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Script Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Adha Kiki Nurzakiyah

Hasna Aufa

Adha Kiki : Hasna, what's wrong with you?

Hasna: I’m okay, just a little stressed
because exam day is getting closer.
Adha Kiki : Oooh, so that's what makes
you lock yourself in your room all the
Hasna : Yes, I'm not in the mood to do
Adha Kiki: Hasna, don't be like that. If you
don't want to eat, keep locking yourself in
your room, you'll get sick. And if you are
sick, what about you won't be able to
doing the exams? It will get more
complicated later.
Hasna: that’s right. But I’m confused
Adha Kiki : What are you confused about?
Hasna : I'm confused, what should I do if I
don't pass the test?
Kiki : Now, don't think about the results
yet. Just study hard first, answer lots of
questions from last year's exam. It's a
matter of results later.
Hasna : That's enough, Ki. But I still feel
afraid at the thought of not being passed.
Adha Kiki : I think you need to refresh. So
your head doesn't get cluttered. How
about we study together? We can look for
places out there like parks, cafes and
others. So that you don't feel stressed, you
can also see the beautiful scenery and
breathe fresh air. What do you think?
Hasna : Wow, that's a great idea. I also
want to get some fresh air. My brain is
really busy.
Adha Kiki : okay, come on.
Hasna : Thank you, ki. You are always
there when I need help.
Adha Kiki : Yes, you're welcome, Hasna.

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