Risk Low Risk

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0
0.6 0.3 0.3 0.0
0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0
1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
$ 3,650 $ 2,675 $ 3,150 $ 1,900


Thickness of Rock Rock armour volume Haulage Distance for
User Ramp Rock Cover
cover for Ramps used used in calculations Embankment and Ramp
Volume (m3)*
in Calculations (m)* (m3)* rock Armour (m)

TSF Capping Values Select from dropdown

0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m
0.50 - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -
Very Low Risk

$ 1,000


Cost for source, load
Rock Armour for Doze embankment and
Fleet for Rock Armour haul and dump
Stability Unit Rate ramps angle for
on Slopes Embankment and
($/m3) armour*
Ramp Rock Armour ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - >8.5<=14 degrees

$ -
Reshape Length of Embankment and
Fleet for Reshape*
Dozer Push Ramps Unit Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
> 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
Cost for Dozer Push Cost to Doze and
Slope Areas Unit Rate Tailings Surface area
embankment and Shape slopes and
($/Ha) (ha)
ramps Rock Cover ($) ramps ($)

Reshape slopes and batters to angle shown. Max 100 mm push

$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -

$ - $ - -
User Input Thickness Thickness of Working User Input Volume of
Default Working Layer
of Working Layer Rock Layer Rock Cover used Working Layer Rock
Thickness (m)
Cover for Tailings (m)* in Calculations (m)* Cover for Tailings (m3)*

TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50
0.50 0.50

Volume Used in
Haulage Distance for Fleet for Load and Haul Load and Haul Top Rock
Calculations for Rock
Rock Cover layer (m) Rock Cover Layer Unit Rate ($/m3)
Cover Layer (m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

Cost for source, load
Length of Dozer Push Fleet for Top Rock
haul and dump rock
Rock Cover Layers (m) Push
cover layer ($)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

$ -
TSF Surface area to
Dozer Push Top Rock Cost for Dozer Push Total Cost for Rock
install capillary layer
Layer Unit Rate ($/m3) Rock Cover Layers ($) Cover layers ($)

Subrates Table 2
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -
$ 1.92 $ - $ - -

$ - $ - -
User Input Thickness Thickness of Capillary User Input Volume of
Default Capillary Break
of Capillary Break Break Layer used in Capillary Break Layer
Layer Thickness (m)
Layer (m)* Calculations (m)* (m3)*

TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60
0.60 0.60

Source and prepare
Volume for Capillary Source and prepare Haulage Distance for
Capillary Break Layer
Break Layer used in Capillary Break Layer Capillary Break layer
Calculations (m3)* Material Rate (m3) (m)

Subrates Table 5 Select from dropdown

- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
- $ 4.71 $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- $ -
Cost for source, load Length of Dozer Push
Capillary Break Unit
Fleet for Capillary Break haul and dump Capillary Break Layers
Rate ($/m3)
capillary break layer ($) (m)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push

$ -
Cost for Dozer Push
Dozer Push Capillary
Dozer Capillary Break Layers
Break Unit Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ -

$ -
TSF Surface area to Default Low User Input Thickness
Total Cost for Capillary
install low permeability Permeability Layer of Low Permeability
Break layers ($)
layer (ha) Thickness (m) (Clay) Layers (m)*

TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50
$ - - 0.50

$ - -
Thickness of Low
User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Permeability Layer Low Permeability Unit
Low Permeability Layer Calculations for Low
used in Calculations Rate ($/ha)
(m3) Permeability Layer (m3)

Subrates Table 5
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09
0.50 - $ 8.09

- -
Source, prepare, place
Low Permeability
and compact Low Distance return for low
Source for Low Source Long Haul Unit
Permeability Layer permeability capping
Permeability Capping Rate (Excludes
Material (km)
purchase) ($/m3-km)
Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 9
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -
$ - Local 50 to 60 km $ -

$ -
Purchase Low
User Clay Delivered to Long Haul Low Total Cost for Low
Permeability not
Site ($/m3)* Permeability Layers ($) Permeability layers ($)
sourced locally ($/m3)

Clay work on-site

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
TSFSurface area to User Input Thickness Thickness of Rock
Default Rock Cover
install top rock layer of Rock Cover Layer Layer used in
Layer Thickness (m)
(ha) (m)* Calculations (m)*

TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50
- 1.50 1.50

User Input Volume of Volume Used in
Haulage Distance for
Rock Cover Layer Calculations for Rock
Rock Cover layer (m)
(m3)* Cover Layer (m3)

Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -
Load and Haul Top Cost for source, load
Fleet for Load and Haul Length of Dozer Push
Rock Layer Unit Rate haul and dump rock
Rock Cover Rock Cover Layers (m)
($/m3) cover layer ($)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push
Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ - > 100m to <= 125m push

$ -
Fleet for Top Rock Dozer Push Top Rock
Push Layer Unit Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Bulk Push

<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
<= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
Cost for Dozer Push Total Cost for Rock
Geofabric area (m2) Geofabric Rate ($/m2)
Rock Cover Layers ($) Cover layers ($)

Subrates Table 5
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20
$ - $ - $ 2.20

$ - $ - -
Geosynthetic clay liner Geosynthetic clay liner
Geo-membrane (m2) Geo-membrane ($/m2)
(m2) rate ($/m2)

Subrates Table 5 Subrates Table 5

$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30
$ 13.20 $ 14.30

- -
Major Drains and Drop Major drains and drop Major drains and drop
Total for Geo layers ($) Structure footprint on structures on Structure structures on Structure
Structure (Ha)* ($) ($)

Subrates Table 6
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -
$ - $ 21,234.53 $ -

$ - - $ -
Water Management Water Management
Default Growth Media User Growth Media
Earthworks On Earthworks On
Thickness (m) Thickness (m)*
Structure ($) Structure ($)*

Subrates Table 6 TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15
$ 2,885.29 $ - 0.15

$ -
Growth media volume
User growth media Haulage Distance for
used in calculations
volume (m3)* Growth Media (m)

Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

Fleet for Load and Haul Growth Media Load Source for Growth
Growth Media ($)
Growth Media and Haul ($/m3) Media

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ - Local

$ -
Growth Media Long
Purchase Growth User Growth Media
Distance return for Haul Unit Rate
Media not sourced Delivered to Site
growth media (km) (Excludes purchase)
locally ($/m3) ($/m3)*

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8

50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
50 to 60 km $ - $ -
Long Haul growth Cost for Growth Media 1st Soil Amendment
Amendment 1 for soil*
media ($) ($) area (ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend
$ - $ - No Amend

$ - $ - -
User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and 2nd Soil Amendment
TOV Rate # Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha) area (ha)

N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -

Amend 2 Supply and
Amendment 2 for soil* TOV Rate #
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
User Delivered
3rd Soil Amendment
Amendment 2 ($/ha Amendment 3 for soil*
area (ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend
No Amend

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and
TOV Rate # Amendment 3 ($/ha Amend Cost ($)
Deliver ($/ha)

N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -

$ -
Area of seeding Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land
required (ha) Land (%) (%) (%)

- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%

Alternate Rate Alert No Alert No Alert
TOV# #14.40 #14.41
TOV Rate $ 1,656 $ 4,197
Alternate Rate
Unit ha ha
Default Default
Alert (if land types do Area for Permeability
Seeding Pasture ($/ha) Seeding Native ($/ha)
not equal 100%) Testing (ha)

No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -
No Alert $ - $ - -

$ - $ - 0.00
No Alert
Subrates Table 5
$ 972

Permeability Testing by
User Number of points User Alternate Rate for
number of points per Engineering ($/ha)
per ha* Engineering
area ($)

TSF Capping Values Capping Alerts

$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00
$ - $ 3,650.00

$ -
User Other Activities Cost per Unit Area
Engineering ($) Total Cost for TSF ($)
($) ($/ha)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
Justification for Alternate Rates


$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 10. Pits
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for Pits treatment. The User must describe how the pit area is derived to the TOV sheet. Fo
width as measured on <date>.

