SNI 7646-2010 Hydrographic Survey Using Single Beam Echosounder

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"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and

is not for commercial use"

Hydrographic survey using single beam

National Standardization Agency

echo sounder
Indonesian National Standards

ICS 07.040
Copyright notice

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
Copyright is protected by law. It is prohibited to copy or duplicate part or all of the contents of
this document in any way and in any form and it is prohibited to distribute this document either
electronically or in hardcopy without written permission from BSN.


G-d. Manggala Wanabakti Block IV, Fl. 3,4,7,10.

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Published in Jakarta
SNI 7646:2010

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
List of contents
List of contents ...................................................................................................................... i
Foreword ii
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative reference ..............................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................1
4 Survey classification ...............................................................................................................5
5 Survey conditions ..................................................................................................................7
6 Procedures for carrying out hydrographic surveys. ........................................................13
7 Housing data processing. ....................................................................................................17
8 Data storage and presentation. ...........................................................................................18
Appendix A (Informative) ...................................................................................................20
Appendix B (informative) ...................................................................................................21
Appendix C (normative). ....................................................................................................23
Appendix D (informative) ...................................................................................................24
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................25

SNI 7646:2010
SNI 7646:2010

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
This Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 7646:2010, Hydrographic survey using Singlebeam
Echosounder contains guidelines for all organizers or implementers of hydrographic surveys for
basic mapping purposes in order to obtain data of guaranteed quality. In this SNI, only the SNI
for hydrographic surveys using equipment is discussed singlebeam echo sounder. Method
selection singlebeam echo sounder, because this method is currently the most widely used in
This SNI was prepared with great reference to internationally accepted hydrographic survey
standards, namely Special Publication no. 44 published by the IHO so that some or all of the
data obtained can be used as basic data for improving appropriate marine navigation maps.
This standard was prepared based on National Standardization Guidelines Number 8 of 2007,
concerning Writing Indonesian National Standards.
This standard was prepared by the Technical Committee for Geographic Information/Geomatics
(PT 07-01) and was discussed at a consensus meeting of the technical committee in Cibinong on
7 November 2006. Present at the meeting were experts related to their fields from government
agencies, academics and non- governmental agencies and other related agencies. This SNI has
also gone through a national consensus, namely an opinion poll from 10 May 2010 to 10 July

SNI 7646:2010

Hydrographic survey using singlebeam echo sounder

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
1 Scope
This standard establishes the provisions and procedures for hydrographic surveys using
singlebeam echo sounder, which includes: provisions, procedures for carrying out hydrographic
surveys, data processing, data storage and presentation, and reporting of hydrographic survey

2 Normative reference
IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys 4thEdition, Special Publication No. 44, 1998. IHO
Standards for Hydrographic Surveys 5thEdition, Special Publication No. 32, 1994. ISO 6709,
Latitude Longitude, 1983. SNI 19-6724-2002, Horizontal control mesh.

3 Terms and definitions

echo sounder (echo sounder)
equipment used to determine the depth of water by measuring the time interval between the
transmission of sound waves and the reception of their reflections (echoes) from the bottom of
the water

singlebeam echo sounder
a water depth measuring instrument that uses a single beam as a sender and receiver of sound
wave signals

method or technique for determining sea depth or seabed profile from the results of depth data

co-tidal chart
map depicting lines connecting high water points (high water) occurred at the same time

vertical datum
an equipotential surface that approaches the position of the mean sea level (geoid) which is
used as a reference plane in determining vertical position

SNI 7646:2010
National Geodetic Datum 1995 (DGN 95)

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
geodetic datum established in 1995, referring to the international datum system WGS-84 (World
Geodetic System1984) with ellipsoid parameters:
Long axis a = 6,378,137 m
Crowding factor f = 1/298.257223563

The line that describes the meeting between water and land in the coastal area at the time of
the highest tide, determining the coastline in swamp and mangrove areas is the outer edge of
the plant area.

Bow (headings)
the direction in which the ship's long axis is heading, usually expressed in degrees from north
(true/ geographical, magnetic/compass)

science that studies and discusses the description and measurement of the physical
appearance of seas, lakes, rivers and their relationship to coastal areas

the rising and falling movement of a ship caused by the influence of sea water

investigative survey
part of a hydrographic survey in areas that pose a danger to navigation to find shallows,
shipwrecks or other obstacles so that they can be mapped.

