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CSP Game Scenarios

Game/Materials Game Explanation Example Dialogue/Scenario for NT

Ball Toss -Arrange the Ss in a circle and stand in the center. NT: OK everyone make a circle! (get in the middle)
-ball or soft toy ・NT and JT demonstrate: NT throws the ball to JT, JT says Now this is the “answer ball”! When you catch it you must say your name and
“I’m (name). I’m (age).” and throws the ball back to NT. how old you are..
・NT throws the ball to Ss one by one: when the S has the
ball he/she must give two pieces of information about -After modeling with JT, throw the ball to a S
him/herself (e.g. name and age) then throw the ball back NT: Hello!
to the NT. S: Hello, my name is Hiroki, I`m 6 years old.
Easier version >>> Ss can give less information about NT: Very good! Now pass the ball back and sit down.
themselves. -If the time permits, ask more questions, eg. “Do you like pizza?”
Difficult version >>> Ss must give more information about
Random radar ・Have the Ss stand in a circle. NT stands in the middle of NT: OK everyone, let`s make a circle.(join hands, make circle then get in the
the circle. NT closes his/her eyes and counts down from middle) Now I`m going to spin around, and if I am pointing at you when I stop,
10 and slowly turns around with his/ her arms extended. you must introduce yourself!
When the NT stops he/ she asks a question to the S they -Start with the HT-pretend to close your eyes and end pointing at her.
are pointing to or have the Ss introduce himself/ herself NT: Hello!
then sit down. Go at a fast pace until the Ss are sitting HT: Hello, my name is Keiko, I`m 33 years old. Nice to meet you.
down. NT: Nice to meet you too Keiko! OK everyone? Here we go, I`ll close my eyes
・ Additional Ideas: Use both arms extended in opposite now and start spinning! 10, 9, 8, 7…
directions going faster and/ or add extra questions e.g.
“Do you like ice cream?” “do you like wasabi?” etc.
Clusters -NT calls out a number and Ss must make groups of that number NT: We are going to play Clusters! But first lets practice our numbers! Repeat
-CD (optional) ASAP by locking arms together and sitting down! -The last after me! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12! Good!
remaining students are declared the winners! NT: When I say, three! Quickly make a group of three (show an example with
-Ss who can’t make a group of that size are out. staff and home teachers, even parents). Now when you here the music, please skip!
(Another more fun variation of this game is using music. While Skip, skip, skip……………FIVE!
playing music, order the Ss to move around the room such as NT: oh no, there are only 4 in your group! You are all out!
hopping, skipping, flying, etc. When the the music stops, call out NT: Ok, everyone hop! Hop! Hop!……..THREE!
a number.)
Crazy train Students line up behind the teacher in a choo choo train line. NT: OK everyone, let`s make a train! Put your hands on the shoulders of the
・ Have the Ss follow you around the room and give person in front of you, like this (use HT to model). Where do you want to go?
commands such as "faster", "slower", "turn left", and How about Tokyo? OK! Let`s go to Tokyo let`s go to Tokyo♪ let`s go slow, let`s go
"stop". slow (move slowly) let`s turn left, let`s turn left. Let`s stop! EEeeeeeerrrrrch. Oh
・ End by going in a circle and then sitting down. look! We are in Fukushima now! MMmmm yummy peaches! But we have to go to
Continue with go fast, turn right etc…
Hokey pokey -Have the Ss form a circle. NT: Let`s make a BIG circle! Everyone watch me! (review of body parts).
-CD (optional) -Review body parts (R hand, L hand, R leg, L leg etc.) and Now put your R hand IN! Take your R hand OUT now shake it shake it
actions (put in, take out, shake it, etc) shake it!
-After reviewing have the Ss follow along doing actions with *Now try it with rhythm- *You put your right hand in. *You take your right
you slowly. hand out. *You put your right hand in. And you *Shake it all about. *You
-As you continue, start saying it with the rhythm and go do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. *That’s what it’s all
faster and faster. about! (Match the last phrase with actions, such as slap thighs, clap hands,
stick out your right fist, Say Hey.) Go faster and faster!
