Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: Classification and Risk Factors

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J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659

DOI 10.1007/s00415-011-6234-3


Ischemic stroke in young adults: classification and risk factors

Anastasios Chatzikonstantinou • Marc E. Wolf •

Michael G. Hennerici

Received: 5 August 2011 / Revised: 26 August 2011 / Accepted: 30 August 2011 / Published online: 17 September 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Our aim was to analyze an important subgroup Keywords Brain ischemia  Stroke in young 
represented by young adult patients (19–45 years) with Risk factors  ASCO  TOAST
acute ischemic stroke according to stroke classification
(including the novel ASCO score), infarct types and risk
factors. All patients up to 45 years of age with an acute Introduction
ischemic stroke confirmed by MRI and treated in our stroke
unit from 2006 to 2009 were recruited for this study. Ischemic stroke in young adult patients between 18 and
Patients were neurologically examined and underwent 45 years is relatively rare (accounting for 2–12% of cere-
thorough stroke work-up. One hundred four patients (58 bral infarcts), but often poses a particular challenge with
women, 46 men) with a mean age of 38 ± 6.9 years were regard to the diagnosis of stroke subtypes [1–3]. This is not
evaluated. The mean NIHSS score (±SD) was 3 ± 5 on only important for best secondary prevention recommen-
admission and 1 ± 4 on discharge. The classification using dations, but also because stroke etiologies and risk factors
TOAST/ASCO (grade 1) was as follows: Macroangio- are generally considered to be very different from those of
pathic 10.6%/8.7%, cardiac origin 21.2%/10.6%, micro- older patients [3–6]. Embolism due to cardiac abnormali-
angiopathic 9.6%/9.6%, other causes 19.2%/13.5% and ties, arterial dissection, migraine and specific conditions of
undetermined 39.4%/19.2% (for A0S0C0O0). The most hypercoagulation rather than large or small atherosclerotic
common risk factors were smoking (55.2%), hypertension arteriopathies are thought to be the most common causes of
(31.4%) and hyperlipidemia (27.6%). Twenty nine of 74 stroke in the young population [5–7]. Although younger
patients with TEE (39.2%) had a patent foramen ovale patients usually receive complete stroke work-up, the fact
(PFO). Hypoplastic posterior circulation (21.9%) and that a large number of strokes are of undetermined etiology
migraine (21.0%) were also quite common. Young adult (usually [1/3 of all cases) is alarming [2, 8, 9]. One pos-
ischemic stroke patients share many of the characteristic sible explanation is the continuous use of an outdated
risk factors with the general elderly ischemic stroke pop- stroke subtype classification, the Trial of Org 10172 in
ulation. If regular work-up includes TEE, a high percentage Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) score, which was
of young patients reveal comorbidities with PFO, hypo- introduced for a randomized acute stroke trial using hep-
plasia of the posterior circulation and migraine. The ASCO arin in 1993 [10]. The aim of our study was to reevaluate
classification should be favored for a better classification of the actual risk factor pattern in young ischemic stroke
coexisting stroke subtypes and lower number of undeter- patients and to compare their etiologies using the more
mined etiologies in this patient group. descriptive ASCO score [11].

A. Chatzikonstantinou (&)  M. E. Wolf  M. G. Hennerici Patients and methods

Department of Neurology, UniversitätsMedizin Mannheim,
University of Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3,
68167 Mannheim, Germany One hundred four patients (58 women and 46 men) ranging
e-mail: between 19 and 45 years of age (mean age 38 ± 6.9 years)