International Hydrograhic Organization (IHO)
international body coordinating the hydrographic activities of national hydrographic offices
promoting standards and preparing suggestions in the areas of hydrographic surveying,
publication and production of nautical charts (nautical charts).

speed of sound (sound velocity)

SNI 7646:2010
the speed of propagation of sound waves through a certain medium in a certain time

survey lane
lines that describe the flow of ship activities in sounding.

main lane
survey lane which is used as the main channel in sounding

cross lane
Survey lane which functions as a cross-check flow in validating survey data

lowest low water (LLW)
LLW (lowest low water) is the position of sea level at the lowest low

lowest astronomical tide (LAT)
the position of the lowest sea level determined by continuous tidal observations for 1 (one) year
to be able to predict fairly reliably the lowest tide for a period of 19 years (an astronomical
tidal period which refers to the influence of the sun and moon)

Chart Datum (Chart Datum)
a fixed surface that is defined and serves as a reference plane for all water depth

mean sea level (mean sea level)
the average height of sea surface at a tidal station obtained from tidal observations for at least
one month.

tides (tides)
the regular rise and fall of sea levels, especially caused by the gravitational force of the moon
and the sun to the sea water masses
sounding (sounding)

SNI 7646:2010
activities to determine the depth of the seabed surface or objects above it relative to the sea

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
precision dilution of position (PDOP)
a GPS satellite configuration condition that provides an overview of the level of accuracy in
determining position.

the forward movement of the ship (nodding) is centered at the midpoint of the ship

movement of a ship towards its sides (hull) or along its longitudinal axis

real time kinematic-differential global positioning system (RTK-DGPS)
a system or method for determining position carefully by providing corrections during
measurements from a reference station

draft transducer settings
installation (settings) transducer on the ship's body so that the tool works optimally.

the nature of floating vehicles where the body position sinks more when it is stopped compared
to when it is running

side scan sonar
A tool for getting an image of the bottom surface of waters using sound waves

the condition of the stern and/or bow of the ship sinking further when underway is adjusted

Benchmarks (BM)

SNI 7646:2010
pillars created as a sign that a fixed point on land is a control point

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
vertical control point
height control point known to a reference point (datum). used for tidal observations or as a
reference point for level measurements.

horizontal control point
a control point whose coordinates are expressed in a two-dimensional horizontal coordinate

tidal time
the time when the water level reaches a certain height

tidal height
sea level height at a certain time

public point
point indicating the position where depth data was recorded

4 Survey classification
4.1 Special order
Special order of hydrographic surveys approach engineering/engineering survey accuracy
standards and are used on a limited basis in critical areas where the depth below the keel is very
minimal and where the characteristics of the waterbed have the potential to endanger ships.
These critical areas are determined directly by the agency responsible for survey quality issues.
For example, ports where it docks and entry points. All sources of error must be kept to a
Special orders require use relating to sonar scans, multi transducer arrays or multibeam echo
sounder with high resolution with tight spacing between housing lines to get a 100% basic
picture of the water. It must also be ensured that any objects larger than one square meter can
be seen by the public equipment used. side scan sonar and multibeam echo sounder usage
maybe required in areas where small objects and dangerous obstacles may be encountered, or
surveys for investigative purposes.
4.2 First order
First order of hydrographic survey is intended for ports, approach channels, recommended

SNI 7646:2010
courses, navigation channels and coastal areas with heavy commercial traffic where the depth
below the keel is sufficient and the physical condition of the seabed is not too dangerous for
ships (for example mud or sand). First order surveys are limited to areas with a depth of less
than 100 meters. Although the seabed inspection requirements are less stringent compared to
special orders, a thorough seabed inspection is still required in certain areas where the
characteristics of the seabed and the risk of obstructions have the potential to endanger ships.
In the areas studied, it must be ensured that for depths of up to 40 meters, objects with a size
greater than two square meters, or at depths of more than 40 meters, objects with a size of 10%
of the depth must be depicted by public equipment used.

