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Dusk is my favourite part of the day. It made me think of so many things.

It is the time I go
around our area or pass by them to go home for two reasons: first, school responsibilities, and
second, hanging out with my friends. I took time to stare at these houses, which made me think
of so many things. What does it feel like to live in a house like these. How does it feel to lie
down on a soft white mattress, sleep on it, and wake up on it. How does it feel to have your own
Taylor’s vandalism on your own bedroom’s wall. How does it feel to live like you won’t be
worried that it is your friend’s birthday and you got nothing for her because your money should
suit yourself for a week. Why are some of us on a skyscraper and others are the mud scraper.

I often wonder what it would be like if I weren't who I am today. The fact that there are billions of
people in the world, and from that, I was meant to be this someone who cannot buy a no
reprinted books of her favourite author, someone who can’t afford to go and eat even in a fast
food chain, someone who can’t buy snacks whenever she wants to, and to be this someone
who can’t go to her desired college university and choose her dream college course and rather
choose to settle with a college course her family can affordably support her. And you can now
figure out that the only problem I have is money.

It is after wandering around our neighbourhood when I realised that maybe I am who I am today
for so many reasons, reasons that I should be grateful.

It is after I saw my mom laying half of herself on a mattress that she paid for a month and
another half hanging, looking so wearied after washing dishes all day that I realised I am lucky
enough to live in an apartment sharing rooms with my five family members, lay down half of
myself in a not-so-hard mattress, and to be allowed going out with my friends.

It is after hearing the roaring engine of my father’s borrowed motorbike from his cousin which
happens to be his employer after he sunbathed on roof trusses battling with hammer and nails
that I realised I am more than being lucky enough to eat three times a day, buy reprinted books,
and pursue a college undergraduate program.

And it is after writing this when I realized that in the word MONEY, there is ME and there is MY.

That instead of thinking why we do not have what others have, think of a way in which you can
have what others have that you want to have. Quite a riddle, which I do not know if these make
any sense and have gone through you, but to me, these should have. You should be fond of
starting and not on being stuck. And with this, dawn is now my favourite part of the day.

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