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Exercises for

Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, and Astrophysics 1

Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger, Prof. Dr. Alejandro Ibarra
Winter Semester 2023/2024

Nr. 6 21.11.2022
M. Sc. Anton Riedel,

Exercise 18: Calorimeter and neutral pions

An electromagnetic calorimeter is able to separate the showers induced by high-energy photons when

the separation angle between the two photons is larger than 5 . The calorimeter is then used to
0 0 0
detect π s. What is the largest π energy such that any π decay can be reconstructed as a pair of
distinct photons?

Exercise 19: Silicon detector and MWPC

A MIP (minimum ionizing particle) generates,on average,n electron-ion pairs per cm in a gaseous
detector at standard pressure. What is the typical value of n, if the gas consists in a argon-isobuthan
mixture 60%–40%? Which additional factors acting on the statistics of the produced electrons de-
termine the standard deviation of the signal?
Consider the drift velocity 2
of electrons in such a gas mixture is v = 5 cm/µs. How does this affect
In uno spettrometro di massa una sorgente
the space and time resolution of a multiwireemette ioni with
chamber di carica
wire spacing s = 2 mm?
positiva q che vengono successivamente accelerati
elettrostaticamente con una ddp V. Supposta trascurabile la
velocita` degli ioni all’uscita dalla sorgente, si determini:
a) l’energia cinetica e la velocita` alla fine della fase di
Exercise 20: Mass spectrometer
Gli ioni entrano poi in una regione a campo magnetico B uniforme
In a mass spectrometer, a source emits ions with a positive charge q, which are subsequently ac-
e perpendicolare alla velocita` degli ioni. Si determini:
celerated by an electric potential ∆V (voltage). Considering a negligible velocity of the ions at the
b) ilexit
raggio di curvatura degli ioni in funzione della velocita` e
of the source, determine the kinetic energy and the final velocity at the end of the electrostatic
massa. phase.
Se gli
partea region C12 a(A=12
isotopiwith uma)
uniform e in parte
magnetic C13perpendicular to their velocity. De-
field B,
(A=13 uma),the
termine determinare:
bending radius of the ions as a function of their mass and velocity.
c) ilIfrapporto
we considerdei arispettivi
mixture raggi di curvatura
of carbon isotopes Cin funzione
(A = 12) delle
and C (A = 13) evaluate the ratio of
masse isotopiche;
curavature radii as a function of their masses. Finally, if the radius for the C isotopes is 50
d) secm,il raggio
theisotopi C the
radius for e` A
di =5013cm, quanto vale quello
degli isotopi C13?

Emitting source deflection
Sorgente Electrostatic
Accelerazione Deflessione
of ions
ionica elettrostatica magnetica

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