4.3 Second order

Second order of hydrographic surveys are intended for areas with a depth of less than 200
meters which are not included in special order or first order, and where the bathymetric picture
is generally sufficient to ensure that there are no obstacles on the seabed which would endanger
the type of ship passing or working in the area. that area. This is a criterion whose use in the
maritime sector is very diverse, where higher hydrographic orders cannot be applied. Seabed
inspections may be required in certain areas where the characteristics of the waterbed and the
risk of obstructions could potentially endanger the vessel.

4.4 Third order

Third order of hydrographic surveys are intended for all areas not covered by special orders,
first and second orders at depths greater than 200 meters
An example of the classification of hydrographic survey areas is presented in Table 1:
Table 1 Classification of hydrographic survey areas
No Class Example of survey area

• The anchorage port and the critical channel (connected to it) where the
1 Special Order
water depth below the keel is minimum

• Harbor,
• Port approach route,
2 Order 1
• Recommended route/ direction
• Coastal areas with a depth of up to 100 meters

• Areas that are not mentioned in special order and first order
3 Order 2
Areas up to 200 meters deep

• Offshore areas that are not mentioned in specialorders, first order

4 Order 3
and second order
(IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys 4th Edition, Special Publication No. 44, 1998)

SNI 7646:2010
5 Survey conditions
5.1 Accuracy

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
The accuracy of all positioning and sounding work during the survey is calculated using certain
statistical methods at a 95% confidence level to be reviewed and reported at the end of the
Below is a summary of measurement accuracy standards in hydrographic surveys:
Table 2. Accuracy of hydrographic survey parameter measurements
No Description Order
Special Order 1 Order 2 Order 3
5 m + 5% 20m + 5% 150 m + 5%
1 Horizontal accuracy 2m from from depth of average
average average depth
Fixed navigation aids and features
2 2m 2m 5m 5m
associated with navigation

3 Coastline 10m 20 m 20 m 20 m

4 Floating navigation aids 10m 10m 20 m 20 m

5 Topographic appearance 10m 10m 20 m 20 m

a = 0.25 m a = 0.5 m a = 1.0 m a = 1.0 m

6 Depth Accuracy
b = 0.0075 b = 0.013 b = 0.023 b = 0.023

(IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys 4thEdition, Special Publication No. 44, 1998)

1. a and b are variables used to calculate depth accuracy.
2. The sounding device is calibrated before use

The error tolerance limit between the depth of the housing fix point on the main lane and the
cross lane is calculated using the following equation:

a = independent errors (fixed number of errors)
b = dependent depth error factor (number of errors of a nature not fixed)
d = measured depth
(b x d) = dependent depth error (sum of all dependent depth errors)

SNI 7646:2010
5.2 Horizontal datum
The horizontal datum must use the 1995 National Geodetic Datum (DGN-95).

5.3 Sounding point vertical datum (Sounding datum)

Determination of the vertical datum refers to the tide front which is determined through tidal
observations at permanent or temporal stations carried out for a minimum of 29 days. The
datum value is determined from the calculated value Lowest Low Water (LLW) at these tidal

5.4 Positioning
Position determination is carried out for all public points, navigation aids and features
required or recommended in hydrographic surveys with accuracy according to the order. Terms
of measurement accuracy are presented in Table 2.

5.5 Horizontal control

In order for the coordinate system of measurement results or position determination to be
bound to the national coordinate system, horizontal control points must be created and tied to
the national horizontal framework system. In this case it can be tied to the national horizontal
framework system.
The location of horizontal control points is stated by a control point pillar which is equipped with
a description. The creation of control points on land must follow the horizontal control point
specifications that have been established (SNI No. 19-6724-2002)
The main Control Point (BM) specifications (according to the 1st order GPS Pillar standard) are:
a. BM size is : (30 x 30 x 100) cm
b. Lower wing size :(80 x 80 x 10) cm

SNI 7646:2010

c. The part that appears above the ground is 35 cm and the part that is planted is 75

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
d. The BM frame is made from iron cast with a diameter of 9 mm and the rings from iron
cast with a diameter of 6 mm.
e. BM is cast on site with a cement : sand : stone ratio of 1:2:3.
f. At the top of the center the BM is installed Brass-tablet which contains a horizontal
cross and a monument number explaining ownership.
g. BM is painted blue.

