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(March 5, 2023 Communion service)

- Lets worship our God, your Holy Name Jesus…..
- This morning is our communion service ,Since last week we have no
- This is special days for us, to remain us for a verry special reason
the meaning
of the communion,The meaning of at the last suffer
- Nararapat magkarron ng malinaw na pagkakaunawa sa kahulugan at
sa dahlian kung bakit tayo nagkakaroon ng communion service
- Dapat magkaroon tayo ng proper attitude upang ating ganapin na
may tamang Espiritu ang communion na ito
- At salamat bukas ang salita ng Diyos upang maunawaan natin ang
kanyang banal na kalooban,ang kanyang banal na kautusan
patungkol sa mga bagay na ito
- The two elements... the bread and the cup, be reminded that both
pertains to our Lord Jesus Christ for He is the very reason why we
are doing this
- Ang tinapay at ang saro na kung saan mayroong mayamang
kahulugan na dapat nating maunawaan
- Itong Holly Communion is a one of the major ordinances of the Lord
Jesus Christ commanded to the Church of the living God


1. 1.
the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings,
especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
"in this churchyard communion with the dead was almost
2. 2.
the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine
are consecrated and shared.
"Communion was celebrated once a month"
an act or instance of sharing. capitalized : a Christian sacrament in which
consecrated bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death
or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and
communicant or as the body and blood of Christ.



- The two elements... the bread and the cup,in communion have rich
meaning, be reminded that both pertains to our Lord Jesus Christ for
He is the very reason why we are doing this.
- Ang dalawang element po na ating binabangit ay walang iba kundi
ang tinapay at ang saro na kung saan mayroong mayamang
kahulugan na dapat nating maunawaan
- At pina-paala ala kopo na Itong Holly Communion is a one of the
major ordinances of the Lord Jesus Christ commanded to the Church
of the living God
- Lets talk about the bread let’s talk about the cup and let us
understand this …….

- In the book of 1 Corinthians dito po nagkaroon ng pagtuturo si
Apostol Pablo
- Patungkol sapag oobserv patungkol sa pagpapraktis sa na ito
- Sapagkat ang mga taga-Corinto ay ginagawa na ito sa maling
- According to the study about 20-30 years after our Lord Jesus Christ
had practiced this at the night before He died
- At sinasabi po ,na mayroon silsng kustumbre noon na tinatawag na…
- “Love fiest” or Agape fiest – ito po ay mga potlock na ating ginagawa
kapag mayroong celebration
- Nagdadala ng kanya kanyang putahe/pagkain at ito po ay
pagsasalu-saluhan. Ang pinakapurpose ng “Love fiest” or Agape fiest
ay mag fellowship, to reach out to one another
- Pero ang nangyari po sa kanilang kapanahunan, nagdadala nga sila
ng pagkain pero nagkakanya -kanya sila ng grupo,
- Ang mga mayayaman sama sama,ang mga mahihirap sama sama
- Nagkaroon ng fraction imbes na ito ay mag-unite sa kanila.
- Nagkaroon nasial ng pagkakahiwalay -hiwalay
- At siyempre ang mga mayayaman masasarap ang pagkain marami
silang pagkain,maramisilang dinadalng inumin sila po yung busog
- At itong mahihirap sila po yung gutom na gutom
- Eh ang sabi ni Apostle Pablo,Malina ang inyong ginagawa
- Kasi itong “Love fiest” prior to their communion,sa simula palang mali
na ang kanilang paguugali
- So if they are enter to the communion service,hindi tama ang
kanilang ikinikilos
- That’s why sabi ni Apostol Pablo ganito ang nais ng Panginoon na
maganap sa inyong mga pagtitipon sap ag-puputol putol ng tinapay
- Ito po ang nakalagay sa …..
- 1 Corinthians 11:23
o 23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to
you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took
bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and
said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance
of me.”
o 23 Sapagkat ito ang turo na tinanggap ko mula sa Panginoon at
ibinigay ko naman sa inyo: noong gabing siya'y ipagkanulo, ang
Panginoong Jesus ay dumampot ng tinapay, 24 nagpasalamat at
pinagpira-piraso iyon, at sinabi, “Ito ang aking katawan na
inihahandog para sa inyo. Gawin ninyo ito bilang pag-aalaala
sa akin.”
- Ito na ang pamamaran ng Panginoon bago pa man maganap yung
gabi nung sila ay nagkatipon tipon prior to His death sa cavalry
- He takes the bread, He bless or give thanks, He breaks it, He gives it
- Itong tinapay ay may mas malalim na kahulugan sapagkat ang
tinapay na nagrerepresent ay patungkol sa ating Panginoong Hesu
- In the book of John, ang sabi mismo ng Panginoon,
- In the book of John..
- “ I am the Bread of life, he. Who comes to me shall never hunger and
he who believes in me, shall never thrist”
- Higit sa lahat ang tinapay ng buhay na kung saan kapag ating nakain
ay hindi na tayo magugutom,
- Iyan ay walang iba kundi ang ating Panginoong Jesu Kristo!
- Everything we need, every provision, every sustenance we need, we
find it in our Lord Jesus Christ
- Since our Lord Jesus Christ is our Bread of life, like the literal bread,
He was taken from Glory,
- He was blessed as the Son of God when He came in Flesh but at the
appointed time,
- He was broken at His death and Gave His life away for our salvation
- The bread represents the body of our Lord Jesus Christ that was
sacrifice on the cross
- We are taking and eating the bread as a symbol of His body in
remembrance of His death 12:12
- We do not believe in transubstantiation, hindi po tayo naniniwala na
yung tinapay ay actual na pinalitan ng katawan ng Panginoon. Ito po
ay simbolo lamang ng katawan ng ating Panginoon
- Hayaan po natin sa pamamagitan ng ating pagsubo ng ating tinapay
na sumisimbolo sa kanyang katawan at sa pagalala, ay alalahanin
din natin ang the greatest sacrifice that was given that was His own
- He did it because He love us
- Kaya tayo ay dapat maging mapagpasalamat at mapuno ng papuri at
pagsamba dahil kung hind sa kanyang kamatayan, then we are
helpless, hopeless, lifeless,
- the salvation that we noe enjoy and the eternal life we promise to
receive is brought by His death
- We are sinners, unworthy, we deserve punishment, BUT He became
our mediator, Our Savior, Our Sacrifice who took our place
- Dapat tayo ang nasa krus subalit siya ang nagging kapalit natin
- SO let our heart be full of praise, let our tongues be full of worship
and let us live a life of righteousness and holiness, let us offer our
lives as a living sacrifice as our thanksgiving to Him
- Maging sa pagkatapos ng communion na ito, may we be reminded “I
am living for the Lord and my life should be a reflection of the
goodness, the love, that He has given me”
- Alalahanin natin na siya ay namatay sa atin, siya ang nagging kapalit
natin, siya ay nagmahal ng walamng kundisyon sa ating buhay

