CXC CSEC Many-June 2019 - Social Studies Paper 2

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Act as an agent of socialization

To procreate

The main difference between an extended family and nuclear family is

that nuclear families consist of mother, father and children, whilst

extended families include individuals from more than two generations

and a wider range of kinship relationships.

Problem with instilling certain societal values and principles- If a

child is separated from his or her mother, he or she may lack certain

societal values, principles and accepted behavior due to the father

not being able fulfill that role properly

Children may find it difficult to obey instructions - if a child is separated

from their father they male lack that male figure to instill discipline and

ensure that instructions are followed and sanctions or punishments are

issued if failed to do so.

Families could practice the habit of hosting events in which

commemorate their respective family traditions to ensure that

these practices are passed on succeeding generations.

Regular family gatherings create opportunities for shared

experiences and reinforce a sense of belonging. These

events provide a dedicated space for the practice of

traditions, allowing younger family members to witness and

participate in activities that hold cultural or familial

significance. Themed celebrations make traditions more

intentional and memorable, as they focus on specific aspects

of the family's cultural or historical heritage.

Families can also make it a norm to teach and involve children

in family customs and norms by giving them different roles and

responsibilities to keep family customs.

Hands-on learning is a powerful way to transmit traditions

because it engages multiple senses and creates lasting

memories. When younger family members actively

participate in the practice of traditions, they form a personal

connection to the rituals and customs. Designating tradition

keepers ensures a deliberate transfer of knowledge and

skills, fostering a sense of responsibility and pride among

those entrusted with passing down the family heritage.

Families could also practice to document family traditions by

using journals and family scrapbooks.

Creating a tangible record of family traditions helps make them

more concrete and accessible for future generations. A family

journal or scrapbook provides a visual and interactive way for

family members to engage with their heritage. Recording oral

histories adds a personal touch, preserving the voices and stories

of older generations, making the traditions more relatable and

memorable for younger family members.

Two types of social groups other than formal groups are informal groups and

reference groups.

Makes rules and laws for a country- The government of a country is

responsible for making rules and laws for a country in order to uphold

discipline and order in its society.

Sees to the daily running of a country- The government of a country is

in charge of the daily running of a country and it's affairs, whether

locally, regional or globally. This includes foreign exchange programs,

issuing statements to other statements of the government and ensuring

the countries finances are in order.

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