Can you touch? ・ Clearly designate one side of the room the YES side (after vocab review)
-body part PCs and the other the NO side. NT: Everyone come over here (to the “yes” side) and say YES! …good! Now say,
・ Review body parts vocab yes I can! Very good! Now everyone come to this side and say NO! …good! Now
・PCs are shuffled and placed into two piles and a card is say, no I can`t. Very good. OK now let`s pick 2 cards, first card, what`s this?
selected randomly from each pile. Ss: foot!
・ Ss must try to touch whatever the combination is (e.g. NT: That`s right, now let`s take one more card, what`s this?
Touch your foot with your nose.). Ss: shoulder!
・If the Ss can do it, they go to the YES side and say “Yes, NT: Very good! Now, can you touch your foot to your shoulder? (try it) Oh, no! I
I can.” If they can`t, to the NO side and say “No I can’t.” can`t! So I`ll go over here, no, I can`t! Can you? Can you? Let me see, wow! Yes
・One pile of cards can be replaced with classroom objects you can! OK you go there you go there etc…
(e.g. “Can you touch the ceiling with your foot?”) NT: (each side all together) Can you touch your foot to your shoulder?
Ss: No I can`t!/Yes I can!
Do you have a…? ・Divide the class into teams of three. (after making teams of three)
-PCs ・ Assign each group a different word (e.g. Koala team, -Model with HT (HT shows the snake card she has to the Ss)
-small PCs Hamster team). This word is what that group wants to NT: Do you have a dog?
collect. HT: No, I`m sorry. – chorus with Ss.
・ Give each S a copy of a group of target vocabulary NT: Do you have a snake?
cards. HT: Yes, here you are. – chorus with Ss.
・ The Ss then go around asking as many people as NT: Thank you. I got a snake card! Now I`ll take it back to my team base. If we
possible “Do you have … ? (e.g. The Koala team asks, get (10) snake cards, we win!
“Do you have a koala?”). NT: OK you three are the koala team! You must find (10) koalas! You three are the
・If the S has the object he/she says “Yes, here you are!” snake team….. etc Now everyone gets some cards. When someone asks you for a
and gives it to the person who asked. card, remember to say, “yes, here you are” Ready? Let`s start!
・If they have already given it away then they say “No, I’m
sorry.” and walk away.
・The group that is the first to collect as many of their item
as there are Ss in the class (e.g. 30 items for a class of
30 Ss) sits down and they are the winner.
Shark attack ・Make some “safety islands” (circles of tape on the floor). (after teaching all TPR)
-CD (optional) ・Teach action (TPR ) walk, run, hop, jump, skip, swim NT: OK! Let`s swim, swim, swim everybody♪(×2-3) Now look at me! I`m a hungry
・NT stands in the center of the room and calls out “walk!” shark! When I say SHARK ATTACK! You have to (swim) to a safety island! (show
Ss walk around the room avoiding the circles. them the circles) Hurry! The shark is coming! If I catch you, you become a shark
・When the NT calls out “shark attack!” the Ss have to run too! (model with HT)
into a circle before getting caught. NT: Ready? Let`s start! hop, hop, hop everybody♪(×2-3) SHARK ATTACK!!!!
・Ss that get caught become sharks. The last Ss to get (catch a genki S) Oh we got you! But don`t worry, now you are a shark! Help us
caught are the winners catch the others!
*Make it more difficult by removing an island (pull the tape
off the floor).
Draw the teacher ・ Divide Ss into two teams and line up behind a chair NT: Do you remember the parts of the face? (draw a nose) What`s this?
/Monster/Animal facing the board. Ss: Nose!
-white board or chalk ・Each team has a marker or some chalk. NT: Very good! (review all face parts)
board ・NT calls “Draw my (e.g. EYES)!” NT: Now it`s time to draw… me! Please draw my face! But first, let`s make two
-markers/chalk ・ The S at the head of each line runs to the board and lines, good.
draws that feature. -Model with HT
・The first S back to the line gets a point for his/her team. NT: Eyes! (HT runs to the board with a marker and draws eyes, then gives the
・ After the picture is completed, the team with the most marker to the S at the front of the line and goes to the back)
points wins. NT: Very good! Be the first one back to your line and get one point! Now the first
Easier version >>> Don’t make it a race. person in each line will begin, here, take a marker, ready? Ears! Hurry, draw
Difficult version >>> Use more detail or even slang words my ears! OK that`s one point for team A!
for older students.
