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Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child

You should say:

who the child was,
what you did together
why you did it
when you did it
how you felt

The occasion when I spent time with a child that left a lasting impression was during a volunteering
event at a local orphanage. The child in question was a bright-eyed and enthusiastic eight-year-old
named Emily.

We spent our time together engaging in various activities. I brought along a bag of art supplies, and
together we created colorful drawings and paintings. We also played board games, and I read her
favorite storybook aloud. The reason for this interaction was my involvement in a community service
project organized by my school. We aimed to bring some joy and positivity into the lives of the
children at the orphanage, many of whom had challenging backgrounds and lacked the love and
attention they deserved.

This heartwarming encounter took place on a sunny Saturday afternoon in late spring. The
atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie, and it was a stark contrast to the usual
solitude these children experienced.

I felt a mix of emotions during our time together. Initially, there was a sense of compassion, as I could
see the challenges Emily had faced. As the day went on, I felt a growing bond and a sense of
fulfillment as I witnessed her radiant smile and heard her infectious laughter. It was a reminder of the
power of simple gestures to make a significant impact on a child’s life. Overall, spending time with
Emily was a heartwarming experience that not only benefited her but also left me with a profound
sense of gratitude and a renewed commitment to community service.

Sample 2

The occasion when I spent quality time with a child that stands out in my memory was with my
seven-year-old niece, Lily. We spent a delightful day together exploring a nearby nature reserve.

Our adventure began early one crisp autumn morning. The reason for our outing was to introduce
Lily to the wonders of nature and ignite her curiosity about the environment. We hoped to instill a
love for the outdoors and a sense of environmental responsibility in her.

As we ventured into the nature reserve, we observed birds, insects, and various plants. We collected
fallen leaves and identified different tree species. I encouraged Lily to ask questions and share her
observations, fostering her sense of wonder and knowledge about the natural world.

The date we chose was a sunny Saturday in mid-October when the fall foliage was at its most
brilliant. The vibrant colors of the leaves and the cool, fresh air added to the enchantment of the day.

Throughout our time together, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and connection. Lily’s excitement
and curiosity were infectious, and it warmed my heart to see her eyes light up with every new
discovery. I also felt a sense of responsibility in imparting knowledge and values to the next
generation. The day left me with a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures of spending time with
a child and helping them grow and learn. It was a day that strengthened our bond and created lasting
memories that we both cherish.

Sample 3

The occasion when I had the pleasure of spending a day with a remarkable child named Sarah was a
memorable trip to a renowned art museum. Our purpose was to nurture her burgeoning interest in
the arts, and we selected a crisp, bright autumn day in late September to make the experience even
more enriching.

As we wandered through the hallowed halls of the museum, Sarah’s enthusiasm and creativity were
palpable. Her eyes sparkled with wonder as she observed famous paintings and sculptures, each one
a masterpiece in its own right. We engaged in thought-provoking discussions about the artists’
techniques and the stories behind each artwork, igniting her curiosity and fostering her artistic

Throughout our time together, I felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. Witnessing Sarah’s artistic
growth and her passion for creativity was incredibly gratifying. I also felt a sense of responsibility in
nurturing her artistic talents and encouraging her unique perspective. This experience not only
solidified our mentorship bond but also reaffirmed my belief in the transformative power of the arts.
It was a day that highlighted the importance of inspiring the next generation’s creativity and
appreciation for culture and beauty.

Sample 4

The remarkable occasion when I had the opportunity to spend quality time with a child was during a
thrilling visit to an amusement park. I was accompanying my energetic and adventurous nephew,
Daniel, on his eighth birthday.

We embarked on this delightful adventure to celebrate his special day and create lasting memories. It
was a sunny, scorching summer day in early July, the perfect weather for our thrilling escapade.

As we explored the various rides and attractions, Daniel’s excitement was contagious. He fearlessly
tackled roller coasters, spun around on dizzying teacup rides, and indulged in cotton candy and ice
cream treats. The reason for our day at the amusement park was purely to have fun, mark a special
occasion, and cherish the exuberance of childhood.

Throughout our time together, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and exhilaration. Watching
Daniel’s eyes light up with every scream of delight and witnessing his sheer exuberance made my
heart swell with happiness. It was a day filled with laughter, adrenaline-pumping moments, and the
sheer delight of being in the moment. This experience emphasized the significance of celebrating
life’s milestones and finding joy in the simplest pleasures, and it left me with a deep appreciation for
the boundless energy and enthusiasm of youth.

Sample 5 (Internet)
I love spending time with my younger cousin, who is thirteen years younger than I am. There was one occasion
when we spent the whole day together, and this was an experience that I would never forget.

This happened last year during the school holidays.

My auntie and uncle had an emergency to attend to, and they were not able to keep an eye on my cousin,
who was only seven years old at that time. I volunteered to keep watch over my cousin while they attended to
the urgent matter.