Basic Pit Information


Map ID #

Top Safety Bund, Fencing, Signs

Map ID #


Top Benches and High Wall Drill and Blast and Doze to Make Safe

Map ID #


Top Low Wall Shaping / Load and Haul to Make Safe


Map ID #


Top Backfill Open Pit with Waste Rock (or other material)

Map ID #

Top Open Pit Ramp Backfill / Rehabilitate

Map ID #

Safety Bund Fencing Signs

t. The User must describe how the pit area is derived to the TOV sheet. For example - area from aerial imagery or length X


Open Pit Void Surface Safety Bund (or

Name Area highwall) length
(ha)* (m)

Enter name of pit below

Pit 1
Pit 2
Pit 3
Pit 4
Pit 5
Pit 6
Pit 7
Pit 8
Pit 9
Pit 10
Pit 11
Pit 12
Pit 13
Pit 14
Pit 15
Pit 16
Pit 17
Pit 18
Pit 19
Pit 20

- -
d, Fencing, Signs Default:

Open Pit Void Surface

Safety Bund Length*
Name Area

Pit 1 - -
Pit 2 - -
Pit 3 - -
Pit 4 - -
Pit 5 - -
Pit 6 - -
Pit 7 - -
Pit 8 - -
Pit 9 - -
Pit 10 - -
Pit 11 - -
Pit 12 - -
Pit 13 - -
Pit 14 - -
Pit 15 - -
Pit 16 - -
Pit 17 - -
Pit 18 - -
Pit 19 - -
Pit 20 - -

Alternate Rate
d High Wall Drill and Blast and Doze to Make Safe Unit:

Highwall / bench area Highwall / bench

Name requiring blasting volume to blast
(ha) (m3)

Pit 1 - -
Pit 2 - -
Pit 3 - -
Pit 4 - -
Pit 5 - -
Pit 6 - -
Pit 7 - -
Pit 8 - -
Pit 9 - -
Pit 10 - -
Pit 11 - -
Pit 12 - -
Pit 13 - -
Pit 14 - -
Pit 15 - -
Pit 16 - -
Pit 17 - -
Pit 18 - -
Pit 19 - -
Pit 20 - -

- -

Shaping / Load and Haul to Make Safe


Low wall area to make Low wall volume to

Name safe bulk push
(ha) (m3)

Pit 1 - -
Pit 2 - -
Pit 3 - -
Pit 4 - -
Pit 5 - -
Pit 6 - -
Pit 7 - -
Pit 8 - -
Pit 9 - -
Pit 10 - -
Pit 11 - -
Pit 12 - -
Pit 13 - -
Pit 14 - -
Pit 15 - -
Pit 16 - -
Pit 17 - -
Pit 18 - -
Pit 19 - -
Pit 20 - -

- -

Alternate Rate
pen Pit with Waste Rock (or other material) Unit:

Open Pit Void Surface Open Pit Backfill

Name Area Volume
(ha) (m3)

Pit 1 - -
Pit 2 - -
Pit 3 - -
Pit 4 - -
Pit 5 - -
Pit 6 - -
Pit 7 - -
Pit 8 - -
Pit 9 - -
Pit 10 - -
Pit 11 - -
Pit 12 - -
Pit 13 - -
Pit 14 - -
Pit 15 - -
Pit 16 - -
Pit 17 - -
Pit 18 - -
Pit 19 - -
Pit 20 - -

Ramp Backfill / Rehabilitate

Average Roadway
Average Ramp Depth
Name width

Pit 1
Pit 2
Pit 3
Pit 4
Pit 5
Pit 6
Pit 7
Pit 8
Pit 9
Pit 10
Pit 11
Pit 12
Pit 13
Pit 14
Pit 15
Pit 16
Pit 17
Pit 18
Pit 19
Pit 20
Benches and High Wall Low Wall Backfill Open Pit

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)

aerial imagery or length X Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.


Highwall / bench area Highwall / bench volume Benches Volume to

Highwall Volume to Blast
requiring blasting requiring bulk push Blast
(ha) (m3) (m3)

- - - -

Swell allowance
2.5 5.0 2.0 15%

Bund Base Width* Bund Top Width* Bund Volume

Bund Height (m)*
(m) (m) (m3/m length)


No Alert


Highwall / bench volume Length of Dozer Push for

Drill and Blasting Cost
requiring bulk push Reprofiled slope angle* Highwall / Benches Growth
(m3) Media*

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push
$ - - >8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push

$ - -

Reprofiled Low Wall Length of Dozer Push for Dozer Push Unit Rate
slope angle* Low Wall (m) ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
>8.5<=14 degrees > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

#10.07 #6.01 #6.02 #6.03
$120.45 $1,911.95 $2,418.95 $2,715.51


Water pH 4.5
Pump Water from Pit Water pH 5.5 Adjustment Water Salt Removal

- - - -
User Entered Total volume
Total Ramp area to
Average ramp length of backfill for all ramps in
Number of ramps in Pit rehabilitate
(m) pit

Whole Number

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- 0.00 - -
Open Pit Ramp Backfill

ist department review.


Low wall area to make Low wall volume to Low wall volume to Open Pit Backfill
safe bulk push load and haul Volume
(ha) (m3) (m3) (m3)

- - - -

No Alert
Subrates Table 6 TOV#: #10.02
$2,885.29 Rate $24.05
Alternate Rate
Unit: ha Unit: m

Bund Surface
Volume of bund Preparation (dozing, Safety Bund Excavate and Place
(m3) clearing and access) Construction Method* Cost ($)
Rate ($)

Select from dropdown

- $ - Haul and Place $ -

- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -
- $ - Haul and Place $ -

- $ 2,885.29 $ -

Dozer Push Unit Rate Reprofile Unit Rate

Dozer Dozer bulk push cost
($/m3) ($/ha)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2 Subrates Table 3

D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77
D6R Dozer $ 1.92 $ - $ 8,904.77

$ -


Cost to Doze and

Low wall volume to
Low Wall Area Unit Shape to proposed low
Dozer bulk push cost load and haul
Rate ($/Ha) wall slope angle

Subrates Table 3
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -
$ - $ 8,904.77 $ - -

$ - $ - -

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

#6.04 #6.05 #6.06 #6.07
$2,026.59 $5,291.20 $53,739.57 $48,000.00

ML Dam Dam lump

Water Organics Naturally Evaporate Evaporate Water with Mobilisation of Reverse

Removal Water in Pond Evaporators Osmosis Unit

Whole Number Whole Number Whole Number

0.00 0 0 0
Default 0.50

User Entered Ramp Ramp Roadway

Total volume of backfill User entered volume
Average Roadway Contaminated material
for all ramps in pit used contaminated ramp
Contaminated material thickness used in
in calculations roadway material
thickness calculations
(m3) (m3)
(m) (m)

- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50
- 0.50

- -

Benches and High Wall Low Wall Shaping /

Open Pit Ramp Backfill Safety Bund, Fencing,
Drill and Blast and Load and Haul to Make
(m3) Signs
Doze to Make Safe Safe

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

- $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

No Alert
TOV#: #10.03
Rate $47.78
Alternate Rate
Unit: m

Haulage Distance for

User Input Haulage Default Haul and Place
Safety Bund Rock* Fleet Size
Distance?* (4km haul)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3
Y $ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3

$ -

150 *

Doze and Shape to

proposed Growth media volume
User Growth Media User growth media
highwall/bench slope used in calculations
Thickness (mm) volume (m3)*
angle (m3)

$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -

$ - - -


Cost to source, load,

Haulage Distance Low
Fleet for Low Wall Unit Rate ($/m3) haul, and dump
Wall Material (m)*

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -

$ -

No Alert No Alert
#6.08 #6.13
$9.96 $2,700.00

tonne ML

Water Management Haulage Distance for

Salt disposal - load and Total Water
establishment, Backfill Rock*
transport Management
engineering, O&M (m)

Select from dropdown

$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m

- - $ -
Contaminated ramp
roadway material used Dozer Push Unit Rate
Length of Dozer Push* Dozer*
in calculations ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
- > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92

Backfill Open Pit with
Open Pit Ramp
Waste Rock (or other TOTAL FOR PIT Alternate Rate for Pit
Backfill / Rehabilitate

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ -

User Input Standard

Cost for Safety Bund
Load and Haul Rate Total Cost for Safety Fencing and signage
Rock with User
($/m3) Bund Construction length
Haulage Distance ($)

Subrates Table 1
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -
$ 6.27 $ - $ - -

$ - $ - -

Haulage Distance for Growth media Load

Highwall / Benches Fleet for Growth Media and haul Rate Unit Rate Growth Media ($)
Growth Media (m)* ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -
>2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27 $ -

$ -

150 *

Growth media volume Haulage Distance for

User Growth Media User growth media
used in calculations Growth Media Low
Thickness (mm) volume (m3)*
(m3) Wall (m)*

Select from dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -


Unit Rate Local Source Distance one way for

Fleet Size* Source of Rock
($/m3) rock if not local (km)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1 Select from dropdown

Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km

Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Small Fleet 3 Local $ 6.27 50 to 60 km
Roadway Material
Haulage Distance for Surface Load and Haul
Dozer push cost Fleet Size*
roadway disposal (m)* ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

$ -
Explain how pit area is derived to right >>>

RATE FOR PIT Per footprint area ($/ha) Justification for Alternate Rate

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - ha

No Alert No Alert
TOV#: #10.05 + #10.06 #10.04 + #10.06
Rate $16,995.00 $224.97
Alternate Rate
Unit: m m

User Input High Wall

Fencing and signage
Security Fencing and High Wall Security
Fencing and signage Costs
signage length Fencing and signage

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

- $ - $ - $ -

1st Soil Amendment Amend 1 Supply and Amend 1 Supply and

Amendment 1 for soil*
area (ha) Deliver TOV# Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
1.00 No Amend N/A $ -


Fleet for Growth Media Growth media Load and haul 1st Soil Amendment
Cost for Growth Media ($)
for Low Wall Rate Unit Rate ($/m3) area (ha)

Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -
Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81 $ -