Auxiliary BM specifications are as follows:

a. BM is made from pvc pipe cast with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 100 cm.
b. At the top of the middle of the BM, a cross bolt is installed.
c. Each BM is given a number.
d. BM is cast on site with a cement:sand:stone ratio of 1:2:3.
e. The part that appears above the ground is 30 cm and the part that is planted is 70
f. BM is painted blue
Each position must be referenced in the 1995 National Geodetic Datum system (DGN-1995)
as a recommendation. If there are exceptions, where the position is referenced against the
local geodetic datum, then the local geodetic is linked to the DGN-1995 reference

It is strongly recommended that where positions are determined electrically, there should
be redundant measurements of the position lines. A standard calibration technique
should be performed before and after data collection. The satellite system must be able to
do so
tracking of at least five satellites simultaneously, for special order and first order it is
recommended that integrated monitoring be used.

The main control points on land must be determined using the ground survey method with
a relative accuracy of 1 : 100,000 parts. If the satellite positioning method is used to
determine these points, the error must be no greater than 10 cm at a 95% confidence

Secondary stations for local positioning that are not used to expand the control network
must be designated in such a way that the error is no greater than 1 : 10,000 parts using
ground survey techniques or 50 cm when using satellite geodetic positioning.

SNI 7646:2010

5.6 Sounding point

The position of the housing fix point, if necessary, is tied to the horizontal control frame that
has been created as stated in point 5.5. on. The accuracy of the fixed position of the housing
company must meet international accuracy standards as shown in Table 2.

The accuracy of the fixed position of a company in a survey using a singlebeam echosounder
is the accuracy of the transducer position.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a positioning system that is widely used in hydrographic
surveys. For positioning that requires high accuracy using the RTK-DGPS method, the
following criteria must be met to maintain the quality of positioning,
a. The minimum number of active/monitored satellites that can continue with sounding
work is five
b. PDOP does not exceed six for recording and sounding, if more, the survey should
be postponed until these requirements are met.
c. Minimum angle for elevation mask 10 degrees from the horizon. GPS signal
integrity must always be monitored.
d. The positioning equipment used is calibrated and checked at least once a week
during the survey.
e. The check is carried out with the tool remaining in position.

The position of buildings, hazards and other significant subsurface objects must be
determined in such a way that the horizontal accuracy refers to that specified in Table 2.

The accuracy of the housing position is the accuracy of the position of the housing company
on the seabed in a geodetic reference system with the exception of second-order and third-
order surveys which use Singlebeam Echosounder, the accuracy referred to is the position
accuracy of the public housing sensor system.

5.7 Means of Navigation and Important Objects

The positions of fixed navigational aids, floating navigational aids, coastlines and important
topographical features (such as sandbars, fish charts, etc.) must be tied into the established
horizontal control frame (datum DGN-95).

Horizontal position measurement uses the GPS measurement method with accuracy as in
Table 2.

SNI 7646:2010
5.8 Sounding using Singlebeam Echosounder
Before carrying out the sounding, a main lane and cross lane plan must be made. The following
are the sounding criteria for singlebeam echo sounder.

Determining the general condition of seabed topography, tidal correction and detection,
classification and determination of hazards on the seabed are fundamental in the task of
hydrographic surveys. The depth of water above the hazard must be determined, at least,
according to the depth accuracy provisions as in order one in Table 2.

In planning the sounding density, the natural conditions of the seabed and the requirements
of the users must be taken into account, with a view to ensuring the adequacy of the research.

As far as possible, the main public housing lanes should be perpendicular to the coastline with a
maximum interval of one cm on the survey scale. Adequate distance between public housing
lanes of various survey orders has been indicated in SP-44. Based on these procedures, it must
be determined whether it is necessary to carry out seabed research or to narrow or widen
the housing lanes.

Cross lanes are required to ensure accurate sounding positions and tidal reduction. The
distance between the cross lanes is 10 times the width of the main lane and forms an angle of
60Oto 90Oto the main lane. Additional cross lanes can be added in areas where it is
recommended or where there is doubt. If there is a difference that exceeds the specified
tolerance (according to the order), further tests must be carried out in a systematic analysis of
the sources of the error causing it. Any discrepancies must be followed up by means of analysis
or re-survey during the survey activity.