Because my cousin was extremely fascinated by animals, we decided to visit the zoo for the
The moment we stepped foot into the zoo, my cousin’s eyes lit up, and he was bubbling
withexcitement. We spent the entire day watching and even feeding the animals at the zoo,
and my cousin couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear.
Seeing how delighted my cousin was made me happy and fulfilled. Though the tickets to the
zoo were a little expensive, I was more than willing to spend that money on this priceless
experience that I will remember for a lifetime.

To this day, my cousin still talks about that occasion and always asks when we will be able to
visit the zoo again.

I recently had the pleasure of spending a lovely Sunday with my youngest niece, Tina, Tina is
five and has always been a bundle of energy so there’s never a dull moment whenever she’s
It was Sunday morning, and the sun was shining beautifully so I decided to take Tina for a
day out to the local park and let her explore the playground.

She had the time of her life scampering around on the swings and slide, but what made it
most special was when she asked me to join in and play with her. We ended up having a great
time racing around the playground, chasing. each other until we were both out of breath. It
was so lovely to see her laughing so. much, it was like I could almost feel how much fun we
were having!
Next, we stopped at a nearby ice-cream stand and got some tasty treats. Tina was loving
every minute of it, and it made me feel like / was reliving my childhood. We then talked
about what we wanted to do next, and after much deliberation, we decided to go and feed the
ducks. Watching Tina getting so excited over the ducks coming close to us and hearing her
‘oohs’ made me feel so happy. Overall, it was a perfect day, and spending time with Tina was
truly special. She’s so pure and innocent, and I was so grateful I got to spend it with her.

Sample 7
Well, spending time with kids acts as a relaxation activity for me. Although I have
spent time with a NUMBER OF kids throughout my life. But here I would like to talk
about a particular child with whom I spent the ENTIRE day
. It actually happened a year ago. I had a summer vacation. So I went to my
maternal grandparents’ place to spend time with them. My uncle and aunt are both
working, so my grandmother LOOKS AFTER their kid. At the same time, my
grandmother had to visit one of her MATES urgently. Therefore, she INSTRUCTED
me to take care of him. His name is Rehan.
He is only five years old. I participated in a VARIETY OF activities with him. At first, we
played some indoor and outdoor games. After that, We took photographs while
making SILLY faces. Then I made him his favourite dish, Maggie. I also played Play
Station with him, but he always won in this game
He taught me the tips and tricks of this game. I felt EXHAUSTED, but he was so
energetic that he could not sit IDLE even for one minute. In the evening, we went to
a public park that was A STONE’S THROW AWAY from our apartment. There, we
enjoyed SEVERAL rides and swings.
On that day, I came to know about the efforts and sacrifices of parents. I learnt that it is
not A PIECE OF CAKE for everyone to handle little ones. I felt OVER THE MOON after
spending the whole day with such an innocent boy, as I made a great bonding with him
Lastly, I would say this was the day I spent happily with a kid.

Sample 8
Well i am really into spending time with children. Whenever i spend some moments
of my life with a child, it brings me back to the unforgettable memories of my
childhood. So, here i am going to talk about such occasion when I devoted my time
to a child.

This happened donkey’s years ago but I can vividly recall everything. Actually one of
our relatives came to our house with her 5 years old son, namely, Gurnoor. Gurnoor
is such an adorable child. One day Gurnoor’s mother went shopping with my
mother. She requested me to look after Gurnoor in her absence. I assured her of
her son’s safety. Firstly I had a lot of small talks with Gurnoor which made him feel
comfortable and become more frank with me. Afterwards I took him to the park
which is a stone’s throw away from my house.

here is a separate section for children, it’s fully covered with children rides such as
swings, slides and see-saws where he played to his heart’s content. I was also
playing with him that made me feel a sense of contentment. After some time It
seemed to me that now he is hungry. so we went to nearby ice cream parlor where I
ordered his favorite ice cream, he was really over the moon after eating his favorite
ice cream. Then we returned home.

Explaining further if I talk about my experience it was marvelous. Spending time

with Gurnoor helped me recall my wonderful childhood and feel overwhelmingly

Moreover, not only i enjoyed plenty of funny activities with him but also our bond of
relationship got strengthened.
Sample 10

Children, with their innocent mind, could make people around laugh by their witty words and
funny actions. I’m going to talk about my niece, a four-year-old energetic girl who did something
that really made me laugh my head off.
As usual, after finishing dinner, she played with her toys by herself. There was a night when I
was doing my assignment. Suddenly, she knocked on the door and told me tenderly that she
wanted me to come over to her room. I thought she needed to take any toys on the shelf so I
came there immediately. Surprisingly, she asked me to sit down and started to sing a Korean
song named “Three little bears”. She sang and did funny actions that I couldn’t help laughing.
Her parents and my mom heard the noise, they came to her room. She was aware that many
people were around. Interestingly, she opened the wardrobe, chose a pink dress like a princess,
took a lipstick from my bag and acted like a true singer that everyone couldn’t take their eyes
off her. Whenever she finished, she always questioned whether we like to listen to more songs.
We had a nice night together. Our life is so busy and it’s hard to find true happiness that makes
us laugh and enjoy. That was probably the best part of our family memories that I will never

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