Theater Scenewriting Rubric

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4 3 2 1

Dialogue Dialogue reveals Dialogue generally Dialogue Dialogue rarely

character traits, reveals character, sometimes reveals reveals character,
personalities, traits, personalities, character, traits, traits, personalities,
conflict, and mood. conflict, mood, and personalities, conflict, mood, and
is consistent with conflict, mood, and is not consistent
It is conversational
style and form. is sometimes with style and form.
in nature and flows
Feels authentic, consistent with Does not feels
from one thought to
consistent with style and form. It authentic and is not
the next within the
character voice occasionally feels consistent with
context of the
throughout script authentic and/or character voice
play’s storyline.
consistent with throughout script.
character voice
throughout script.

Creative Very original Originality apparent Material presented Unoriginal or

Process presentation of with variety and with some repetitive with little
material captures blending of originality/interpreta or no variety; no
audience’s material. Students tion. Student’s collaboration
attention. Student’s shared ideas, not shared ideas but
collaborated to able to incorporate disagreed on using
incorporate all of them. them.
everyone’s ideas.

Dramatic Logical, fluid Adequate Poor development No development of

Structure development of development of of play. Transitions play. Scenes
play. Very clear play. Clear may be weak. contain no
beginning, middle, beginning, middle, Some elements of transitions. Major
and end. Includes and end. structure are aspects of structure
seamless Transitions are missing Conflict are missing.
transitions. It evident. It serves and conclusions Conflict may be
serves the the characters are weak. nonexistent.
characters regarding solid
regarding conflict, crisis,
meaningful conflict, climax, and
climax, and conclusion.

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