654 J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659

and consecutively admitted to our stroke unit with the Table 1 Patient characteristics and risk factors (n = 104 total
diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke were recruited for this population)
study. The diagnosis of ischemic stroke was based on Parameter Value
clinical features and MRI in all patients. Each patient
underwent a clinical neurological examination [including
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores] Mean (years ± SD) 38.4 ± 6.9
and received a thorough stroke work-up according to the Range (years) 19–45
guidelines of the European Stroke Organization, which was Women [n (%)] 58 (55.8%)
documented in our stroke registry in detail: Brain MRI and Thrombolysed patients [n (%)] 23 (22.1%)
MRA [including T1-, T2-, T2*-, FLAIR- and diffusion- 3 h time window 19 (18.3%)
weighted images (DWI) and time-of-flight (TOF) angiog- ECASS III time window 3 (2.9%)
raphy], extra- and intracranial ultrasound cerebrovascular DWI/PWI-Mismatch [4.5 h 1 (0.9%)
after symptom onset
imaging, ECG-monitoring and standard laboratory blood
NIHSS score (median ± SD)
tests. Most of the patients (74/104; 71.2%) also received
transesophageal echocardiograms (TEE). The rest refused On admission 3 (±5) (range 0–25)
to undergo TEE or could not be examined during the period On discharge 1 (±4) (range 0–18)
of hospitalization. In patients with no obvious stroke eti- Work-up [n (%)]
ology or risk factors, thorough coagulation and vasculitis MRI (incl. MRA) 104 (100%)
tests were performed. Infarct types and localization on MRI Duplex vascular imaging 104 (100%)
were recorded, as well as history of stroke and/or older ECG-Monitoring 104 (100%)
cerebral ischemia visible on MRI. Furthermore, patients’ TEE 74 (71.2%)
characteristics and risk factors [patent foramen ovale Infarct type [n (%)]
(PFO), mitral valve prolapse (MVP), atrial fibrillation, Territorial 49 (47.1%)
history of coronary and/or peripheral artery diseases, Lacunar 14 (13.5%)
arterial hypertension (history/treatment or hypertensive Other (multiple territories, emboligenic 41 (39.4%)
blood pressure on admission), hyperlipidemia (history/ distribution)
treatment or high fasting cholesterol levels), diabetes Infarct territory (circulation)
mellitus (history/treatment or high fasting glucose levels Anterior only 70 (67.3%)
and elevated HbA1c), obesity, smoking, history of Posterior only 26 (25.0%)
migraine and positive stroke family history] were recorded Both 8 (7.7%)
in our Stroke Unit database and analyzed. As an additional Risk factors [n (%)]
parameter, we chose to include hypoplastic vertebral Atrial fibrillation 3 (2.9%)
arteries (defined as lumen diameter B2 mm in MR-TOF) in Coronary heart disease 1 (0.9%)
the analysis [12]. To classify ischemic strokes according to Peripheral artery disease 2 (1.9%)
etiology, we used both the TOAST [10] and ASCO [11] Cerebral large artery disease 14 (13.5%)
scores and compared their results. Diabetes 7 (6.7%)
Arterial hypertension 33 (31.4%)
Hyperlipidemia 29 (27.6%)
Results Obesity 8 (7.6%)
Smoking 58 (55.2%)
Patient characteristics and ischemia types Migraine 22 (21.0%)
Previous stroke: symptomatic/asymptomatic 3 (2.9%)/10 (9.6%)
The patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Hypoplastic vertebral artery 23 (21.9%)
There were slightly more women [58 (55.2%)] than men Stroke family history 6 (5.7%)
[46 (43.8%)]. We were able to apply thrombolytic treat- Patent foramen ovale (all) 29 (27.9%)
ment to 23 (22.1%) patients, the majority of them (19/23; Arterial dissection (carotid/vertebral artery) 16 (15.4%)
82.6%) in the standard 3-h-window, the rest (3/23; 13%) Other cardiac disease 5 (4.8%)
received thrombolytic treatment in the extended 3–4.5-h- Hypercoagulable state 9 (8.6%)
window (according to the results and recommendations of Other (e.g., drugs, antiphospholipid 9 (8.6%)
the ECASS III study [13]) and in 1/23 (4.3%) using mis- syndrome, vasculitis)
match of DWI and perfusion-weighted images (PWI)

J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659 655

Fig. 1 Risk factors in all

patients (orange, n = 104) and
in patients with non-cardiac
stroke (blue, n = 83). AF atrial
fibrillation, CHD coronary heart
disease, PAD peripheral artery
disease, VA vertebral artery

Fig. 2 Patent foramen ovale. Pie chart: distribution of different PFO undetermined) and ASCO (A atherothrombosis, S small vessel,
grades (ASD aortic septal defect). Tables: the frequency of PFO in the C cardiac origin, O other). On the right side are the results only for the
different etiology stroke subtype groups using TOAST (LA large patients who received TEE
artery, CO cardiac origin, SV small vessel, OD other determined, UD

([4.5 h after onset of symptoms) [14]. The median NIHSS atherosclerosis (14; 13.5%). Classic atherosclerotic risk
score on admission was 3 ± 5 (range 0–25) and on dis- factors (apart from smoking) were found in 59/104 (56.7%)
charge 1 ± 4 (range 0–18). Most of the patients (49/104; patients. While not being among the classic stroke risk fac-
47.1%) suffered a territorial and 14/104 (13.5%) a lacunar tors and not considered by the TOAST or ASCO criteria,
stroke, while 41/104 (39.4%) had other stroke morpholo- migraine (22; 21.2%) was quite commonly found among our
gies, mostly of emboligenic distribution. In 70/104 patients young stroke patients. Hypoplastic vertebral arteries were
(67.3%), ischemia was located in the anterior circulation also a common finding (23; 22.1%). Atrial fibrillation was
only, in 26/104 patients (25.0%) in the posterior circula- found only in three patients (2.9%), all of whom had suffered
tion, while in 8/104 cases (7.7%) both vascular territories cardioembolic stroke. Arterial dissection was relatively
were simultaneously affected. common and found in 16 (15.4%) of patients.

