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Newspaper Analysis

Let’s analyze a news story from an English national daily .. The
Rising Nepal
Mention the source of news you have extracted in your project

Headline; ‘Cultivation of Boro paddy starts in Jhapa’; the headline

of the news story is very simple and clear because it has been written
in such a simple language in the simple present tense that a typical
news headline for a newspaper is prepared. Similarly, the headline has
no auxiliaries and a period as well which is universal in every news
headline in the newspaper.
Byline/Dateline; The byline covers the name of the writer or the
designation, or the name of a news agency. And the dateline always
mentions the date and the place in which the news is written. So here
in the news story the byline has covered the designation of the news
writer. Similarly, the dateline has mentioned the date………, and the
place…….. in this news story.
Lead; The lead in a news story covers the central idea or information
of the entire story. It has the worthiest information of the entire news
story. In this story, the lead is the major information…….. mentioned
in the first paragraph which is the central and the worthiest
information or statement.
Body ; The body in a typical news story in a newspaper includes the
additional supportive information for the lead statement. The
additional information includes pictures, attributions, data, and more
details of the story. So the body of this news story also includes
additional information to support the lead.
Ending: The ending part of a typical news story delivers a closing
tone including background of subject, wishes, sympathy,
congratulation, and condolence. In this story, the ending gives closing

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tone of the story by providing the background information about the
activities of Boro paddy cultivation done by the farmers.

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