Alphabet scramble ・ Scramble all Alphabet PCs on the floor NT: Do you remember your ABCs? Let`s review. (review alphabet) Great! Now
-alphabet PCs ・Divide the Ss into two teams. we need 2 lines, everyone line up! I`m going to scatter all the cards on the floor.
・Call out a letter and the S who finds the letter first wins a (model with HT) When I say a letter the person at the front of the line has to hurry
point for their team. and find it! Bring it back to your team and get a point. Watch, “C!” (HT runs and
Easier version >>> Write the Alphabet in order or Ss can finds C and brings it back)
erase letters as they go. OK, let`s start! Ready? “M!” etc etc
Difficult version >>> Use capital letters and small case NT: OK all done. Let`s see how many cards each team got! Let`s count together,
letters and have four teams. 1, 2, 3,… Team B are the winners! Now let`s all work together and put the cards
in order! (have the Ss put the cards in order A-Z in the space between the two
FREEZE! -Call out actions for the Ss to do, e.g.: jump, hop, run etc. NT: (jump) I can jump! Can you jump? (run, swim, etc.) Good, keep
-Have the Ss do an action (like in TPR) and then call out jumping! But when I say FREEZE! You have to be still, (do an awkward
FREEZE! Ss have to freeze. Ss who move are out. “freeze” pose) or you will be out (sit down).
-The last S remaining is the winner. OK, Everyone SWIM! Swim swim swim everybody♪ FREEZE!!
VARIATION- Ss only sit out for one or two rounds then Oh no! You moved. I`m sorry you are out. Please sit down.
rejoin. OK, Now, Everyone, let`s JUMP! Jump jump everybody♪…. FREEZE!
Hungry dinosaur -Have the Ss stand at the opposite end of the room. NT: I`m a hungry dinosaur! And I love to EAT CHILDREN! But… only when
-Have them ask you, “Are you hungry?” If you say no, allow I am HUNGRY (do a hungry gesture).
them to take one step towards you, and ask again. Everyone repeat after me, “Are you hungry?” (Ss say it) No, I`m not. So,
-When you say, “Yes!” chase them and try to catch one. Ss everyone go “phew!” (do a relief gesture) and take ONE STEP forward.
that get caught will become dinosaurs and help you to Now, ask me again, “are you hungry?”
catch other Ss. (Ss say it) “Yes I am!!” I caught you! Now you are a dinosaur too! Let`s
catch everyone together!
English sumo -Make sumo circle with tape on the floor. NT: What am I? (do some sumo actions, side stomp, etc)
-PCs -Teach PCs vocabulary Ss: Sumo!!
-tape -Make two teams and have them line up on opposite NT: That`s right! Let`s play English Sumo! (split the group in two)
sides of the circle. OK, “team A” please make a line here, and “team B” make a line over here. Now
-The first two Ss enter the circle and the NT sticks a PC watch, (take out a card and stick it to your back with tape, have the HT do the
on the S`s back same) I want to see her card, but I can`t use my hands! (put your hands behind
-The NT calls out 1 2 3 go! And the Ss try to look at each your back and vigorously try to see the card on the HTs back, but let her win, and
other`s back without using their hands. have her call out the PC on your back) HT: It`s a pineapple!
-The S who calls out the PC on their opponents back first NT: Oh no! She saw my card! So that`s one point for her team!
is the winner and their team gets a point. (you can set a -Bring the first Ss from each team into the ring, stick the PCs on their backs and
time limit by having all the other Ss doing a countdown) gesture for all the other Ss to be silent.
NT: Remember, you are sumos! Get ready…. 1, 2, 3 go!
*NT: Uh-oh you are taking too long, let`s do a countdown everyone!
10! ….9! …8! ..7! etc
Guess how many -Find a variety of items that your Ss can guess "How NT: I like jellybeans! Do you like jellybeans? Mmmmm yummy! Oh wow look at
-anything with a large many…" For example, "How many jellybeans are in this this jar, it`s FULL of jellybeans! (scratch your head and make a thinking face)
number + container jar," "How many paperclips are in this box.", "How many hmmm I wonder how many jellybeans there are in this jar!! Let`s guess how
-paper pages are in this magazine" etc. many! Here is a piece of paper and a pencil. Please write your name and how
-pens/pencils -After taking all the guesses, count the items together many jellybeans YOU think there are!
