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Performance Task3.

Movement Analysis


Name: __________________________________________ Score: ________________
BSME 1-4
Course, Year and Section: ___________________________ Equivalent: ____________

Sports, Bones, Muscles & Movements. Choose one (1) sport of your choice and list down two (2) skills.
Try to perform the skill and answer the following:

• What are the MAJOR MUSCLES involved in the movement?

• Describe the anatomical movements applied to execute the skill

(10 points each)

Name of Sport: _________________________________________

1. Skill No. 1: ____________________

During my serve, one thing I always ensure is that my feet are in the right position. I begin in
a side-on stance, with my non-racket foot forward and my racket foot back. With this movement, my
leg muscles and bones engage in an angular movement. Referring to Figure 11 and 12: Anterior and
Posterior View of Major Skeletal Muscles from the Instructional Materials from PATHFIT I, I would say
the muscles that are inferior (below) my axial body (middle part of my body) perform an angular
movement, and the major muscles are as follows:
• Rectus femoris
• Tibialis anterior
• Gastrocnemius (posterior and anterior)
• Extensor digitorum longus
• Semitendinosus
• Calcaneal tendon and Calcaneus
As one of my legs lands backward, these muscles, along with their associated bones, mainly
the Femur, perform a hyperextension movement, while the other leg leans slightly forward, executing
a flexion movement.
As the racket contacts the shuttlecock, my fingers execute a gliding movement as my
Phalanges move from a close grip and then release their grip as they release the shuttlecock.
Furthermore, these Phalanges in my hand, which holds the racket, perform an opposition movement,
bringing my thumb and fingers together, allowing for precise gripping of the racket.
Moreover, as I serve, the bones in my arm, mainly the Scapula and Humerus, along with the
muscles of my arm and shoulders (Deltoid, Biceps brachii, and Triceps brachii) that hold the racket,
engage in a hyperextension movement. Meanwhile, the bone and muscles of my other arm (the
same), holding the shuttlecock, perform a flexion movement. Along with this is the movement of my
head as I follow the trajectory of the shuttlecock; my Trapezius, Occipitofrontalis, and
Sternocleidomastoid (all muscles from my nape), which are proximal to my cervical vertebrae,
perform a hyperextension and extension movement.

2. Skill No. 2: ____________________

When engaging in badminton, the prospect of smashing becomes my most awaited moment as
it not only showcases my strength but also underscores the precision of my eye and body coordination.
In my cervical region, encompassing my neck and nape, key muscles like my Trapezius,
Occipitofrontalis, and Sternocleidomastoid, along with my associated Cervical vertebrae, engage in a
hyperextension. This occurs as I follow my shuttlecock's trajectory, extending beyond my typical
anatomical position.
Whenever I do smashing, my most utilized muscles reside in my arm and shoulder, particularly
my Deltoid, Biceps brachii, and Triceps brachii. This action involves a flexion movement, with my
associated bones, such as my Humerus, participating in this dynamic motion.
Moreover, this also involves a seamless extension movement in my elbow as my shuttlecock is
launched forward, highlighting a gliding movement. My Ulna and Radius, forming my elbow and lower
arm, are integral to this motion, along with muscles like my Brachialis, Pronator teres, and
Furthermore, when I do a forceful smash, it incorporates a significant rotational movement in
my torso and hips, generating a rotational force. This rotational movement involves my Hip bone,
influencing my External Oblique muscles to synchronize with my hip movement, emphasizing the
importance of rotational movement or my torso and hip rotation.

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