$ - -


Cost to source, load, haul, and Length of Dozer Push for

Rock Source Long Haul Dozer backfill top head
dump backfill top head doze and
Unit Rate ($/m3-km) doze and level*
($) level*

Subrates Table 9 Select from dropdown Select from dropdown

$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer
$ - $ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer

$ -

Total cost to remove

Haulage Distance for ramp fill
and dispose roadway Ramp Load and Haul
material* Fleet Size*
material ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27
$ - >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 3 $ 6.27

$ -
Safety Bund, Fencing, Signs Justification for Alternate Rates

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ -
$ - per m

User Delivered Amendment 1 2nd Soil Amendment area Amend 2 Supply and
Amendment 2 for soil*
($/ha delivered) (ha) Deliver TOV#

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A

User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and Amend 1 Supply and Deliver
Amendment 1 for soil* Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver TOV# ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

150 *

Dozer push cost User Growth Media Thickness User growth media
Dozer Push Unit Rate ($/m3)
($) (mm) volume (m3)*

Subrates Table 2
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -
$ 1.92 $ -

$ - 0.00
Cost to source, load, haul, and
Length of Dozer Push Dozer Push Unit Rate
dump ramp fill material Dozer*
(m)* ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 2

$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92
$ - > 100m to <= 125m push D6R Dozer $ 1.92

$ -
Explanation for Pit Area Derivation
Amend 2 Supply and User Delivered Amendment 2 3rd Soil Amendment
Amendment 3 for soil*
Deliver ($/ha) ($/ha delivered) area (ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend

2nd Soil Amendment Amend 2 Supply and Amend 2 Supply and Deliver
Amendment 2 for soil*
area (ha) Deliver TOV# ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

Growth media volume

Haulage Distance for Growth Fleet Size for Growth Growth media Load and haul
used in calculations
Media (m)* Media Rate Unit Rate ($/m3)

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
0.00 >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81

Default 150 *

Dozer push ramp fill

Total cost to fill ramp User Growth Media User growth media volume
material cost
($) Thickness (mm) (m3)*

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ - $ - -
Amend 3 Supply and Amend 3 Supply and User Delivered Amendment 3
Soil Amendment ($)
Deliver TOV# Deliver ($/ha) ($/ha delivered)

N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -
N/A $ - $ -

$ -

User Delivered
3rd Soil Amendment Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 2 ($/ha Amendment 3 for soil*
area (ha) Deliver TOV#

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A

Cost for Growth Media 1st Soil Amendment Amend 1 Supply and
Amendment 1 for soil*
($) area (ha) Deliver TOV#

Select from dropdown

$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A

$ - 0.00
Growth media volume
Haulage Distance for
used in calculations Fleet Size* Growth Media ($/m3)
Growth Media (m)*

Select from dropdown Select from dropdown Subrates Table 1

- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81
- >2500 m to <=3000 m Small Fleet 1 $ 4.81

Area of seeding Proportion Pasture
Proportion Native Land (%) Proportion Arid Land (%)
required (ha) Land (%)

- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%
- 100% 0%

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 3 ($/ha Soil Amend ($) Area of seeding required (ha)
Deliver ($/ha)

$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -

$ - -

User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and
Amendment 1 ($/ha 2nd Soil Amendment area (ha) Amendment 2 for soil*
Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend

Cost for Growth Media 1st Soil Amendment Amend 1 Supply and Deliver
Amendment 1 for soil*
($) area (ha) TOV#

Select from dropdown

$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A
$ - No Amend N/A

$ - -
No Alert No Alert
TOV#: #14.40 #14.41
Rate $1,655.50 $4,196.50
Alternate Rate
Unit: ha ha

Total for
Alert (if land types do Highwall/Bench
Seeding Pasture ($) Seeding Native ($)
not equal 100%) Treatment

No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -
No Alert $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -

Alternate Rate

Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Land (%) (%) (%) not equal 100%)

100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert
100% 0% No Alert

User Delivered
Amend 2 Supply and Amend 2 Supply and 3rd Soil Amendment
Amendment 2 ($/ha
Deliver TOV# Deliver ($me/ha) area (ha)

N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -
N/A $ -

User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and 2nd Soil Amendment
Amendment 1 ($/ha Amendment 2 for soil*
Deliver ($/ha) area (ha)

Select from dropdown

$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend
$ - No Amend

Open Pit Cost per Unit Area
Justification for Alternate Rate


$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

$ -

No Alert No Alert
#14.40 #14.41

ha ha

Total Cost for Low Wall Open Pit Cost per Unit
Seeding Pasture ($) Seeding Native ($) to make safe Area
($) ($/ha)

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ -

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 3 for soil* Amendment 3 ($/ha
Deliver TOV# Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
User Delivered
Amend 2 Supply and Amend 2 Supply and
Amendment 2 ($/ha
Deliver TOV# Deliver ($/ha)

N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
N/A $0.00
Justification for Alternate Rate
Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land
Soil Amend ($) Area of seeding required (ha)
Land (%) (%)

$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%
$ - 0.00 100% 0%

$ - 0.00
3rd Soil Amendment Amend 3 Supply and Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 3 for soil*
area (ha) Deliver TOV# Deliver ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

No Alert No Alert
TOV#: #14.40 #14.41
Rate $1,655.50 $4,196.50
Alternate Rate
Unit: ha ha

Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do

Seeding Pasture ($) Seeding Native ($)
(%) not equal 100%)

0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -
0% No Alert $ - $ -

$ - $ -
User Delivered
Total Ramp Area of Proportion Pasture
Amendment 3 ($/ha Soil Amend ($)
seeding required (ha) Land (%)

$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%
$ - - 100%

0.00 -
Total Cost for Pit Open Pit Cost per Unit
Backfill Area Justification for Alternate Rate
($) ($/ha)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
$ -

No Alert
TOV#: #14.40
Rate $1,655.50
Alternate Rate
Unit: ha

Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Seeding Pasture ($)
(%) (%) not equal 100%)

0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -
0% No Alert $ -

$ -
on for Alternate Rate

No Alert


Total Cost for pit ramps

Seeding Native ($) in each pit Justification for Alternate Rate


$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
on for Alternate Rate
Default Roadway Contamination Thickness (m)
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 11. Underground Mines
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for underground mines.


Map ID #

rground Mines


Terminate and
Number of Ventilation
Name disconnect all services
to the U/G workings?

Whole Number (Item) Whole Number (Item)

0 0
User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.

Number of Hoisting
Total Depth of Total Depth of Hoisting
Backfill, plug or cover Shafts
Ventilation Shafts Shafts
ventilation shafts (persons and/or

m Select from dropdown Whole Number (Item) m


- 0 -
st department review.

Backfill hoisting shafts Number of small Adits Number of small Adits

Number of Declines/
or cover with steel (<2m in diameter) (<2m in diameter) to
plate proposed to cover seal

Select from dropdown Whole Number (Item) Whole Number (Item) Whole Number (Item)


0 0 0
Length of Number of small
Existing rehabilitation Existing rehabilitation
Drifts/Declines with (historical) shafts
repair - minor* repair - moderate*
conveyors proposed for closure

m Whole Number (Item) ha ha

0.00 0 - -
No Alert No Alert
TOV#: #11.13 #11.01
Rate $38,500 $27,500
Alternate Rate:

Unit Item Item

Demolition and
Existing rehabilitation
Existing rehabilitation Disconnect and removal of vent fans,
repair - total failure of
repair - major* terminate all services electrical substation
intended landform*
and winch

ha ha Item Item
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

- - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
#11.02 #11.03 #11.04 #11.05
$1,200,000 $1,016 $7,700 $28,279

item m Item Item

Demolition and
removal of hoisting Removal of conveyors
Install gate or grill over
shaft headframe, and support services Small adits - seal
an adit
winder building, and down Drift/Decline
support infrastructure

item m Item Item

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
#11.06 #11.07 #11.08 #11.09
$301,857 $135,499 $242,887 $58,499

Item Item Item Item

Hoisting and person

Larger portals, Ventilation shafts - seal Ventilation shafts - seal
haulage shafts - seal
declines, adits, drifts - with concrete plug and with steel plate and
with concrete plug and
seal rehabilitate rehabilitate

Item Item Item Item

$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
#11.10 #11.11 #11.12 #11.14
$105,998 $259 $1,036 $1,233

Item m m ha

Hoisting and person

Hoisting and person Ventilation shafts -
haulage shafts -
haulage shafts - seal backfill using suitably Existing rehabilitation
backfill using suitably
with steel plate and sized (screened) repair - minor
sized (screened)
rehabilitate material

Item m m ha
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
No Alert No Alert No Alert
#11.15 #11.16 #11.17
$1,804 $2,945 $28,124

ha ha ha

Existing rehabilitation
Existing rehabilitation Existing rehabilitation
repair - total failure of TOTAL FOR MINE
repair - moderate repair - major
intended landform

ha ha ha
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ - $ -
Alternate Rate RATE FOR MINE Justification for Alternate Rates

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ -
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 12. Ports
$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities marine facilities. The User can build a single marine facility (e.g. Port) using a single row or spl
types of tanks are required).

