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Jackson Vallery

Samantha Gonzalez


22 October 2023

The sell your product assignment was very effective in learning the complexity of rhetorical

situation. One of the main things I learned during this assignment was the idea of the target

audience. I knew what this idea was but the exercise of selling a product made me focus on it

more than usual. Oftentimes I think about how something would be sold effectively to me but

my interests don’t reflect the interests of everyone else. My understanding of the idea of

constructs was also expanded during the exercise. While creating the product I had to look

critically and without bias at the product to see possible constructs. This is an important tool to

have for school and activities outside of school as well. After identifying possible constructs, I

had to create solutions to these constructs. This is a beneficial exercise and can be applied to

other assignments such as revising a paper. Another feature of rhetorical situation that I practiced

was the ability to be persuasive. In my group I was the speaker so I was the one who presented

our product to the whole class. All of the work put into the product and the presentation is very

important, but the speaker’s job might be of the highest importance because the quality of the

presentation can be made or broken by the speaker. As the speaker I had to be very persuasive,

using confident language and inflections throughout the presentation. Also I had to highlight key

aspects of our product to make it stick out compared to others. This is a very good skill to have

in all aspects of life to be able to persuade people to accomplish tasks.

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