- The S who has the closest guess wins a prize. -After Ss are done writing
NT: OK let`s count together! 1, 2, 3, 4… 37! Did anyone guess 37? Hands up!
No? OK how about 36 or 38? Etc… Great guess! You are the winner you get 10
Animal roundup ・ Review Animal vocabulary (optional: sounds & gestures) (after reviewing animal vocab + gestures)
using provided PCs. NT: we need two teams, so let`s make 2 lines. Team A line up here, and
・Divide Ss. into two lines team B line up here. Now watch carefully! (have the HT come over to you
(The NT stands at a distance from the Ss. at the front of the and be overly secretive about showing the HT the card then have her do
lines) the gesture for the animal) Look, what animal is this?
・ The first S. in each line approaches the NT and the NT S: Lion!
shows each S a different PC, NT: That`s right! Now (to HT) run and tag the next S! (HT tags the next S in
(Laying them on the floor and pointing might work best. In line you comes to you to be shown the next card) OK great, you`ve got it!
that case, be sure to stand at a distance from the Ss. so Now let`s start the game! Remember you must stay BEHIND me until your
they can’t see which card is being chosen) team calls out the right animal. OK first 2, are you ready? Go!
・ The S at the front must make the sound or gesture that -The first 2 Ss race over to you, show the first card to the S that arrives
goes with that PC. first.
・ When their team members correctly yell out the name of NT: (in a whisper) OK what animal is this?
the animal, the S returns to their line and tags the next S, S: Elephant
who will in turn make his way to the NT to see the next NT: Good, now do the gesture for your team
card. *Make sure the HT watches carefully and stops anyone from
・The First line to go through everyone, wins. cheating/returning to their team before someone has called out the correct
Steal the bacon ・Divide Ss into two teams which stand on each side of the NT: (hold up bacon-or other yummy food PC) I like bacon! Do you like bacon?
-PCs room. Yes, it`s yummy! In this game you must STEAL the bacon!
-towel ・Place the towel (=Bacon) in the middle. (model with HT) I will ask a question/give a command then the first S in each
・NT selects one S from each team. team has to run and steal the bacon! If you reach the bacon first you get a chance
・ NT says a command (e.g. “Touch your foot!”) or asks a to answer the question. Watch carefully. (HT gets ready to run) How old are you?
question (e.g. “Do you have a pet?”) (HT runs and picks up the bacon)
・Both Ss run for the towel. The S with the towel may obey HT: I`m 29 years old.
the command or answer the question. NT: Very good! One point for your team. OK everyone? If you get it wrong, the
・If the S can’t answer the other team gets a chance. other S gets to try!
・Whoever answers correctly scores a point for their team. -Ss make two lines-put the bacon about 10m away
Easier version >>> Ask “What is this?” using FC. NT: Ready? How`s the weather? (first two Ss run to the bacon faster S picks it up)
Difficult version >>> Use mixed questions. S: I`m fine thank you!
NT: Oh, I`m sorry now you (other S) get a turn (give the bacon to the other S)
S: It`s sunny!
NT: That`s right! One point for your team!
Snake in the bag ・Teach fruit and snake vocabulary. NT:OK everyone, let`s review FRUIT! (use PCs for review)
-bag ・ The NT puts all PCs in the bag, shuffles them and pulls NT: Apple!
-PCs out one PC. Ss: Apple!
・If the card is a ‘Fruit’, it’s safe. NT Very good, Cherry!
・If the card is a ‘Snake’, Ss dash toward the wall. Ss: Cherry! Etc etc…
・ The S who gets caught by NT before touching the wall (Hold up snake PC) Oh no! It`s a SNAKE!! When you see the snake, run to the
becomes ‘it’. wall for safety, like this! (do an exaggerated run to the wall) Phew we are safe now.
・ On the next round, Ss dash toward the opposite side of Let`s put the snake in the bag and hope it doesn`t come out!
the wall. (pull out PC) What`s this? That`s right! it`s an apple! Phew, safe.
・The very last S is the winner. (pull out PC) What`s this? That`s right! It`s a peach. Phew, safe.
(pull out PC) What`s this? Oh no! It`s the snake! Quick everyone run to the other
wall! (Catch one S) Oh no the snake caught you! Now you are a snake too! Let`s
catch the others together! OK everyone, now there are 2 SNAKES! Be careful!
