Copia de Checklist Brillance Policlinico Villa Tunari

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Date : Customer : Policlinico De Villa Tunari- CNS

System : CT System - Brilliance CT

S/N :
Performed By: HANSA LTDA
Technical Engineer : Walter Luna M.

Check Subject Ok. Not Ok. NA.

Functioning and visual inspection

covers of system O O O

Monitors and keyboard O O O

Gantry inspection O O O

Host Rack and Rack Fans and Filters check O O O

Table Top inspection O O O

Imagen Quality Inspection O O O

Check of the light and lasser O O O

Warm up check O O O

UPS Functioning O O O

Emergency Stop Button O O O

Review Data Base of Patiens O O O

Boot Sequence O O O

General Remarks:

Name of FSE Customer

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