- 1 Corinthians 11:25
o 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This
cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you
drink it, in remembrance of me.”
o 25 Matapos maghapunan, dumampot din siya ng kopa at sinabi,
“Ang kopang ito ang bagong tipan na pinagtitibay ng aking
dugo. Tuwing iinumin ninyo ito, gawin ninyo bilang pag-aalaala
sa akin.”
- The cup that contains the wine represents the blood of our Lord
Jesus Christ that was shed on calvary
- Through His blood, we enter the new covenant not on the law but of
- Hayaan na mauli nating alalahanin ang dugo ng ating Panginoon
- Our spiritual life depends on the presence of the blood of Christ in our
- We need Christ’s blood that was shed on calvary, we need that blood
to take away our sins to have a blessed life and an eternal life
- Characteristics of the blood of Christ
o The blood of Christ is a very precious blood, a very rare,
nothing like it in. this world
o It is a sinless blood
o It is an incorruptible blood, it does not spoil, dry, it will never
ever lose its power
- We need the application of blood in our lives
- Lord said, “ I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be on you”
- Hebrews 9: 22
o 22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed
with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no
o 22 Ayon sa Kautusan, halos lahat ng bagay ay nililinis sa
pamamagitan ng dugo, at kung walang pag-aalay ng dugo ay
walang kapatawaran ng mga kasalanan.
- Acts 2:38
o 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized,every one of you, in
the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And
you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
o Sumagot si Pedro, “Pagsisihan ninyo't talikuran ang inyong
mga kasalanan at magpabautismo kayo sa pangalan ni Jesu-
Cristo upang kayo'y patawarin; at tatanggapin ninyo ang kaloob
ng Espiritu Santo.
- As believers of the Lord, we must learn to plead the blood (plead
means to appeal or intrigue earnestly/nagsusumamo)
- “ I have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ”
- May kapangyarihan tayo bilang mananampalataya na hilingin na
magsumamo sa dugo ng Panginoon “ Lord cover me with your
precious blood, give me protection, give me deliverance on anything
the enemy wants to do in my life to destroy me”

- Let us examine ourselves
- The communion service is not just a time of reflection and worship,
but it is also a time for self-examination, we are warned against
partaking of the communion in an unworthy manner
- “Search me O God, know my heart, test me, and know my anxious
thoughts, see if there are offensive way in me, lead me in the way
- 1 Corinthians 11:27-28
o 27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord
in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body
and blood of the Lord.28 Everyone ought to examine
themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.
o 27 Kaya, ang sinumang kumakain ng tinapay at umiinom sa
kopa ng Panginoon sa paraang di nararapat ay nagkakasala sa
katawan at dugo ng Panginoon. 28 Kaya't dapat siyasatin ng tao
ang kanyang sarili bago siya kumain ng tinapay at uminom sa
- Let this be a reminder to us how important these two elements are as
we remember the death of the Lord and the shedding of His blood for
the salvation of sins and for instituting the new covenant sa isang
bagong tipan ayon sa salita ng Diyos


Sing a Worship song-Kami'y Katagpuin-

-we can Neel down for few mints

The Bible tells us that the early church was sick many were falling asleep
before their time for one singular reason, not discerning the Lord's body
and that's why I endeavor that every Sunday we have communion

o By his stripes, your cancer died
o By his stripes your blood pressure is normalized
o By his stripes all the blockage in your arteries is freed
o By his stripes you have brand new kidneys
o By his stripes your youth is renewed like the Eagles
o So, God puts a premium and what you eat
Thank you Lord…..
- By your stripe, I am healed
- Make every wheat whole
- My youth and strength are renewed like the Eagles
- My body is restored to that of a young man, a young woman
- By your stripe through your grace, I will live to be a hundred and
twenty my eye is not dimmed my strain not abated
- By your stripe I Completely strong and healthy
- We Trust healing is taking place all
- You have partaken the very reason the God partaken the very reason
the God releases healing today
- God cannot release healing in the body of a sinner without a
righteous foundation but God has found the ransom, God has found
the righteous foundation
- The blood that we demonstrate right now has been shed giving you
regardless of how much you think your sin against God and how far
away you are from God
- If you come trusting the work of his son the blood that has been shed
- God has a righteous foundation to heal your body
- God wants you well
- Jesus took the cup and said this blood of the New Covenant this cup
is the blood of the New Covenant
- For the forgiveness the sending away the remission of sins
- When you drink this cup, you must not drink conscious of your sins
still in your body but you must drink in consciousness that it is sent
away like the scapegoat carries away your sin
- Thank you Lord…..

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