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WEEK 1 31/01/2011 04/02/2011 TOPIC -


L. OBJECTIVES L. OUTCOMES i. Teacher conducts the ice breaking with the pupils. REMARKS i. Chinese New Year holidays (02.02.2011 04.02.2011).

2 07/02/2011 11/02/2011

Random By the end of the lesson, topics selected pupils should be able to : from year 2 a) Answer all the questions in the test paper

3 14/02/2011 18/02/2011

Famous building

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Read about buildings and places. b) Seek the names of buildings. c) Give simple descriptions of buildings.

3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.

4 21/02/2011 25/02/2011

Rahuls dream

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Name and identify the places. b) Talk, read and write about locations of places. c) Follow simple directions

3.1.2 Read aloud words with the letters listed 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 4.7.1 Write simple short messages, instructions, directions with guidance.

i. Practice for sports ii. Sports (27.02.2011)

5 28/02/2011 04/03/2011

Animals and pets

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Talk, read and write about different types of homes. b) Talk, read and write about the parts and objects in a house. c) Sing a song about a home.

1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, and rhymes. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures.

6 07/03/2011 11/03/2011

Sea world

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Pronounce the words correctly. b) Listen to, read and respond to text on sea creatures. c) Form simple sentences

1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts. 3.2.1 Recognize and read out whole words. 4.2.2 Label parts.

7 14/03/2011 18/03/2011

Mid semester break (14.03.2011 18.03.2011)

8 21/03/2011 25/03/2011

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Read and enjoy stories. b) Rearrange words and write sentences. c) Construct simple sentences.

1.3.1 Listen to and understand keywords in stories heard. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond non-verbally and verbally. 4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentences parts.

9 28/03/2011 01/04/2011

Animals and their young

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Read and enjoy stories. b) Rearrange words and write sentences. c) Construct simple sentences.

1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, and rhymes. 3.2.1 Recognise and read out whole words. 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.

10 04/04/2011 08/04/2011

The grateful old animals

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Talk, read and write about animals and pets. b) Ask and answer simple questions on animals as pets.


Listen to and repeat simple rhymes, songs and tongue twisters paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, and rhymes. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. 4.4.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words.

11 11/04/2011 15/04/2011


By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Talk, read and write about hobbies and games.

12 18/04/2011 22/04/2011

My father

By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Identify and name occupations. b) Identify and name places of work. c) State ambition. d) Form simple sentences.


Recognize and read out whole words. 4.2.1 Match phrases to pictures. 4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentences parts.

13 25/04/2011 29/04/2011


By the end of the week, pupils should be able to : a) Talk, read and write about occupations. b) Construct simple sentences.

3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.4.1 Read aloud words and phrases pronouncing them correctly. 4.4.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentences parts.

Tandatangan Guru Pelatih . (Cik.Panimalar Subramani)

Tandatangan Guru Pembimbing .. ( En.Sasitharan)

Tandatangan Pensyarah Pembimbing . (Pn.Nurul Hafiza Binti Dato Ibrahim)

Tarikh : 01.02.2011

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