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We are students of Western Institute of Technology creating a survey of the commonly used or preferred brands used in
construction materials. We would like to ask a few minutes of your time to answer the survey we have prepared.

1. What brand of paint do you normally use?

A. Boysen - 10

B. Nation - 0

C. Titan - 0

2. The factor we chose for the answer given on the #1 question is?

A. Quality - 6

B. Cost - 0

C. Availability - 4

3. What brand of cement do we use?

A. San Miguel - 2

B. Holcim - 2

C. APO - 6

4. The factor we chose for the answer given on the #3 question is?

A. Quality - 7

B. Cost - 2

C. Availability - 1

5. What brand OF grout do you prefer?

A. Epoxy Grout - 2

B. One - Step - Grout - 4

C. Cementitious Grout - 4

6. The factor we choose for the answer on the # 5 question is?

A. Quality - 6

B. Cost - 1

C. Availability - 3
7. What types of sand materials do you normally use?

A. Concrete sand - 7

B. Utility Sand - 2

C. Fill Sand - 1

8. The factor we choose for the answer given on the # 7 questions is?

A. Quality - 8

B. Cost - 1

C. Availability - 1

9. What types of gravel materials do you normally use?

A. Limestone - 3

B. Sandstone - 4

C. Basalt - 3

10. The factor we choose for the answer given on the # 9 question is?

A. Quality - 3

B. Cost - 3

C. Availability – 4

The main goal of a survey is to collect data that is representative of a group being surveyed, allowing researchers
to make informed about the decisions or drawn conclusion. To create a successful survey, it is essential to craft
questions that are clear, concise and unbiased. Avoiding leading or loaded questions that could influence the answers.
So based on the survey, we came up that the brand of paint normally used is Boysen based in the survey in Question 01.
The Factor they choose for the answer given on the # 1 Question, 6 people answered Quality, while 4 people answered
Availability. In Question # 3, based on the survey, Apo is the highest one among San Miguel and Holcim, which is the
total, 6 person answered it 1 while the San Miguel and Holcim is the same with the total number of 2 people answered.
In the factor they chose for the answer given on the #3 question, 7 Person answered Quality, 2 people answered the
Cost while, 1 person answered Availability. Based on the survey in Question # 5, the brand of grout they prefer are One-
Step-Grout and Cementitious Grout which is 4 person answered, while the lowest one is Epoxy Grout, 2 people
answered it. For the Factor they choose for the answer given #5 question, 6 people answered Quality, 3 people
answered Availability and 1 person answered Cost. In Question #7, 7 people answered Concrete Sand, 2 people
answered Utility Sand and 1 person answered to Fill Sand. For the factor they chose for the answer given on #7, 8 people
answered Quality, 1 person answered Cost and 1 person answered Availability. In the Question in # 9, 4 people
answered Sandstone, 3 people answered Limestone and 3 people answered Basalt. In the last question the factor they
chose for the answer given on #9 Question, 4 people answered Availability, 3 people answered Quality and 3 people
answered the Cost.

This survey represents one of the most used techniques for collecting information on a topic or about people to
describe, compare, explain, or predict their knowledge, attitudes or perceptions. In addition, it is a tool used to obtain
necessary information.
Leader: Casipe, Joven


Apaez, Trexie Eve

Caballero, Racy John

Daquinan, Charlotte Kyle

Infante, Jeniel

Gania, Karl Daniel

Leonoer, Bence Ivan

Ortega, Mark Jospeh

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