Essay 1 Rough Draft

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Bryan Martinez

Sep 18 2023

Essay 1 Rough Draft

How does this summer boot camp flier catch the attention of the audience? The way it
catches the audience's attention is by using the 4 conventions which are the title, the date and
locations, the short paragraph excerpt, and the qr code,. The 4 conventions grab the audience's
attention to where they are located, the font, and how everything is worded.
The title on the flier is on the very top of the page with a big statement which of course
says “GET PHIT SUMMER BOOTCAMP IN PERSON & ONLINE". This statement is one of the typical
features for a flier because the title tells the audience what they are looking at. Right next to the title on
the right is a colorful demographic that exclaims “ Boot Camp”, which tells the audience right as they
look at it that the flier is for a “Boot Camp” and the author makes it known by putting it right next to the
title in a different text font and in a different text color, so the text pops out. Above the title in black with
a white background it states “Texas A&M International University” the white background with a text that
says “Texas A&M International University” makes it very known who the fliers author is, and who the
intended audience is.
The date and locations are located on the right in columns. From the most recent date to the last
available date slot for the bootcamp. It's in a different color of font so it pops out more. With the dates
and location being on the right it makes it very clear to read the information. The dates on the flier go in
chronological order. The flier dates go from " Monday June 5 - Friday, June 16" "Monday, June 12 - Friday,
June 23" as it states in the flier. With each in person date comes the location of where its being held at. "
Monday June 5 - Friday, June 16" is being held in “The University of El Paso” and the "Monday, June 12 -
Friday, June 23 program is being held at “The University of Arlington”. The eight week program is helad
at home as it is not in person it is online but the dates consist of “Monday, June 26- Friday, August 18”.
The columns of the information on the dates and locations of the online and in person programs are
separated, the online dates and time are on the bottom with a heading that states “ONLINE” in bright
yellow, and the inperson information is stated on the top with a heading that states “IN PERSON”
The information on the flier is in columns. Each paragraph has a bold text next to it explaining
which program the short excerpt will be talking about. The 2 subheadings are “IN-PERSON 2
WEEKS” “ONLINE 8 WEEKS” each short excerpt explains what will happened in the 2 or 8
week time span. For example, the difference between ”Online (8 Weeks): In the first 4 weeks, the
Bootcamp will be comprised of lectures, assessments, and activity materials. In the last 4 weeks,
students will be assigned into small groups to complete a research project under the guidance of
a faculty mentor. The online Bootcamp does NOT offer stipends, but you may still be eligible for
a paid internship.” and “In-Person (2 Weeks): In the first week, the Bootcamp will be comprised of a
combination of informational lectures and hands-on, practice exercises. In the second week, students
will be divided into small groups to complete a research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Upon completion of this Bootcamp, you may be eligible for $1,500 stipend and/or a paid internship” the
only major difference between the in person program and the online program is the the online program
does not offer stipends, as the in person one does offer stipends as it states in the 2 short excerpts.
The flier states 2 qr codes on the bottom. This convention makes it easier and faster to find more
information about the program, especially with class going on. You can pass by snap their qr code and
the information is on your phone in an instant. The qr codes being located on the bottom in its own
section so after the audience is done reading the flier it ends with the qr code to either “sign up” or
“more information” website to learn more about the program.
In conclusion, the 4 conventions of the flier are a big help to catch the attention of the audience.
The 4 conventions on this flier are date and location, the information, the qr code, and the title. Each
convention helped put the piece together to invite Tamiu students join the “GET PHIT SUMMER

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