(to the S that was caught) Now you pull the next card!

Do the opposite -Have a list of things for the Ss to do e.g. walk, run, sit -First establish and teach what the opposites are, jump=sit down, dance=stand still,
down, hop on left foot, stand still, jump, dance etc. tip-toe=crawl, etc.
-The Ss must do the exact opposite of what the NT is NT: Today is opposite day! Whatever I say, you must do the opposite! If you do
saying. what I say, you will be out.
-Ss who get it wrong are out. The last S left is the winner. -Model with HT
NT: Jump! (HT sits) Dance! (HT stands still) Crawl! (HT tip toes) Very good!
Stand still! (HT doesn`t move) Oh no, you have to dance! Sorry you are out.
NT: Everyone ready? Sit down! etc
Body part relay ・Teach / review body parts vocabulary: hand, elbow, foot, NT: Do you remember all the body parts? Everyone touch your head! Touch your
-balloons head, knee, shoulders, tummy, bottom, etc. tummy! …etc.
・Divide Ss into teams and have them form lines -Make 2 teams have them form lines in pairs.
・Each team should form two lines. STs work in pairs. NT: Now when I say “arm” you and your partner must carry the balloon to the
・NT says a body part, the pair must carry the balloon using goal and back using only one arm each! Like this (model with HT)
the body part(s) the NT says, then race back to the team The first team to finish all pairs wins!
and pass the balloon to the next pair. NT: OK first pairs, are you ready? Tummy! …very good! Yes only use your
・The team that finishes all the pairs first, wins. tummy! No cheating! OK now comeback and pass the balloon to the next pair!
Very good!
Not allowed ・ The Ss get into a circle, and stand at a distance of NT: OK let`s make a BIG circle! (hold hands and stretch out to form a large circle
stretched arms from each other. then get in the middle) Now, copy me, sit down, clap, jump…etc very good! But if
・The NT is in the center of the circle and makes different I say “turn around” you must “freeze” and if I say “hop” you must turn around.
movements and the Ss repeat all of them exactly. Like this (model with the HT)
・But there are 2 movements that the Ss must not repeat. NT: clap, jump, sit down, turn around! (HT freezes) clap, hop (HT hops) Oh no!
Instead, they must do other movements (e.g. when the When I say “hop” you have to turn around! I`m sorry you are out! OK everyone?
NT jumps the Ss squat, or when the NT sits the Ss clap Let`s start!
their hands etc.) These 2 movements are decided by -Play one round until there is only one S left.
the Ss before the game starts. The Ss who make NT: You are the winner! Please come in the middle and let`s choose different
mistakes are out of the game. actions!
Where is the balloon? ・ Have Ss stand in a circle with one S standing in the NT: Everyone join hands, and make a circle! Can you count to ten? Let`s try
-balloons middle with their eyes closed. together, 1,2,3… Very good! Look everyone, what`s this?
・ While the S in the middle counts to ten, the other Ss Ss: It`s a balloon!
pass a balloon (with a small bell attached) behind their NT: That`s right so let`s pass the balloon and count to ten. 1,2,3… Good. Now
backs around the circle. someone must be “it”. OK, let`s start with the HT!
・ Once the S in the middle gets to ten, the other Ss will -HT goes in the middle, crouches, and covers her eyes
shout, “Stop!”. The S in the middle will then open their NT: OK everyone let`s count to ten and pass the balloon, but this time pass it
eyes and guess who is holding the balloon by asking, behind your back (model clearly)
“Do you have the balloon?” The S will have three Ss: 1,2,3… 10! Stop!
chances to guess correctly. HT: Do you have the balloon?
・Once the S in the middle finds the S holding the balloon, S: No, I don`t.
that S becomes “it”. HT: Do you have the balloon?
・To make the game more interesting, attach a small bell S: Yes, I do!
to the balloon or draw an animal or character face such NT: OK very good! Now you are “it”. Please get in the middle and cover your
as a cat and have the Ss ask, “Do you have a cat?”. eyes, no peeking!
Ss: 1,2,3… etc
Color basket ・Ss are seated in a circle and given color cards. -Review colors quickly
-small color cards ・The NT will then say one of the colors that have been NT: Now I`m going to give you each a color. Here you go, here you go…
handed out. When I say RED! Everyone with a red color card stand up! OK? Are you red?
