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Vanguardly Way to Combat Heat Wave

Heat Wave, according to PAG-ASA, is the unusual rise of temperature. Just remember that when your
weather monitor says ‘32℃’ or above, you are under the arrest of heat wave! And here are some
Vanguardly ways to stay safe and cool during heat wave:

Be an Early Bird!

At around 6:00 AM, the scorching sun is already up-ready to follow you whenever you are. So to avoid
the scorching heat of sun when going to school, go to school early!

Dusting Off.

Before kicking your academic spirit off, dust off your rooms first. Ventilation will reduce the buildup of
heat inside your classrooms. According to scientific research, keeping indoor temperatures towards the
middle of the comfort zone (71 F) and offering increased ventilation rates can improve work
performance. Regulating airflow across multiple parts of your room can maintain your desired
temperature. Moreover, make sure that your classroom’s electric fans are working, all windows are open,
and you might also want to bring your personal fan. You see, proper ventilation is essential!

No to Strenuous Activities.

Avoid doing unnecessary frisky acts. Doing vigorous activities can increase your blood flow and will
eventually makes your body warmer. Stay inside your room and stay put in your chair.

Bring your H₂O.

This might be a no brainer but staying dehydrated during heat wave is essential. Even when you are not
thirsty, it is important to drink your water, but you might not want to intake super cold water. Yes, no to
super cold water during heat wave. Drinking too cold water might result to light gasps to rapid ones until
you can’t breathe, and might result to increase in blood pressure and heart rate- something you do not
want to experience.

Stay Connected.

When you are not feeling well, tell your classmates, your teacher, and anybody else you are in contact.

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