5.9 Tide Observations

Tide observations in hydrographic survey activities aim to determine the depth reference plane
(mean sea level, low tide level) and determine corrections to sounding results. With the following
a. Carried out using palm or another tide gauge.
b. Observations cover the bathymetric survey area and the number of tidal stations must
take into account the tidal characteristics of the survey.
c. For analysis and forecasting purposes, the observation period must not be less than 29
days with a maximum observation interval of 30 minutes. If changes in water level
occur quickly and the amplitude of the water is large, the observation interval can be
increased. The reading interval can also be increased to every 15 minutes when
approaching the highest tide or lowest tide.
d. For the purposes of reducing sounding data, observations were made while the
sounding was in progress.

SNI 7646:2010
e. Units of measurement are in cm. with a total measurement error not exceeding five cm
for special orders and not exceeding 10 cm for other orders at a 95% confidence level.

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
f. The sea level reference plane must be tied to the nearest benchmark with second order
g. For purposes of depth corrections are made a survey area co-tidal charts.
h. Tidal constants are calculated using the admiralty method or least squares
smoothing (least square adjustment).

5.10 Seabed sampling

The things that must be fulfilled in taking seabed samples are:
a. The selection of sampling equipment must be able to fulfill the purpose of sampling,
namely to determine the type of seabed material in the survey area. For example, do it
with grabbing namely taking samples using grab sampler or other equipment, seabed
profile observations and marine gravity surveys.
b. In waters with a depth of less than 200 m, the distance between sampling points is 10
times the interval between main housing lanes. Density can be increased for areas
frequently used for anchorage and recommended areas.

5.11 Measurement of the physical properties of sea water

a. This measurement is carried out with the aim of determining and ascertaining
whether or not there are changes in the physical properties of the medium, where the
sound waves are emitted so that there is a possibility of changes in the speed of the
sound waves during their propagation as well as providing additional information
regarding these parameters in the survey area.
b. Measurement of the physical properties of sea water includes measurements of
conductivity, temperature, brightness and pressure.

5.12 Current observation

a. Current observations include observing the speed and direction of currents in areas
such as port gates, canals, areas that are often used for anchoring as well as sea and
coastal areas where currents are predicted to have an influence on surface navigation.
b. Observations were carried out using current meter at depth 3 - 10 meters or according
to needs, for a minimum of 15 days and includes full moon tide, with a minimum time
interval of 1 hour.
c. The speed and direction of the current are measured with reading accuracy units of 0.1
knots and 10 degrees
d. Current observations are carried out at the same time as tide observations
e. Observations are also made at the highest and lowest tides using the probe tracking or
floating draft method.

SNI 7646:2010
5.13 Side Scan Sonar Usage
As stated in the special order, hydrographic surveys are close to engineering survey accuracy

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
standards and are used only in critical areas where the depth below the keel is very minimal and
where the characteristics of the bottom of the water have the potential to endanger ships. This
requires the use of side scan sonar with high resolution with tight distances between housing
lanes to obtain 100% basic water research. Use Side scan sonar Also required in areas where
small objects and dangerous obstacles may be encountered.

side scan sonar Technology has achieved a high level of detection and definition of underwater
obstacles, until now its use is limited to low speeds (max 5 – 6 knots) so that it can be
operated, used in port surveys and shipping lanes to ensure the detection of obstacles
between two public lanes. Many hydrographic agencies in the world require the use of sonar
scans in these areas with an overlap of 100% or more.

5.14 Deep Sea Sounding uses Singlebeam echo sounder

“Deep Sea Sounding” means a depth of more than 200 m.

The Deep Sea Sounding Criteria given in attachment SP-44 is an update of what was prepared
by the IHO working group which was formed in 1972.

The aim of compiling deep sea soundings is to map the shape of the bottom sea. Its importance
is not only scientific but also navigational, as is the purpose of hydrographic maps which
emphasize the dangers of shipping.

At depths of more than 200 meters, the echo-sounder must be set at the sound speed standard
of 1500 meters/second and the sounding obtained needs to be corrected using the NP 139
correction table (Nautical Publication no. 139), Latest edition.