・ The Ss with that color will then stand up and switch Please stand up, very good. Now everyone standing, run and switch seats! Very
seats with each other. The NT will sit in one of the good! OK…. BLUE! Go go go etc.
seats, NT: This time we will do two colors, GREEN AND YELLOW!
ensuring that one S will be left standing. -Eventually take a seat while Ss are switching, which will leave one S standing
・The standing S will then say a color and again the Ss NT: Alright, now it`s your turn please say a color!
will switch seats. S: PINK!
・If a S says, “Color Basket!” all the Ss have to change NT: He said pink! Pinks, get up and switch!
Toss up ・ This is a gesture game. Change gestures depending NT: Ok everyone, we are going to play Toss-Up, but first we have to learn
on the time of year. (Winter, Summer, Halloween, the gestures.
Christmas, etc.) (teach gestures until students remember it perfectly, next use
・ Begin by teaching three gestures of a theme. For HTs/staff/parents to show an example)
example, if the theme is summer, teach gestures for
swimming, diving and surfing. NT: Are you ready?
・ Teach the chant, “Summer, summer, swimming! Ss: YES!
Summer, summer, diving! Summer, summer, surfing! NT: Let’s try a practice round first! No cheating now! Please hold the pose
Summer, summer, 1,2,3…”. Ss and the NT do the and don’t change the gesture! We are watching closely!………
gestures when saying the theme word.
・ After saying “1,2,3”, the NT does one of the three “Summer, summer, swimming……..”
gestures. The Ss must also do a gesture but it has to
be different than the one the NT is doing. A student
doing the same gesture is out.
・Play the game until only a few Ss are remaining.
Back to back ・Ss walk , jump, hop etc to the music. NT: I like music! Do you like music?
-music (optional) ・ When the music stops, the NT calls out “Back to S: Yes, I do.
back!”. NT: Great! Let`s all listen to the music and hop, hop, hop everybody♪
・The Ss must back up to a partner until their backs are -HT stops the music
touching. NT: Uh-oh the music stopped! BACK TO BACK!! When I say that you have to
・ When the NT calls “Face to face!”, the partners must find a partner and stand back to back like this! (model with the HT – stand back
face each other and ask their partner a question. touching back, then sit down) Phew! Safe!
・The music begins again. On the next call Ss must find -Start the music again
a different partner. NT: Everyone jump, jump, jump everybody♪… FACE TO FACE!! Now you have
to find a partner, ask a question to each other, then sit down, like this! (model with
NT: What`s your favorite food?
HT: I like ice cream, what`s your favorite sport?
NT: I like basketball (sit down)
Pass it race ・Divide Ss into two teams sat in a line. -Review vocab
-PCs ・ NT gives the first S in the line a PC, Ss pass the PC NT: This is a passing race! When I give you the card, hold it over your head and
-chairs or cushions saying the word. say the word, like this! (hold PC over your head) elephant! Now I`ll pass it to the
・The last S runs to the front of the line and gives the NT next person. (first, pass it to the HT)
the card. HT: Elephant!
・The fastest team gets a point. NT: Now let`s try it all together in a circle.
Variation >>> To make the game more fun have the Ss -Complete the circle, make sure every S says the word.
pass PCs from opposite sides of the line. NT: Now let`s make two teams. Please line up here and here and sit
The first team to give the NT two PCs down. The first person will get the card from me and the last person will
gets a point. bring the card back to me. The first team to get the card back to me will
win! Ready? First two from each line please come here.
GO! (hand them each a card)

Color catch ・Give each S a color card necklace. -Review colors quickly
-color cards ・Line the Ss up in two (far apart) lines. The NT stands NT: Everyone line up! Let`s make two lines, one line in front of me, and one line in
-necklaces between the two lines. front of the HT. Great now this line, let`s take 10 big steps to the right. 1,2,3,…
・NT calls out a color, Ss with that color necklace have to Good. And this line, let`s take 10 big steps to the left! 1,2,3,… Great. Now you all
run to the opposite line. NT has to try to catch them. get a color necklace! Here you go.
・Ss who are caught join the NT and help catch other Ss. -Model with the HT – have her stand on one side with a blue necklace.
・The last few Ss left are the winners Look everyone, what color does she have?