More accuracy can be obtained by using the User Build table. There is an optional quantities table beneath the
the User can list and tally items associated with the facility.

Ports (and other Marine Facilities) - Defaults

Map ID # Facility Name


Alternate rate alert:

Alternate Rate
Default: See Table below for area to collate quantities (not required, user's option)
Top Ports (and other Marine Facilities) - User Build
Map ID # Name


The below is for calculation and information purposes only. The values of not feed into the other tables. This
Top Port Quantities (for user)
Map ID # Type / Description / Notes

1 2 3 4

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User

using a single row or split items across rows (e.g. if several different Enter any information that will support assumptions a

antities table beneath the User Build. This is an optional table where

Qty Type TOV # Default Rate ($/ha)

Select from dropdown

Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36

Wharf #12.02 $ 108.22
Dolphins #12.03 $ 200,000.00
Reclaimer #12.04 $ 750,000.00
Shiploaders #12.05 $ 375,000.00
Conveyor on jetty #12.06 $ 370.00
Conveyor on land #12.07 $ 241.45
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36
Jetty #12.01 $ 937.36

Alternate rate alert:

Alternate Rate
equired, user's option) Default:
Export Capacity (info Concrete Surface Area
Total Land Area Wharf Area
only, optional entry) of Wharf for removal

ha Mtpa ha m2

- - - -

feed into the other tables. This table is optional for use if the User wants to list out quantities.
Totals - - -
Area Conveyors Shiploaders Stockpile Loaders
5 6 7 8

(Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)

formation that will support assumptions and assist department review.

Unit Alternate Rate ($/unit) Total cost ($) Justification for Alternate Rate

m $0.00
m2 $0.00
item $0.00
item $0.00
item $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00
m $0.00


No Alert


Concrete Wharf
Concrete thickness Volume of wharf Asphalt Surface Area
Surface Remove and
User concrete to remove of Wharf for removal
Dispose Cost

$ m m3 m2
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -
$ - -

$ - - -
Waste Register - mass concrete (t)* -

- - - -
Concrete Surface Asphalt Surface Gravel Surface Buildings
9 10 11

on for Alternate Rate

Default: 0.50
Asphalt Removal Wharf Volume of wharf
Asphalt Removal Asphalt thickness User
Rate asphalt to remove

$/m2 m m3
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -
$ 10.00 $ - -

$ - -

- - - -
Camps Tanks Dams Pipe
Default: 0.50 Subrates Table 1
Gravel Surface Area of Volume of wharf gravel Distance to haul gravel
Gravel thickness User
Wharf for removal to remove (km)

m2 m m3 Select from Dropdown

- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m
- >2500 m to <=3000 m

- -

Alternate rate alert: No Alert

TOV#: #3.126
Rate $75.00
Alternate Rate
Unit: (ha)
Concrete Jetty Surface
Gravel Removal Wharf Gravel Removal Wharf Concrete Area of Jetty

$/m3 m2
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -
$ 4.81 $ - $ -

$ - - $ -
Waste Register - mass concrete (t)
No Alert

$ 200,000.00

Jetty Concrete Volume of Jetty
Dolphins Dolphins Cost
thickness User concrete to remove

m m3 Whole Number
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -
- $ -

- 0 $ -
Waste Register - mass concrete (t) -
No Alert No Alert

#12.06 #12.07
$ 370.00 $ 241.45

m m


Jetty Conveyors Jetty Conveyors Land Conveyors Land Conveyors

m m
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

- -
No Alert No Alert

$ 750,000.00 $ 75,000.00

$/unit $/unit
Wharf Shiploaders Wharf Shiploaders Jetty Shiploaders Jetty Shiploaders

Whole Number Whole Number $/unit

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

0 0
No Alert Alternate rate alert:

$ 75,000.00 Rate
Alternate Rate
$/unit Unit:
Remove rail loop and
Stockpile Loaders Stockpile Loaders Reclaimers, and
spur, ballast etc.

Whole Number $/unit m

$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

0 $ - -
No Alert No Alert

#3.112 #3.113
$ 60.50 $ 71,500.00

m Item

Collapse, cut and Collapse, cut and
Remove rail loop and Remove train loading
remove rail loading remove rail loading
spur, ballast etc. facilities
bins bins

Item m2
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -
$ - $ -

0 -
No Alert No Alert

#3.114 #3.110
$ 291.50 $ 660.00

m2 m2


Remove train loading
Rail Cost Substation Substation

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - -
No Alert

$ 60.50

Switchyard Switchyard Buildings

m2 Select from Dropdown

$ - Portable
$ - Small, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
$ - Large, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
$ - Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
$ - Small, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
$ - Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors
$ - Portable
$ - Portable
$ - Portable
$ - Portable

Building and Structure
Area Buildings Rate Building Alternate Rate

m2 / portable by item m2 / portable by item

$ 2,190.26 $ -
$ 121.23 $ -
$ 72.83 $ -
$ 87.18 $ -
$ 129.69 $ -
$ 138.97 $ -
$ 2,190.26 $ -
$ 2,190.26 $ -
$ 2,190.26 $ -
$ 2,190.26 $ -

- $ -
Camp Number Camp

Select from Dropdown Whole Number

Temporary camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons $ 65,859.18
Temporary camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons $ 3,803,889.62
Permanent camp - > 0 and <= 20 persons $ 65,962.00
Permanent camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons $ 5,726,506.89
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20
Temporary camp - <= 20 persons $ 47,392.20

Camp Alternate Rate Camps Cost Type

Select from Dropdown

$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
$ - Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground

$ -
Length of Pipe Pipe Default Rate Pipe Alternate Rate Pipe Cost

$ 13.10 $ -
$ 14.23 $ -
$ 15.78 $ -
$ 18.90 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -
$ 13.10 $ -

- $ -
Type # of Tanks Tank Default Rate

Select from Dropdown Whole Number

Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML $ 3,616.51
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 17 ML $ 44,197.13
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 4 kL $ 15,559.76
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL $ 29,025.07
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 1.2 kL $ 1,370.41
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 110 kL $ 3,383.15
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 100 kL $ 4,565.76
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 300 kL $ 7,449.68
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.2 kL $ 18,426.04
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 50 kL $ 204,470.22

Tank Alternate Rate Tanks Cost Type

Select from Dropdown

$ - Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
$ - Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
$ - Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
$ - Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
$ - Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
$ - Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
$ - Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
$ - Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
$ - Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
$ - Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid

$ -
# of Dams Dam Default Rate Dam Alternate Rate Dam Cost

Whole Number
$ 7,677.20 $ -
$ 2,803,157.35 $ -
$ 7,931.30 $ -
$ 2,955,617.35 $ -
$ 7,511.65 $ -
$ 2,425,249.86 $ -
$ 6,664.79 $ -
$ 2,437,038.80 $ -
$ 4,592.42 $ -
$ 1,156,366.06 $ -

- $ -
150 *
Area for Growth Media User Growth Media User growth media
Area rip and grade (ha)
(ha) Thickness (mm) volume (m3)

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

- - -
Growth media volume
Source for Growth Distance return for Haulage Distance for
used in calculations
Media growth media (km) Growth Media (m)

Select from Dropdown Select from Dropdown Select from Dropdown

- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
- Local 50 to 60 km <=200 m
Growth Media Long
Purchase Growth
Growth Media Local Haul Unit Rate
Fleet Size Media not sourced
Supply ($/m3) (Excludes purchase)
locally ($/m3)
Select from Dropdown Subrates Table 1 Subrates Table 9 Subrates Table 8
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Small Fleet 1 $ 3.10 $ 0.07 $ 10.00
Long Distance Cost User Growth Media 1st Soil Amendment
Growth Media Cost
($/m3) Delivered to Site ($/m3) area (ha)

$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -
$ 13.83 $ -

$ - -
User Delivered
Amend 1 Supply and Amend 1 Supply and
Amendment 1 for soil Amendment 1 ($/ha
Deliver ($/ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from Dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
2nd Soil Amendment Amend 2 Supply and Amend 2 Supply and
Amendment 2 for soil
area (ha) Deliver ($/ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from Dropdown

No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -
No Amend N/A $ -

User Delivered
3rd Soil Amendment Amend 3 Supply and
Amendment 2 ($/ha Amendment 3 for soil
area (ha) Deliver ($/ha)

Select from Dropdown

No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A
No Amend N/A

User Delivered
Amend 3 Supply and Area of seeding
Amendment 3 ($/ha Land Amendment Cost
Deliver ($/ha) required (ha)

$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -
$ - $ - -

$ - -
Alternate rate alert:

Alternate Rate
Proportion Pasture Proportion Native Land Proportion Arid Land Alert (if land types do
Land (%) (%) (%) not equal 100%)

100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
100% 0% 0% No Alert
No Alert No Alert

#14.40 #14.41
$1,656 $4,197

(ha) (ha)

Seeding Pasture ($/ha) Seeding Native ($/ha) Seeding Other User ($)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ -
Alternate Total Rate for
Other User ($) Other User ($) Total Cost ($)
Line item

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ - $ - $ -

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ -
Justification for Alternate Rates

$ - Input Sheet Total
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for land investigations and contaminated areas. For land investigation, the User can enter an area or the dimensions of the area.
Land investigations are included in camps and process equipment and are not required to be entered here.

