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Some people think that using mobile phones and computers has a negative effect on

young people's reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Opinions differ reagarding the question of using mobile phones and computers. It is
believed by a segment of society that it is detrimental for youngsters to use such devices,
especially in reading and writing ability. From a personal perspective, I am inclined to
argue against the given statement for the justifications outlined in the upcoming
On the one side of the argument, it is undeniable that modern technological gadgets play a
more and more important role in our daily life. However, there seems to have an excessive
abuse from youngsters, leading to undesirable impact on their reading and writing
proficiency. It is generally seen that teenagers these days have installed applications such
as Grammarly, Chat GPT in => ON their devices which help them to write correctly by
using auto-correction tools, thereby making them oblivious about => TO right and wrong
words. From then, when they need a tool to satisfy their writing , they will not choose a
paper, but instead chat on apps because of their accurate and time- saving function,
resulting in a “lazy” writing on paper-based phenomenonTherfore, it worsens 2 mentioned
skills of young office workers.
On the other side, however, the utilization of advanced technology have facilitated
adolescentS to ameliorate reading and writing skills. First and foremost, in terms of
reading, it creates more convenient conditions for youngsters to read books, magazines,
newspapers or such features => AND THE LIKE. For instance, thanks to computers or
mobile phones connecting the Internet, the young will be more likely to update the latest
news eveytime, everywhere. It is a fact that the more time children spend on reading, the
more fluently they read. In addition, it also helps teen enhance their writing skills.
Individuals can GET exposure to a host of respective style of writing from other people
and then choose the standard that are => IS the most suitable ones to learn. Simultaneously,
a large number of vocabularies can also be gained while writing to boost such skills.
To conclude, although there are a few demerits of using such electronic gadgets, I strongly
believe that this method plays an integral part in improving writing and reading skills for
young people in a proper way.

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