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Topic: How did humans spread through the world by migration?

1. Where have Humans Migrated to?

Humans have migrated to almost all parts of the world.

2. Is there any Evidence to how this happened?

Evidence for when and how this happened comes from a

variety of sources:

• fossilized bones and teeth, which can be dated using

radioactive isotopes including carbon

• stone tools, carvings and cave paintings which are part of

human culture

• base sequences of genes in DNA extracted from fossils and

from modern humans.

3. Write 3 pieces of Evidence regarding Human Migration

Fossilized bones and teeth, stone tools and cave paintings

4. What does this Evidence tell us about where Humans


This evidence tells us that humans (/Homo sapiens) evolved

in Africa between 315,000 and 250,000 years ago.
5. How many Migratory Waves happened? From where?

It tells us that there were several waves of migration of humans

out of Africa.

6. Where did the first Migratory Wave go?

The first was to the Middle East between 120,000 and 90,000
years ago.

7. Where did later Migrations take Humans to?

Later migrations took humans through Asia and on to Australia

8. Are all of those Migratory Routes possible today?

Some of the migration routes used would be impossible today.

9. Give 2 examples of Migratory Routes that wouldn’t be

possible today.

The area now covered by the Sahara Desert had woodland and
grassland with lakes and rivers during some periods in the past.
Until about 10,000 years ago, sea levels were low enough for
there to be a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska.
10. Where did Humans were able to spread, before the
land bridge between Siberia and Alaska disappeared?

humans were able to spread from Asia to North and South


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