Land Investigation

Map ID # Name of Area

Enter name of area below

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
the User can enter an area or the dimensions of the area. Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.
to be entered here.

Proportion of One-off Preliminary Site

User Notes Width (m)
Costs (typ. 1)* Investigations

# m


Alternate Rate:

Area for calculations

Length (m) Diameter (m) User Area (ha) Calculated Area (ha)

m m ha
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

Quantity Totals - - -
Land Rehabilitation and Repair of Subsidence and Land Management

Maintenance of Existing rehabilitation repair -

Map ID # Name of Area
rehabilitated areas minor

ha ha

Quantity Totals - -
Top Natural Drainage and Diversions

Engineered cut-
through drain (6m
wide) riprap lined (100
Maintenance of water course
Map ID # Name of Area mm thick) based on
diversion (major structure)
catchment size of
subsidence using D10

ha m

Quantity Totals - -
Land management of
undisturbed areas (e.g.,
Pest management on
Existing rehabilitation Rehabilitation of weed management,
Existing rehabilitation repair - Existing rehabilitation buffer lands, non-
repair - total failure of miscellaneous feral animal control,
moderate repair - major disturbed, and
intended landform footprints erosion and sediment
rehabilitated areas
control works)

ha ha ha ha ha ha

- - - - - -

Alternate Rate

Minor drainage line

Maintenance of water course Installation of rock User entered Item User entered Item User entered Item
diversion (minor structure) armouring Drainage / Diversions 1 Drainage / Diversions 2 Drainage / Diversions 3

m m2 m Enter unit Enter unit Enter unit

- - - - - -
Details for Subsidence
Subsidence in Third-
in Third Party Land (3rd
Party Land*
party quote)

Enter Unit

No Alert No Alert No Alert

#14.09 #14.10 #14.11

$18,728.21 $37.98 $18.16
ha m m

Engineered cut-
through drain (6m
wide) riprap lined (100 Maintenance of water Maintenance of water
mm thick) based on course diversion course diversion
catchment size of (major structure) ($) (minor structure) ($)
subsidence using D10
dozer. ($)

$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -
$ - $ - $ -

$ - $ - $ -
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents 15. Mobilisation / Demobilisation and Additional User Items
$ - Input Sheet Total

$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Enter quantities for mobilisation and demobilisation and additional items not included in the other input sheets.

Mobilisation does not include any costs for marine transport (e.g. barge). A third-party quote must be provided if marine transport is required.

For small projects where the total ERC is < $1,000,000, the User may chose to enter to the last row in the Mobilisation section of the Summary tab and omit
mobilisation entries in the sheet.

This is to cover the cost of the contractor/s mobilising / demobilising suitable plant and equipment.
Apply one item per calculator unless there are multiple sites where it is clear separate mobilisations will be required.

Mobilisation and Demobilisation

TOV# Description Qty

#15.01 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (<= 150 km)

#15.02 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km)
#15.03 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km)
#15.04 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Small Fleet (> 1000 km)
#15.05 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (<=150 km)
#15.06 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km)
#15.07 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km)
#15.08 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Medium Fleet (> 1000 km)
#15.09 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (<= 150 km)
#15.10 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 150 km and <= 500 km)
#15.11 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 500 km and <= 1000 km)
#15.12 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Large Fleet (> 1000 km)
#15.13 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Truck/Shovel Fleet (<= 150 km)
#15.14 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Truck/Shovel (> 150 km and <= 500 km)
#15.15 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Truck/Shovel (> 500 km and <= 1000 km)
#15.16 Mobilisation & Demobilisation - Truck/Shovel Fleet (> 1000 km)

Top Additional Items

Map ID # User Description Qty

User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review.


e Summary tab and omit

Default Rate Alternate Rate Total

$ 130,000.00 $ -
$ 238,500.00 $ -
$ 451,000.00 $ -
$ 555,000.00 $ -
$ 191,000.00 $ -
$ 350,000.00 $ -
$ 661,500.00 $ -
$ 814,000.00 $ -
$ 208,000.00 $ -
$ 381,000.00 $ -
$ 720,500.00 $ -
$ 887,000.00 $ -
$ 275,000.00 $ -
$ 483,500.00 $ -
$ 924,000.00 $ -
$ 1,156,000.00 $ -
$ -

Unit Rate Total

$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

$ -
low to add User Notes)
ort assumptions and assist department review.

Justification for Alternate Rate

/ Item
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents User Input Sheet
$ - Total ERC

Use and Notes

Information only, no user inputs are required. This sheet is for the User to enter Disturbance quantities. The va
entered here are not linked through the workbook.
User Notes (Overwrite the text below to add User Notes)
er Disturbance quantities. The values Enter any information that will support assumptions and assist department review
User Notes)
ons and assist department review.
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Quantity Summary
$ - Total ERC
Use and Notes
Information only, no user inputs are required. This sheet summarises quantities entered throughout the calculator and can serve as a ready
reference to ensure quantities are as the User intended.

Filter (retain blanks)

Item Value Unit


Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by length) 0.00 km

Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by length) - rehabilitation length 0 km

Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by area) 0.00 ha

Seismic, Grid-Lines, Minor Tracks (by area) - rehabilitation area 0.00 ha

Tracks and Roads (by length) 0.00 km

Tracks and Roads (by area) 0.00 ha

Drillholes and sumps 0 items

Water Structures by area 0 items

Camps and Water Treatment Plants (Disturbance) 0.00 ha


Disconnect Major Services to Facility 0 items

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by length) 0.00 km

Access Roads / Tracks (Defaults by Area) 0.00 ha

Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by length) 0.00 km

Access Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) 0.00 ha

Road and watercourse overpass 0 see sheet

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by length) 0.00 km

Mine Haul Roads (Defaults by area) 0.00 ha

Mine Haul Roads (User defined by length) 0.00 km

Mine Haul Roads / Tracks (User defined by area) 0.00 ha

Laydown Yards (Defaults) 0.00 ha

Laydown Yards (User Defined) 0.00 ha

Borrow Pits 0.00 ha

Pipelines (not associated with facilities / plant, i.e. pipelines connecting facilities / dams) 0.00 m

Pipelines (not associated with facilities etc) User Build 0.00 m

Camps (by capacity) 0 camps

Camps (by area) 0.00 m2

Buildings by area 0.00 m2

Buildings Portable 0.00

Lattice Structures 0.00

Overhead powerlines (steel towers) 0.00 km

Overhead powerlines (wooden poles) 0.00 km

Overhead powerlines (concrete poles) 0.00 km

Substation 0.00 m2

Switchyard 0.00 m2

Bitumen remove 0.00 m2

Concrete remove 0.00 m2

Concrete crush 0.00 t

Remove rail loop and spur, ballast etc. 0.00 m

Collapse, cut and remove rail loading bins 0.00 Item

Remove train loading facilities 0.00 m2

Remove rail overpass 0.00 item

Landfills 0.00 m2

Sewage Treatment Plants 0.00 kL/day

Rehabilitation of Areas not covered above or in Process Equipment (see TOV descriptions) 0.00 m2
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Quantity Summary
Fencing 0.00 m

Water Treatment Plant (company owned) 0.00 ML / day

Light Vehicle Wash Down 0.00 m2

Heavy Vehicle Wash Down 0.00 m2

Water Filling Station 0.00 unit

Fuel Filling Station 0.00 unit

Process Equipment

Remove stacker or reclaimer 0 Item

Demolish and remove bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer or wing stacker 0 Item

Dismantle and remove dragline up to 2,000 t 0 item

Dismantle and remove dragline >2,000 t to 5,000 t 0 item

Dismantle and remove dragline > 5,000 t 0 item

Water Storage

Water Storages Defaults by Category and Capacity 0 structures

Water Storages Defaults by Area 0 ha

Water Structures User 0 see sheet

Water Treatment and Dewatering

Water pumping / transfer 0 ML

Water pH 5.5 Adjustment 0 ML

Water pH 4.5 Adjustment 0 ML

Water Salt Removal 0 ML

Water Organics Removal 0 ML

Naturally Evaporate Water in Pond 0 Dam

Evaporate Water with Evaporators 0 Dam

Mobilisation of Reverse Osmosis Unit 0 lump

Salt disposal - load and transport 0 tonne

Salt disposal - gate fee 0 tonne

Remove downwell dewater pumps 0 pumps

Waste Structures

Total footprint area of waste rock dumps / overburden (defaults) 0.00 ha

Waste Rock Dumps (user defined)

Total footprint area of waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total flat area of waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume to push on flat areas of waste rock dumps - m3

Total sloped areas on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume to push on sloped areas on waste rock dumps - m3

Total ramp areas on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume of rock cover layers on waste rock dumps - m3