Ss: It`s blue!
NT That`s right! So when I say BLUE! She has to get to the other side… BLUE!
(catch the HT as she tries to get to the other side) OH I caught you! Now you
must help me catch the others!
Let`s start! RED!

Color relay Preparation: Cut the color origami paper into 3 cm -Review colors and vocab
-straws squares. NT: What color is a pig?
-color origami paper ・Divide the Ss into teams. Give each S a straw. Ss: Pink!
・ Place the origami paper on the floor in the middle of NT Very good. What color is a… etc.
the room. -Model with HT – HT holds a straw
・NT calls out a fruit/animal etc. One S from each team NT: Look at all the small color pieces! If I say PIG you have to run and get a pink
runs to the middle of the room and picks up a piece of color piece with the straw and bring it back to your team, but you only have 10
paper (using the straw) that is the same color as the seconds! Watch (the HT) try, ready? CHICK! (as the HT tries to pick up a yellow
vocabulary the NT said. (e.g. vocab – pig, color – pink) piece and bring it back start the countdown) 10,9,8,7… You did it! One point!
・The team with the most pieces of paper wins. NT: OK make lines in your teams! First person ready? FROG! Hurry hurry!
10,9…2,1 STOP! OK one point for team A and team C, sorry team B, you`ll get it
next time!
Tongue twisters ・Ss get into pairs or groups of three. NT: Can you say these tongue twisters? Let`s try! Repeat after me,
・One S is the “teacher” and models chorusing. Examples:
・Other Ss copy and practice chorus. Chocolate cocoa cravings cure colds.
・NT moves around checking each group individually Santa sings shining star songs.
Sally skis super slow.
Big bright bells banish boredom.
Pretty packages perfectly packed.
Tip-top tiny tot toys
Sally’s striped stocking’s stuffed slightly.
Santa’s super soup sleigh swiftly slides sideways.
Cheery cute caroling Christmas critters
Candy cane cookies keep kids coming.
NT: Very good, now let`s make groups and you all can take turns being the
Buzz -This is an out-loud survival counting game –begin by NT: “ok everyone, we are going to play a game called BUZZ. I hope you
having students stand in a circle and go around the room, are good at math! Any number that has a three in it or a multiple of three,
having the first student say “ONE”, then “TWO” then a like six, nine, twelve, you must clap. First lets make a big circle”
CLAP (or say BUZZ, up to the NT) for the number three. NT: “lets practice together. Are you ready?”
-any number that has the number 3 or any number that is a Ss: YES!
multiple of 3 will be clapped, not spoken. If the student NT: “Ok, lets begin! one, two, clap, four, five, clap. Oh you were supposed
mistakenly says the number instead of clapping, they must to clap at six because three is a multiple of six. do you understand? Lets
sit down and wait until the game is finished. try it again
-continue until the last student is standing NT: “Ok good! Now if you make a mistake, you have to sit down. Are you
-example: 1,2, clap, 4, 5, clap, 7, 8, clap, 10, 11, clap, clap, ready?”
14, clap, 16, 17, clap, 19, 20, clap, 22, clap, clap, 25, 26, Ss: Yes!
clap, 28, 29, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, NT: “Ok, I will begin. One”
clap, clap, 40, 41, clap, clap, 44, clap, 46, 47, clap, 49, 50 S: “Two”
S: “Four”………………
Memory circle ・Ss stand / sit in a circle. NT: Let`s make a circle! We`re going to play Memory circle!
・NT chooses a topic or elicits from the Ss (fruit, animals, -Choose a theme like shopping at the supermarket
clothing, etc). NT: Let`s make a shopping list for the supermarket. You can add one thing to the
・ The first S says “Banana”, the next S says “Banana, list, but first you must remember the things before it, so listen carefully!
cherry”, the next S says “Banana, cherry, mango”. NT: Apples!
・ The Ss must remember the previous words and add HT: Apples and bread!
their own. S: Apples, bread and meat!
・When a S makes a mistake , they are out. S: Apples, bread, meat and shampoo!
・The last S remaining is the winner. S: Apples, meat and…
NT: Oh no! You forgot bread! I`m sorry you are out! Let`s continue until we get a
winner (motion the next S to start where the last left off)
S Apples, bread, meat, shampoo and fish! ..etc

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