6 Procedures for carrying out hydrographic surveys

6.1 Preparation
The intended preparatory activities generally include: administrative preparation and technical
preparation, which starts from team formation until departure to the survey location.

6.1.1 Administrative Preparation

The administrative preparation stages include the following activities:
a. Team formation (appointment of personnel and assignment letters).
b. Team formation along with assignment letters
c. Survey cost planning.
d. Permission from the authorities
e. Coordination with related agencies.

SNI 7646:2010
f. Other administrative equipment required to support the implementation of the survey.

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
6.1.2 Technical Preparation
The technical preparation stage includes the following activities: Technical work planning

a. Prepare a base map of the survey area for making working maps.
b. Prepare supporting data (including: tidal data, current data, coordinate data and
description of the nearest horizontal control tie/reference point)
c. Planning the distribution of BM installations
d. Plan sounding lanes
e. Plan the distribution of locations for installing tide stations.
f. Plan the distribution of current observation locations and meteorological conditions.
g. Planning seabed sampling locations and measuring the physical properties of
seawater. Personnel
a. Division of personnel duties;
b. Technical direction regarding survey technical issues, work descriptions and survey
area descriptions;
c. Prepare plans for mobilizing personnel and equipment. Equipment and materials

a. Inventory and check survey equipment to be used.
b. Preparation, packaging, and delivery of survey equipment and materials

6.2 Preliminary survey

A preliminary survey was carried out to obtain a more real picture of the conditions of the
survey area, with the aim of improving the plans that have been made. The activities carried out
in this preliminary survey are as follows:
a. Conduct socialization about the survey implementation plan to related agencies
b. Site basecamp survey
c. Looking for adequate and seaworthy survey vessels for survey activities.
d. Orientation of the location of existing control points and the location of the planned
control point creation,
e. Orientation of the planned location for tidal stations, current stations, CTD.
f. Look for information about the availability of transportation facilities, locations that can
be visited and support the availability of logistics, building materials and survey

SNI 7646:2010
6.3 Main survey
The main survey is a series of survey activities for data collection purposes consisting of:

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
a. measurement of the position of horizontal control points,
b. tide monitoring,
c. sounding,
d. coastline measurements
e. measuring the position of shipping navigation aids and other important objects.
f. zero depth line measurement
g. current measurement,
h. determining the physical properties of sea water (conductivity, temperature, brightness
and pressure)
i. seabed sediment sampling

6.4 Horizontal control point measurements

The method for implementing horizontal control measurements follows SNI No. 19-6724-2002
concerning horizontal control nets.

6.5 Tide observations

Several things that need to be considered before and after tidal observations are carried out:
a. The choice of location and number of tidal stations to be installed must take into
account the coverage of the survey area which has the same tidal characteristics.
b. BM making, fastening the tidal palm to the BM by leveling
c. Equipment installation and calibration
d. Description of tidal stations (see Appendix B) and recording of problems that occur
during observations.
e. Carry out initial recording and analysis of tidal data every day
f. Control of tidal observation stations used for survey areas, including monitoring tidal
data from each station and recording events.
g. Conduct final analysis of tidal data after the end of the survey.

6.6 Sounding
The activities for implementing the announcement are as follows:
a. Prepare facilities and installation of equipment that will be used in sounding.
b. Conduct sounding experiments (sea trials) to ensure survey equipment is ready for
use according to predetermined specifications.
c. Carry out the announcement after all equipment and facilities are declared ready.
d. Do barcheck before and after the announcement
e. Create a worksheet as a guide for implementing sounding in the field.
f. To obtain the zero depth line, separate sounding is carried out at high tide.

SNI 7646:2010
g. Carry out investigations if critical areas are found, namely areas that can endanger
shipping, such as sea coral, sandbars, etc.

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
h. Fill out the log-book form which contains information including:
• name of survey location
• sounding time (day, date, year)
• sounding line number
• filename
• operator name
• sounding tool
• position, time and depth at the start and end of the sounding of a sounding
• an event during the sounding, for example there are obstacles that might
affect the data.