Total capillary break layer area on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume used in capillary break layers on waste rock dumps - m3

Total low permeability cap area on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume used in low permeability cap layer on waste rock dumps - m3

Total top rock cover area on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total volume used in top rock cover layer on waste rock dumps - m3

Total area of additional capping (geofabric) on waste rock dumps 0 m2

Total area of additional capping (geosynthetic clay liner) on waste rock dumps 0 m2

Total area of additional capping (geomembrane) on waste rock dumps 0 m2

Total volume of growth media on waste rock dumps - m3

Total area to grade and seed on waste rock dumps 0 ha

Total area of amendment 0 ha

Overburden Dumps and Spoil Piles (User Defined)

Total footprint area of dump / pile 0.00 ha

Total flat area of dump / pile 0.00 ha

Total volume to push on flat areas of dump / pile - m3

Total sloped areas on dump / pile 0 ha

Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Quantity Summary
Total volume to push on sloped areas on dump / pile - m3

Total ramp areas on dump / pile 0.00 ha

Total volume of rock cover layers on dump / pile - m3

Total rock armour dump / pile - m3

Total volume used in top rock cover layer on dump / pile - m3

Total area of additional capping (geofabric) on dump / pile 0.00 m2

Total area of additional capping (geosynthetic clay liner) on dump / pile 0.00 m2

Total area of additional capping (geomembrane) on dump / pile 0.00 m2

Total volume of growth media on dump / pile - m3

Total area to grade and seed on dump / pile 0 ha

Total area of amendment on dump pile 0.00 ha

Growth Media Stockpiles

Total footprint area of growth media stockpiles 0.00 ha

Total volume to push on flat areas of growth media stockpiles - m3

Total volume of growth media on growth media stockpiles - m3

Total area to grade and seed on growth media stockpiles 0 ha

Total area of amendment on growth media stockpiles 0.00 ha

Heap Leach Pads (Defaults) 0.00 ha

Heap Leach Pad (User)

Total footprint area of heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total flat area of heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume to push on flat areas of heap leach pads 0.00 m3

Total sloped areas on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume to push on sloped areas on heap leach pads - m3

Total ramp areas on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume of rock cover layers on heap leach pads - m3

Total capillary break layer area on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume used in capillary break layers on heap leach pads - m3

Total low permeability cap area on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume used in low permeability cap layer on heap leach pads - m3

Total top rock cover area on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total volume used in top rock cover layer on heap leach pads - m3

Total area of additional capping (geofabric) on heap leach pads - m2

Total area of additional capping (geosynthetic clay liner) on heap leach pads - m2

Total area of additional capping (geomembrane) on heap leach pads - m2

Total volume of growth media on heap leach pads - m3

Total area to grade and seed on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Total area of amendment on heap leach pads 0.00 ha

Tailings Storage Facilities (Defaults) 0.00 ha

Tailings Storage Facilities (User)

Total footprint area of tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha

Total volume of working rock layer - m3

Total volume of rock cover for ramps on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total volume of rock cover for embankment on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total capillary break layer area on tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha

Total volume used in capillary break layers on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total low permeability cap area on tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha

Total volume used in low permeability cap layer on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total top rock cover area on tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha

Total volume used in top rock cover layer on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total area of additional capping (geofabric) on tailings storage facilities - m2

Total area of additional capping (geosynthetic clay liner) on tailings storage facilities - m2

Total area of additional capping (geomembrane) on tailings storage facilities - m2

Total volume of growth media on tailings storage facilities - m3

Total area to grade and seed on tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha

Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Quantity Summary
Total area of amendment on tailings storage facilities 0.00 ha


Open Pit Void Footprint 0.0 ha

Abandonment Bund Length 0 m

Benches Volume to Blast 0 m3

Highwall Volume to Blast 0 m3

Low Wall Volume to bulk push to make safe 0 m3

Low Wall Volume to Load and haul to make safe 0 m3

Backfill Open Pit with Waste Rock

Open Pit Backfill Volume 0 m3

Open Pit Ramp Backfill Volume 0 m3

Underground Mines

Number of Declines/ Drifts 0 total

Number of Ventilation Shafts 0 total

Number of Hoisting Shafts
0 total
(persons and/or materials)
Number of Drifts/Declines with conveyors 0 total

Number of small Adits (<2m in diameter) to cover 0 total

Number of small Adits (<2m in diameter) to seal 0 total

Number of small (historic) shafts proposed for closure 0 total

General Land Rehabilitation

Land Rehabilitation and Repair of Subsidence and Land Management 0 total

Natural Drainage and Diversions 0 total

General Doze and Rip 0 ha

General Grade and Rip 0 mix

Miscellaneous Soil Amelioration and Seeding 0 mix

Bores 0 bores

Long Distance Carting of Amendments 0 ha

Purchase, Load, Haul, Place Growth Media 0 m3

Long Distance Carting of Amendments 0 ha

Long Distance Carting of Clay 0 ha

Investigations and Contamination

Land Investigation 0.00 ha

Remove material from footprint of process facility / stockpile area / roads and dump in void on-site from footprint of the process facility (leach pads0.00 m3

Remove scrap (only where a source separate to process equipment and other activities generating waste) 0.00 t

Disposal to Off-site Facility 0.00 t

Disposal to Off-site Facility - Waste Levy 0.00 t

Soil Bioremediation 0.00 t

Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Waste Levy Register
Use and Notes
Information only, no user inputs are required.
This sheet reports the quantities of waste that are subject to a waste levy. The User selects whether the waste
multiplies the user-entered (in the Input Sheets) quantities of each element (e.g. camp) by the specific mass of
concrete per camp is multiplied by the number of camps to get the total concrete for that line to which the waste
is reported to the Investigation / Contamination sheet where it is multiplied by the appropriate levy to get the tot

Reference Activity

#3.72 Temporary camp - <= 20 persons

#3.73 Temporary camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
#3.74 Temporary camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
#3.75 Temporary camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
#3.76 Temporary camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
#3.77 Temporary camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
#3.78 Temporary camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
#3.79 Temporary camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
#3.80 Temporary camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
#3.81 Temporary camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
#3.82 Temporary camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
#3.83 Temporary camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons
#3.84 Temporary camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons
#3.85 Temporary camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons
#3.86 Temporary camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons
#3.87 Permanent camp - > 0 and <= 20 persons
#3.88 Permanent camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
#3.89 Permanent camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
#3.90 Permanent camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
#3.91 Permanent camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
#3.92 Permanent camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
#3.93 Permanent camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
#3.94 Permanent camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
#3.95 Permanent camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
#3.96 Permanent camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
#3.97 Permanent camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
#3.98 Permanent camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons
#3.99 Permanent camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons
#3.100 Permanent camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons
#3.101 Permanent camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons
#3.67 Small, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
#3.68 Large, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
#3.69 Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
#3.70 Small, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors
#3.71 Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors
#3.106 Communications Tower
#3.107 Overhead powerlines (steel towers)
#3.109 Overhead powerlines (concrete poles)
Ports Concrete surface of wharf and jetties

Contaminants in soil

Reference Activity

Inv Contam Asbestos (ACM)

Inv Contam Asbestos in soil
Inv Contam High Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil
Inv Contam High Level Inorganics in soil

Reference Activity

Inv Contam General Waste

Inv Contam Construction / building waste
Inv Contam Regulated waste (e.g. tires and belts)

Not Applied

User selects whether the waste levy applies in Registration. The Waste Register
camp) by the specific mass of waste for that element. For example X tonnes of
e for that line to which the waste levy applies. The total waste (e.g. mass of concrete)
e appropriate levy to get the total levy amount.


Mass Unit Qty Unit Total Qty (t)

0 t per camp camps 0

0 t per camp camps 0
0 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
49 t per camp camps 0
0 t per camp camps 0
194 t per camp camps 0
389 t per camp camps 0
578 t per camp camps 0
724 t per camp camps 0
870 t per camp camps 0
962 t per camp camps 0
1206 t per camp camps 0
1492 t per camp camps 0
590 t per camp camps 0
747 t per camp camps 0
1371 t per camp camps 0
1982 t per camp camps 0
2607 t per camp camps 0
3231 t per camp camps 0
1.0 t per m2 m2 0
0.5 t per m2 m2 0
0.4 t per m2 m2 0
0.4 t per m2 m2 0
0.7 t per m2 m2 0
90 t per tower tower 0
54 t per km 0 km 0
120 t per km 0 km 0
1 ports 0 lump 0

Total mass concrete (t) 0.00

Contaminants in soil

Mass Unit Qty Unit Total Qty (t)

0.0 t 1 total 0.0

0.0 t 1 total 0.0
0.0 t 1 total 0.0
0.0 t 1 total 0.0


Mass Unit Qty Unit Total Qty (t)

0.0 t 1 total 0.0

0.0 t 1 total 0.0
0.0 t 1 total 0.0

2 3 4 5 6
Mining ERC Calculator
Contents Capping Alerts
Use and Notes
This sheet provides the User and the Department with an easy reference for details within the Waste Rock Dum
input sheets. A capping alert will be shown when:
- Values less than the minimum anticipated capping layer thicknesses are entered.
- If an alternate Engineering cost is entered.
- If a dozer not compatible with the dozer push length is entered. Smaller dozers are incapable of pushing long
with some distances for some dozers. If a user selects an incompatible dozer an error "E" will be reported in the
or reduce the push length.