Risk factors Patent foramen ovale

Risk factors are presented in Table 1 and are visualized in PFO was the particular focus of our attention, as most of
Fig. 1, which also shows the frequency of risk factors in all our patients were also examined using TEE, in which PFOs
patients compared to patients with non-cardiac stroke, in are easy to detect. Figure 2 shows the corresponding
which cardioembolic risk factors such as atrial fibrillation are results. PFO was identified in 29/74 (27.9%) patients. Most
usually absent. Results were similar for these two groups; commonly (18/29; 62%), it was a PFO III° with or without
the following numbers refer to the whole population. atrial septal defect (ASD). If we only consider patients with
Smoking (58; 55.8%) was the most common risk factor TEE (74), which definitely reveals PFO, the percentage of
in our population, followed by arterial hypertension (33; PFO increases to 39.2%. Three quarters of patients (15 of
31.7%), hyperlipidemia (29; 27.9%) and cerebral artery 20; 75%) with a cardioembolic stroke according to the

656 J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659

Fig. 3 Comparison of ASCO and TOAST classification results. 1, 2 refer to the corresponding grade in ASCO [11]. The ASCO score
Comparison of TOAST and ASCO results for the different etiology A0S0C0O0 was taken as the corresponding TOAST category
groups. A atherothrombosis/large artery, S small vessel disease, ‘‘undetermined’’
C cardioembolic/cardiac origin, O other (determined). The numbers

TOAST classification and a TEE showed a PFO. Using the be more sensitive and better informed than older ones. On
ASCO classification, patients with certain (C1, n = 8) or the other hand, thrombolysis rate is generally high in our
possible (C2; n = 11) cardioembolic stroke and TEE had a region, due to optimization of publicity, informing of the
PFO in a similarly high percentage (63.2%). A combina- general population and training of emergency personnel
tion of PFO and other possible stroke etiologies was [17]. In addition to this, many of the patients had no, or
present in 11/29 (37.9%) cases. only minor, neurological deficits on admission, thus not
requiring thrombolysis (58.7% of patients had a NIHSS
ASCO and TOAST comparison score \3 on admission).
Our young stroke population received a very thorough
We also compared how the two stroke etiology scores work-up. In addition to MRI, MRA, vascular duplex
(TOAST and the newer ASCO) classify strokes in this imaging and ECG monitoring, which are standard in acute
young population. Figure 3 shows the comparison of the stroke management, TEE was also performed in over 70%
two scores. In greater detail, the classification using of our patients. This is considerably more than in most
TOAST/ASCO (only grade 1) was as follows: Athero- other studies (5–60%) which have investigated stroke
thrombotic (large artery) 10.6%/8.7%, cardiac origin causes and risk factors in young ischemic stroke patients
21.2%/10.6%, small vessel disease 9.6%/9.6% and other and may subsequently have influenced our results, espe-
causes 19.2%/13.5%. The TOAST score delivered the cially concerning PFO [5, 7, 9, 15].
result ‘‘undetermined’’ in 41 cases (39.4%). The corre-
sponding score in ASCO would be A0S0C0O0, because it Risk factors
delivers no additional information, like the last TOAST
category. Only 20 patients (19.2%) received this classifi- Cerebrovascular risk factors are generally thought to be
cation, about half as many as in TOAST. less important in younger patients than in older ones [3]. In
our population, the most common risk factor was smoking
(55.2%). Other studies on young stroke patients have also
Discussion found a high percentage of smokers; however, not as high
as in our study (37–44%), with the exception of the study
In this study, we describe the risk factors and etiopatho- performed by Spengos et al., who found almost 60% of
genetic classification in 104 young adult patients with smokers in their population of Greek stroke patients [5, 9,
ischemic stroke aged up to and including 45 years. Age 15, 18, 19]. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia were also
range (19–45 years) and mean age (38.4 ± 6.9 years) were quite common in these studies (22–56 and 17–59%,
very similar to other recent studies on young stroke patients respectively), in approximately the same levels as in our
[5, 7, 9, 15, 16]. study (31.4 and 27.6%, respectively). Diabetes was found
The rate of thrombolytic treatment was about 22% and in 6.7% of our patients, i.e., with a similar frequency as in
thus did not substantially differ from the rate in the general other comparable studies (5–17%) [5, 9, 15, 18, 19].
ischemic stroke population in our stroke center. This seems Overall, 58.7% patients had one or more atherosclerotic
surprising at first, as one might expect younger patients to risk factors (not counting smoking), which is close to what

