My Philosophy - 3

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My Philosophy of Education

As an educator, we are responsible for providing appropriate skills and tools to students to be
successful not only in the classroom but as an active member of society. What we prioritize in the
classroom can influence students' understanding and preparedness for learning and achieving their goals.
Having an understanding of what your philosophy of education is, can help improve students' skill sets, as
well as help foster more communication and collaboration between students and teachers. A guiding
philosophy as a future educator is to foster strong relationships with students by being a role model. Being
a role model by being a patient, positive educator, who is personable to help inspire, motivate, encourage
and educate learners.

Building student relationships is one of the most important parts of our jobs as educators. For
many students they have limited adult figures in their life, and among many of those, they do not have
adequate role models, and examples of what an active, well-mannered individual looks like in society.
Modeling respect, by being consistent and keeping my word, and keeping a consistent tone of voice will
in turn show students what being respectful means. This modeling will then help them be more successful
in future endeavors, as they are able to converse more about topics that may be controversial.

Being patient allows students to see appropriate behaviors one should exhibit in stressful or
uncomfortable settings, such as discussing global issues. As a social studies educator, being able to model
and equip students to be respectful and thoughtful listeners, will help them to strengthen their skills in
leadership, interpersonal influence, and teamwork.

Being a positive educator is critical in promoting a stress-free and supportive classroom

atmosphere. Providing a positive atmosphere in a classroom can boost engagement, as students view the
educator as someone who values the job and their attendance. One can provide a positive atmosphere in
the classroom by accepting all students and mistakes, being personable by actively seeking out students
and having conversations frequently about interests, family, or concerns. As well as incorporating my
hobbies, interests, and confusion about students' interests in lessons and downtime.

Being a role model for students by showing what a positive, respectful, patient individual looks
like, by fostering relationships with all students, and making the classroom a lively safe space will make a
large impact on all students' educational experiences. If you show you are passionate and thrilled to teach
students, they will in turn feel valued and engaged in conversations where they feel comfortable to speak
out on their own experiences and beliefs.

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