6.7 Determination of coastline

Determination of the coastline is carried out in the following way:
a. Observe directly by following the coastline using terrestrial methods adapted to the
specified specifications and conditions of the survey area
b. Observe and record natural/important features when carrying out coastline
measurements (beach shape, shallowness). This needs to be done to see if there
are objects or dangers that cannot be observed during the sounding process,
especially when approaching the coastline.
c. Using ships that can approach the coastline in the survey area or location, to
obtain a real description of navigation facilities and important objects.
d. As supporting data, coastline determination can be done by using satellite imagery
or aerial photography, where corrections are still made, both to the image/photo
and conditions at the location directly. The type of satellite image depends on the
survey classification, with reference to the accuracy standards in Table 2.

6.8 Seabed sampling

Seabed sampling is carried out using the following procedure:
a. Measure and record seabed sampling positions
b. Initial observations and interim analysis of seabed samples
c. Documentation and storage of seabed sample results

6.9 Measurement of physical properties of sea water

Measurement of the physical properties of sea water follows the provisions in point 5.11,
measurement procedures including:
a. Prepare and calibrate the equipment that will be used for measurements according
tothe specifications of the tool

SNI 7646:2010
b. Measuring and recording observation positions of the physical properties of sea

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
c. Carry out measurements of the physical properties of sea water

6.10 Current observation

The provisions for current measurements have been explained in point 5.12. When carrying out
current measurements, the following procedures need to be observed:
a. Prepare and calibrate the equipment that will be used for measurements according
to the specifications of the tool
b. Measure and record current observation positions
c. Carry out flow observations

6.11 Shipping Navigation Aids (SBNP) and important objects

Provisions for measuring navigational aids and important objects refer to the specifications in
point 5.7. Implementation in the field is by measuring the position, type of navigational aids,
character, height, visible distance, etc. To be further stated in a description of SBNP. An example
of the format for this purpose can be seen in Appendix 3.

7 Public data processing

To obtain accurate depth data, the measurement depth data must be corrected for errors from
possible sources of error.
The sources of these errors are:
a. The speed of sound waves, the physical properties of sea water, which are not
constant, result in changes in the speed of sound in sea water.
b. Differences in time and height of tides
c. The speed of the ship, resulting in errors squats And settlement, so the ship's speed
must not exceed 7 knots.
d. Offset the position of survey equipment on the ship
e. The position of the ship, depending on the equipment used (such as GPS, Theodolite,
Total station, Trisponder and others)
f. Time synchronization is necessary because there are many and different types of
equipment and must be integrated in one unit of time.
The errors mentioned above can be corrected during the survey or during data processing.
This is in line with the development of software that makes it possible to make corrections to
public housing data after the survey has been carried out.
The following tabulation shows the relationship between error sources and error correction

SNI 7646:2010
Table 3. Sources of Perum Data Processing Errors
No Error Source Providing Corrections
during the after the survey
1 Speed of sound waves √ √
2 Differences in time and height of tides - √
3 Ship speed √ -
4 Offset position of survey equipment on the √ √
5 Ship position √ -
6 Time synchronization. √ -

8 Data storage and presentation

8.1 Data storage
Survey result data is recorded or stored in analog or digital form for documentation and
reporting needs. Each form of data storage must be accompanied by a description.

8.1.1 Analog data

Includes all survey data such as sounding data (echogram), tidal data, current data, seabed
sample data, etc.

8.1.2 Digital data

Includes all survey data such as sounding data (echogram), tidal data, current data, seabed
sample data, etc., in digital format.

8.1.3 Raw data (raw data)

This data constitutes:
a. All survey data obtained uses a format appropriate to the equipment used.
b. For sounding data, equipped with metadata, consisting of minimal information:
General survey such as date, area, equipment used, survey platform.
• Geodetic reference systems used such as vertical/horizontal datums, including
ties to WGS84 if vertical datums are used
• Calibration procedure and results. Fast sound propagation
• Data on the physical properties of sea water
• Tidal datum and ebb values
• The resulting accuracy and level of confidence (Confidence level)

8.1.4 Process result data

This data is sounding data:
a. corrected raw data

SNI 7646:2010
b. for public housing data it is stored in t,x,y,z format (in ASCII format) where:
t = time in UTC in the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
x = longitude with format±DDDMMSS.SS =
y = latitude with format±DDDMMSS.SS
z = depth in meters in mmmm.m format