J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659 657

one might have expected from an elderly population. PFO increases to 39.2%, which is surprisingly high. Per-
Surprisingly, we found a high number of patients with haps less surprising, the frequency of PFO is even higher in
silent previous strokes as evidenced on MRI (10/104; patients with stroke of cardiac origin (63.2–75%, according
9.6%) and there were three patients (2.9%) with previous, to the classification of stroke used––A1 and A2 grades in
symptomatic strokes. This parameter was not always ASCO and ‘‘cardiac origin’’ in TOAST). Of course, the
included in previous studies. Putaala et al. [5], in their high percentage of PFO in ‘‘cardiac origin’’ strokes as
study with 1008 young stroke patients with first-ever defined by TOAST is at least partially explained by the fact
ischemic stroke, found a similar percentage (12.5%) of that TOAST considers the presence of PFO as a criterion
patients with previous silent infarcts. Spengos et al. [19] for the ‘‘cardiac origin’’ classification, whereas ASCO
found 13.4% of patients with a history of previous cere- requires PFO to be associated with in situ thrombosis or
brovascular events in their population of 253 young stroke pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis preceding
patients, including, however, transient ischemic attacks. the brain infarction to classify the stroke as definitely
Janssen et al. [18] found a very high percentage (47.9%) cardioembolic (grade 1).
with a history of vascular events; this, however, included These findings suggest that PFO may play a more
cardiovascular events as well. important role in young stroke adults than previously
Migraine may be a less-well documented and even thought, although the mechanism of stroke in patients with
controversial risk factor for stroke, but an association PFO, as well as its significance, are not always clear.
between migraine and stroke, especially in young patients, Further studies with larger patient numbers and more
has indeed been shown in the literature [6, 20–22]. Quite a complete cardiac work-up will be needed to clarify this
large percentage of our patients had a history of migraine issue.
(21%). In studies with similar populations, percentages
varied between 13 and 20% [5, 18, 19]. The role of Stroke classification
hypoplastic posterior circulation, in particular affecting
both vertebral and the basilar arteries, in ischemic stroke is Most studies on ischemic stroke in young adults have used
not clear, whereas unilateral and sometimes bilateral ver- the TOAST classification of stroke subtype [6]. While this
tebral artery hypoplasia is not rare in the general population classification has some benefits and is quite simple, it does
[23]. Since this anomaly is probably congenital, it may play not include risk factors in its criteria and in some cases
an underestimated role in a population of younger patients leaves much room for different interpretations. Further-
than in a general stroke population. Not many studies have more, its last category ‘‘undetermined’’ offers no more
investigated this topic. A study by Park et al. [23] found information apart from the fact that the cause of stroke
approximately 35% of a general ischemic stroke population could not be determined with certainty.
(n = 529) and 26.5% of 303 healthy people to have Our results concerning the etiology of stroke using
hypoplastic vertebral arteries. We had 23 (21.9%) patients TOAST were similar to other studies performed on young
with hypoplasia of either or, less frequently, both vertebral stroke adults [5–7, 9, 19, 25, 26]. We found 10.6% of
arteries, which would signify that this feature does not patients to be in the large-vessel disease category
seem to be of particular importance in young stroke (6.7–26.7% in the literature), 21.2% in the cardiac origin
patients. category (5.2–25% in the literature), 9.6% in the small-
PFO is present in about 25% of the general population vessel disease category (1.7–17.4% in the literature),
and many case–control studies have shown a statistical 19.2% in the category of other defined causes (29–35% in
association between PFO and stroke [6, 24]. Numbers on the literature) and 39.4% of undetermined etiology
the frequency of PFO in young ischemic stroke patients (13.3–62.4% in the literature). As previously observed,
vary in the literature. In the largest series with 1,008 variations in the classification among these studies is
patients, Putaala et al. found PFO in 10.5% of all patients, mainly explained by the different criteria used and by the
while Spengos et al. in 8.3% and Janssen et al. in only 6.4% grade of completeness of stroke work-up [6].
[5, 18, 19]. However, in the last two studies, the minority of The new ASCO classification was created with risk
patients received a TEE, which is the most sensitive factors in mind and with the aim of offering more infor-
diagnostic test for the detection of PFO. The study with the mation in the appointed stroke subtypes [11]. To our
highest percentage of PFO (Putaala et al.) also had the knowledge, this is the first series of young adults with
higher percentage of TEEs performed (60%). We found ischemic stroke to apply and compare both stroke subtype
27.9% of our population to have a PFO, which would be classification systems. In the category of macroangiopathy
about the same as the general population. However, most and other determined causes, both classification methods
(but not all) of our patients received a TEE. If we consider delivered similar results. In the cardiac origin category, the
only the 74 (71.2%) patients with TEE, the percentage of percentage of patients using ASCO grade 1 was about half

658 J Neurol (2012) 259:653–659

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