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New Leadership Experience Improved

On November 14. 2020, my perspective on life changed. The way in which I look at
decision making and how it can affect my everyday life. How one decision, pardon my
french, one fuck up can alter the coming years and or affect those around me in a
negative way. Extended family members in our family still don’t know what occurred.
However, that is beside the point. Long story short, my sister called me at about 7:30 pm
stating she had bought booze, but her fake ID had been almost taken. She bought the
booze, left the store, and went on with her festivities.

I went home after hanging out with my friends and went to bed. Knock, knock, my
mother scurries into room and says we need to leave and go get my sister. She told me to
pull up my sisters address to see where her location was so we can pick her up. I see the
text from my sister to my mom, “Drinking and driving. Don’t be mad, I need serious
help, please come get me.” She had been pulled over on the highway going 20 mph over
the speed limit. She had open containers in her front cupholder of the car and was
casually sipping down drinks while at the wheel. She was arrested, and when we arrived
to her location on the highway she was in the back of the cop car. I got into her car and
drove it home. My mom stayed and talked with the police and later brought my sister
home. Keep in mind it is now 2:30 am.

After arriving home, my parents weren’t mad. They were worried. They knew she was
struggling deep down mentally with depression and many other things. That night she
told my mom “I can’t imagine living another 4 hours.” That is when I knew I had to
make a change being her twin brother. My took her to the hospital the same night to get
some testing done. One of the factors was her anti-depressants were prescribed at too
high of a dosage, which can “affect her decision-making.” However, one simply knows
not to drink and drive. Her mindset was, “I don’t care, I have nothing to lose, if my life
ends, I’ll be happier. This is where my mentor-leadership experience comes in.
I knew I had to be the twin brother that looks out for her and gets her out of the house to
do things to clear her mind. We went to different high schools, and she had been
struggling with friends at the time. Three nights later, I spent a full day with her. We went
to a “Safari Zoo” and to my high school football game. I had her hangout with my guy
friends after the game, and distracted her mind from the brutal reality of how she was
feeling. I talked to her, checked in on her and she explained her whole thought process
and how she had no control. I took advantage of my role and truly realized she needed me
to be with her by her side. I went to Indiana, I transferred here to Miami, and now we
both go to school together. She texts me every day, asking me to hangout. Our
relationship has grown so much and my college experience wouldn’t be the same without

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