8.2 Data presentation

Survey data is presented in the form of analog and digital drawing sheets with the following
a. Contains depth figures, depth contours, coastlines along with rivers, corals, signs or
navigational aids, shipping hazards, types of sea bed, as well as important objects
that need to be displayed.
b. The density of depth numbers is one cm on the map scale. where the drawing
coordinates use UTM projection on the DGN-95 datum, or according to requirements.
c. For analog precision painting sheets, the paper used is drafting film with a thickness of
0.03 mm.
d. Sea depth contours are included as needed. The depth contour should at least include
the following depth contours 0, 2, 5, 10, 20. in meters.
e. The drawing sheet includes a legend which contains the map index, reference data,
work owner, work executor, projection, spheroid, scale, depth units in meters,
relative position of the chart datum to MSL, BM position, map sheet number, title or
location, and execution time.

8.2.1 Presentation of analog precision painting sheets

Analog data is presented following the provisions in point 8.2.

8.2.2 Presentation of digital precision painting sheets

Digital data is presented following the provisions of point 8.3. in vector format.

8.3 Survey report

8.3.1 Publication Report
The sounding implementation report is a description of the sounding implementation. This report
is used to monitor the quality and quantity of sounding data Log-book is part of the hearing
report that must be included.
8.3.2 Other Measurement Reports
Reports on the implementation of other measurements include control point measurements,
tidal observations, coastline measurements and additional observations made. This report must
provide a clear, complete and detailed description of how each measurement and observation
process was carried out, the results achieved, the obstacles encountered.
This report is useful as support for quality control and processing of survey data.

SNI 7646:2010
Appendix A
Example of a hearing log-book form


Observation Location : ......................... Operator Name: ................................

Day, Date of Observation: ......................

No. Position Depth Time Description

Lane Incident
beginning end Beginning end Beginning End

SNI 7646:2010
Appendix B

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
Example of a tidal station description form


Location Breed
Station Number 015
Time zone WIT
Position 01 11' 00'' S 136 5' B
00'' T

Installation Date Installation

Type 15-Apr-91
Units Punch Fischer and
Palm height Porter

300 meters

1 Demianus Morin
Institution 2
Address Breed

SNI 7646:2010

Water level



Average sea level



Datum Zero

SNI 7646:2010
Appendix C
Example of tidal data format

First line
1–3 sta code
16-42 position
44-54 time zone
58-66 reference
68-76 month
77 units
81 number of days in the month of observation

second line to the end of months

1–3 sta code
13 – 16 year
18 – 21 month
23 – 81 Tidal data with one column space between data starting from 00.00-11.00

SNI 7646:2010
Appendix D
Example of data tabulation format for determining shipping navigation aids

No DSI Location Type SBNP looks
Position character (meter)
06o05' 40.0 S
1 1675 T Priok mensu 45 8
105o53' 77.0 E


SNI 7646:2010

"Copyright of the National Standardization Agency, a copy of this standard was made for display on the website and is not for commercial use"
Australian Navy Hydrographic Service, ????, Hydrographic Transfer Format version 20.2 Royal
Australian Navy Hydrographic Service Technical Specifications.

BAKOSURTANAL, 1995, Decree of the Head of BAKOSURTANAL concerning National Geodetic

Datum 1995 (DGN 95).

BAKOSURTANAL, 2007, BAKOSURTANAL Horizontal Control Point Specifications

Canadian Hydrographic Service Fisheries and Oceans, 1998, Standard for Hydrographics Survey
2nd edition, Canada.

DISHIDROS TNI-AL, 1995 fifth edition, Marine Chart Symbols and Abbreviations, Republic of

Ingham, AE 1975, Hydrographic Survey in Sea Surveying, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., London.

International Oceanographic Commission, 1994, Manual on Sea Level, Measurement and


Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), 2001, Hydrographic Survey Digital Data Formats, TH
Standard 33, National Topographic/Hydrgraphic Authority.

LINZ, 2001, Standard for Hydrographic Surveys (HYSPEC) v3, TH Standard 31.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service, 1997,
Nautical Charts User's Manual, Washington DC.

US Department of Commerce, 2003, National Ocean Services (NOS) Hydrographic Surveys

Specifications and Deliverables.


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