If a User enters a value not anticipated by the Department (see details to the right), they must provide a brief ju

Slope Rock
Armour Layer
less than
# Name

WRD Sheet
User Slope Rock
Waste Rock Dumps (User) Armour Cover
Thickness (m)*

1 0 No Alert
2 0 No Alert
3 0 No Alert
4 0 No Alert
5 0 No Alert
6 0 No Alert
7 0 No Alert
8 0 No Alert
9 0 No Alert
10 0 No Alert
11 0 No Alert
12 0 No Alert
13 0 No Alert
14 0 No Alert
15 0 No Alert
16 0 No Alert
17 0 No Alert

User Slope Rock

Overburden Dumps and Spoil Piles (User Defined) Armour Cover
Thickness (m)*

1 0 No Alert
2 0 No Alert
3 0 No Alert
4 0 No Alert
5 0 No Alert
6 0 No Alert
7 0 No Alert
8 0 No Alert
9 0 No Alert
10 0 No Alert
11 0 No Alert
12 0 No Alert
13 0 No Alert
14 0 No Alert
15 0 No Alert
16 0 No Alert
17 0 No Alert

Growth Media Stockpiles

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0

HLP Sheet

User Slope Rock

Heap Leach Pad (User) Armour Cover
Thickness (m)*

1 0 No Alert
2 0 No Alert
3 0 No Alert
4 0 No Alert
5 0 No Alert
6 0 No Alert
7 0 No Alert
8 0 No Alert
9 0 No Alert
10 0 No Alert
11 0 No Alert
12 0 No Alert
13 0 No Alert
14 0 No Alert
15 0 No Alert
16 0 No Alert
17 0 No Alert

TSF Sheet
User Input Thickness
Tailings Storage Facilities (User) of Rock Cover for
Embankments (m)

1 0 No Alert
2 0 No Alert
3 0 No Alert
4 0 No Alert
5 0 No Alert
6 0 No Alert
7 0 No Alert
8 0 No Alert
9 0 No Alert
10 0 No Alert
11 0 No Alert
12 0 No Alert
13 0 No Alert
14 0 No Alert
15 0 No Alert
16 0 No Alert
17 0 No Alert
r details within the Waste Rock Dump, Heap Leach Pads, and Tailings Storage Facilities


zers are incapable of pushing longer distances and therefore there is not a rate associated
er an error "E" will be reported in the associated rate. The User must select a larger dozer

e right), they must provide a brief justification in this Sheet.

Ramps Rock Working Cover Low

Capillary Break Top Rock Layer Growth Media
Armour Layer Rock Layer less Permeability
Layer less than less than Layer less than
less than than Layer less than
Department's Department's Department's
Department's Department's Department's
expected expected expected
expected expected expected
minimum minimum minimum
minimum minimum minimum

User Input Thickness User Input Thickness User Input Thickness

User Growth Media
of Capillary Break of Low Permeability of Rock Cover Layer
Thickness (m)
Layer (m)* (Clay) Layers (m)* (m)*

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

User Input Thickness

User Growth Media
of Rock Cover Layer
Thickness (m)

No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert

User Growth Media

Thickness (m)*

No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert
No Alert

User Input Thickness User Input Thickness User Input Thickness

User growth media
of Capillary Break of Low Permeability of Rock Cover Layer
volume (m3)*
Layer (m)* (Clay) Layers (m)* (m)*

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
User Input Thickness
User Input Thickness User Input Thickness User Input Thickness User Input Thickness
of Working Layer User growth media
of Rock Cover for of Capillary Break of Low Permeability of Rock Cover Layer
Rock Cover for volume (m3)*
Ramps (m) Layer (m)* (Clay) Layers (m)* (m)*
Tailings (m)*

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert

No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert No Alert
Alternate Rate
Incorrect Dozer
for Engineering

If an error, select shorter push or larger dozer in the Input Sheet location

User Alternate Rate

for Engineering ($/ha) << Input Sheet reference

No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N

User Alternate Rate

for Engineering ($/ha) << Input Sheet reference

No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N

<< Input Sheet reference


User Alternate Rate

for Engineering << Input Sheet reference

No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
User Alternate Rate
for Engineering << Input Sheet reference

No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
No Alert N
User Justification for Capping Thickness less than Defaults / Site specific clay prices / General Notes

rror, select shorter push or larger dozer in the Input Sheet location

put Sheet reference

put Sheet reference

put Sheet reference

put Sheet reference

put Sheet reference
Mining ERC Calculator
Lists Contents
1 2
Waste Levy Descriptions Yes
Waste levy applies - Metro Zone No
Waste levy applies - Regional Zone
Waste levy does not apply because the site is not in a waste levy zone
Waste levy does not apply for another reason (add comments)

Local or Local Distance

Long Distance


No Amend
Gypsum Normal Soil #14.32
Gypsum Sodic Soil #14.33
Gypsum Recycled Normal Soil #14.34
Gypsum Recycled Sodic Soil #14.35
Lime #14.36
Biosolids, MSW, Manure #14.37
Hay Mulch / Sugar Cane #14.38
Fertiliser #14.39


Capping Risk Category (extended for TSF) WRD

High Risk #7.01
Medium Risk Low Perm #7.02
Medium Risk #7.03
Low Risk #7.04
Very Low Risk #7.05
In-pit tailings

Berm Con Method

Haul and Place
Excavate and Place


Haul Road

Water Treatment Plant (company owned)

Light Vehicle Wash Down
Heavy Vehicle Wash Down
Water Filling Station
Fuel Filling Station
Oil/water separator

Small Pump Set

Large Pump Set


No replace
Remove contam only
Replace rock
Decompress only

Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void
Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void


Temporary camp - <= 20 persons
Temporary camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
Temporary camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
Temporary camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
Temporary camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
Temporary camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
Temporary camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
Temporary camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
Temporary camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
Temporary camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
Temporary camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
Temporary camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons
Temporary camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons
Temporary camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons
Temporary camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons
Permanent camp - > 0 and <= 20 persons
Permanent camp - > 20 and <= 50 persons
Permanent camp - > 50 and <= 100 persons
Permanent camp - > 100 and <= 150 persons
Permanent camp - > 150 and <= 200 persons
Permanent camp - > 200 and <= 250 persons
Permanent camp - > 250 and <= 300 persons
Permanent camp - > 300 and <= 400 persons
Permanent camp - > 400 and <= 500 persons
Permanent camp - > 500 and <= 750 persons
Permanent camp - > 750 and <= 1000 persons
Permanent camp - > 1000 and <= 2000 persons
Permanent camp - > 2000 and <= 3000 persons
Permanent camp - > 3000 and <= 4000 persons
Permanent camp - > 4000 and <= 5000 persons

Small temporary camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint)

Larger temporary camp (> 50 persons) (footprint)
Small permanent camp (<= 50 persons) (footprint)
Larger permanent camp (> 50 persons) (footprint)

Tracks and Roads

Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture
Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Earthen, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Earthen, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, No replace, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, No replace, 6 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 3 m wide, Arid
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Pasture
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Native
Track, Rock, Replace rock, 6 m wide, Arid
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Pasture
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Native
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, 25 m wide, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Pasture
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Native
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, 25 m wide, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Pasture
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Native
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, 25 m wide, Arid
Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Pasture
Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Native
Laydown, Earthen, No replace, Arid
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Pasture
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Native
Laydown, Rock, No replace, Arid

Track, Pasture, Earthen, No replace

Track, Native, Earthen, No replace
Track, Arid, Earthen, No replace
Track, Pasture, Rock, No replace
Track, Native, Rock, No replace
Track, Arid, Rock, No replace
Track, any land, Rock, Replace rock
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, Pasture
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Native
Haul Road, Decompact, doze, shape, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Pasture
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Native
Haul Road, Rock, Remove contam only, Arid
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Pasture
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Native
Haul Road, Rock, Remove rock cover and replace, Arid

Overhead powerlines (steel towers)
Overhead powerlines (wooden poles)
Overhead powerlines (concrete poles)

Communications Tower

Building Wall

Buildings List
Portable unit
Small, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
Large, Brick wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
Small, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 1 floors m2
Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors m2


No flush

No remove


Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried

Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground flush

Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground flush
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground flush
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground flush
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried flush
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried flush
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried flush
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried flush

Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground cut cap

Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground cut cap
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground cut cap
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground cut cap
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried cut cap
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried cut cap
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried cut cap
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried cut cap

Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Aboveground removal

Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Aboveground removal
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Aboveground removal
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <=1 m dia. Aboveground removal
Plastic Pipe 0 to <= 0.15 m dia. Buried removal
Plastic Pipe > 0.15 to <= 0.25 m dia. Buried removal
Plastic Pipe > 0.25 to <= 0.5 m dia. Buried removal
Plastic Pipe > 0.5 to <= 1 m dia. Buried removal

Removal of scrap metal and bury on-site #13.17

Removal of scrap metal and dispose off-site #13.18

Processing Equipment
Demolish and remove processing plant
Remove stacker or reclaimer
Demolish and remove bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer or wing stacker
Remove rails and ballast for stacker and/or reclaimer
Collapse, cut and remove 1250 t silo / bin / hopper
Collapse, cut and remove 3000 t silo / bin / hopper
Collapse, cut and remove 5000 t silo / bin / hopper
Demolish and remove on-ground conveyors and gantries
Demolish and remove overhead conveyors and gantries
Demolish and remove elevated conveyors and gantries
Demolish reclaim tunnel, cut reo and expose reclaim conveyor, then collapse into the reclaim
tunnel void
Remove and demolish conveyor from reclaim tunnel
Demolition of reclaim tunnel concrete
Dismantle on-ground conveyors for reuse/resale
Dismantle overhead conveyors for reuse/resale
Transport small tank and dispose
Demolish and remove above ground small tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 3 - 9 m
Demolish and remove above ground medium tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 10 - 15 m
Demolish and remove above ground large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 16 - 25 m
Demolish and remove above ground extra large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. 26 - 50 m
Demolish and remove above ground extra extra large tank clean (Fuel storage, thickener etc. >50
m diameter)
Removal of small underground tank (<5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc.
Removal of large underground tank (>5000 L) - including pipes, bunds etc.
Remove rail overpass
Remove road overpass
Remove course overpass
Remove bitumen (aprons, sealed areas) for dumping in a void on-site
Remove bitumen (airstrip) for dumping in a void on-site
Remove concrete pads & footings (<=0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void
Remove concrete pads & footings (>0.3 m thickness) and dumping in void
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 75 mm
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 50 mm
Crush concrete to make road aggregate - 30 mm
Removal of conveyors and support services down Drift/Decline
Dismantle and remove dragline up to 2,000 t
Dismantle and remove dragline >2,000 t to 5,000 t
Dismantle and remove dragline > 5,000 t

Water Treatment
Water pH 5.5 Adjustment
Water Salt Removal
Water Organics Removal
Naturally Evaporate Water in Pond
Evaporate Water with Evaporators
Mobilisation of Reverse Osmosis Unit
Water Pumping 6" Pump
Water Pumping 12" Pump
Water pH 4.5 Adjustment
Water Management establishment, engineering, O&M


Evaporation and other


> 0 and <= 1

Non-regulated ML,

Dams (Transpose from Activities) Dam_size

Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture > 0 and <= 1 ML,
Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture > 1 and <= 3.5 ML,
Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML,
Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture > 7.5 and <= 10 ML,
Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture > 10 and <= 20 ML,
Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture > 20 and <= 50 ML,
Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture > 50 and <= 100 ML,
Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture > 100 and <= 200 ML,
Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture > 200 and <= 300 ML,
Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture > 300 and <= 500 ML,
Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture > 500 and <= 1000 ML,
Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture > 1000 and <= 2000 ML,
Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture > 2000 and <= 3000 ML,
Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture > 3000 and <= 4000 ML,
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture > 4000 and <= 5000 ML,
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native
Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native
Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native
Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native
Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native
Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native
Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native
Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native
Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native
Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native
Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native
Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native
Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Process > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Process > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid
Process > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid
Process > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid
Process > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid
Process > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid
Process > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid
Process > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid
Process > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid
Process > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid
Process > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid
Process > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid
Process > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid
Process > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid
Process > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture
Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture
Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture
Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture
Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture
Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture
Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture
Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture
Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native
Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native
Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native
Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native
Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native
Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native
Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native
Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native
Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native
Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native
Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native
Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native
Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Raw > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Raw > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid
Raw > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid
Raw > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid
Raw > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid
Raw > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid
Raw > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid
Raw > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid
Raw > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid
Raw > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid
Raw > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid
Raw > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid
Raw > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid
Raw > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid
Raw > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Pasture
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Native
Evaporation and other > 0 and <= 1 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 1 and <= 3.5 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 7.5 and <= 10 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 10 and <= 20 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 20 and <= 50 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 50 and <= 100 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 100 and <= 200 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 200 and <= 300 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 300 and <= 500 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 500 and <= 1000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 1000 and <= 2000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 2000 and <= 3000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 3000 and <= 4000 ML, Arid
Evaporation and other > 4000 and <= 5000 ML, Arid

Lined > 0 and <= 1 ML

Lined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML
Lined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML
Lined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML
Lined > 10 and <= 20 ML
Lined > 20 and <= 50 ML
Lined > 50 and <= 100 ML
Unlined > 0 and <= 1 ML
Unlined > 1 and <= 3.5 ML
Unlined > 3.5 and <= 7.5 ML
Unlined > 7.5 and <= 10 ML
Unlined > 10 and <= 20 ML
Unlined > 20 and <= 50 ML
Unlined > 50 and <= 100 ML

Tank Type
Hor frac
Concrete Ring


Open top
Closed top


Not lined

Single skin
Double skin

Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Lined, Single skin
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Not lined, Single skin
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Lined, Single skin
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Not lined, Single skin
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Lined, Single skin
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Not lined, Single skin
Hopper, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Not lined, Single skin

Tanks and Vessels

Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.14 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 0.6 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.5 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 ML
Vertical, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 17 ML
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 4 kL
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 8 kL
Concrete Ring, Steel, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 1.2 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 20 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 30 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 40 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 50 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 55 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 70 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 90 kL
Horizontal, Steel, Closed top, Skid, Single skin, Not lined, 110 kL
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 100 kL
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 200 kL
Vertical, Steel, Closed top, Steel, Single skin, Not lined, 300 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.2 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 1.9 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 3.6 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 5.5 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 7.6 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 12 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 15.5 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 25 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 40 kL
Panel, Concrete, Open top, Earth, Single skin, Lined, 50 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 1.5 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 3 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 5 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 10 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 13.5 kL
Rainwater, Plastic, Closed top, Plastic, Single skin, Not lined, 18.2 kL

Water Supply / Monitoring bore hole plugging
Exploration bore hole plugging
Water supply bore hole backfilling with cuttings
Monitoring bore hole backfilling with cuttings
Exploration bore hole backfilling with cuttings
Water supply bore hole grouting
Monitoring bore hole grouting
Water reinjection bore hole grouting
Exploration bore hole grouting (coal / mineral sands / large impact drilling)
Exploration bore hole grouting (metalliferous / low impact drilling)
Exploration sumps
Gas and goaf drainage bore hole grout and cap
Exploration disturbance Includes costeans, sumps and general disturbance

Contamination and Disposal

Asbestos (ACM) #13.04
Asbestos in soil #13.05
Low Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil #13.06
High Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil #13.07
Low Level Inorganics in soil #13.08
High Level Inorganics in soil #13.09
Sludge #13.10
General Waste #13.11
Construction / building waste #13.12
Regulated waste (e.g. tires and belts) #13.13
Construction Debris Disposal Gate Fee

Oil / condensate disposal Gate Fee

Oily water / ablution water disposal Gate Fee

Jetty m
Wharf m2
Dolphins item
Reclaimer item
Shiploaders item
Conveyor on jetty m
Conveyor on land m

Camp Type
3 4


#8.01 #9.01
#8.02 #9.02
#8.03 #9.03
#8.04 #9.04
#8.05 #9.05
Portable Small, Brick wall, SteLarge, Brick wall, SteLarge, Steel wa
Small, Steel wa
Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floo
> 50 and > 100 and
> 1 and <= 3.5 > 3.5 and <= 7.5 > 7.5 and <= 10 > 10 and <= 20 > 20 and <= 100 ML, <= 200 ML,
ML, ML, ML, ML, <= 50 ML,

nd <= 3.5 ML,

and <= 7.5 ML,
and <= 10 ML,
and <= 20 ML,
and <= 50 ML,
and <= 100 ML,
0 and <= 200 ML,
0 and <= 300 ML,
0 and <= 500 ML,
0 and <= 1000 ML,
00 and <= 2000 ML,
00 and <= 3000 ML,
00 and <= 4000 ML,
00 and <= 5000 ML,
Asbestos in soil TRUE
Low Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil TRUE
High Level Petroleum Hydrocarbons in soil TRUE
Low Level Inorganics in soil TRUE
High Level Inorganics in soil TRUE
Sludge TRUE
General Waste TRUE
Construction / building waste TRUE
Regulated waste (e.g. tires and belts) TRUE

Large, Steel wall, Steel roof, Concrete floor, 2 floors
> 200 and > 300 and > 500 and > 1000 > 2000 > 3000 > 4000
<= 300 ML, <= 500 ML, <= 1000 and <= and <= and <= and <=
ML, 2000 ML, 3000 ML, 4000 ML, 5000 ML,

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