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Is It Divisible Directions (and Poem)

You need to only find out if the number can be divided by the station
You do not need to solve the division problem.
Check the “yes” box if the number is divisible by the station number.
Yes _✔__
Check the “no” box if the number is not divisible by the station number.
No _✔__

Division Poem
What's the trick?
What do ya’ do?
We’ve got all these numbers
To divide just for you!

There's a scheme
To divy them up
But don’t say “no”
Just say “yup!”
Is It Divisible By 2?
Dividing By 2 Directions
If the number ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 then it is divisible by 2.
These are known as even numbers.
If a number ends in a 1,3,5,7, or 9 then it is known as an odd number
and it is not divisible by 2.

Dividing By 2 Poem
Tricky tricks await you
There's nothing more to do
If the number is even?
Then you best be believin’
That the number can be divided by two
Is It Divisible By 3?
Dividing By 3 Directions
Add up the digits in the number. If this new number is divisible by
three, then so is the original number.
For example, let’s use the number 21. 2+1 = 3. 21 divided by 3 = 7.
Or what about 423. 4+2+3 = 9. 423 divided by 3 = 141.

Dividing By 3 Poem
This trick is quite cool
Just follow this rule
One by one
With these numbers find the sum
Is the new number divisible by three?
Then so is the original, golly!
Is It Divisible By 4?

Dividing By 4 Directions

Are the last two digits divisible by 4? That means the entire number is
as well!

For example, let’s look at a crazy long number like 5,601,120.

20 is divisible by 4, and so is 5,601,120!

5,601,120 divided by 4 is 1,400,280.

Dividing By 4 Poem
Who hey
Slow down there
Is this number large
Without a care?
Just look at the last two
And if these are
Divisible by four
Do no more!
Is It Divisible By 5?

Dividing By 5 Directions

Any number that ends in a 0 or a 5 is always divisible by 5.

91,820,380 ends in a zero, so it is divisible by 5. 91,820,380 divided

by 5 is 13,864,076.

Dividing By 5 Poem
Short and sweet and to the point
There ain’t much more to this joint
If the number ends in a zero or five
You can divide by five, and thrive
Is It Divisible By 9?

Dividing By 9 Directions
If the sum of all of the digits of the number is divisible by nine, then the
number itself is divisible by nine.

For instance, the sum of the number 72 is 9, and when it’s divided by
nine, the answer is 8!

Dividing By 9 Poem
Wow, what a doozy!
But are you seeing double?
And are you feeling woozy?
It’s the same rule as three
Add up all the digits…
Divisible by 9?
No other work needed… crickets

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