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Seat.........…… ID Number...….............…

University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

International College
Final Examination, Second Semester, Academic Year 2019
Examination Date: 27-30 April 2020 Time: …………..
International College Year of Program:
Course Code: II421 (IM430) The paper consists of 4 items 2 page(s)
Course Title: Contemporary Issues in excluding this cover page
International Business Management, Part 1 has - items - page(s
Contemporary Issues in Marketing Part 2 has - items - page(s)
Instructor(s): Part 3 has - items - page(s)
Asst.Prof.Dr.Rojanasak Chomvilailuk Formulae/Table - page(s)
All questions are worth 40 points.

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shall hand over those items to the proctor or bring them out of the examination room before the
examination begins. If the proctor has detected that the students have brought in any prohibited
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If a student is caught cheating in the examination room for the first time, he/she will receive a
failing grade for the entire course and he/she will be suspended from school for at least one
semester. In addition to suspending from school, the letter reporting his/her misconduct will be
sent to the guardians.
Second Offense
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2. Print/type answers on A4 paper by Time New Roman 12
3. Limited page of the answers for each question at 1 page of A4. The answers beyond
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4. Textbooks/handouts/lecture notes are allowed as the take-home examination.
5. Similar or same answers of anyone with other or another can be assumed cheating. This
case will be processed into the UTCC’s cheating policy.
Course Title: ID Number……………………..

Question 1. As the article week#2, titled ‘Interactive strategy-making: combining central

reasoning with ongoing learning from decentralised responses’ written by Andersen (2015),
integrated by the article week#6, titled ‘Competitive benchmarking for fleet cost
management’ written by Galletti, (2010), answer the following questions:

1.1 Regarding the rapid and uncertain changes of business environments, how and why can you
apply the concepts of central reasoning and decentralized responsive actions to achieve
company’s goals (Discuss in terms of effectiveness and efficiency performance)? (5 marks)

1.2 Based on your application for the Andersen’s interactive strategy-making approach into
the real business operations, how and why can you measure the performance of this action
effectively and efficiently (Discuss by the concepts of competitive benchmarking) (5 marks)

Question 2. As the article week#8, titled ‘The Competitive Advantage of Regional Clusters:
An Organizational–Evolutionary Perspective’ written by Staber (2007), answer the question:
When your company has strategically intended to develop innovative products especially
through the leveraging approach with your foreign/ international collaborators, how and why
should you apply the concept of the evolutionary challenge (variation and adaptability) to
achieve your company’s competitive advantage? (10 marks)
(Discuss by the comparative analysis regarding the evolutionary challenge and the
conventional approach (coherence and stability)).
Course Title: ID Number……………………..
Question 3. As the article week#4, titled ‘

PERCEIVED RISKS AND METRICS: A DYNAMICS TEST’ written by Brophey et al. (2013),

answer the question:

As your company intends to develop a disruptively innovative product, how and why should
you be concerned the dynamic or shift of perceived risks and metrics for success in the
innovation development process? (5 marks) Then, provide your suggestion regarding the
company focus/ resource allocations on the different stages and domains of innovation
process. (5 marks)
(Discuss through the four risk domains (Marketing, Technical, Organizational, and Financial).

Question 4. As the article week#9, titled ‘The Role of Culture in International

Relationship Marketing’ written by Samaha et al. (2014), answer the question:
As your company aims to develop a strategic alliance with your foreign distributor in terms
of cooperated logistic development, how and why should you be concerned the cultural
diversity effects on your alliance performance (10 marks)
(Discuss the cultural diversity regarding the four dimensions (power distance, individualism-
collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity-femininity)).

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